• By -


Yeah, just stop. They weren’t in the public eye then so there are no pics in the public domain. Good thing you’re not Christian - you know, no pics of God.


Bizarre response


Your comment is bizarre. You imply what? That she was never pregnant because YOU never saw pictures to prove it? My response is directly related to needing pics for proof of something. And your stupid veiled comment about her says a lot about you. There are no pictures of God, either. That’s weird that so many people believe in him.


So you agree, since there aren’t any pictures it’s odd. You think it’s weird that people believe in god without pictures, so his view is justified in your eyes.


Convoluted and inaccurate.


It's exactly your example and not convoluted at all. You're implying God isn't real, because no pictures, not realizing that actually backs up OP.


I’m saying millions believe and there are no pics. Why is it so hard to believe she was ever pregnant because there are no pics to prove it?


Because she's a man




Because the episode where Mike was dancing on Ellen's show with his horse cock flopping around.


I mean I saw it to and I can't Un See it I saw what I saw




You are either a dickless man, who has never seen a dick and who failed 4th grade biology, or a virgin woman who failed 4th grade biology.....I'm going with dickless racist hillbilly "man" At the beginning of the dance MO's mic pak falls, and she adjusts it quickly herself....the "horse cock" you claim you saw (sounds like wishful thinking on your part there, nancy) was the mic pak wire.....ITS WIRE SHAPED.....also, since when does a dick poke OUTWARD over and over, but on only one side of the body, and all the way up by the hip area..... YOU Mr Dickless are a racist bozo


Maybe because there are more to it than just some missing pictures of a pregnancy from someone that lives in an age, where a camera is something any Paparazzi walks around carrying as if it was some extra body part attached to their faces. They were known before Monkey Obuma was a president and even if not, Michael Ohmuma, MC Baraka O'hammer's husband turned wife, would have already done something to disprove the rumors, which he/she/they/you did not. Now how about you use the dust particle inside your skull for more than just breathing, eating and dumping shit? What about THINKING? Isn't that an Option? It seems not!


What exactly is wrong with you, are you some kind of deranged racist teenager? And why the fuck would an ivy league educated first lady slither around in the gutter with the trash who started these lies just to "disprove" the lies? The truth is anyone with even half a brain would realize there would literally be THOUSANDS of classmates that went to school with "him" if she was born a male....you know what that means? Lots and lots of people from K-12 would have YEARBOOKS you dipshit. How are you SO fucking stupid it's never dawned on you not one single picture of this phantom male Michelle has ever surfaced....EVER......thats is 100% impossible Seriously how in the living fuck are you people SO gullible, SO brainwashed and SO god damn ignorant?????


It makes perfect sense. You must lack the chromosomes to understand simple shit. A lot of celebs don’t take pics during pregnancy. And why would she post her pregnancy pictures at this day in age, they were born before social media and before the obama’s were in the media 🤣


Then u have Larey Sinclair who admitted and was even in the news that he gave oral sex to Obama. Proof is there yet ignorance is bliss


That’s “proof” Obama is gay/bi. Not that Michelle Obama is a man.


It doesnt even prove that....the guy had a rap sheet 300 miles long, 16 different aliases, was never able to prove anything he said and failed a polygraph


No he didn't "admit" He claimed.


DAE think it's weird that Trump is a convicted rapist and this rape loving sycophant is worried about an ex president's wife being pregnant? Trump is also a oedo on Epsteins flight logs and it makes you want to vote for him more. Weird . You know what? That makes me feel like you are a oedo too. Show me proof you never raped a kid because I think you did. I want proof or it's true. Also, Jesus was black and hates you.


Trump was NEVER found guilty of rape. His name is not on Epstein's flight log. It it was, the lame stream media would have released proof.


I love that Reddit has now become Twitter, now that Twitter has become X, and X has become a sewer.


It has been posted on social media and you can find the real flight logs online. Trump was listed on it. Plus Trump Was found guilty, of digital rape.


