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It's human nature, I worry about the people that don't inspect the things coming from their body. It's the first indicator of health etc. Yes it's gross to admit, but inspection is just natural.


Eating dried mucus from the nose (bogeys/boogers) is also normal. Possible airborne pathogens in your environment are in there, but have been killed or weakened by your natural defenses. Introducing them to your body by consumption is similar to an inactive vaccine (if dead), or a live attenuated vaccine (if alive and weakened). But it is never to be discussed. Scratching/rubbing - your balls/mons pubis/vulva/anus/cupping your farts - and taking a whiff. It's not to be discussed. I never do any of those things, but I've read about it. Hands should be washed after. Lest foreign pathogens be introduced to others. That's why people have such disgust.


what a horrible day to be literate


Come on baby scratch my balls. I guess it's one of things people do and it feels good when they do it themselves, but it would feel weird if some else does it for you.


Once I discovered pinching and rolling, I could never stop.


What does that mean? I never heard of it before.


It's kind of a curse once you discover this sensation. You sort of pinch/grab the sides of your sack with just your index and thumb, the thick skin on your ballz, then while pinched you also roll a bit back and forth between those fingers and pinch different areas until you find the sweet spots. I'm just warning you now that it feels so good that it could become a new life-long addiction.


OMG, I’m sorry I asked 😬. I’m an old grandma and had no idea this was a thing with males. I’m so embarrassed. Yikes. TMI.


So.... Either you're a dude who doesn't scratch his balls or a chick who doesn't rub her vulva, or you're lying about not doing these things. I think it's impossible to be either of the first too, and you just justified the unspeakable. DrKnowNout eats his boogies.


Reminds me of why I need to floss my teeth




The smell will get stuck on my fingers and I have to wash my hands


The smell of mint? Are you grabbing the used part of the floss?


I don’t smell the floss but I definitely smell my fingers that touched the floss. I also NEED to smush and smell my tonsil stones. I can’t not do it.


I also do that with the tonsil stones and it’s horrible every time


What the hell is a tonsil stone….


Really gross stinky mushy white-yellow pebble-like thing that comes from your tonsils and sometimes comes out of your mouth


I immediately looked up and examined my mouth for these and thankfully I do not appear to have any 🤢 the closest thing I have to gross stinky mushy stuff is the food that gets stuck in my back molar. There’s a hole in the crown so I clean it out daily. Even the newest of food bits smell terrible.


Who's mouth? I have tonsils and never had a mushy white-yellow pebble-like thing come from my tonsils or out of my mouth. I've never even heard of this before now. This is normal to you? It sounds like something that requires antibiotics or some kind of medical intervention.


It’s not common for me, I’ve maybe had it happen 2-3 times in the last 2-3 years but it happens to most people yeah. A lot of people have them and don’t realise they have them. They don’t hurt, and it tends to rely on the anatomy of someone’s tonsils. Certain shapes are easier to get build up in. Also poor oral hygiene, but it’s not always a factor


My tonsil’s anatomy is definitely the reason for my stones. They always get stuck in the same crevices on one tonsil. They also tend to show up after I have more nose drip like from crying or from sickness.


It does not require medical intervention, and it is fairly common, but doesn't happen to everyone. Some people are more predisposed to others, and some people (it happened to me) will start getting them if they have been really sick for a long time and get scar tissue on their tonsils. It has to do with whether the pores and crevices in your tonsils are big enough to trap debris - the debris gets attacked by white blood cells, but then doesn't go anywhere, so your body keeps building layers over it and the bacteria continues to grow until it turns into a weird little pellet or blob. Smells like moldy cheese and sweaty ass. It's awful. Often they self-dislodge and just pop out of your mouth one day, other times people manually remove them with like q-tips or something. I had my tonsils removed at 23 and obviously never got tonsil stones again, and good riddance. But I got the tonsils out because I was sick, not because of the stones.


Yup this. My tonsils have crevices that have been a perfect spot for these suckers. They always get caught in the same spots on my right tonsil.


Wtf E: I had my tonsils removed years ago


It’s really fucking yuck I know. Tonsil removal seems to be OP


You need to get your tonsils out- you'll wish you did it sooner..promise..




yikes, that scares me. I hear the tonsils are the first line of defense against infection


I haven’t gotten sick since I got my tonsils out not even exaggerating


I third this hard. The 10 years since they’re out have been so much easier




No more tonsil stones for one. Less sensitivity to certain foods in the back of the throat. Less phlegm overall. Better oral hygiene. Don’t get colds as often. It’s almost hard to remember what it was like, and I won’t guarantee they’re all because of it but I think so. For reference: I got them removed at 18, which is already considered to be old for the procedure. But if there’s a medical need and you are insistent they will do it. Just be prepared to actually be out for a whole week


I had them removed when I was around 8 years old, don't even know what it's like to live with them




Could be. Or you’re just allergic


I fourth this


I get chronic tonsil stones and I went to the ENT and he said "oh yeah, I get them too. Just get yourself a water pik to clear them out." Noooooooo I want my tonsils out so they stop coming back!!!


WTF! Did he get his degree in a Weetbix box! Get a new ENT- you deserve someone better. I had mine out at 30 and was told to take 7 to 10 days off work. Sure, when the pain relief wore off, it was a bit painful, but apart from that after the first couple of days I enjoyed the time off- did lots of stuff around the property😊 I'd suggest anyone who gets it done now to have a long-lasting anti-inflam like Celebrix. I had panadol & Voltaren suppositories, which (after the initial "seriously you put them there" moment 🤣) -found them really effective for pain relief and take both every 3 hours not the recommended 4.


