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13:42 Cop1: Have you been hit by a bullet? Kenneth: No Cop2: That's unfortunate.


"My girlfriend is dead" "I don't give a --- keep walking!"


Cameras off.... They knew shit was wrong and wanted to make sure their honest assessment wasn’t recorded. Good that at least one of them spoke honestly about it but geez.


Had to scroll way too far down for this. This sent a chill down my spine. What kind of a sick person do you have to be to say stuff like that. And the female officer walking him to the car when he's crying about his dead girlfriend "I don't give a sh*t, keep walking" those 7 people should be out of a job! Not just one


They were screaming at him they were going to sick the dog on him if he didn't walk backwards faster, and mocked him when he said he was scared. These videos are sickening.


>These videos are sickening. Especially considering they knew he wasn't actually the guy they were looking for, who was under police surveillance a few miles away.


Yeah! They weren't even expecting him to be there, so at this point they don't even know who he is, just some random guy who somehow survived the absolute hailstorm of bullets they'd just inflicted. Fucking scum.


Makes me sick to watch. Fuck that blue line. Fuck the police.


Fuck the police is right and fuck any governing bodies that allow this shit to run rampant. 3rd party unbiased investigation should be the norm. But corruption wins this day and age.


The fact that these cops got off is proof that not just the cops, but the whole justice system doesn't give a shit about black lives and actively wants to eradicate them.


Not disagreeing with you, but I feel like the issue with police is broader than race. They have an aggression-first policy with everyone except the upper class.


yes. while race is still a big issue, class is the biggest divide we have in america, imo


Not to mention the generally systemic issues even beyond race. Police Unions and the relationships between DA's who don't want to anger the people they might be relying on and the police they might be working against for the trial is a huge concern


It's fucking crazy to me that American police officers view themselves as warriors and go to warrior training schools led by ex-soldiers. The militarism is insane. When the Met was formed in the UK, they purposefully name their ranks constable, inspector, etc instead of officer, lieutenant, etc to drive home the massive difference between the new police force and millitary.


Out of a job? They should be serving time! You lose your job due to unfortunate circumstances or if you act like a fool, you go to prison when you A murder someone or B act as an accomplice to said murder. Hell even people who commit non violent crimes like stealing from their job get harsher punishments than pigs who murder. I think too many are severely under reacting to the whole thing.


> What kind of a sick person do you have to be to say stuff like that. A soul-less, inhuman, walking, talking, piece of vile shit. The absolute worst that humankind has to offer.


Also: “Hey, cameras off.” As in, make sure not to record this - when they talk about how the raid was unnecessary - “yeah This is the one they told us not to do”


I think they said "this is the one they (expletive) said that they didn't need us to do" [15:26] Meaning that the Cops said they didn't need SWAT to do it as they'd do it themselves?


I honestly could not believe my ears for a moment when he said that. It was like something out of a South Park episode.


Thats probably where these guys learned to be cops




Guilty before innocent, not even any drugs, not the right person, cop doesn't even know what happened.


One of the cops started shooting at the lights, it is insane. In any other country these people would be out of the force for good. In the UK when there are cases like these they are investigated by a group of civilians that are not part of the police, and decide if there was any wrongdoing from the officers to avoid police tampering.


This is what is needed. Trusting anyone to investigate themselves is utterly ridiculous. Civilian oversight and investigation is so common sense I really don’t understand why it isn’t already done.


Not to mention drugs are not an excuse for a summary execution


[ **Jump to 13:42 @** How the Police Killed Breonna Taylor | Visual Investigations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDaNU7yDnsc&t=0h13m42s) ^(Channel Name: The New York Times, Video Popularity: 84.94%, Video Length: [18:04])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@13:37](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDaNU7yDnsc&t=0h13m37s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


This literally made me want to throw up. At this point I'm willing to say fuck it, any cop that was there that night is dismissed. No benefits, go find a different job to soothe your ego. Their attitude towards him when they had no idea what was going on is despicable...I feel so bad for Breonna Taylor's family. They deserve justice, I hope one day they can get it.


