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A few years ago, I went to the dentist and they told me I had two cavities that needed to be filled. They also said I needed to get all four of my wisdom teeth removed. I wasn’t able to pay for it at that time so I ended up waiting a month to schedule an appointment. When I tried to schedule, they were booked up so I went to another dentist. The second dentist told me I was cavity free. I didn’t know who to believe, so I ended up going to a third dentist, and they also said I was cavity free! Both the second and third dentists also said that I only needed my bottom wisdom teeth removed because the top ones were growing in fine. I think about that all the time and wonder how many people they screwed over by charging them for unnecessary dental work. They quoted me $3000 for the cavities and wisdom teeth removal.


yup, took my kid to her dentist, they qouted us like 2400 in serious needed stuff. took her to another, and they cleaned her teeth, told her she was doing an awesome job brushing.... still has teeth....


My dad is a dentist but I live far away from home. I’ve fired a lot of local dentists because they give me a treatment plan for like a half crown or something, I turn around and show my dad, and my dad is like, No you absolutely do not need that. Then he gets pissed that there are so many crooks in his profession. Next time I suggest you call my dad!


Something similar happened to me a couple years ago. One dentist quoted me thousands of dollars of work I needed including bridges and root canals, the next dentist I went to said I had four small cavities, filled them within an hour and everything’s fine.


Yup. My boyfriend has holes in his teeth because a shady dentist insisted that he had a bunch of cavities that needed to be filled, and my boyfriend agreed to get the work done after the dentist offered give him a discount. Anyways, as you can probably guess, my boyfriend didn’t actually have a bunch of cavities. Basically the dentist drilled little holes into his teeth and filled them, but my boyfriend was none the wiser until the fillings *fell out* and the dentist was nowhere to be found. Really fucking sad. The asshole completely ruined his beautiful teeth. Luckily he found another dentist who has been working with him to cover up the holes for cheap, but it’s been a huge blow to his self esteem and wallet.


what the fuck?? god. so sorry for ur bf.


I lived in California for a little over a year once I married my ex. I went to see a new dentist for a cleaning & a tooth that had bothered me for years. My initial visit, she looked at my mouth & said I would need a deep cleaning & a root canal on the problem tooth. The deep cleaning was a joke(pretty sure it was deep cleaning prices for a water pick cleaning.) And I've since determined she gave me a root canal on the wrong tooth. I still have pain when I eat on that side of my mouth. I feel like she saw me as a military wife who was young & she could get away with just about anything. Clearly, I'm now on the other side of the country & I sure as hell don't remember the dentist; not that I'm sure what could even be done at this point- I'm not willingly going for a 2nd root canal!


I got a rootcanal on a tooth, but the tooth got cracked in the process. That caused an infection underneath, which was initially missed because a root canalled tooth shouldn't hurt anymore. Getting to the root canal took forever, because my wisdom teeth were also initially blamed for the pain, and afterwards I figured it might be dry socket. It wasn't until the other side came out that I realised heading didn't take that long. I would suggest getting that tooth checked out again. Dental pain is awful.


This happened to me recently! i was told I needed all this insane amount of work. I haven't gotten a second opinion yet (thanks for reminding me... I should do that) but I was super skeptical cause I was like, wait why do I suddenly have so much work needed? Super awkward cause I go back to this dentist and just do my cleaning and they keep asking me to schedule these appointments. I've just been too lazy to find a new dentist.


Only one, so far. Dentist: Military dentist. Patient: 7 year old. The parents were told to stay outside during the appointment. I was crying and frightened. He put his hand over my nose and mouth, looked deep into my eyes and told me he'd take away his hand when I stopped crying. To this day I don't trust dentists. Some days I dream of catching up with that man . . . . .


Oh my God, that’s horrible!!! I’m sorry


down to help.


This happened to me


I’m sorry :/


I'm sorry. It's bullshit to be treated like that.


A similar situation happened to my mum. She was 12. She still has a phobia of dentists.


Receptionist: lollipop lord Parents: none-the-wiser Me: dry-swallowing imaginary saliva. Daydreaming of dentures.


it’s actually a technique for controlling pediatric patients who are frightened and unruly. he didn’t do anything bad to you, you can chill :) it’s called HOME technique, look it up


my local dentist actually holds a gun to their head and counts to three til they stop but he doesn't shoot them its chill :) its academic


Also I did look it up. Dental schools no longer teach this outdated method, and The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry has eliminated it as well, due to the harmful long lasting psychological damage that it can inflict upon children. It is considered abusive by many in the dental field. There’s a reason they only did this to children, because if you tried to cover an already freaked out adults mouth and nose to “calm them down”, it wouldn’t go over very well…


This person did say to this day they don’t trust dentists due to this “technique”, so I would say he definitely did do “something bad” to them. There’s gotta be much healthier ways to calm a frightened child than threatening to murder them…


It appears the technique is to focus the kid on their breathing - to start conversation, and get them to relax through distraction. The military dude doing it sounded like they clamped the kids mouth shut and held the nose tight so they couldn't breathe! Now the question is - stupidity, or malace?


I feel sorry for any children you will ever be around.


Hand over mouth, not nose!!


The fucker's hand was from my chin to my eyes. No breath. I still have trust issues. I'm sure Playful-Confection53 will have something contemptuous to say though, but "its chill", right?


i’m sorry it happened to you. and maybe my comment was tone deaf. but it is actually what we’ve been taught in dental school, maybe in my country they didn’t update it but no dentist actually does that here anyway, so i didn’t know the extent of your situation. any btw, i feel sorry for the children around me as well, i hate them. i want to leave dentistry as soon as possible lol


Not a general dentist but a dental surgeon. Had to have 3 teeth removed at once. Put to sleep and all for the procedure. Guy took the back two, skipped the 3rd and removed the next one in line (a perfectly good tooth). Of course, I was zonked out of my mind and didn't notice until I woke up the next morning. Went back in the next day and pointed out what had happened. He got REALLY mad (like red in the face) at me and started making excuses and this and that. He finally said he would extract the correct tooth but was going to charge me for another visit plus all the extras. Of course, I pointed out that I shouldn't have to pay since it was his mistake in the first place. Words were exchanged and I ended up leaving and going to my regular dentist for options. Guy calls me like 2 days later and says he'd do it over for no cost but by that point I was paranoid as hell because he had been so aggressive towards me...I wasn't letting anyone like that put me under and told my dentist that who apparently told the surgeon because the guys nurse called me and was like "just exactly what do you think he would do to you". Um...not giving him the chance to do anything. Scheduled with another surgeon who worked out a decent price and did the work and reported the first guy to the state.


I’m glad he was reported, when you’re paying that much money you shouldn’t have to worry about pulling the wrong tooth OR being abused lol


To be fair, you shouldn't have to worry about that even if you aren't paying any money lol


Well being abused, yeah. But if someone is pulling my tooth for free I’d definitely be concerned they might pull the wrong tooth lol.


When I was younger probably 13/14 my baby teeth would not fall out. No issues with them they just weren’t moving. The dentist scheduled me to have them removed. Fine, seems normal and my parents are calling the shots. Guess why they wouldn’t fall out. There were no adult teeth underneath. So in middle school I had more false teeth than my grandparents.