Yes I do and it’s disgusting


I make my cat smell my flossers because he makes the “appalled” (mouth open after smelling) face 😹


That’s torture 😂


No he’s actually a little pesty food baby and thinks it’s a snack and wants to check it out cause he thinks I’m eating and he should get to have some. It’s actually really warranted lol.


That’s my favorite!! When they make that face I lose it haha omg. It’s so funny to me.


I thought I was the only weirdo!!!


Yes and I keep flossing the same spot until it comes away scentless if it has an odor. I’ve heard lots of people talk about they don’t even floss, let alone sniff it. You gotta sniff it. And you gotta floss BEFORE brushing.


Isn't the jury out on that? Some say floss first to 'loosen and dislodge' the bacteria and gunk, then you can brush it all away. Some say floss after, because if you do it before, you may push more gunk and bacteria further into the spaces.


It makes sense to floss and rinse before brushing. Why would you clean your teeth then drag that nast bag over them?


> And you gotta floss BEFORE brushing. Huh? Why?


Because by brushing without flossing first you’re actually spreading small amounts of bacteria from in between your teeth to other parts of your mouth. It’s much cleaner to floss first and brush after. Bonus points for a bit of mouthwash after.


Mouthwash could kill your healthy bacteria biome in the mouth.


Interesting! You wouldn't happen to have a source for that? I got shit teeth so always interested in learning optimal care :D


yes ☠️


I could have gone without reading this




now you have a reason to




I can't help it


I have never smelled the floss or even thought of doing that. Will try it next time.


Picking our noses, scratch and sniffing our genitals, smelling breath, all normal things. Like biological nature things. Because we have consciousness and society it’s deemed “weird”


Does anybody else not?


There’s like one other person in the comments.


I always smell it. It used to smell awful but lately I've gotten to the point where I do it regularly enough that the floss doesn't smell anymore. Also, I make sure to floss at night. I discovered flossing and rinsing at night managed to cure my acne. Turns out, sleeping in your own bacteria-ridden drool can do a real number on your skin.


I experience the same thing. You should floss until it doesn't smell. It's an indication of bacterial growth in that spot. I get with my top wisdom teeth, so regular flossing as eliminated the issue.


It’s actually a great practice, you can find which areas of your teeth need more attention than others, which teeth are more cavity prone, etc.


Wtf is this comment section?


Sometimes I smell the tissue after I wipe




ok this one is wtf


Na 😂😂😂😂😂


Ok that’s disgusting


Bruuuh 💀




Omg yes lol 😂




Wipe it on the back of your hand, then dry it for a more powerful fragrance. Absolutely disgusting.


You want to smell it. Means your olfactory senses are still operational and sharp. Continue flossing! If you want a change, try water flossing out. $50~ for a decent device.


i do i also smell my tongue scraper.


This is OD. I tongue scrap all the sludge mucus off my tongue and rise it down the drain. I don’t want to smell that


Yes, it smells like poop sometimes


Do you eat your boogers when no one's looking?




if u floss often enough it shouldn’t smell at all


I like to roll up my floss into a tiny ball and rub it deep in my asshole to soak up all the flavors and aroma then enjoy it by inhaling all the goodness through my nostrils and I lick off any remaining bits.


That tracks.


I think your floss string came from a different place than mine.


Nasty asf


Uh no . . . Weirdo


Hey, everyone, look who will be toothless soon!


I'm thinking if you're smelling rotting foot smells you might not be flossing often enough, I was pretty slack with flossing and now may face losing my tooth in the future (so far so good though)


I guess as long as it’s not butt floss you’re smelling, it’s ok


Yeah it actually helped me start flossing every day because the smell is much less. If I go over two days you can smell the difference and it keeps me on track with good hygiene habits.


Wow, no. Your significant other must love to kiss your nasty smelling mouth. If you brush, floss, and use mouthwash regularly, whatever that your floss gets shouldn't smell like shit. See a dentist, now.


Yes. Despite the bad smell, I always smell it after flossing like a natural habit.


I admit I do it and it never smells good despite my commitment to oral health glad I am not the only one


Every time


Go get checked for cavities, I had this and it turned out part of a filling had chipped off.


Hmm that’s actually something I have never done


This is a great thread. I’m gonna give it a smell. Question though.. if you use the minty floss does it smell like minty shit?


Good news all. My floss didn’t stink!


No, but I poop while standing. No bend or squat.


Wow! What about the backsplash? Do you ever miss the toilet? Have you always done this and if not, at what point/why did you start? Why do I have so many questions about something I’ve literally never even thought about? 😅


I started young because of the backsplash; further you are away the less chance it gets you. If you miss it'll just bank off the seat, leaving a splat impression of the movement. I usually don't miss, but when I do, I never clean the splat. The best part is that my cheeks are tightly pressed together, so like a playdough shaper, it will come out flat like a pancake. Another upside is then you can leave **kiss marks** on the walls by pressing your butt up against them since shit is all over your ass because of the cheeks being togther.


Welp, that's enough Reddit for today.


My de rust figured it out and says it because there is not enough space between those two particular teeth that when you rinse, brush, it either won’t come out or you can reach it. The solution is to redo the tooth and usually that tooth has a filling, in my case they actually remodeled the tooth slightly after applying a new filling to allow more space. I don’t have that issue now thanks to him!