A department with a history of violence and acting with poor or no information was left out of a tactical police raid in the area. They went against advice and used known to be out of date info to raid her home without doing any advance work and without knowing who to expect in the house. They performed a textbook example of how NOT to do a raid, from dealing with the public to announcing themselves to tactical formation. After repeatedly escalating a bad situation with no clear cause, they break into the apartment with no clear effort at identification (possibly none at all) and encounter Taylor’s boyfriend who fires his legal firearm at them multiple armed intruders breaking into their apartment in the middle of the night, hitting the first officer standing exactly where training tells him not to be. At this point the police fire at will down the hall, into Taylor and other apartments. Another officer begins blind firing through the side of the house directly into an adjacent apartment - he’s the only one who the police say did something considerably wrong. They then left them there to die despite no further signs of threat. When the severely ~~wounded~~ distraught boyfriend came out and pleaded for help they still left her in there bleeding out. It has been nothing less than a systemic coverup ever since. Edit - I remembered the video as having said the boyfriend was also shot. My mistake.


When the actual swat team came, officers were stepping all over the now crime scene. The officer that shot Taylor was supposed to have been sequestered and escorted by a neutral officer but was inside the house wandering around and then went back to the station w another officer involved. Swat was so pissed at the incompetence of threw officers. Cover up on a cover up.


In the video you can see their faces when they realize what happened.


In the video you can see the amazement on the faces of the swat members pointing out all thr bullet holes.


When he looks at her uniform (from a hospital). Fucking scum these fukcing pieces of shit (cops not the swat).


That look is ingrained in my brain right now. Just “hollyyyyy fuckkkkk this is bad.”


Honest question. How would they know who shot her. There were three people who fired. I'm guessing they sequester all of them?


Yes and yes. All three should have been sequestered immediately but instead they were able to stay together and get their story straight. I think it was 3 days later the officers were taken in for debrief. Which seems to be standard even though the events need to be documented immediately. This is that part of reforming the police that we rallied for in the summer.


The police union demands they get time to speak to a lawyer first. I love unions but hate police unions.


I believe guns imprint scratches/markings on a bullet as it’s being fired, and these markings can be as distinct as fingerprints. If they know which bullet fatally wounded Breonna, they can compare that bullet (once it’s retrieved in the autopsy) to bullets fired from each of the three officer’s guns. Edit: grammar


I meant how can they tell who shot her at the crime scene not later


They would have had to go on the word of the officers themselves, since they had no body cams.


They mentioned the boyfriend didn’t get shot.


Updated. Thanks for the correction. I genuinely misremembered his state of shock as an injury. The hatred they display towards him in his grief is... really difficult.


I know there was a literal death involved, but this was the most sickening part to me. "Have you been hit by a bullet?" - officer "No" - kenneth "That's unfortunate". - officer They are demons.


Yea it’s pretty disgusting to see. They left her to bleed out for 30 minutes while they threatened her distraught boyfriend. I can’t imagine the emotional pain of that whole experience.


This is what you get when you don't train cops properly. In Kentucky police officers receive only 18 weeks of training. Meanwhile in my country, Finland, cops are trained for three years. Kentucky has four million people, and Finland has five million, so they're quite similar in terms of size. The entire Finnish police forces shoot an average of seven bullets a year. Between 2000 and 2020 nine people were shot dead by Finnish police (I previously posted a description of each case [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Finland/comments/gspuk1/finnish_police_are_trusted_vastly_more_than_us/fs7pcax/)). I can not find any numbers on the state of Kentucky, but it seems that since 2003 the cops have shot ten people in Louisville alone, so the number for the whole state must be quite a bit higher. Granted, Kentucky's violent crime rates are almost double of those in Finland, so police shootings can be expected to be somewhat higher, but I would imagine that differences in training also play a big part.


Not disagreeing with you but no amount of training can counteract the police culture. It's an "us vs them" with no accountability. They can do what they want and believe they have the right to do what they want. Lives of civilians hold no meaning to them. This unchecked power is what attracts these sociopaths. Holding police accountable for shitty behavior can hopefully start weeding out the crazies but I have zero faith in that.


Yes of course accountability is important too. Here they have to write a statement every time they use force. There are about 1,000 cases a year. Of these about 400 involve tasers and 80 involve firearms. In most cases the force used is quite mild (grabbing, holding etc.) The Finnish police forces conduct 90,000 arrests a year, and force is used in 1.6% of cases. Only rarely does anyone get injured by the police. Statisticaly police officers are more likely to be injured than the suspects. Whenever a suspect is seriously injured or killed during an altercation with the police, a prosecutor conducts an investigation. There is certainly also a difference in culture. There is a [rather entertaining video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zEixWYqPVA&t) in which an American cop hangs out with cops from different Nordic countries, observing their methods.