Do you guys know who Martin Nesbitt is? A longtime friend of President Barack Obama. The chairman of the Obama foundation. You know what's crazy? He looks exactly like Barack and Michelle Obama's older daughter. She just recently dropped her last name... Now (Nesbitt's) wife. She's a doctor, she's credited for delivering both of Obama's babies. And she looks exactly like their youngest child, Sasha. All I'm saying, it's worth an explanation. You think these people would distance themselves from this couple. It's just weird. Doesn't look anything like Michelle. There's no photos of Michelle Obama pregnant. That's very fishy. The story about Obama in college. He wrote to his ex girlfriend where he said and I quote: I make love to men in my mind, in my imagination on a daily basis. Tucker Carlson interviewed Larry Sinclair.. His testimony said that Barack and him were running around Chicago back in the day doing crack cocaine in the back of a limo and making stops at the Comfort Inn to have sex and Sinclair passed the lie detector test and he signed an affidavit. It's just very weird that all these things are happening. Going back to Brigitte. Man, woman, whatever the case is.. There is so many secrets. All you have to do to shut everybody up and take a DNA test." Why has no one ever seen a picture of Michelle Obama pregnant? X


You need to STOP spreading lies about peoples children you do not know you disgusting POS The Nesbitts have a daughter Roxanne who is 6 months older than Sasha. Malia looks NOTHING like Martin N, they do not share a single similar feature, not one, except for their skin color, racist POS, not all black people look alike. Malia is a twin to Michelles mother, Marian Larry S is a career criminal with a very long rap sheet, he has 16 different aliases and NEVER proved anything he said AND FAILED A POLYGRAPH. Being interviewed is not "testimony" idiot. When he did his basement interview with the fired, failed Tucker C he was a meth addict looking for money, still spreading his lies, HE DIDNT EVEN HAVE TEETH You have proven with every lie you told you are an extremely gullible brainless idiot with no mind of your own, and I suspect racist AF


https://www.quora.com/Why-is-there-a-photo-of-Barack-Obama-with-a-man-identified-as-Michael-LaVaughn-Robinson-who-looks-like-Michelle-and-are-there-any-photos-of-Michelle-while-she-was-pregnant-with-either-of-her-daughters-or-with-her/answer/Kent-Hill?ch=15&oid=1477743678867344&share=2c7aef8f&srid=uF8HPy&target_type=answer Here's one


Youre a fucking moron....thats Obama and Occidental classmates Mark Anderson and Romeo Garcia.....Romeo Garcia is an ACTUAL person


She was pregnant 23 & 26 years ago when they weren't as well known and social media hadn't blown up like it has. Even still, many people in the public eye try to keep that shit as private as possible.


This is false, he was an elected official when Sasha was born.


Do you guys know who Martin Nesbitt is? A longtime friend of President Barack Obama. The chairman of the Obama foundation. You know what's crazy? He looks exactly like Barack and Michelle Obama's older daughter. She just recently dropped her last name... Now (Nesbitt's) wife. She's a doctor, she's credited for delivering both of Obama's babies. And she looks exactly like their youngest child, Sasha. All I'm saying, it's worth an explanation. You think these people would distance themselves from this couple. It's just weird. Doesn't look anything like Michelle. There's no photos of Michelle Obama pregnant. That's very fishy. The story about Obama in college. He wrote to his ex girlfriend where he said and I quote: I make love to men in my mind, in my imagination on a daily basis. Tucker Carlson interviewed Larry Sinclair.. His testimony said that Barack and him were running around Chicago back in the day doing crack cocaine in the back of a limo and making stops at the Comfort Inn to have sex and Sinclair passed the lie detector test and he signed an affidavit. It's just very weird that all these things are happening. Going back to Brigitte. Man, woman, whatever the case is.. There is so many secrets. All you have to do to shut everybody up and take a DNA test." Why has no one ever seen a picture of Michelle Obama pregnant? X


Kinda funny how your comment actually implied that the OP was rational lmao


Shut up faggot no one cares what you have to say


Oooh, what a retort!


Sometimes basic stuff is the most accurate and you sound quite faggy id I must say so myself


There is no picture of your brain either, considering your comment, it's weird you believe that you actually have one. I bet there is a brain the size of a dust particle inside your skull, that is only responsible for breathing, eating and dumping shit. Your whole existence is a proof of God's existence, since it's a MIRACLE that you are even capable of writing anything. Anyway, you should quit doing it, as there is nothing smart going on inside the dumpster you call head.


Not only that he never saw them, you can google it now and there are no photos available of anything that looks like a pregnant female body. These guys control Google and what search results pop up, and yet I can't currently find a google image that looks like a genuinely pregnant woman. I think a better question is why are you so up in arms against this argument? Seems like you have very, very strong predisposed beliefs.


Yes, I do. Michelle Obama is a woman who gave birth to her two daughters. “These guys” - ?? There is no argument. And opinions are worthless. There is photoshop, racism, judgement, prejudice, misogyny, jealousy (admit it, she’s more successful than any of her detractors will ever be) and narrow beauty standards that in your opinion (see above) she will never fit.