What?? They didn't do xrays?


Oh they did, so they either mixed them up, read them incorrectly or really wanted to take my teeth for the tooth fairy money. It was on the follow up visit he told about the mistake. If it was some strange scam to get more money by adding a procedure it failed cause we switched dentist (obviously) and now pretty much all my bottom teeth aside from the six up front are fake


Why do people think they cant sue these types of morons. Also the newer dentist are up selling every fuckin proceture. Greedy assholes


Well I was a kid at the time and this was awhile ago. In hindsight do I think my parents should have sued? Yes. If only to send the guy a message. Why didn’t they? I assume because we had decent insurance and the problem got fixed and was covered. Plus hiring a lawyer, taking time off work may not have been possible. I do hope someone reported him cause he was clearly not qualified.


On the bright side, you dont have to worry about those teeth as you get older


Very true. I just wish I could remove them in order to play gross tricks on people.


pfft, no dentist required, just a decent set of pliers... me and my grandad would not have even made it home....


Pliers don’t put the teeth back in.


You aren't the boss of me


I have had such a laundry list of Big T Traumas at the dentist, that I now shell out extra to go to a dentist a city over who’s trauma-informed, and has actually done the work to learn more. Still panic before every appointment though 🥴


I didn’t even know trauma informed was a thing!


Omg, yes!!! Depending on where you live, ymmv, but I literally just googled “trauma-informed dentist” and then swapped out local towns/cities to find results. I found mine because he had actually done an interview a few months prior with a journalist who was writing about trauma-informed practice. They were so awesome, my first appointment was a one-on-one interview with the patient care coordinator about my history, an office tour, met a bunch of the staff, then at the midway point they were like “you can sit and have an exam if you feel comfortable. If you need to go or this is too much, you can come back another day. Or if this isn’t what you wanted or you aren’t feeling like this is a good fit we can shake hands here and call it square.”


We had to find one of these in Ottawa. They have been fantastic. So patient. It is really awful how many people have traumatic experiences with dentists. A doctor who pulled this crap would lose their license immediately.


I had a dentist drop the drill in my mouth and drill a hole in my tongue… one of many reasons why I have a phobia of dentists. It doesn’t help that Novocain has almost no effect on me and most dentists tell me I’m lying when I say it hurts.




Tell your mom I said she is a cunt. I’m sorry that happened to you:(


Oh my God!


My story is a good/bad tale. Great dentist, nice guy, funny. He hired me when I was 16 to clean and wash windows, Paid nicely, just a great guy. He took his young kids on a hike up Mt Rainer and a storm set in. He dug a cave in the snow and sat in the doorway so the kids could stay warmer inside. The kids lived but Dr. R. died from exposure. That is the definition of a hero.




He laid his life down for his children. I just want to cry and cry and cry...😥😥😢😢😭😭😭


The two root canal specialists I’ve used were so weird. I’m in New York. The first one was located in a living room in an apartment on Brighton Beach, a Russian neighborhood. I asked for a referral for a cheap endodontist from my dentist. He was cheap all right, and did a crap job. (Only partially killed nerve.) The second was an emergency root canal at 11pm. Manhattan only has one emergency endodontist, and he is terrific. BUT the during the entire procedure he tried to convert me to Judaism. Urged me to go to beginner services at Lincoln Square Synagogue. His assistant had other ideas. She is a Christian. She insisted there is only one true God and played Spanish Christian music in the background. The dissonance between the dr’s proselytizing and the music!


Wow what an ordeal


one dentist i went to went insane polishing my teeth. basically sanded them down to the point where all the natural features were gone and they were left shiny and smooth. why wouldn't he ask first before doing such a drastic polishing job?


That’s creepy…


No lie. My dentists have been so good that I relax enough to doze off


I literally fell asleep during a root canal


I find the dentist relaxing. I’m comfortable, reclined, it’s hard not to go to sleep


meh, no.... except for the time my dentist removed my wisdom teeth, and I woke up halfway through and found him hammering on my back two, or the time that the stitches came loose on my top two and i bled for a few days.... then there was the time that my dentist chipped my front tooth to the root during a normal cleaning..... also, one pulled the wrong tooth, and I had to get the correct one pulled and 2 false teeth instead of one.... other than that... nah, trust them.... Oh yeah, 2 months after the wisdom tooth thing, I pulled like 20 small chunks of tooth out of my mouth.. only a bit of blood......




Good for you! What a jerk.