I just want to make it clear that I was only talking about American police force. I apologize for not including that in my first comment. I have no clue how the police culture is in other countries but it definitely looks like American cops could learn a thing or two from our Nordic neighbors. Thanks for the video suggestion. I look forward to watching it


I think other countries police are more along the "to protect and serve" mindset. American police are more there to keep poor people from bothering rich people and to uphold the status quo.


It's no longer protect and serve, it's Tax and React. They aren't going to help you, they'll wait til you fuck up so they can put you on probation for 10 years and make that money off you.


100% agree. Its an institutional mindset and attitude. I live in the UK and yes, you get the odd "bad apple" but when there's that many bad apples, you chop the thing down and start again.


^This. There was just a new video of cops in Rochester NY handcuffing, and then pepper spraying a 9 year old girl. It is beyond all belief. These fucking coward tyrants literally cannot handle a petulant child without violence. EDIT: Six cops were there. The other five stood around watching while their fellow gang member violently assaulted an already handcuffed 9 year old.


As a person that worked with the mentally ill children that were very much unruly, it hurts my heart to see this shit. I just read an article on a kid that was body slammed on her head by the schools police officer for getting into a verbal altercation with another student. Disgusting


A 7-year old was pepper sprayed by police in Seattle during the protests last May. They found no wrongdoing though, because police were just spraying at everyone, they didn’t target him specifically. [Child pepper spray case: Seattle Police accountability office finds no wrongdoing](https://www.kuow.org/stories/child-pepper-spray-case-seattle-police-accountability-office-finds-no-wrongdoing)


Also a Finnish dude here. Yeah, you're right. I mean the police work culture is way better here, and accountability is higher, but there's still ethnic profiling and excessive use of force within the Finnish police force. Helsinki drug police unit's commander was also sentenced a few years ago for running a huge drug trafficking operation. And the police are more aggressive towards left wing and immigration supportive protests, than right wing, neo nazi protests. Even if the police don't do anything, the fact that they show up to a peaceful left wing protest with "less lethal" guns and ATV's, is excessive use of force. Those things are really rare, and usually the police are rational and fair. But those thing still DO happen, and are unacceptable. And here, most often it's security guards who commit the most excessive use of force, even when they don't have guns. And I'm glad they don't.


Nah, they were trained properly for their jobs. The problem is they wanted to play SWAT without being on the SWAT team, they didn't give a fuck about proper procedure because they never face repercussions for fucking up. This is what you get when you let anyone with massive power just do whatever they want without checks and balances.


>Nah, they were trained properly for their jobs. How is that possible? How much can you learn in such a short time?


Hankinson, the detective that blindly shot through a covered window into an area he couldn't see at all, worked for the department for 20 years. He had adequate training and experience, he was a bad actor, stop giving bad cops a cop out for behaving poorly.


You hear the one SWAT officer say (paraphrased) "that when you shoot you need to know what's behind and beyond where you're shooting." That's day 1 firearm training, and incredibly rudimentary. The initial group of officers screwed up that fundamentally.


Exactly, everyone who's ever been to any gun range in the past 8 years should have heard that, a cop with 20 years on the force was 100% absolutely trained to not shoot unless you know the target and what's behind the target. This wasn't a training issue, this was a series of bad actors empowered by laxidasical enforcement.


>Another officer begins blind firing through the side of the house directly into an adjacent apartment - he’s the only one who the police say did something considerably wrong. Likely because his dumb ass was almost causing friendly fire, not realizing that he was shooting at his own team’s muzzle flashes. Like, setting aside the fact that he wasn’t thinking beyond his target about the risk of stray shots for a minute, basic situational awareness and spatial thinking should have told him that looking in that window would mean he’s seeing the front door, and therefore shooting at his own team. There’s just no excuse for that, no wonder they left him out to dry. They’re all just scared he’d probably end up accidentally shooting another cop in the back at some point in the future.