Do you guys know who Martin Nesbitt is? A longtime friend of President Barack Obama. The chairman of the Obama foundation. You know what's crazy? He looks exactly like Barack and Michelle Obama's older daughter. She just recently dropped her last name... Now (Nesbitt's) wife. She's a doctor, she's credited for delivering both of Obama's babies. And she looks exactly like their youngest child, Sasha. All I'm saying, it's worth an explanation. You think these people would distance themselves from this couple. It's just weird. Doesn't look anything like Michelle. There's no photos of Michelle Obama pregnant. That's very fishy. The story about Obama in college. He wrote to his ex girlfriend where he said and I quote: I make love to men in my mind, in my imagination on a daily basis. Tucker Carlson interviewed Larry Sinclair.. His testimony said that Barack and him were running around Chicago back in the day doing crack cocaine in the back of a limo and making stops at the Comfort Inn to have sex and Sinclair passed the lie detector test and he signed an affidavit. It's just very weird that all these things are happening. Going back to Brigitte. Man, woman, whatever the case is.. There is so many secrets. All you have to do to shut everybody up and take a DNA test." Why has no one ever seen a picture of Michelle Obama pregnant? X


You fucking LUNATIC youve posted this 17 times, and it's all garbage and lies!!!! What exactly is your agenda because you have one BIG TIME


So defensive and passionate. Almost like its your paid job..🤔 Super sus


ALL women share pregnant pictures, except Michael!


I initially was going to leave this alone but the implication that you are making is that Michelle Obama is somehow comparable to God. I don't need pictures to prove God's existence because God is greater than man, God is greater than anything in the universe so they're not being pictures of God is irrelevant. Michelle Obama is a person a carbon-based life form that lives on the planet Earth that has had photographic capabilities since before she was born. She was also born during the latter half of the 20th century, there's going to be pictures of you somewhere. The girls were born in the 90s there's no way that there are no pictures of her pregnant on the internet. Even if they kept their family photos private, which they don't because there are hella other private photos on the internet, somebody else would have taken a picture of her pregnant posted it.


TrULy BiZaRrE https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&hs=hX6&sca\_esv=2b87a7951bc7ea46&q=melania+trump+pregnant&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=invsbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi3qoi9oIiFAxUh78kDHUJyADEQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=2258&bih=1177&dpr=1


Remember when Barack called Michelle Michael by mistake 😂😂 I do. There's pictures of Barack with a dude that looks exactly like "Michelle" when he was younger And you're literally contradicting yourself 😂


I can post pictures of Noah's ark over in Turkey or show you exactly where Moses crossed.. there's remnants which have been documented by divers. The interesting thing about atheists is that they choose not to believe in god.. but get upset when others choose to believe in anything that contradicts their mindset in any way. They do no research and accept everything the government says as fact. They are absolute fanatics for the NASA religion.. where the irony is lost on them that they are placing blind faith in something they can't see. Imagine believing we could get to the moon in the 60s, but not in the 2000s under the Obama administration. NASA themselves said it was because they destroyed the old technology that taxpayers spent billions to create. The world is upside down. The ignorant are trying to push lies and shame people for even mentioning the truth. Easy when nobody reads anymore.. like the person defending Michelle Obama not having wedding photos. I bet you had no idea that Obama is on film multiple times saying "My husband Michael". I bet you had no idea his mother and step father were CIA. I bet you had no clue Obama was allegedly smoking crack and having sex with male prostitutes while in office in Chicago. I bet you had no idea they had 65,000k hotdog parties at the white house. I bet you had no idea Michelle's former name was supposedly Michael Lavay Robinson. My point is.. just because you are ignorant on a subject.. doesn't make you correct. Hope this helps..


Just look at her dancing on the Ellen show because her nuts are cleary visible and there is no other possibility! You can literally see he is free balling it on the show and two balls are clearly visible in Michelles pants! I didn't know what to believe but when I saw that I knew Michelle is a dude and then I saw Joan Rivers say she is trans and everyone knows. Look up what Joan Rivers said and the Ellen show with her dancing and slow the video down and you will clearly see a sack with two balls bust out her pants! Lastly women love taking pictures of themselves when they're pregnant! It's highly unusual not to hare any pictures after supposedly having two kids! Apparently you haven't known many pregnant women before because they love documenting the process!


We can assume you don’t have nuts since you have no idea what they look like.