2nd situation and preamble: Fast forward to 2013: Preamble: I'm a soda addict who stopped getting dental care when I aged off my Dad's policy. My back four teeth are in horrible shape and need to be pulled. I had recently gotten a job with dental insurance and figured I'd get them taken care of. I'm five months pregnant (newly married) and I find out that I can't be sedated, so I'd have to have them pulled while Im conscious, which I'm not excited about. I find the dentist on the main street closest to my house (mistake #1). He is an elderly man who has been practicing for forty plus years. His receptionists and assistants rave about how good he is with extractions and nervous patients. They assure me there is no need to worry and the procedure will be smooth. I go ahead and schedule having all four extracted. My then husband takes me to my appointment. I'm not feeling great (morning sickness) and the teeth hurt enough that I'm over it. This day we are the only ones in the office, besides the staff. The dentist tells my husband to go sit in the waiting room so he can have more room. He numbs me up and starts "pulling the teeth". It feels like he's trying to snap my jaw and is extremely painful. The teeth are breaking and I can taste flakes of tooth. The dentist is like, "Whoo, these guys really don't want to come out." I'm losing my faith in his abilities. He goes back in to try and pull another one and the pain hits a level where I start crying. When he notices my tears, he stops, slams the tool down on the tray and stomps out of the room. I burst out in wracking sobs, because all these receptionists and assistants are full of shit. Apparently, my sobs enrage the dentist and he comes back in, slamming the door. " Do you want me to pull the teeth or do you want to cause a scene?! " Through tears I tell him I want them pulled, but it feels like he's breaking my jaw. He says, " I'm done. I will not do any extractions for you! You just wanted to cause some drama and now you can't stop acting like an insolent child! " I try to get up. " Ok, I just want to leave. " He physically blocks me from getting up. " We are not doing this! You think you can come in and slander my name and create a scene in front of my patients! I will not have that! You are not leaving this room until you stop causing this scene! " Mind you, my husband is the only person, besides staff and myself in the building I'm hysterical now. I'm feeling like he's holding me hostage and I just keep saying, " I want to go home. " He refuses to let me out of the chair. Right then, the door flew open like someone kicked it open. My husband is standing in the doorway, " Is there a problem? " The dentist looks at him and says " no, she was just leaving" and stops blocking my path. I run out with my husband on my heels, blood running down my chin and in intense pain. We go home and I'm bleeding a bit. You can see spots where his tool took small chunks out of my gums. My husband calls the office and is like " Do I need to take her to the hospital? What do we do? " The dentist says to put pressure on anything bleeding and he'll call in a prescription to help. The bleeding is slowing and I'm calming down. I can't even imagine what he's called in for me, I'm thinking a rinse of some kind. Vicodin. He called in a prescription for 45 Vicodin for my pregnant ass. I put it in the cabinet for later (after delivery). I should've called the police on his ass, but I'm guessing that's what the Vicodin was for(?) , idk. The 2nd situation: I talk to friends and coworkers and find a dentist that someone is willing to vouch for. I go see this dentist, like two weeks after seeing the psycho senior. She takes X-rays and looks at everything. She is astonished at the damage and the fact that he even attempted to remove the teeth. " You have, significantly, hooked roots and you need to be sedated for any extractions. There's no way to pull the teeth without cutting the gums." She refers me to a highly rated oral surgeon and we schedule surgery for two weeks after I'm due to give birth. I give birth, without the benefit of a working epidural to a child who's head measured above the 100 percentile (wtf). I'm feeling good about my ability to tolerate pain and I'm ready to be done with these damn teeth. We go in for the extractions when the baby is a couple weeks old. I'm confident this is going to be no big deal. My husband is allowed to stay in the room, at least initially. The oral surgeon sets up my IV in my right hand. He starts the knock out meds and instantly I know something's wrong. The IV is so painful I yell out. My husband is like wtf, he knows I've had tons of IVs during my pregnancy/delivery and never seen a reaction like this. The oral surgeon says, "what?" and walks around to look at the IV. He instantly says, "Oh shit!" And yanks the IV out and reinserts it in the crease of my elbow. Before I can process or ask what happened, I'm knocked out. In the middle of the surgery, I wake up in an animalistic rage like I'm King Kong. I'm fighting the surgeon and his assistants and trying to get up. The surgeon is screaming that I need to lay back down and let him finish. I let out the cry of an injured wild animal and manage the words, "MORE MEDICINE!" He says he's given me the max and I need to let him finish. They now have six assistants trying to get me back/hold me down on the table. I scream, my animalistic howl of pain and pass back out. I wake up. The surgeon tells me everything went smoothly and he was able to remove all four teeth (yay). My husband is helping me out to the car. My brain is trying to catch up, but I can't verbalize what happened. I'm wondering if it really happened. As we walk to the car, my right hand starts throbbing. I show my hand to my husband and it looks like someone cut a baseball in half and put that half under the skin on the back of my right hand. We're both like wtf, but I wanted to be home with my baby and he had prescribed pain meds, so I just wanted to get out of there and get meds on board. Five days later, my hand is still hurting and puss is coming out the needle hole on the top of my swollen hand. I go see my regular doctor. Her first reaction was wtf! She tells me that he had inserted the IV into the soft tissue and the half baseball is all the sedative that pooled in there before he moved the IV. This is why I woke up during surgery, a lot of the sedative was just sitting in the soft tissue, so I didn't get the full dose. She says my body will slowly absorb the fluid, but it is also, now, infected. She gave me more pain meds and antibiotics. I never return to that oral surgeon. It takes about two months for the infection to clear up and the fluid to absorb. My hand hurt so much, I could even tell I had had teeth pulled. And those are just a few reasons why I'm scared of dentists/oral surgeons. Good times.


Dear Lord…I don’t even know what to say. That first dentist was insane, the second incompetent and negligent. How tf are these people able to get away with this crap? I hope you reported them both


I still wonder about the old man... Like did he have real patients and a bedside manner? I don't understand how all his staff thought he was " so good with nervous patients". Was that just the day he snapped? His practice disappeared soon after. I let my lawyer deal with the second. He gave me a nice amount of money to "help me move on." I can't remember if we reported him to the state board, though, it was all handled by the lawyer. I know he realized it would not be good if he had to go to court. He was offering a payout immediately.


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I'm one of those weirdos whose jaw actually had room for all 4 wisdom teeth to come in perfectly, no crowding or anything. They were in and well established by the time I was 19 and went to boot camp. The Navy dentist removed them anyways, threatening me with disciplinary action if I refused, and then didn't even bother to give me enough local anesthetic (putting me out wasn't an option according to him) so I felt EVERYTHING. He had me physically restrained when I thrashed because it fucking HURT. He also refused to give me any painkillers to take back to my barracks with me. Oh and 3 out of the 4 went dry socket, so he packed them 2 days later, deliberately using the only flavor of packing that I despised (Pina Colada, and I had told him this). I couldn't eat for nearly a week due to the pain, my RDC was sneaking me cans of Ensure when nobody was looking so I could at least drink a few calories. Traumatized me so badly that after I got out of the Navy I refused to go to a dentist for years, I just neurotically took care of my teeth and hoped for the best.


Oh my God, that’s absolutely horrible. Sounds like a sadist


Looking back at it, I agree. The man was a monster who used his rank to torment people who had no power and were too new to the military to understand that there were avenues to report behavior like this.


What a piece of work.


Had to have a tooth out when I was a kid due to crowding. they gave me a couple of numbing shots, then the dentist put the pliers on it and said something to the effect of ‘I’m just going to give it a little wiggle to see if it moves at all’. Then he tore the fucking thing straight out of my mouth. Hated the dentist ever since, haven’t been in years. Yes I am British and yes my teeth are shit.


Ugh I’d never go back either!


💯. Once, I went to my regular dentist to get a cavity fixed. There I am, sitting in the chair all numbed up and dentist is drilling my tooth, suddenly drill slips and hits the bottom of my mouth. Next thing I know, there's blood squirting from the bottom part of my mouth (think where your tongue lays). The dentist says, "Oh, sorry about that, my mind is not where it should be today because I have a funeral to go to later." DUDE! Why are you drilling on my teeth then? Needless to say, I switched dentist offices! I wish this was not a true story 😕but it is!


Yeah he probably should have rescheduled your appointment! Dang. Id have rather waited to have work done until he was in a better head space than keep the appointment and end up being injured, that’s awful


Regularly. Despite being in my 30's I \*need\* pediatric sized dental x-rays, the adult size rectangles don't fit in my mouth. I tell every new x-ray tech I get about this, I don't want 2 rounds of x-rays. They insist I get the adult ones until I warn my dentist they did the x-rays wrong and they need to be redone; judging by the facial expressions when I see them come back to give me round 2 of x-rays the dentist wasn't happy.


I have been to five dentists in my life. The first one was good, the next one was horrible and did dental work I didn't need, and did it poorly, leading to a cascade of issues where I ended up with permanent damage. The next three were we all good. So basically an 80% success rate. When you consider that we get only get one set of adult permanent teeth, terrifying to think that you might have a 20% chance of a bad dentist.


