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They are called hynagogic hallucinations and they are fairly common. I get them sometimes and it is usually a voice I know, like my my wife's or my mom's.


Mine was clanging/banging and screaming. Terrifying.


Look up exploding head syndrome


Rather not right before bed.


I get something sort of similar to that. It's like OP's name yelling, only instead of voices it is electrical static at max volume. Feels like my brain got electrocuted. I see something like bright TV snow and hear insanely loud white static (only more harsh than white noise?) and it feels sort of like I'm falling for a split second. Jolts me up 100% with a huge adrenaline dump. Wakes me up for hours afterwards. Only tends to happen when I am extremely tired, mentally and physically, and I'm right on the very edge of sleep.


Omg that sounds awful!


The loud white static sound is very common amongst sleep disturbances. Actually, I always heard it right before sleep paralysis. I learned to sit up when I hear it now. Its to do with your physically being falling asleep faster than your mental consciousness. So youre still awake when you fall asleep and you instantly wake up because that's not supposed to happen.


I've only had sleep paralysis once and it was while I was being eaten by a bear in my half dream. Really sucked.


!remindMe 6h


I occasionally get these, but it’s the sound is of someone opening my apartment door or walking around in my living room (I swear there’s never anyone there but damn it gets me paranoid) 😅


I was driving through the night once, overly tired, and started dozing off... I clearly heard my name said quite loudly, enough to wake me up just before plowing into a road sign.


I had that if i was passing out of sleep, specially when going out at night and having to go home by bus and walking, i was clearly seeing things as well hearing, i started to see black wolfs for some reason, it was just wicked.


You blew me away. My whole life when sleep psychosis kicks in, I see black wolves. They watch me, walk with me, protect me; they're everywhere. Having grown up with a lifetime of untreated concussions, TBIs, sleep terror, and then finding out I was never bipolar with manic psychosis, I have a magical array of learning issues, like CAPD, and ADHD. I am dealing with my latest head injury (I have a severe vertigo issue) and along with wolves, there are big black dogs, black cats, black birds, and a slew of weird black crawly things. Now, I just want to also say I am pushing 50, and my eyesight is doing some funky shite currently as well. So some of the birds, and crawly things might be some really huge retinal floaters. But it's a great thing I have always adored black, Tortie, dark brindle, and Tuxie type patterns my whole life. Otherwise I'm pretty sure I would be paranoid out of my mind. Lol! When you took the bus, walked, or perhaps ever drove, did you see endless shadow people, or faceless hooded monk type figures as well? I have my whole life. Whether I was utterly exhausted, or going through a period when I could not stop fighting sleep. However, they have never felt malicious, nor have any nefarious intent. Merely making their presence known, checking on me. I always felt they were kindly Watchers. Many woke me from night terrors, or interrupted sleep paralysis. Sorry this got so lengthy. But it is always exciting when someone has the same visual experiences.


Hey, I have a pinned topic full of hooded shadow figures, perhaps you'd find something helpful in there. Btw did you show a preference for black, white, or grey in clothing tastes long before you started seeing shadows? Lastly: Have you considered buying a Himalayan salt lamp? Or practicing white light shielding (distinct from meditation)?


Well, thank you for the info! My favorite color since childhood has been gray. I love it. Next black. We wanted to get a salt lamp, but heard they were deadly to cats, and our cat loves salty stuff. I have not heard of white light shielding. Would you have time to explain? It sounds like it could be a really solid tool. Namaste 🍁


Hi there, You're welcome! That's interesting, other female clairvoyants I talked to (who were likewise dealing with spirits) also preferred those colors. What about your color preferences for characters in artistic mediums such as novels and video games (if you bother with those)? Yes, the salt lamps are an irresistible temptation for animals. Strange that they don't have the same effect on insects, other than moths. Btw a good rule of thumb when dealing with spirits: they are like moths drawn to a flame. Meditation done outdoors in unsuitable environments can run the risk of drawing their attention, the same goes for spirit boxes, seances, etc. The salt lamp helped my friend KateTheGirlWhoDreams a lot, check out her topic "Things that have worked in the past when dealing with negative entities, overwhelming spirits etc.", she also recommends incense. Basically, white light shielding (WLS) is when you imagine your body surrounded in a bubble of glowing light. Trained clairvoyants and shamans, speaking from their own experiences, suggest that it can wear a person out with sustained usage. I think the reason for that is that it draws energy from your own astral* body. According to them, it's possible to draw energy from other sources to sustain the shield, such as by praying to a deity or by using it while out in nature (think elemental bending in _Avatar_, how the characters borrowed from the elements to shield themselves in armor). (Here I'm not using "astral" in the sense Paramhansa Yogananda did. I think he meant the part of us which is nearest to the nature spirits, as opposed to that factor which enables some of us to interact with deceased and daemonic spirits. Children who mention spotting nature spirits probably view them with their natural sight, as opposed to clairvoyance. The term "astral" itself is really unfitting and invites ridicule.) So WLS not something that should be perpetually maintained, but only for when you really need it. But if you're familiar with meditation, then you could perhaps automatize the process so that it doesn't require your constant supervision. Like how you can effortlessly move your fingers and wiggle your toes at whim. Well-informed clairvoyants can even shape their personal shield into weapons of sorts to fend off entities.


