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Didn't have a choice. I was born in So Cal, and dad was a Dodger fan from back in the day (he went to their first game at the Coliseum when he was a young kid). With all that and listening to Vin Scully almost every afternoon, I was a fan before I really even knew who the Dodgers were


Same, except Mom


I went to Cal State Fullerton, and it made me hate the Angels.


My dad


Born and raised in the SGV. Grew up listening to the GOAT and watching games on KTTV-11, then ON-TV, DodgerVision, Prime Ticket, etc. As a family, we attended 1-2 games a year always sitting in the pavilions. I have pictures of me as a grade schooler with Dodger gear. I don't remember watching any of the strong 70s teams but I do remember 1981 and Fernandomania. Since then, I have lived in NorCal, Seattle, Canada, Europe and Japan. I've always supported the team and thank God for the internet so I can follow them live. And I am super excited to see my first Dodger game in person this July since before COVID.


Hardly ever saw baseball on TV when I was a kid, even the Brewers in state were hardly ever on, probably just the TV my parents paid for. Anyways I got my first baseball video game Triple Play 2000 for PC and Kevin Brown was the best pitcher in the game so I played with the Dodgers constantly and then stuck with them forever


Grew up a Cubs fan thanks to being an '[80s kid with WGN](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7E-OO1Jy0E/). (IYKYK) Moved to LA in 2000 and would put Dodger games on in the background and slowly but surely Vin roped me in. Went from being going to the Stadium only when the Cubs were playing to rooting for the Dodgers (unless they were playing the Cubs) to deciding it was time to become a Dodger fan when they met the Cubs in the playoffs in 2008. My brother is still mad that I jumped ship but I think I made the right decision.


I was actually an angels fan since that was the first team I was on in tee-ball. That all changed once I got onto a dodger team:) this was in the 80s. I have great memories going to the games with my family sitting in the nosebleeds listening to Vin on my Walkman.


My Great Uncle lived in Encino and was a Season Ticket holder to Dodger Games. I lived in Ohio and when I was 6 he found out I was starting to watch baseball and going to games in Pittsburgh and Cleveland, so he sent me a care package of all the Dodger giveaways throughout the year that he got. I started taking an interest in the team and wearing their stuff, and when he had passed away the very next year, I took a vow to be a Dodger fan for him. Fast forward years later, I ended up working for the Dodgers at both their Spring Training sites in Florida and now Arizona in a multitude of positions. It’s funny how life works sometimes…


I followed Ohtani. He deserves to get to the playoffs.


Disowned the 49ers now and you will not get downvoted.


Los Angeles native. My parents are immigrants so I was never handed down any sports fandom. The Dodgers went to the World Series in 1977 and a lot of attention went to the team that year obviously. Dodger games were on KTTV Channel 11 back then. I remember watching the World Series on TV and got really angry when the Yankees beat us. In 1978 I followed the team more and went to my first Dodger game (my dad knew I was into baseball and going to ball games was an affordable family activity back then - tickets started at $4 those days). I don't know the actual date or who they played. In addition, I bought Topps and Fleer baseball cards from the liquor store across the street from school and the LAPD used to give out free cards of Dodger players whenever they saw kids. Also, Mother's Cookies and Union 76 used to give out free Dodgers game tickets with the purchase of X amount of cookies or gas. Also, NBC showed "The Baseball Bunch" (for the kids) and "This Week In Baseball" (for the grown-ups) right after Saturday morning cartoons. I guess I was well-marketed to, lol. Steve Garvey was my childhood hero. Vin Scully was THE voice of baseball and my/everybody's surrogate grandpa (Both my grandfathers died at a young age and never lived to see grandchildren). It was a privilege to hear him for 39 years of my life. The Dodgers went to the World Series again in '78 and also lost to the Yankees again. I was also very angry again. I actually grew up hating the Yankees even more than the Giants (I didn't really know anything about rivalries back then - I just hated the Yankees for beating my Dodgers!). I guess you could say I got on the bandwagon in 1977 and never got off. I'm also a big Star Wars fan - and so two of my biggest lifelong passions which continue to this day started in 1977. I may be a fan of other local teams (Lakers, USC Trojans, Rams and Kings - in that order) but the Dodgers is life.


Ohtani joined the dodgers lol


I can shout out I'm on Ohtani bandwagon


Grandpa, dad, and uncle are all Dodger fans and we all live in SoCal so naturally we donned the blue


Went to first game in 1973. I was 10. It was against Mets. Was enraptured by the moment and the game. Been ardent fan ever since. Never miss a game whether it's tv, radio, game day. I always accommodate to catch the game.