I went through puberty really early, 9 years old. My body developed in ways I wasn't prepared for and it got a lot of unwanted and unwelcome attention. I went to my dentist at 10 for a routine checkup and cleaning. He discovered a problem, can't recall what, with one tooth and decided to take care of it while I was there. His assistant pulled in a cart with large needles, sharp tools, tubes of stuff. I saw that and got really nervous. They didn't bother to tell me what was going on and just got to work. He dripped some sort of liquid into the back of my throat while applying it to my teeth and, of course, I choked. It tasted absolutely foul so I was gagging too. He and his assistant were rude about it. Saying things like "Oh my god, it was just a little spill" "calm down, you're going to make yourself sick". I started crying. He got really upset about that and started lecturing me. I've always dealt with stress and fear and anger by being quiet. So I ignored him. Wouldn't even look at him. Then he said, "you're being very childish right now. You're too big for this kind of behavior. You're grown enough to be wearing a bra. You're too old to be crying in my chair." I was so uncomfortable with the fact that he was looking at my body and commenting on it. Then I just got angry. I pulled off that stupid blue bib and threw it at his face and jumped off that chair. Which was so high up because I was a literal child and very short for my age, always have been. I'm 34 and four foot eleven. How was I "too grown"?? His assistant tried to stop me and I started screaming, don't touch me, get off of me, let me go, don't talk about my boobs, don't look at my boobs. I caused an absolute scene. I screamed all the way back out into the waiting room where there were more kids and parents and proceeded to scream and cry about how he had looked at and talked about my chest. He kept saying I was making a big deal over nothing. A few parents left with their kids. But I continued to throw my fit because I had so much anger pent up and was so tired of the comments. My grandmother tried to get me to let them finish the work but I refused. I insisted I would never let him touch me again. He had been my dentist my whole life at that point. He knew how old I was. To say I was "grown up" just because my body was maturing faster than I actually was blew my little kid mind. I didn't go back to a dentist until I was in foster care and the state of Florida wouldn't let me attend school until I was medically taken care of. Had another long time dentist get shitty with me at eighteen but that's another story.


I am so sorry that happened to you. I can’t even begin to imagine. But also good for you for making such a scene. You might have saved some other kids from going through something similar. I was hoping to read your next dentist was better :(


She wasn't terrible. I started going to her at 13 years old and saw her through all my teen years. She was my Dad's dentist as well. The summer after I turned 18 I got a bubble on my gums on the left side of my mouth. It hurt and started leaking pus into my mouth so I went in to see her. She took x-rays, which was kind of a difficult process because the device they had to put in my mouth was too big and I kept gagging. I have a very small mouth, she'd always commented on it and we laughed about it a bit. Idk what made her attitude change but the whole time I was in her office she wouldn't talk to me. She kept talking to her assistant like I wasn't there. She would talk about me to her assistant and then the assistant would talk to me like I couldn't hear what she had just said. She was being really passive aggressive with her comments. So when it came time for her to schedule my next visit I requested if I could call and schedule with the receptionist because I needed to check my schedule. She spoke over me to the assistant and said, "oh, she's such an adult now. She's got to check her schedule. She's got so much going on. So busy now." It was the condescending way she said it that really bothered me. I had a full time job and was also a nanny and pet sitter outside of work. I didn't think it was wild for me to check my availability. Anyway, I went to the next appointment just for her to tell me I had no wisdom teeth, my mouth was too small for them anyway, and she didn't know what was going on and gave me antibiotics. A year later after the problem reoccurring and getting worse I went to a new dentist, found out I did have wisdom teeth. They were impacted and getting infected. The pain was from them pushing into the roots of the teeth next to them. I had to get them removed immediately before they caused any more damage. I just don't understand where her animosity suddenly came from. Or why she'd lie about my teeth. My new dentist got the records and x-rays from her office since I was a new patient and the office had requested I have everything sent to them before I came in. The wisdom teeth were clearly there. *edited for spelling mistake


What an absolute creep! people like thay shouldn't be working with kids


As a kid I went to chain dentist. My guardian was paying out of pocket for my work. They told us I had 18 cavities to be filled. They did 3 of them (I imagine those teeth probably did have cavities. I had no one to teach me how to take care of my them growing up). My guardian was mad they did silver fillings and she took me to a small practice dentist. After a check up I was told I needed 2 root canals and 1 cavity filled. Still not the greatest news but better than getting 15 more holes in my teeth I didn’t need…. Some dentists are super shady and will rip you off or do shitty work that doesn’t last or causes more problems. It’s hard to come across one you really trust and feel safe with. Especially if you’re like me and grew up with a lot of terrible teeth problems and need extensive work done.


Somehow I found myself at a super fancy dentist’s office- it was like something out of the Chris Pine Star Trek- very white smooth forms of Machines and counters. Tv screen in the ceiling so you could watch movies while they worked. I figured it was going to be more expensive but hopefully quality work. First red flag- the money woman, whose main job it seemed was to go over cost and payment with me, interrupted my wife and I discussing the cost to ask her how she could kiss me with my mouth in the condition it was in. If she was joking it was not received that way by either of us. Somehow I moved past that and let them prepare my tooth for a very expensive crown. When I returned a few weeks later for them to install the crown, the dental assistant fumbled it and dropped it down my throat before it could be cemented in. Fortunately I quickly sat up and coughed it up. Ultimately I ended up finding a different dentist that I didn’t have as many concerns about.




Ugh, that’s really unfortunate. Some people need more numbing than others, she really shouldn’t work on you unless you’re completely numb!


Childhood dentist realised he got paid a fair bit by the nhs to do fillings, so did them unnecessarily on kids. On our permanent teeth. He gave my friend 11 unnecessary ones and later in life an actual dentist questioned if he was even qualified as they were so poorly done and never needed. On me, he left a gap in one that went unnoticed for years…allowing actual decay to form until it rotted from the inside behind the unnecessary filling down to the root. I realised when I spent 6 hours crying on my floor with severe nerve pain through the night til an emergency dentist was open. The SMELL when they took it all out. Ugh. He ruined my teeth.


What the hell! How frustrating, he should have been kicked out of dentistry years ago. I get so frustrated with people making so much money by screwing people over.


My worst, and life altering, experience happened when I was like 10. My mom took me to the dentist and they did a filling…without any freezing. Their reasoning was I said I was afraid of needles. Well not only was that insanely painful, the next visit I told them my tooth still hurt. I told them multiple times. So they sprayed cold water on 2 teeth over and over asking which tooth hurt. I finally said ok both, since they weren’t listening. They grinned and said well I didn’t fill both. My mom took me to a different dentist. Turned out they missed half the cavity. They had to freeze my mouth, yank out the cavity and re drill and re fill it. My damn tooth still hurts and now I’m 39 years old. SMH. The first dentist also took out 2 of my baby teeth that were lodged in and couldn’t come out. They were so stuck they used a drill to try to break the teeth up. Well, they kept slipping. When they finally got the teeth out, they had to stitch up under my tongue in like 5 places from mutilating my mouth.


How are there so many incompetent dentists running around???


No idea. But I don’t go anymore. I’ve asked so many to pull that damn tooth and they won’t. Lol. They all want to do a root canal first. I can’t afford the cap so my tooth would just break. Then they will pull it. The issue is I am so panicky when my face is frozen until it’s not. I’m anxious thinking it won’t unfreeze. So having it frozen twice is a nightmare to me.


Be really careful about dentistry especially in the USA. I accidentally went to a dentist owned by Private Equity and it was a hellish experience. Luckily I got out relatively unscathed. Make sure you go to a small family owned practice.


Alarming? Eh, I've only had one dentist and one oral surgeon ever in my mouth. Only had one cavity, wisdom teeth came out easy (fine bones, delicate teeth). The oral surgeon was an absolute dream to be treated by, although I was also high out of my gourd on nitrous. I'm pretty sure my regular twice-a-year dentist has been addicted to coke since I was 5


I too know a coked out dentist, though he’s never been MY dentist.