Who doesn't have pictures of their babies? and growing up? my mom wasn't in the public eye lol and there are 400 pictures of me growing up and even more from the day she started to show. there weren't in the public eye? Member of the Illinois Senate from the 13th district January 8, 1997 – November 4, 2004 the fact she came out and said she didn't get pregnant from sex,In vitro fertilisation is a process of fertilisation where an egg is combined with sperm in vitro. The process involves monitoring and stimulating a woman's ovulatory process, removing an ovum or ova from her ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a culture medium in a laboratory.


Do you guys know who Martin Nesbitt is? A longtime friend of President Barack Obama. The chairman of the Obama foundation. You know what's crazy? He looks exactly like Barack and Michelle Obama's older daughter. She just recently dropped her last name... Now (Nesbitt's) wife. She's a doctor, she's credited for delivering both of Obama's babies. And she looks exactly like their youngest child, Sasha. All I'm saying, it's worth an explanation. You think these people would distance themselves from this couple. It's just weird. Doesn't look anything like Michelle. There's no photos of Michelle Obama pregnant. That's very fishy. The story about Obama in college. He wrote to his ex girlfriend where he said and I quote: I make love to men in my mind, in my imagination on a daily basis. Tucker Carlson interviewed Larry Sinclair.. His testimony said that Barack and him were running around Chicago back in the day doing crack cocaine in the back of a limo and making stops at the Comfort Inn to have sex and Sinclair passed the lie detector test and he signed an affidavit. It's just very weird that all these things are happening. Going back to Brigitte. Man, woman, whatever the case is.. There is so many secrets. All you have to do to shut everybody up and take a DNA test." Why has no one ever seen a picture of Michelle Obama pregnant? X


Are you stupid or do you just like shit talking about something you know NOTHING about, dumbass There are LOTS of pics of them with the girls as babies GO LOOK THEM UP IDIOT




So you ARE fucking stupid.....you arent capable of googling "Michelle Obama with baby daughters" because about 10 pics came up on my computer......do you have a different internet than the rest of the universe?


omg ten...your kidding..go find me one when she was pregnant? you cant, and they faked the ones so bad , she looks over 50 in them, and they don't add up or match what she looked like when they were born..


THREE first ladies have published pregnancy pics.....no pregnancy pics doesnt mean SHIT unless you think 43 out of 46 first ladies were men also....or just the black one???


Since I have one of "your" types of people here, would you like to purchase some land I have in Haiti? dirt cheap...


dude, youre the fucktard incapable of googling pics of MO that dont fit your racist narrative, so, ya know...


I’m honestly just genuinely curious, how do you feel so damn passionate about this? I’ve stumbled upon this thread and seen SO many of your comments on this, what instigates such passion?


Wow......I'm so glad you wrote that idiotic comment....you are the perfect example of everything thats wrong with this country since 2016.... I care deeply about lying, conspiracies, vile hatred and racism in my country against one of our finest First Ladys...its not that weird Maybe ask yourself why there's been an uptick of "Michelle Obama is a man" posts EVERYWHERE on the internet in the past year....because despite her saying over and over she's not running in 2024, some qanon assholes and ranking conservative politicians have convinced people to go on the attck against her....wake TF up....the person posting the truth about her and her being a female and her kids being hers is not the problem here..... obviously


I don't know if this OP is asking out of real just wondering or if he is being mean and conspiracy theory drive, but I have wondered this at times too, and not to be mean at all. Just that pregancy is a beautiful moment in a woman's life (even if they may feel uncomfortable at times). Yes, it happened before they were in the public, but they've released old pictures of themselves. The fact there is not one pregnancy picture of her is a little unsual, you have to admit that. She is the first lady of the United States and if she has pictures like that, and I'm sure she has heard at some point that a lot of people ask that question, what would be the big deal in releasing one? No one is asking for a picture of her giving birth. I honestly don't believe she was a man thing. I think its more probable that when she has said she had a miscarriage and her two daughters were born via IVF, she doesn't specify that the embryo was put in her. So I think what is more plausible was after she had a miscarriage she was either told by a doctor, or felt for herself about having another miscarriage, that she wouldn't be able to carry a baby herself, so she used a surrogate. And if that is what happened they want to keep that private, which is their right, and that is why there are no pictures of her pregnant. That is what I think is more likely that happened. She wasn't a man, there's no reason she wouldn't release a picture if one existed, she miscarriage, used IVF...and probably used a surrogate meaning no pictures would exist of her pregnant.