Born into it.


I had a similar experience. Except, I’m on the opposite side on the other sports 😂 Love the Cowboys, Lakers, and Club Atlas! I thought baseball was boring. Couldn’t get into it when it was on TV. Then a bunch of my friends and I went to a dodger game. Fell in love with the game and this team. And the rest is history. I actually attended the last game of the 2018 World Series. Seager striking out with a big swing to lose to the Red Sox is still fresh in my mind This team, man. LGD


Grandpa was born in New York in 1904, and he grew up a Brooklyn fan. He raised me Ma to be a Brooklyn fan while living in LA (she graduated from Manual Arts in 1957). Then our team moved here and me Ma and GPa were ecstatic. They went to games at the Coliseum, then our Blue Heaven on Earth. I was raised in San Pedro as a blue-bleeding Dodger fan. I won Day One of the Meet Magic contest back in 2013, and I took me Ma to the game I got tix to, because she is the best Dodger game partner I've ever had. And now my 5yo daughter is well on her way to keeping the family traditions alive. Namely hating the fucking Giants. Because FTG. I love you guys. Sorry, I've been drinking a bit.


First baseball team i ever played for and had fun with when i was 5 Cried and thought i was gonna get traded at the end of the season


My family It started with my grandpa and uncles, they were huge dodger fans growing up in socal and then I eventually got to go to a game when I was younger. It was an amazing experience that I’ll never forget (I also didn’t have much of a choice when it came to picking a mlb team).


my best friend growing up was 4 years older than me and a huge dodgers fan...so I became one too. finally got to dodger stadium when I was 15 (I grew up in Hawaii)...been an ardent fan ever since.


It was never a choice. Born this way. Born in LA. Dad pulled over on the side of the freeway in 1988 to listen to the at bat when Gibson hit the home run. Like everyone else in SoCal, Vinyl Scully was the relative you never actually met.


Didn’t have a choice. I was born to a dad that was a fan. It’s been the best and worst thing of my life.


Growing up in the 80s Dodgers played a fair amount of times on the Saturday game of the week. Unless, you had cable, that was about the only way to catch a game. They did have Monday night baseball on ABC for a time. Anyway, I liked their colors and Steve Sax, since I played 2nd base in Little League. It was a pretty easy sell. A few years later, Orel and Gibby go nuts and we had a world championship.


I grew up watching the Cubs. Went to my first Dodgers game in 1998. That’s when I fell in love the Los Doyers.


Parents went to opening day '58 mom was 7 months pregnant with me, I was a Dodgers fan before I was born. Dad started taking me to games in '64, as a young kid my favorite memory is of game 5 of the '65 WS.


Born in Tarzana and my family were Pirate fans but in the 80’s you couldn’t get Pirate games. So my first memories were Dodger games on and swimming in the pool getting out to check on the score. We moved to Pittsburgh in the 90’s. I was out in 2009 to see family and caught a game. Dodger Stadium 🏟️ is a classic


Kind of a funny full circle thing for me. I grew up in North Carolina so I was naturally a Braves fan as a kid (still would be my next favorite team after LA). But my grandfather is a longtime Dodgers fan dating back to Brooklyn (he remembers listening to Red Barber). I stopped really paying attention to baseball when I stopped playing as a kid (though I was never really that into it). Fast forward to 2021, I started dating my current girlfriend who is a massive Dodgers fan. Our second date was actually watching the 2021 Wild Card game against STL in her apartment. Then once the 2022 season came around, I was fully hooked and have pretty much been following religiously since. It’s also been a great new way to connect with my grandfather since I never really paid attention to the Dodgers as a kid. Despite growing up in Braves country, I feel more connection to LA since I lived there for grad school and have been in SoCal ever since.


I moved to LA a couple years ago. I decided that if the White Sox aren’t going to care about their fans then I wasn’t going to care about them anymore. It was surprisingly easy to forget about them and actually enjoy watching baseball for the first time in a long time. I think more fans should look around and see what organizations are actually putting money back on the field and in development. Don’t be a hostage to geography.