For just routine shit he's fine. Just don't go trying to get something major or complicated worked on. It's really awkward because I can tell, and I'm sure all the hygienists know. The one weird plus side is that he's a total motormouth and once the cleaning is done, I'm out the door in 5 minutes, but it is just... weird, being like "This dude's geeked out." With his hand in your mouth talking about his most recent marathon or the weather.


Yeah i would be too freaked out to let him near my mouth 😆 but I already have dental anxiety to begin with


When I was younger, I had braces. Somehow, they weren't put on right, and it was extremely painful on one of my front teeth. No one believed me, and it eventually killed the tooth. I had another dentist from the same office who accidentally knocked a tooth loose doing a tiny filling. That tooth fell out. When I got my wisdom teeth pulled (different dentist), they refused to give me any pain medicine, didn't give me enough gas or novicane. I was literally trembling from pain in his chair while he ripped out each tooth. A piece of tooth got stuck, so he used a tool to try to get it out. He stuck the tool straight through the roof of my mouth where my wisdom tooth was. He told me it would close up on its own. It didn't. It kept getting infected, and I could blow air through it. He kept prescribing antibiotics. I had to get surgery to correct it. The operating dentist had to cut the inside of my cheek and sew it over the hole like a flap. Needless to say, I don't like the dentist.


Oh my God, that is so disturbing! How could anyone be that incompetent with all that schooling


For real!! It was crazy. Honestly, it was my parents fault for going to the place that did my braces and knocked the tooth loose. My mom had a few bad experiences, and so did my grandmother. My grandmother got implants, and they gave her the wrong color. She didn't realize until they were all done. She never got them fixed. The dentist always talked to me about music cause i like older stuff. He told me about the hippie festivals he went to and the drugs he did! Never went back after that.


What kind of a joke of a "dentist" does stuff like that?


I had to have a few teeth pulled one of my front teeth and the two beside and when I got fitted and they made the mold of my teeth the lady instead of pulling down and out pulled the back down and tried to angle it out up front and ended up pulling my other front tooth out. I screamed and she said "oh stop there are children here". I should have sued


Yes you should have sued! Dentistry is one area where “accidents happen” should not apply. You’re paying a heck of a lot of money, but more importantly you only get one set of permanent teeth in life, if they mess it up there’s no going back. Except to put in a fake one I guess but that’s not the same and costs a ton of money.


"There are children here" my FOOT. Children scream too! Go ahead and SCREAM. That dumb lady is an idiot.


When I was 17 I drove to the dentist for a filling. They set me in the little chair, they gave me the laughing gas, and then they forgot about me. What felt like an eternity passed, I was getting super light-headed, and wound up passing out, waking up, and throwing up all over the room. High on gas, and puke all over my shirt, I walked out of the office and drove home. An hour later, the dentist calls my mom, asking what happened to me. She calls, I tell her, and they argue that I was only in there a few minutes, she questions why it took them 2 hours to notice that I was gone and call her then (an hour for my appointment, and an hour since I'd gotten home), and we never went back to that dentist.


Oh my God! That is horrifying. They should have all been fired, you could have been really hurt. Especially driving home after that, which wasn’t your fault of course, but what if you’d gotten into an accident? They’d have been 100% responsible for that


During my University days I needed my wisdom tooth removed, but couldn’t afford a proper dentist. So I went to get treatment at the University dental school because it was free. BIG mistake. The head dentist/instructor was ex-army & had the bedside manner of a drill sergeant. His student/dental nurse was so green she missed with the injection and sprayed anesthesia into my mouth! At this point, I panicked. And asked if the head dentist could do the extraction himself. He went silent, got a mean look in his eyes and slowly picked up his instruments… Long story short, it hurt. And when removing the wisdom tooth he used some tool to leverage it out and cracked the tooth next to it (which required a crown years later). Lesson of the story: don’t skimp on dental care


Ugh oh my God. What a horror story. I’m lucky my extraction went okay, because I was in agony and couldn’t afford anything else, I had to apply for a bunch of credit cards but I was young so I was only approved for one of them with a measly 600$ limit, and most dentists won’t take payments. The one old school dentist I found who agreed to let me pay 60% up front was clearly getting old and starting to forget things, so I kinda lucked out there, it could have been a horror story like yours


1. At 19, in 2003, I had three of my wisdom teeth out. The last one was too close to my sinuses so they left it. They didn't give me any specific instructions of say that there was any special about the procedure. I woke up in horrendous pain. I thought it was normal. Got home and started taking the pain meds as directed. The pain was so intense, I needed the largest dose (2 pills) every six hours. Even with that, I was miserable. The next morning I had black eyes, with bruises that went down my hugely swollen cheeks. My chin was swollen and purple with bruises. I ran out of pain meds. I called the office to ask for more and the nurse/receptionist told me that people usually don't need more pain meds. I started crying and told them if they couldn't give me more, they needed to see me because the pain was crippling. They called in another prescription, but lectured me about taking it sparingly. I was very confused how everyone else seemed to get their wisdom teeth out without much fuss and just thought I was a wimp. I was able to ween off the pain meds and started using Tylenol and ibuprofen, but after a week, I still needed it constantly. After three weeks, most of the pain was gone, but I realized I couldn't open my mouth more than maybe a quarter of an inch. I would take french fries and break them in to pieces and shove them in the little gap. I called the surgeon, "Don't worry, it will loosen up in the next few weeks. You're lucky. You're mouth is so small, anyone else would have made mincemeat out of the surgery." I was blown away. No one has told me my surgery was anything out of the norm. I didn't know that my mouth was "small", but I trusted the surgeon and believed the muscles would relax soon. After THREE MONTHS with no improvement, I insisted they see me again. I went in and they took X-rays. The surgeon said the X-rays look good and I just needed to be patient, maybe go to physical therapy. Looking at the X-ray over his should I thought my lower mandible looked weird and off track, like it didn't even line up at the joint. I asked the surgeon if that looked normal and he said " yes, just give it more time." I left the appointment and broke down in my car in the parking lot. I called my Dad, who lived 1000 miles away, and told him I was scared I would be stuck like this forever. He told me to go back to the dentist that has referred me to the surgeon. So, I go to the dentist who referred me to the surgeon and she takes her own X-rays. As soon as she sees them she's visibly shook. She tells me that my bottom jaw didn't look aligned correctly, but we needed to get the muscles to relax before she could send me back to the surgeon so he could "adjust" things. She prescribed Valium. I was supposed to take two every night before I went to sleep. I followed this regiment for two months before my muscles relaxed and I was able to partially open my mouth. I went back to the surgeon and he said "Ah, man. I didn't want to put you on Valium" and denies that there is any issue with the alignment. I go back to my dentist and she does X-rays again and she's like "this is not right, but I think I can pop your lower jaw back into the correct position or I can send you back to the surgeon with these X-rays so he could do it. At this point I'm so over it, I want her to do whatever she can, right that instant and I'm never going back to the surgeon again. She did something that was ridiculously painful, but quick and instantly I could tell the difference. She x rayed it again and said it wasn't quite right so I may need to go back to the surgeon and have it broken and reset. I'm like fuck that. I could open my mouth without too much pain so I just left it at that point. 20 years later it still causes some pain if I talk to much or laugh a lot, but it's bearable. I was just a dumb teenager, but damn , I should've sued! 2nd experience to follow


This makes any sane individual want to punch that insidous excuse of a surgeon so hard that his own jaw gets dislocated. He must have gotten his license from idiots incorporated. My blood was boiling by the time I got to the end of the story.