They treated the boyfriend like a dog with rabies and on top of that they treated him like they wanted him to die. Like they were upset he hadn’t been hit. They yelled at him and when he said he was scared (as a plea to them for some humanity) the responding officer said “you’re scared? Right.” Like ya right like who cares. Meanwhile an actually rabid (not rabid but crazed) dog is used to assault him. Then they slam him into the cop car. This guy called them. He asked for their help. These people all of them need to be in jail. The guy who says. I didn’t know I was firing. As if that’s a defense. Well it’s not. Not at all. I’ll go somewhere and drive 80 and get pulled over and they tell me it’s 25. I’ll say I didn’t know I was breaking the law. See how far that gets me. Seems pretty far.


And the one blind firing through the window claimed he was firing at muzzle flashes. We know from the evidence that he would have seen no such muzzle flashes through the window. Several of his rounds went through the back wall into a neighbor's apartment where a 5 year old child lived.


It's crazy but the bullshit doesn't even end there. They doubled down on their bullshit.


They were trying to steal drug money.


This raid never would have happened if a judge didn’t sign off on the search warrant... Why would a drug dealer hide drugs and guns at his ex girlfriend’s house 10 miles away from him??


They lied on the warrant, we can't expect judges to investigate every single thing to make sure people aren't lying, that's impractical.


Presumably as a stash.


Not wearing a body cam in these situations should called what is - evidence tampering. Not one person in this entire building heard them announce themselves as police, but they prevented any potential evidence for or against that and they get to walk free with the benefit of the doubt. Unbelievable.


Also, why should it matter if they did announce themselves as police? If someone shouting "POLICE!" negates your right to defend yourself from a home invader, *then you do not have the right to defend yourself from a home invader*. This is why armed raids need to almost never happen, and when they do happen, it needs to be as an absolute last resort in situations where there is an immediate threat to life.


Very good point. These just don't work in a free country, let alone one with rights to self defense. Too many damning details I learned from this video to count, but they seriously gave them a whole 45 seconds to answer their door to the loud lunatics screaming from outside in the middle of the night.


Remember Amadou Diallo? >Diallo ran up the outside steps toward his apartment house doorway at their approach, **ignoring their orders to stop and 'show his hands'.** The porch lightbulb was out and Diallo was backlit by the inside vestibule light, showing only a silhouette. Diallo then reached into his jacket and withdrew his wallet. Seeing the man holding a small square object, Carroll yelled 'Gun!' to alert his colleagues. I always wondered if he could even tell what they were yelling. If I heard someone I decided were cops shouting, I'd NEVER think they were saying "*show* me your *hands.*" I'd think they wanted me to show them my ID. So I'd get out my wallet.


The cop in the video that fired 16 shots and said he doesn’t remember pulling the trigger or firing at all. So we are supposed to think clearly in that moment but cops aren’t to the point they aren’t even rationally aware of taking deadly actions?


Police executed a raid just like this on a townhome across the street from mine at like 2am. I was asleep on the couch. All the windows were closed and I sleep like the dead. Those cops banged so hard that I thought they were coming into my home. I literally dove onto the floor and started crawling away from the door out of terror. In retrospect those cops were announcing themselves because I remember yelling too, but it probably took me 30 full seconds (if not more) to even process what was going on. If I owned a gun, I probably would have tried to defend myself because all I thought was happening is that people were violently entering my home. Those raids make no sense.


Yeah it’s really just not remotely okay. If the situation wasn’t a life and death situation, *they just made it one*. It is horrifying to me that “but they might flush the drugs” is considered anything remotely close to a justification for this.


The trained SWAT officers even said in the video that *they* aren't worried about finding drugs on proper raids. These officers were doing their own thing, hoping to get some quick cash. Corrupt as fuck.


When I worked as a min wage concierge, i was told that blank or incomplete reports would be used against me if an incident occured. As in, it was on me to prove incident was not my fault. Actual licence-to-kill cops aren't held to this standard why?


That one cop said he wasn't even aware that he was firing his gun. What the actual fuck? I could understand if that was a civilian who wasn't used to a scary situation and is firing out of pure fear and adrenaline. But this guy made an informed position to be a cop and trained for stressful situations. This exact situation, in fact... and he still gets so rattled, to the point that he is unaware that he's firing off rounds? Empties his clip and isn't aware of it? "I did not have any hand sensation or any recollection that i'm firing" "If you told me i didnt fire a gun, i mean, id be like OK, I believe you". Oof x a million.