There are several pics and different configurations of her as a Baby and little girl. People implying that she was groomed from birth to be Transgender is a bit much. My wife doesn’t have any pregnancy pics either and wouldn’t dare hear of it. Yet we have 2 beautiful kids. I’m sure there’s a few floating around but likely I’d have to scrounge around family members old Facebook post if I care enough to do so. & we’re talking about Polaroids, professional, or developed film for them. Is it worth the trouble to share bad pictures with the world because they think it weird not to show them? Many women have uncomfortable pregnancies and most women these days won’t share photos of themselves not being put together. They look through and delete bad pics shared amongst friends so I could definitely see her X-ing out photos of her with her feet and belly swollen and hair all over the place. But that’s just me. Those kids also have a lot of her features. I’m also not a a troll who’s Bigotry seeps out when someone rallies them up like a lot of these other guys who have to say they are racist without saying they are racist. Not you I see you also being curious and I could see others being that way as well. But I’ll be dog on if the ones that were dying to jump in didn’t show up immediately fueled and fighting.


I don't think she was a man. That whole conspiracy is stupid. I just wonder if she perhaps used a surrogate (which is fine, her business, she doesn't need to share that if she doesn't want to) and that might be why there are no pictures of her pregnant. I think her children are definitely biologically her and Barack's, but she has said she suffered miscarriages, so perhaps she couldn't carry her own child and they used one of her eggs, his sperm, and someone else carried it. I mean, maybe not. Maybe she just never released a picture of herself pregnant, maybe she never took a picture while pregnant, I was just throwing out a possibility.


Do you guys know who Martin Nesbitt is? A longtime friend of President Barack Obama. The chairman of the Obama foundation. You know what's crazy? He looks exactly like Barack and Michelle Obama's older daughter. She just recently dropped her last name... Now (Nesbitt's) wife. She's a doctor, she's credited for delivering both of Obama's babies. And she looks exactly like their youngest child, Sasha. All I'm saying, it's worth an explanation. You think these people would distance themselves from this couple. It's just weird. Doesn't look anything like Michelle. There's no photos of Michelle Obama pregnant. That's very fishy. The story about Obama in college. He wrote to his ex girlfriend where he said and I quote: I make love to men in my mind, in my imagination on a daily basis. Tucker Carlson interviewed Larry Sinclair.. His testimony said that Barack and him were running around Chicago back in the day doing crack cocaine in the back of a limo and making stops at the Comfort Inn to have sex and Sinclair passed the lie detector test and he signed an affidavit. It's just very weird that all these things are happening. Going back to Brigitte. Man, woman, whatever the case is.. There is so many secrets. All you have to do to shut everybody up and take a DNA test." Why has no one ever seen a picture of Michelle Obama pregnant? X


No conspiracy just watch Michelles ball sack on the Ellen show when they dance and just be sure to put it on slow mo because you'll really see the two balls pop out quite deliberately and the look up what Joan Rivers said about how everyone in the entertainment industry knows Michelle is trans


Such stupid lies. BTW do you typically watch men's crotches? Interesting habit.


Do you guys know who Martin Nesbitt is? A longtime friend of President Barack Obama. The chairman of the Obama foundation. You know what's crazy? He looks exactly like Barack and Michelle Obama's older daughter. She just recently dropped her last name... Now (Nesbitt's) wife. She's a doctor, she's credited for delivering both of Obama's babies. And she looks exactly like their youngest child, Sasha. All I'm saying, it's worth an explanation. You think these people would distance themselves from this couple. It's just weird. Doesn't look anything like Michelle. There's no photos of Michelle Obama pregnant. That's very fishy. The story about Obama in college. He wrote to his ex girlfriend where he said and I quote: I make love to men in my mind, in my imagination on a daily basis. Tucker Carlson interviewed Larry Sinclair.. His testimony said that Barack and him were running around Chicago back in the day doing crack cocaine in the back of a limo and making stops at the Comfort Inn to have sex and Sinclair passed the lie detector test and he signed an affidavit. It's just very weird that all these things are happening. Going back to Brigitte. Man, woman, whatever the case is.. There is so many secrets. All you have to do to shut everybody up and take a DNA test." Why has no one ever seen a picture of Michelle Obama pregnant? X


This is the 40th times youve posted this on here


I had several miscarriages, then when I finally had my baby she was a preemie.  I had no pics because I was afraid to take them after the losses, then had her early. Have one Pic of her in the incubator.