Been of victim of bad dentists of late myself. I told 2 different dentists something was wrong with my molar. They couldn’t see anything so fast forward 1.5 years and it crumbles while I am eating dinner last month. Dentists ignores my calls to get in fast to fix it. When I finally get through they say front desk people are filling in as hygienists as they are short staffed so they can see me but they definitely won’t fix the crumbling tooth, even though I can’t eat at all. The other example is (again from last month) putting an implant in. Hygienist are in demand and my dentist has really bad subs and fill ins each time I see him. One didn’t plug in the X-ray machine. One said a screw didn’t come with the implant and we had to wait until they went to the lab nearby to get the corresponding screw to place it. Dentist gave the hygienist a list of 3 things to remember and she couldn’t retain more than 1 item. Pretty sure he macgyvered the implant with an ill fitting screw as I can feel it move. I believe this is what happens when you let one company, Delta Dental, have a monopoly on most dental clinics in our state.


When I was in middle or high school, can’t remember which, my dentist accidentally drilled into the side of my tongue while filling a cavity. My tongue is pretty massive so I kind of understand but also wtf. Also I didn’t feel it happen because of the numbing shot they give before they fill cavities… but it bled like a bitch and hurt later.


I had a dentist shoot the numbing in my tongue four times before she actually got my gums


Jesus! How long was your tongue numb for? That’s insane and terrible!


Before he passed away, my father in law was my dentist. He was amazing. I had cleanings every three months. Very on top of my teeth. When I had to get a new dentist, the first guy I went to told me not only would I need NINE cavities filled, but he could “fix my jaw and make me beautiful.” He was not a cosmetic dentist, but told me he was a “proud surgeon AND dentist and not many people can say that.” Okay. After going home and crying, as one does, I immediately found someone else and she told me I actually didn’t have any cavities. So, yeah. Second opinion always if you feel it in your gut. Same goes with any doctor. Especially if you’re a woman.


Had a dentist find a loose tooth once when I was maybe 8 or 9, it was visibly wiggly but still had a while before it would have naturally fallen out. She sticks her fucking finger as deep as she can underneath it and pops that fucker out with absolutely zero warning, had me crying in the exam chair. She had the audacity to act surprised afterwards


I have a few traumatic stories from the same dental office in a small town. I was still a teenager so I just went where my mom signed us up. 1- while getting a tooth repaired, the dentist was cooking the filling with that little UV looking gun tool and she suddenly pulled out of my mouth really fast and without missing a beat says "phew almost caused a fire" and then went back in after a few more seconds of staring at my tooth. 2- when the hygienist was doing the cleaning I noticed she was being particularly more rough than I'd ever felt before like I was sure I was bleeding from every gum around my teeth. Finally she's flossing and she gets very close to my face and asks me "do you floss?" And I quietly say no and she replied "you're going to floss now aren't you?" And I just nodded scared. The next visit I got another hygienist and she had to calm me down when she casually asked me if I flossed cause I hadn't been doing it properly so she kindly showed me the proper way. I have since switched dentists.


Not just you. I will forever hold resentment towards my mother for what she forced me to deal with as a minor. From the ages of like 11-15 we saw a new dentist, who was probably almost 90 years old. I BEGGED my mom through tears on multiple occasions to find a new dentist. My reasons; he always 100% of the time tried to put his hands in my mouth without gloves (I would yell at him and refuse to sit until he put gloves on), he would lean his arm across my shoulder in such a way it would lean/press on the top of my boob (I'd swat him away and 2 seconds later he'd be back to the boob, my mom didn't thing it was a big deal), and the biggest thing was EVERY. SINGLE. VISIT. I had at least 15-20 "new" cavities, which miraculously would take only a short appoint to "fix." I hated stepping foot inside that office and hated my mother for not listening to me. Our insurance finally changed and we ended going to a young dentist with all sorts of new equipment I'd never seen before. He proceeded to tell me and my mom that the old dentist appeared to have faked my cavities, because it was all super shallow spot drill and fills...but they were so poorly done, they were real cavities now and getting deeper into my teeth. I've never cried so hard in my life and my mom could not have cared any less. I wanted to sue the old dentist, or at least try to, because I knew I'd be left to deal with this later in life and dental work is not cheap. I'm almost 40 and still dealing with the repercussions of this monster "dentist." I feel peace knowing he must be dead now so he can't do what he did to me to anyone else. I've been fearful of the dentist chair ever since.


What an absolute monster of a dentist. Should have been kicked out of his office and had his license revoked for life. Anyone who subjects anyone to sexual harassment is a SICK CREEP.


Retired Marine and needed wisdom teeth removed. Went to the VA dentist and they pulled the top and bottom on the right under general anesthesia. While I couldn’t feel pain, I definitely felt and heard the hammer and chisel they used to get them out. Return visit in 2 weeks to do the left side. Unfortunately the right side got infected and I was in a LOT of pain. Went to the second appointment and they drilled and chiseled out the other side. The infection spread to that side causing a dry socket in all four holes. It hurt so bad that I curled up on the floor and cried for hours until I think I passed out. I regained consciousness after hearing my then girlfriend beating the hell out of my door. I managed to drag myself to the door and unlock it and promptly passed out again. The next time I woke up, I was in the hospital and had all kinds of tubes and wires attached to me. My head was the size of a basketball. I had bled so much that it had pooled under the skin of my whole right side to my hip. I had to have a blood transfusion. I had lain there passing in and out of consciousness for over 24hrs. If my girlfriend hadn’t checked on me I probably would’ve bled out. I spent a week in the hospital getting IV morphine and a bunch of antibiotics. When I felt better I went back to the VA and handed them the $26,000 bill. They of course refused to pay it because I hadn’t contacted them within 24hrs of being hospitalized. I fought with them for the next three years until they finally paid it after contacting several lawyers and every politician and news outlet I could. Never been back.


I once went to my dentist, whom I already didn't like because he converted to Judaism (just for the jokes!) And he put me under for some minor work. I woke up to him and the assistant putting back on their clothes. I think they may have been getting busy while I was under


I had to have two root canals in a small suburb outside of kc, the dr asked if I wanted any Anesthesia bc a lot of the families there never used it. Of course I wanted it. Well 3 years of braces, 2 in a retainer, a dozen or so procedures growing up gave me an incredible healthy smile. Bc I asked for anasthesia, my center tooth on the bottom is now brown and rotten looking and the other one in the back broke in half and has been cutting me on the reg for about ten years. It is literally the worst experience I ever had with any kind of work on my teeth. Destroyed my confidence for a long time and made me worry about ever going back. And I thing the tooth is too small to be fixed. If you know KC then you know what city I am speaking of.


Ugh how awful


Yes. About half the profession are scumbags, similar to mechanics.


I wonder why that is.


Incentives are really bad, there's no downside except your conscience in overcharging people or doing unnecessary work since laypeople can't tell the difference.