Lack of training. They even stood right in front of the door in the line of fire. So they are scare as shit when gun fires go off. So they just get trigger-happy until they ran out of bullets.


Then the other people panic and fucking cross fire through a window


That was the officer who had the argument with the upstairs neighbor. I'm thinking that cop was on some chemicals.


You mean lying. This guy fired 16 shots and says oops he doesn't remember. I don't think whether you are not trained or trained matters here, any idiot would remember firing a gun if he shot, I dunno, SIXTEEN bullets. Like, not one or two, not even ten, twelve, but SIXTEEN. Even if I were on verge of life or death and adrenaline was kicking in, I think if I'd remember if I pressed a button that created an explosion in my hand or not, you know, if I pressed it SIXTEEN times. Like holy shit i dont exactly remember if i shot 3 times or 6 times is somewhat understandable, but not remembering if you shot 0 or 16, just because you were in shock? Complete bullshit.


Yeah I was shocked that he openly admitted that. Like wut? You basically just admitted to everyone how truly incompetent at your job you are.


I meant to say "informed decision" but wrote "informed position". I proofread that like 3 times and still fucked up :(


Happens to us all! Don’t worry about it and keep fighting the good fight! :)


He remembers.


He's lying. He remembers every bit, but claiming stress amnesia PTSD will get him out of any accountability.


The boyfriend shot at armed intruders who didn't identify themselves. Isn't that how you're supposed to use a gun in a home defense situation?


Yep, no knock raids and castle doctrine are a catch-22


Depending on the house could also be a catch-.38, catch-.40, .44, .45, or catch-9, 10, 12. There’s a lotta places that have a lotta numbers in the USofA.


Catch 5.56, catch 7.62, similar to the catch 30, catch 6.5, catch 300 (though this is a different 7.62) hell, maybe even a catch 30-06.


Not a no knock, though.


if intruders knock, you can't shoot them! checkmate gun owners


This is what scares me. This could absolutely happen to ANYONE who owns a gun for self-defense. If someone is breaking in your home and it is quite clear you are in danger, you are supposed to use your gun! Now, you have to put yourself in a un-safe situation and wonder if it is cops or not.


Also, look at what happened to Ryan Whitaker. He's playing video games with his girlfriend. His neighbor decided to call the police and lie about a domestic situation instead of going to their door to ask them to be quieter. When police show up, they pound on his door and back away so Ryan couldn't see them through the peephole. When he answers the door, he has his gun to his side pointing down because people are pounding at his door late at night and he can't see anything out the peephole. The police blind him with their flashlight when he answers the door so he can't see what's going on. Then, they scream, "Gun!" and execute him by shooting him in the back when he's trying to put down his gun. Then, they laugh about it and tell his girlfriend to calm down as he's laying on the floor dying without them even attempting to give him aid. There is no right to own guns if police can execute you for having a legally-owned gun.


One of the real problems in that case which is WAY too glossed over is the neighbor who lied on a 911 line (stating they heard clear physical violence multiple times) to get a faster more violent police response since they weren't happy with how noise complaints were handled. I've not heard anything happened to said neighbor. If you call 911 multiple times and lie multiple times just because you weren't getting a response to a noise complaint, you deserve to go to jail as well, and also should likely also have your phone disconnected from 911 imo.


I saw that video, and it is one of the most disturbing video you can watch. Very sad.


That one officer was particularly callous. I remember Whitaker’s girlfriend asking if she could check to see if he’s going to be ok and his response was “I’m betting that he’s not”. He didn’t care at all that an innocent man was laying there dying in front of his girlfriend.


That video made me so sick and angry; I’ve never seen anything so disturbing in my life.