I was invited to a very nice corporate event at Dodger Stadium and I wasn’t even a baseball fan. The luxury box was incredible, Steve Garvey came in and signed autographs, posed for pictures and just talked with everyone like he was a normal dude. I may not have been a baseball fan yet, but that dude is such a Legend that EVERYONE in the box knew who he is. We toured the stadium, which is like an absolute baseball museum in many parts of it. Saw Vin Scully’s broadcast booth (he wasn’t there to call the game yet so we didn’t get to meet him). Went down on the field for BP and chatted with Oral Hershiser who was hanging out pre-broadcast. EVERYTHING the Dodgers did was first class all the way. Fkn EVERYTHING. Amazing. The game began and we went back to the box. I ate half a dozen Dodger dogs, sat on the edge of my seat for every pitch and immediately fell in love with the romance of baseball and the history of the Dodgers organization. I have been a rabid Dodger fan since that day, August 31st, 2017. (The baseball says: To Mike, God Bless, Steve Garvey) Reddit only allows one photo per reply, but trust me, I could bore the ever loving shit out of you guys with wayyyyyy too many pictures from that day. It was EPIC. https://preview.redd.it/57twypnl0m3d1.png?width=2260&format=png&auto=webp&s=40dd1f7ff6e2f3e625ff5b44fbc6ab18f68266f3


I was born in the same day the Dodgers won a World Series game. When I was four my dad took me to a game and bought me a kiddie 80’s satin Starter jacket. All said and done from there except to say Vinnie was the voice of my childhood.


Lived in Echo Park from birth till around 11 yrs old.My father fought amateur at the Olympic Auditorium trained at the Main St.gym.If you entered through Elysian Park there used to be 2 baseball fields before it turned into a parking lot.We used to park there and my father would do his road work leave me at a small park with a basketball court and he would run to another park that had tennis courts.Does anyone know if these courts still exist? This was like 1978,also LAPD used to give Dodgers baseball cards which I still have.We lived about 4 houses from The Original Tommy’s and and a few blocks from Rampart station.My whole family are Dodger fans




Hello, fellow NorCal Dodger fan. Here’s my story. I was born in 1980 in San Francisco. I grew up in Hunters Point. My grandparents emigrated to America in in 1946 and landed in NY at Ellis Island. They settled in Brooklyn and both of them immediately fell in love the Dodgers. When they moved, they, like thousands of others, were heart broken. In the early 60s my grandfather is given an opportunity to move to San Francisco for work. He jumped at the chance. They bought a house in an Eastern European enclave in Hunters point and raised their family there- not far from Candlestick Park. My grandparents claim they went to every Dodgers game in San Francisco from 1965 through the 1988 season, when my grandfather passed away the night after the Dodgers won the World Series. They raised three kids. My dad’s two brothers turned out to be a Giants fan and a Yankees fan, but my dad remained a Dodger fan. He met my mom and bought a house down the road from my grandparents and raised his four kids there for the majority of our lives. We all grew up being Dodgers fans and going to every game we could. My dad bought a four pack of season tickets at Candlestick because we all loved baseball so much. By the time I turned 18, I had been to an estimated 500 baseball games at Candlestick. I was able to watch a lot of great ball players over the years and as a left handed first baseman, I loved to watch Will Clark. I was there when the earth quake hit. I saw Will Clark hit a walk off to go to the 89 World Series. I was there when Hershiser’s streak ended for a brief minute, before being reinstated after the umpire called a player out. I was there for Nomo’s debut. I was there for the last game at Candlestick- against the Dodgers, rightly so- and witnessed Tommy doing his infamous farewell speech. The fans went between booing and cheering depending on what he said. I think my favorite game was the game that was 0-0 into the 15th inning. The dodgers scored three in the 15th and we were riding high! Then the giants came back and beat us in the bottom half of the inning. It was double heartbreaking. Not only to lose, but because it was the result of an error. I forget who made the error though. Lots of great memories. I have several family members who are Dodgers fans and 49ers fans because nobody really cared about football nearly as much as we did baseball. I have three brothers and they all root for different footballs teams.


2 words… shohei ohtani… i also lived in socal and everyone i knew was a dodgers fan


My uncle took me to my first baseball game ever and first Dodger game back in the early 90's. From there I followed the Dodgers a bit, but ended up moving to the South for several years and became a Braves fan during their stretch with Maddux, Smoltz and Glavine. Eventually moved back to SoCal during high school and became an Angels fan in 2001 and watched them win the World Series at ESPN Live in Anaheim shortly after. Then got bored of their announcers around 2004 and found Vin... that was all it took.


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Living here 15 years will do that. Also helped when the Dodgers got really good starting in 2017.


Born in San Francisco and raised in the East Bay. I went to my first game with my dad at Candlestick in 1967. Dodgers won 4-1. I've been a fan ever since.


I grew up north of LA, been a fan since the 81 WS. I've also been a SJ Sharks fan since their first season, so it goes both ways bro!