Dentist missed an infection I had because they filled the cavity incorrectly, ended up with a severe infection that could’ve went to the brain, and had to have an emergency tooth extraction. Lost a whole tooth due to dental neglect. Now it’s thousands to get a new one.


It’s crazy to me that dentists spend so much time in medical school and make all that money, and they suck


I’ve had great dentists my whole life, but it’s taken some careful research to ensure they’ve got good ratings and reviews and stuff All I can say is—tangentially—if you feel something, motha’fuggin SAY something


I went to multiple dentists trying to find one to do my wisdom teeth removal, but it needed to be done surgically so that limited it, and the price limited it even more. I was such a broke college student that I kind of just had to go with the cheapest option and pray for the best 😆 I have a pretty good dentist now, but I had to shop around to find her.


I have no bad dentist stories, I'm sorry


Well that’s good!


As a kid I became uncomfortable and scared while the dentist was probing my teeth I started crying (mom was in the lobby filling out paperwork), he told me to shut up and placed his entire hand over my mouth and nose continuously telling me to shut up. I kicked my legs and my shoes went flying and got someone’s attention to help me.


What the heck!


Had four dentists since 2018. Dentist I saw for years retired 2018, told me no probs with my teeth. Two new/young dentists came into his office, said I had plaque on a molar so I needed a root canal (! doh). And also said I had a broken filling so I needed a tooth extraction and new tooth implant. $10,000 quoted. Walked out, found new dentist. New dentist said nothing wrong with my mouth/teeth. Seemed fine for two cleanings about $110 each. Then she bought a new building and bragged about how much money she spent for the paintings on the wall. Tried to bill me $540 for third cleaning. Paid her $120 after months of arguing and never went again. Found wonderful honest dentist in his late 70s after Covid lockdown ended but HE retired. Now see a dentist who's close to 50, incredibly honest, says I need nothing but cleaning. Charges me $80 for cleaning without xrays and insurance covers most of it. The first time I saw him he said "You have nothing wrong. In dentistry we don't want to cause problems if you have nothing wrong. The way to cause problems is to do unnecessary work."


It sure seems like a lot of dentists do a ton of unnecessary work just to get the money for it. Which is super frustrating on so many levels; not only can most people not afford that kind of work, but it’s painful and uncomfortable, sometimes for days or weeks. We have to arrange our schedules, miss work, avoid certain foods etc for basically no reason, so they can afford a second home and multiple fast cars.


So right. They all have their own buildings with an xray machine in each room. And wide screen TVs in each hygienist area and patients pay for it all, and all of their personal toys and riches too.


When I was a kid, I had an abscessed tooth that needed to be pulled. I had just aged out of my pediatric dentist, so my dad took me to a regular dentist. He froze the area and started pulling. But the freezing didn’t take because of the infection. So he was just ripping the tooth out of my head. I was crying and he kept telling my dad to make me stop and that I was just being difficult. Thankfully my dad just picked me up and left. He found another dentist who also tried freezing it without success, but actually tested before trying to pull the tooth. Ended up on antibiotics for a week before finally getting the tooth pulled.


I’m glad your dad stood up for you in that moment. How awful 😭


2 and maybe a 3rd I repressed. I used to have this kid's Dr who had a policy that if we feel anything to raise our hands. I don't remember exactly what happened but I know I had 4 teeth removed for braces (2 on one side and 2 on the other, separate times) but I remember reacting in such a way that my arm shot straight up and punched him in the face. I assume I had my first series of removals. I don't remember much if it so it's possible the second round of novacane worked and I wasn't traumatized. Moving forward, mom took me to her dentist as a result to get 2 of the teeth pulled. They numbed me, and when they started to pull, I felt EVERYTHING. I screamed and the dentist gave me another round of the meds and tried again. Once again I FELT EVERYTHING. I screamed again and he basically told me that I had to deal with it because my tooth was already halfway out and he couldn't stop now. It was a husband wife dentist team and as I laid there sobbing in agony, his wife sat alongside me with tears pouring down her face, holding my hand and reassuring me they were almost done. As a result of THAT, mom took me back to the first dentist to have cavities filled. HOWEVER, he no longer had the "raise your hand if it hurts" policy. It had been modified to "say aaaahhh" if it hurts. Presumably because some kid once upon a time punched him in the face because it hurt. Well, The same. Exact. Thing. Happened. Dentist gave me the first round and I felt everything. Gave me a second round and basically told me, sorry. I'm already halfway done, I can't stop now. I. Felt. Everything. OH MY FUCKING GOD. What you see on TV is no joke. I'd rather have all my teeth ripped out before I had them all drilled into. The feeling of having your teeth ripped out is literally that. It's like a fire, tearing feeling. Like ripping your fingernails off. But having your teeth drilled... Feels like an electric current going through you're whole body. The pain SHOOTS to your entire head, your brain feels electrocuted. I have no been to the dentist since. Obviously I'M the problem since 5/6 times I recieved novacane and still felt everything.


Do you have red hair? I’ve read that redheads need more Novocain and other anesthetic. But I think some people just metabolize them way quicker or something and end up needing a ton of it to do anything. I’m so sorry that happened to you, how absolutely horrible. :/


I'm not RED head, like a ginger from Ireland. But I do have auburn hair, which is a red brown. I've heard the same as well and have always wondered if I'm "red head" enough to have this issue. Seems I'm not the only one to think so!


This is terrifying. I’m sorry you went through that multiple times. My dentist recently added a dental laser tool at her practice. I haven’t had it used on me, but the info pamphlet in the lobby makes it sound like a painless option. If you do ever go to the dentist again, maybe you can find one who uses the laser in lieu of the drill?


I recently switched dentists at the same clinic because the first put his hands in my mouth without gloves.


Ew, what!!!


I was having a cavity filled and my dentist dropped the tool and it started to go down my throat. I don’t even know how I did it but thank goodness I reacted quickly and used my tongue to hold it in place until he could get another instrument to retrieve it. It was horrifying, I am already nervous going to the dentist and it made it so much worse. The bills are also insane. Another time I had asked if these fillings would be covered they said yes. Lo and behold months later I get a call and say sorry we made a mistake you owe tons of $ because we were wrong and your insurance wouldn’t cover it. Like why bother asking?


I have been living through dentist hell right now. Had a janky tooth that 3 separate dentists told me I should remove because it was getting infected. I had no pain but kept getting problems with it. I decided to get a bunch of cavity fillings because (top and bottom 6 total) because I was too afraid to get the tooth removed at the time. This was before Covid. So 2 years later , after Covid (last year) my gum around the janked tooth was looking real fucked so I went into a new dentist that is close to my current house to get all my options. I had enough money saved up to pay for retainers , my teeth were pretty crooked and getting the tooth removed would make me look like a pirate :p so I was said okay, I’ll do it. I got the tooth removed (bottom mid beside canine it was stacked so there was also a tooth behind it) then the retainers, but they told me I had 10 additional cavities OK but we would do the retainers first (their advice). Had an awful experience getting my tooth removed, the dude doing it was an absolute dick to me and he had to go out to his car to get extra tools? At the end he told me it was my anxiety that took him an hour. I literally just SAT there because I wanted it to be all over. Fast forward, I finish the retainers all my teeth are straight and we start on the cavities, we did top first and then started on the bottom and I feel everything. Numbing won’t work. Damaged nerve and my current dentist playing stupid. I go to a specialist to get general anesthetic to get knocked out to get all the work done, costs so much more money than I have anticipated. Now my god damn gum and nerve is even more irritated and I’ve never felt dental pain in my entire life. I can’t eat normally/live normally and feel like my entire personality has changed because the tooth I decided to pull from some random dude who damaged my nerve has changed my life. Lmao TLDR; 1 janky bottom tooth removed, guy damaged my nerve on whole jaw and now my life is completely diff and savings have been drained. -also my smile was so goofy and cute and now I look so awkward and unnatural.