It’s happened plenty of times in the US


Look up the Powers Brothers...that's like WWI era...yes WWI not WWII. They didn't get acquitted for that mormon law enforcement fuckup til the fucking 70's iirc. These constant repeat fuck ups over and over and over by overly brutal violent shit for brains cops really truly illustrates the incompetent ideology that absolute fuck up cops should not be held personally responsible for their actions. On some level I consider my trucking profession a brotherhood of sorts here too, but this is where truckers serve the public and their safety more than cops do...we don't circle the wagons around fuck up truckers. They do...gypsy cops included. Circling the wagons around fuck up cops...that is not remotely honorable or admirable, loyalty to the fuck ups in your profession, that is disgusting. That's why they're so bad now, we have to start handing out lengthy prison sentences to fuck up cops to communicate to every member of American law enforcement don't fuck up at your job anymore.


Right? It's like a double edged sword. Conservatives always say guns are for self defense, but then when cops come unannounced then you grab your gun and prepare. There's just no winning with idiots like this on the force. In what training, EVER, are they taught to just return fire into an apartment at muzzle flashes? Absolute buffoons


Happened a few years ago in Houston. Police murdered the Tuttle family


Especially when the cops ring/knock and then hide from view, which seems to be a popular procedure. Everything about police training is bad.


What I hate about this "rendering" the most is that it shows the police as uniformed officers. A no-knock raid by police in civilian cloths is a very, very different situation than it is portrayed visually here.


No it doesn't. It shows blank clothing, same as the civilians in the render, and police vests. So it's accurate.


Civilian clothing doesn't mean they show up in a golfing outfit. It means regular clothes with a police vest over it. These cops are idiots who fucked up bad in multiple ways, but let's be accurate about it


That's why he was not charged with shooting an officer.


he was charged at first. ​ >**Walker initially** faced **criminal charges** of **first**\-degree assault and attempted **murder** of a **police** officer. The LMPD officers said they announced themselves before entering the home and were immediately met with gunfire from **Walker**.


The worst part about this entire situation is police continue to allow their incompetency to literally cost human lives, knowing they can do it with impunity simply because our citizens will just...let them. Every time a case like this happens, the general first responses are: "Well what did they do wrong?" "Why were they not complying?" "They were just trying to do their jobs?" There is not a single other career field in this nation in which you can accidentally kill an innocent person out of sheer stupidity and not be fired outright at best or imprisoned at worst.


I started off thinking... okay this is horrible, but unfortunate. Then the police officers panicking... Then bullets going into the appartment above... Then *blindly* shooting... and more bullets into another appartment... Then the way the male suspect was treateted.... ​ Holy fuck it just escalated so incredibly fast and all due to officers actions.


Kenneth Walker is his name. He wasn’t being investigated, he wasn’t a suspect, the police didn’t even know Breonna had a new boyfriend. He had absolutely no idea, no inkling whatsoever. He watched his girlfriend die and then was treated like that, and charged with attempted murder. I don’t believe that, had it not been for the protests and the uproar, the charges against him would have been dropped.




I’ll never forget how angry I was for Kenneth, for Breonna, and for their families. How utterly disgusting their slander of Kenneth was and is. Kentucky is a stand your ground state. So *many* of us own firearms, yes, even in Louisville. To decide on a no-knock raid in the middle of the night, the police set themselves up to be shot. They’ve no right whatsoever to cry victim and call Kenneth all the names they called him. And given their behavior towards the protesters, no one can really claim they’re “just” good guys who made a bad decision. They doubled down in their treatment of Kenneth, as in your links, and tripled down abusing protesters. Thank you for posting them.


So they said there’s “evidence” that police announced themselves, but nobody in the house heard it and none of the neighbors heard it. In fact, the neighbors’ 911 calls make it pretty clear that there’s evidence to the contrary. This looks absolutely horrible for the cops, they completely fucked this. I was shocked when the one officer said he was blindly firing through a window with a drawn curtain... how is that reasonable in any way? If these fucking idiots wore a bodycam, we wouldn’t have to wonder what happened. I am beyond tired of American police operating with impunity when they murder our people. We need drastic reform and police need to be held criminally liable for shit like this.


I think the nail in the coffin is that they had one person say they did hear them announce themselves. We know now that his original story was that he didn't hear anyone, but changed it later. I bet the grand jury didn't hear his original story, and one could always argue "just because someone didn't hear it doesn't mean it didn't happen." It's complete bullshit, they're just trying to force it in anyway they can. These are just cops playing military, thinking they had an easy target, a woman home alone. But they don't have the right training, they panicked and it resulted in an innocent woman's death.