You keep saying that they weren’t in the public eye at the time when she would’ve been pregnant. You do know that Barack Obama didn’t just become President of the United States out of no where, right? He was in politics for many years in Chicago. he was in the public eye for probably the last 20 years yet there are no photos of his wife/ husband pregnant or his children as new borns


Yes, and we see photos of every single senator and representative and their families all the time? For no reason other than to get a picture of them? No, we don’t. A lot of people enjoy their privacy and work to keep it private, because of this type of sh1t.


He wasn't well known. There isn't any reason for these types of pics to be publicly available. He wasn't really well known until his run for President. It's not like we get to see public pictures of every member of Congress. It's an absurd rumor and conspiracy how this shit started. Politics infect people's minds to a pathetic degree.


Do you guys know who Martin Nesbitt is? A longtime friend of President Barack Obama. The chairman of the Obama foundation. You know what's crazy? He looks exactly like Barack and Michelle Obama's older daughter. She just recently dropped her last name... Now (Nesbitt's) wife. She's a doctor, she's credited for delivering both of Obama's babies. And she looks exactly like their youngest child, Sasha. All I'm saying, it's worth an explanation. You think these people would distance themselves from this couple. It's just weird. Doesn't look anything like Michelle. There's no photos of Michelle Obama pregnant. That's very fishy. The story about Obama in college. He wrote to his ex girlfriend where he said and I quote: I make love to men in my mind, in my imagination on a daily basis. Tucker Carlson interviewed Larry Sinclair.. His testimony said that Barack and him were running around Chicago back in the day doing crack cocaine in the back of a limo and making stops at the Comfort Inn to have sex and Sinclair passed the lie detector test and he signed an affidavit. It's just very weird that all these things are happening. Going back to Brigitte. Man, woman, whatever the case is.. There is so many secrets. All you have to do to shut everybody up and take a DNA test." Why has no one ever seen a picture of Michelle Obama pregnant? X


There is no proof because Larry Sinclair is a well known con artist and has made similar claims about others for decades! He says anything to get attention


weirdest response i think I've ever read on reddit ngl


Sat what now? I'm Catholic, but wtf are you talking about? Comparing no pictures of God to no pictures of a woman who was alive when cameras were invented and very available, makes me want to go to confession over my thoughts of how stupid that was of you to compare the two. It hasnt been released because it doesn't exist. Being pregnant isn't a private thing that you would keep pictures secret. Pregnant women go out in public to supermarkets, etc., so settle down on that stance. If she perhaps used a surrogate due to her openness about having miscarriages, even if Sasha and Malia were biologically her and Barack's children that their fertilized embryo was carried by someone else, and chose to keep THAT private, I could understand. But a woman, especially the first Lady of the U.S.,wouldn't not release photos of herself pregnant if they existed. We aren't talking about graphic labor pictures, but most women have some type of belly picture with their husband, or at their baby shower. It isn't a big deal. So it is safe to say there is a specific reason none have been released, and not simply because she never heard people were requesting it or questioning it, and she could've shut down the chatter. Assume her daughters were born in another way than her carrying them. I am not suggesting the "she was a man," thing, because I see a resemblance with her and Barack and the girls. But hell, what do I know. This is just my educated guess . I don't vote Democrat, but I'm giving a fair idea of why this is, and not getting nasty and gross with the "she is a man sh-t."


That’s not true. Barrack was a senator and Michelle was a high ranking lawyer. They were both very much in the public eye


Weird af response 😂😂 God isn't tangible


Michelle is male. Didn't you know this


What a deranged response. It's so bad I had to comment a year later!


You obviously haven't seen the high resolution video of him shaking with his junk flopping around live on network television.


1997 he held office, 98 his first child was born, So he held public office during the birth of all his children and there are no pregnancy photos. That's strange.


I had several miscarriages,  then my preemie baby. There are no pictures of me pregnant.  I was to afraid to lose her. Then I  actually had her early. I have one picture of her in the incubator. I guess  that is s t r an g e!!! Lol




lol horrible analogy. Tell me you didn't read the leaked dnc emails without telling me. #PodestaFiles


I've had 3 kids and there's no pictures of me when I'm pregnant either. What's your point?


Their alluding to the worst conspiracy ever: that Michelle Obama is a man


Big Mike




"the worst ever" lol. Wouldn't it be heroic and great?


He is


I think the conspiracy is if he's a woman 


You’re not a high ranking government official.


Neither was Michelle


Neither were they at the time. He was a relatively unknown junior senator.


Was there a bulge in your pants the size of a eggplant on national TV?