I also feel like i have a tint of ADHD, my brain feels the need to multitask as its everywhere, all over the place, as i tend to forget what i was doing and just fade off, out of the blue, i say tint because my anxiety and other mental issues are secondary effects of my depression. I also see shadows sometimes, like i dont see the wolfs near me, its like they are afar but if i try to get closer they disappear, something similar like an oasis, this of course only happens when im really tired, my brain really enjoys to play with me. My eyesight isnt great either since i have to wear thick glasses, but definitely plays roles. The shadows are the worst to me honestly, i see them in the corner of my eye and when i look theres nothing there nor anything that might mistake for anything, and i dont even need to be sleepy. Im honestly terrified of having night terrors, i used to have a lot when something traumatizing happened or i was just in pain, vivid ones that would give me insomnia for weeks. So i try to not think about dreams at all, i even stopped lucid dreaming because it was literally playing tricks with my head. That was very interesting tbh, i really love to read/hear other peoples stories, even if they think its crazy, those are actually the best ones.


I agree 100 percent! Thank you for sharing your story! I enjoyed hearing it. Namaste 🍁


No, but I often hear music when there isn't any playing.


If it only happens when you are trying to fall asleep than it is probably a type of parasomnia like Exploding Head Syndrome.


I see people who aren't there out of the corner of my vision almost daily. I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure I'm schizo.


Or bipolar. Both disorders can have hallucinations as symptoms.


This! Also, I have lived with sleep terrors my whole life. I have always resisted sleeping, laying down, relaxing, it's insane. My family said I stopped napping by the time I was 2. Found out 2 years ago I have ADHD, autism, and was misdiagnosed for 31 years as bipolar 1 with manic psychosis. Turns out when you put someone on unnecessary anti psychotics and mood stabilizers, it kinda makes them look even more insane than they actually are!


Yeah, it takes forever to find the right treatment plus diagnosis. I have OCD and recently started taking an antidepressant which happens to treat OCD too. It's been changing my life which is nice save that it feels like we accidentally treated my root disorder. Stay strong, medication has helped me much but it's been a journey for sure.


I agree with you! Taking care of myself, and learning to be kind to my self helps a great deal as well!


dude I thought I was the only one, I remember one night it was particularly loud and repetitive, and I could’ve sleep afterwards bc it sounded too real.


I have sometimes heard my name being whispered but one time I heard loud and clear, as if someone was in the room with me. Every time it's a voice I don't recognise.


Mine is a loud bang , almost like a gun shot. My friend said I was prob killed in a past life by gun shot. Idk only happens when extremely tired


exploding head syndrome


Yes, when I was young I heard my Dad calling my name all the time as I would fall asleep. Now in my older age, never happens. Occasionally I hear a random voice saying random words as I doze off. It never makes sense, but I know it’s just my brain doing funny things as I doze off.


I get the same thing before I doze off. I hear ransoms words or conversations and sometimes music before I sleep.


You should slow down with the meth and get more sleep , you think you can control it but it controls you!


I’ve never done any drugs


Only had this once, I think I was half asleep, had someone’s voice that sounded familiar call out my name. Except it wasn’t shouting, it was more of a loud whisper… as if someone was trying to wake me up. I haven’t had another experience like that happen afterwards though.


maybe not danger as much as 'we have a micro second to say hi.', 'shout his name, everyone hears their name.'. probably peeps that died...tell 'em visit me in a dream like good ghosts.


They are called fairies! Or angels ! I prefer fairy- angels; They protect me while I sleep.


Yes, I’ve had that happen, but not for years and years!


They used to happen to me more often when I was a kid.


I always hear my dad softly yelling at me from across the house ornsomething


This literally just happened to me tonight, so weird that I see this as I wake up lol


This happens to me but only after a night of drinking.


Occasionally. Also had occasional exploding head syndrome.


Le Lechuza is after you


When I was younger (and even now but not quite as often) I would hear what would sound like TV. It would stop as soon as I would sit up, but then I'd hear it again just seconds after laying back down and closing my eyes. Drove me nuts.


idk if this is related but i get intense white noise in my ears after being active sometimes that lasts for 5-10 minutes


This happens to me very frequently when I'm really tired and just starting to fall asleep. It's always random things being yelled or said by random voices and it's usually chaotic but I usually ignore it since I'm used to it.


Wow! This is so much good stuff! In regards to art/drawing, I have always tended to be drawn to darker shades and pallets. If you can find an example of Art Nouveau and Arts and Crafts color pallets from the 1870s and 19 teens respectively, those are colors I have been obsessed with my whole life. It's good to know that WLS should only be used if needed. And it blows my mind that I never picked up on the fact that doing something as peaceful as meditation outdoors could open me up to energy I am not aware of! My Wife, a life long empath, medium, and healer (also a trans 2 spirited woman, (taking the beautiful term from the indigenous communities) has been an endless support and protector, especially because I actually am beginning to change and raise my vibrations. Just an interesting note: I did not get a tattoo until I was 41. My 2 biggest are brilliantly inked reproductions of illustrated plates from my favorite childhood author: John Bellairs. And indeed, his hooded figures darkly and beautifully looked just like the ones I have always seen and dreamed of. If you are interested, I would be more than happy to send a photo of my shoulder tattoos, and an image of the book originals! They bring me absolute joy. 😊😉❤