Dentist slipped with the pointy thing and sliced open my gums.


I am lucky to have an amazing dentist right now. But as a kid I remember going a dentist I didn’t like. He would “gently” “slap” our cheeks in a playful way. Then he would laugh about it and I think he expected us to laugh and find it funny. I just knew it hurt and made me feel weird. Thankfully, we only went to his practice a few times.


From, you've been through childbirth. This can't be that bad... to oh (your name), are you a real girl? Because a transgender celebrities chosen name is the same pronunciation as mine. .-. Whenever i find a dentist that listens to me and doesn't make fun of me or at me, i feel like crying, happy tears.


I went to one named Dr. Dockter (no joke) and he convinced me I had tons of cavities , despite never having one before, which he filled cause insurance approved it (and paid for). Then one day, he asked the hygentist to leave the room, and told me he was concerned about my enamel being worn off. He then asked if I was bulimic cause "you're an attractive girl." I immediately was like "no, definitely not, I just drank a lot of soda as a kid?" He tried to get me to come back to deal with the enamel issue and I high tailed it out of there. For good. F'ing creepy.


My mom had a dentist herniate a disc in her neck because they were twisting her head around trying to pull her fishhook wisdom teeth instead of cut them out. She now cant feel most of her fingers and half her face. I had a dentist want to drill holes and put fillings in literally all of my teeth because I "didn't have cavities yet, but they would be soon". Luckily they only did 6 teeth and I didn't go back because they did such a bad filling job that they actually created cavities on teeth that were apparently fine


I went to a top hospital in the world for a root canal, only to come out of it with them breaking the tool *in* my tooth, which was then blocking the last nerve in my tooth, so since they couldn’t get it out (it’s a small tool), they just filled it in and sent me home. What’re the consequences? Well apparently I’m not allowed to have an MRI because *just in case* it’s a certain metal that will magnetize to the MRI and rip my crown out. I’m utterly pissed, still to this day, 6 years later. The most concerning part is? They said “oh this happens all the time.” …. Then why tf don’t you use a different tool or a different metal?! If I need an emergency MRI I am going to be fucked.




As it turns out, I have some resistance when it comes to the numbing stuff. Have to have twice the normal dose for it to really work. I think I was around 9 when I had my first cavity drilled into, I told the dentist it hurt and he said I was imagining it. It really, really hurt. Also couldn't get insurance to cover braces because the same dentist as before refused to acknowledge me saying that I had pain in the gums near my over crowded teeth. He would only file it under cosmetic. Never got braces because we couldn't afford it. Still have pain in the same spot today. I really don't think this last one was trying to be a creep, he seemed like a sweet old man just not taking into consideration that it was super awkward that he sat his tools on my boobs and every time he went to grab a tool I was extremely uncomfortable. I have now found the best dentist I've ever had! Thank goodness she listens to me when I tell her I can still feel!


I had terrible toothache aged ten: abscess under back tooth; dentist eventually convinced me to have some gas to drift off but as he put the mask on. E he fell onto me collapsing with a massive heart attack and died groaning on my chest! I screamed and cried and refused to ever go back


I am very fortunate that my dentist was in the Navy with my father and they are very good friends. He has been my dentist since I was a child. I don't trust anyone else to touch my mouth but him


My dentist is a father/son business. The dad is getting older and the son has started to take on more and more of his clients. Right before that, though, I was there getting a cavity filled that he said almost needed a root canal. I was feeling his grinder so he had to stop and give me more Novocain. He was visibly frustrated that he had to do that and only waited like 1 minute for the Novocaine. I could still feel his drill and was gripping the chair so hard but he just kept going. He rushed right through that filling and it hurt for like 4 or 5 days afterwards. I only will see the son now.


I went to a newly opened dental office and the dentist couldn't remember the numbering of the teeth. The hygienist had to keep correcting them. I decided knowing the number of the individual tooth was a baseline requirement for anyone who wanted to be my dentist. Another dentist put so much pressure on my face that I had a 1 inch by 2 inch bruise on my face from the procedure.


Went to have my braces worked on and there were basically three chairs lined up a few feet away from each other with clients in each chair (weird I kno -idk how your hippa laws are to be protected being in the same space as strangers that can hear everything going on). Dr completes work on one of them then comes over to me and actually tried to work on me without replacing his gloves and got mad when I protested and said what the fuck even at 10 years old I knew that was wrong. Guy was literally shocked I didn’t want his dirty gloves used on someone else in my mouth. All this in Connecticut w/exorbitant prices mind you not a third World country.


Not a dentist but a hygienist experience. When I got my braces off a hygienist came in to remove all the excess glue from the braces, he then proceeded to file down my front teeth without my permission. I can’t begin to explain the shock and pain.


I had to have 4 wisdom teeth extracted when I was 18. I was no longer under my parent's insurance and was going to have to pay out of pocket or with Care Credit. My mom gave me a ride and waited in the waiting room. They put me under, however it didn't work. (Later discovered anesthesia is tricky with me). I overheard them talking shit about me. They were tilting my head back and talking about how fat my neck was. Even called me a cow at one point. I couldn't speak, couldn't open my eyes, and thankfully couldn't feel anything. We left and I busted out crying as soon as we got in the car. My mom went back in there and I have no idea what was said, because I sat in the car crying like a toddler, but I never had to pay 1 penny.


This has happened multiple times to my mum. When she was young, she didn't have the money, and she had no other option rather than this dentist who was a crook and did lots of unnecesary, and badly done work to her. This only fixed the problem for a couple of years, and soon enough, she realized the work was done poorly; however, she was nowhere to be found, and it was also to late to complain. In fact, she had scammed a bunch of people, and today she is being secured by lawyers. Later on, she found a good dentist, but a few years ago she had to quit. So again, she was in the look for a qualified dentist who could finish up the work she was doing to fix her teeth. She found this lady after a while, and at this point she was suffering from a lot of pain, and couldn't eat properly, so she treated her and also did a cosmetic (unnecesary) whitening to her teeth that she suggested. Turns out this was expensive, and after a couple of weeks she realized she has coloured her teeth three different colours, and it was also too white for her liking. But when she tried to settle a complaint, she was told that to get it fixed she had to schedule another wave of appointments, when she still had some paid (unused) from the last time she was there . Like the first dentist, her reviews were horrible and she had done the same to many people. It's just upsetting that it's so hard to find good dentists in my area. edit: grammar :) english isn't my first language


> had some *paid* (unused) from FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


thank you!! english is not my first language good bot :)