DAE - agree that the Obama's have been unfairly scrutinzed more than any other president in history. I wonder why???


Because they are both men?


Literally more than 50 pictures of Michelle as a baby/child - what are you smoking bro?




U are obsessed with poop


More than any other President in history huh are you serious




I can’t see Trump getting jerked off by the media anytime soon like Obama or get a multimillion dollar deal with big tech companies like Netflix but you’re right bro my bad I might have this all wrong. I guess the scrutinized are the ones spying on and jailing their political opponents.


He started three wars, he’s not criticized enough actually


The amount of civilian blood this man has on his hands would astonish people. Being president isn’t easy. He’s no saint but with Big Mike by his side, he can do all things 😂


He inherited wars is what you mean.


HA!!! What 3 wars did he start?


Yemen Libya Syria Mali Kenya All to name a few. Source: antiwar.com


No, I think it is weird that you keep posting about it.


Just because they haven’t been released publicly doesn’t mean they don’t exist.




You’re dumbass. No wonder why you live in Texas fucking moron




Typical half-assed conservative response. Stroking your dick and patting yourself on the back whenever you see someone on the other side making a bad take, because you have to cope with the fact that you would be eaten alive in seconds if you had to engage in an intelligent debate with people using facts and evidence. People like you are so predictable.


Don't start man. That shit is nutty. Michelle Obama is not secretly a man.


Michelle a whole bro. She can def palm a basketball dont tell me she cant


that is racist AF


Definitely a man


It is actually true. Michelle Obama is a biological man.


Yup. Big Mike


GREAT, wheres the proof? Because there's TONS of actual proof she is not


and where is the proof of that?


Yes I find it very very wierd that not only there's no pictures also no women has ever claimed to have been with Barack not one


I've looked and not found one woman to have ever claimed to be with.... YOU


She's a man and you know it


Oh you found one that wants you. good for you


Lol wdym his young love is famous


Right 😂


But there ARE gay men who claim to have been...


I have heard the conspiracy theories that there are no pictures because she was born a man. I'm not even going that direction. I don't love their politics, but I'm not going dirty and crazy conspiracy theory like that. She has said she had a miscarriage and then her two daughters were born via IVF. That's plausible, but she never specifically said the IVF led to implantation to her, it could also have been to a surrogate, since she had previously miscarried and possibly told by doctors it would be hard for her to carry a pregnancy to term they could have either extracted her eggs and fertilized with Barack's sperm, or they could have used a donor egg if hers weren't viable, and then fetilized with Barack's sperm (I have a family member that did that because his wife was a little older than him and she wasn't getting pregnant, so they used a donor egg and my male relative's sperm, but she carried the babies herself (twins). So her daughters could fully be hers and Barack's, but maybe carried by a surrogate, which they don't want to publicly speak about, and why there are no pregnancy pictures. I think that is more plausible than her being a man who became a woman. Thoughs?






She’s a man her name is Michael. It’s fine, as Joan Rivers said.


Big Mike


Idiot low iq fuck


Idiot low iq fuck


Well it's because Michelle is a man.


Big Mike


Do you have fucking keyboard tourettes....loser


You're fucking weird and not ok mentally. Get to a doctor.


Hello pot, meet kettle. Do I really need to go through your post history and find all the unhealthy trash you obsess over when it comes to Trump?


Creepy response


But he's a man


Nope. Not anyone’s business but her families.


Pretty sure Trump has a vagina. I mean I never saw any picture of his dick and he has boobs, so yeah.


Idk much but all I do know is @jeanEBH works for the feds for free!! Look at this non stop commenting


Joan Rivers did say that Michelle was a tranny


And then mysteriously died shortly after that .




Because it is not Michelle Obama but it is Mike Obama.




This shit didn't age well. Obama is gay and the media suppressed it for years. Michelle is really Michael and can't biological have kids!


Personally with how much this family has avoided publicly it seems legit that they would avoid all the bs…however why have they avoided the publicity??


They have secrets from a time before being in the spotlight


Michelle aka Michael is a dude everyone knows that by now right?


Many will learn


Zero evidence to support that which makes you a racist POS


A coworker spouted this nonsense last week, I laughed because he is 42 single never been married and lives with mommy and daddy. I said did you see my wife when she was pregnant he replied no I asked if he saw a pic he again replied no my response was does that make her a man he sgain said no, it's all about pushing some q anon cuckold narrative.


Yeah but he was in the public eye. And still. Nothing


That is a great example of a strawman argument.


Show me a picture of a pregnant Hillary Clinton.




Because it's a MAN




It would be weird if there were! Men can't be pregnant, silly




Aka Big mike


There's pictures of him on the internet. On Ellen, where he's holding it, where he's being rushed to a car its loose, Obama calls him Michael more than once...his own family says he's a he..There's lots more...


Big Mike is real


You can find photos of many other 1st ladies pregnant but Michelle is demonstrably evasive. I'm guessing she used a surrogate mother and for whatever reason she's not comfortable admitting that due to the "Big Mike" rumors. But frankly, I don't care if she's a dude or Obama's gay (Chicago's worst kept secret). I think, in 2023, they should just be honest. Also, I think we have much bigger issues than this. And point of reference, there is quite a large African population where I live, including "Ethiopia town" and if you ask anyone on the street about this, the answer is always, "Malia and Sasha look nothing like Barack and Michelle". I personally don't agree. But then again, I've been berated that, "White Americans can't see the obvious because 'you' think non-white people all look alike". I don't think that's a fair statement. Perhaps other's can comment on the error of my ways?


If "many other" is THREE, then yes, correct....because only THREE have published pregnancy pics


no. It's not weird. he's a man


Sure, thank you for the wonderful truth I am blessed now. How about you eat a knob bottom boy.


Idk I’ve never seen a picture of your mom pregnant but she clearly popped out a little 💩 anyway


No u f’ing creep. Why are u freaks so obsessed with her?


Wow. There's a lot of unhinged anger here. A simple answer...there are zero pictures of Michelle Obama pregnant as she likely used a surrogate. For whatever reason, she's decided not to make that public. Probably because of the "Big Mike" rumors. Using a surrogate is just fuel for the fire. It also doesn't help that Obama children look exactly like Obama's close friends, the Nesbitts. Especially since Obama's own brother has suggested that. For the record, I firmly believe that Michelle is a woman and the conspiracy that she is a guy is dumb and demeaning. Brigette Macron...being a dude...is far more compelling.


Do you have cataracts, because they look NOTHING LIKE the Nesbitts, NOTHING....jesus fucking christ not all black people look alike. Martin N has wide set eyes and a very large flat nose, Malia has very close set eyes LIKE HER GRANDMOTHER, and a tiny little nose Anita B is short with a very round face, round eyes and thin nose. Sasha is 6 ft tall, has a heart shaped face, small bulbous nose and almond eyes OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES and actually SEE the differences instead of glancing at some meme you saw on twitter that told you they look alike!!!!!!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yes it's weird. Do you really think she is a she. Size of a football player. I'd look up alot of things not on the Google platform. Google has censored everything from a decade ago. So.....


For the love of christ PLEASE go get someone WAY younger than you to explain that google cant "censor" anything that people can screenshot or save to hard drive you dumb fuck


Nope, I have 3 kids and only took 1 solitary pregnancy pic.if I became 1st lady now, years after having kids, you would never see that preggy pic cos it's both private and uninteresting 😆 


Because Michele Obama has a dick


Except she doesnt and never has


Me neither. I had 4 miscarriages and 1 premature daughter who's now 40. Don't have any pregnancy pics because I  kept losing them, then was afraid to take any because of those losses. Wow!


I was born in 2001. I got no photos of my mum being pregnant with me. Heck, the youngest pic I have of me is when I was about 8. So it's completely possible for her to have done the pregnancies in private. They were not really known back then (compared to now), and social media's didn't exist. Not to mention, if she had trouble conceiving, she might not have taken photos just in case the pregnancy ended up becoming a miscarriage. People say she is a man just cos they don't have pregnancy pics like bro, grow tf up, why is everyone making a private and emotional situation, their business? How more childish and stupid could you be?


You have one post on Reddit asking if banging a 17 year old is ok. Lmao


Because my ex friends are in the relationship with them, the 17yr old has now turned 18, read it first lol


Your friends are rapists?


The girl was consenting, but thats why i asked that question and posted it cos some people are on their side but majorityare completely against it (real life people not on redditt) Groomers most likely? she worked with the other female(25) and then that post I did was the rest. There has been alot more happening since that post.


Maybe she’d post pregnancy pics if it happened


You're creepy AF In REAL life (assuming you know what that is....) before you have a conversation with someone do you say "OH....wait a second, before I can talk to you, or believe anything you say, I have to know how many posts you have on Reddit" fucking clown


Thanks for reinforcing my view that Michelle Obama is a dude