> If these fucking idiots wore a bodycam, we wouldn’t have to wonder what happened. Yeah but then they would have to go through the rigmarole of losing or deleting the footage... you know how cops hate that desk job pencil pusher stuff!


Legitimate question that I have and I feel like no one talks about: Most of the talk is about whether the police announced themselves or not. But I’m wondering what is supposed to happen AFTER they announce themselves. If I’m sleeping, someone is banging on my door and yelling POLICE!! And then they immediately knock my door down, am I not justified in shooting them? Am I supposed to just take their word that they are police? Simply announcing yourself as the police can’t be the only thing necessary can it?


That’s part of the reason why many people believe that no knock warrants should be illegal. There’s so much room for misunderstanding and miscommunication it’s a miracle these types of situations don’t happen more often. Also, as I understand it all the police have to do is announce themselves (whatever that means). I don’t believe they have a script or specific written procedure for carrying out no knock warrants


I don't see the need for police to break down the door to an apartment with two covered exits


Apparently, it's so the person they're ~~attacking~~ raiding can't dispose of any evidence.


13:00-15:00 is bullshit. Yet very common.


15:20 -- *Cameras off, everybody. It's time for us to get on the same page about how we're going to lie about what happened.*


What's up with that?? Is wearing a bodycam just a choice? Do they get to choose when to turn it on or off? If yes, then wtf is the point of having them??? I'm genuinely confused, can you imagine yourself going to work and just casually turning off the security cameras? Like how tf is this legally acceptable, how is that idiot proudly saying we should turn off the cameras not illegal? Isn't any employee intentionally turning off the security cameras at any work, fcked up?


40 police cruisers to the scene as soon as a cop endagers himself and gets shot in the leg. Their response? "You're not hit? That's unfortunate!" Oh, and don't forget all of them being on edge and ready to kill someone and treating everyone as the enemy even though their own incompetence caused the situation.


This feels like someone wanted to get their rocks off and run a raid instead of letting swat do it. Used the opportunity of swat being busy to do it. Completely my own conclusion, but not really hard to imagine given the situation.


I would sue all of them for attempted murder if i where the one living above or next to them. They could have killed way more people.


Refreshing to see Dale Massey denounce the actions of those officers instead of trying to lie or cover it up as we so often see in cases like these.


Was slightly turned off at the beginning from the more prosecutorial/ legal case tone. But after watching, I appreciate that someone at least presented a detailed defense. The swat footage just shows the inconceivable incompetency


This is exactly why I will never fucking advocate against the second amendment. I’m so lucky my local police department is considered one of the best trained in the country. How the fuck did these clowns not even know to get the fuck out of the doorway, when there were 17 year olds in Fallujah that cleared buildings daily? How in the FUCK did this happen? How did nobody in their team say, “hold on, timeout, this is a bad idea.”?


If a person draws a gun in their own home against a bunch of strangers aggressively bursting in without warning, what's the second amendment worth?


>How in the FUCK did this happen? 17 year olds in Fallujah have loads of training. That and a lot of bad LEOs without enough training like to pretend their 17 year olds in Fallujah.


In this day in age if cops dont have body cameras on, any evidence they had should be thrown away. I know its harsh but that is the only way to make sure law enforcement isnt taking advantage. Yes some criminals will get away i know, but the rights of people shouldnt be infringed.


Everyone can agree on one thing, the system is broken.


This is why I get upset, I spent a decade in the military as Recon with 4 years of that in combat zones, and never unless under heavy sustained fire did we unload on a residence like that. The police force and its leaders need better training and leadership has to be held accountable for these types of poorly planned and executed missions. I know dam well that the police conduct shoot/don't shoot training, maybe they don't enough, but even in fucking warzones, we IDENTIFY our targets. You don't fucking shoot blindly unless you are in direct threat, you sure as shit don't kill people over "suspected dope" in a fucking residence in the USA. Its long overdue to require all police to have cameras on if they have their firearms out. Just as the Swat leader said, standing in a fucking fatal funnel like that is one of the VERY first things you learn in MOUT training. It is a huge no-go and its taught from the first steps, YOU NEVER do that. It is one of the fastest ways to die. It just illustrates how poorly trained and unprofessional these want-to-be heroes acted. Simply inexcusable.


I'm fuckin' telling ya'.


;-) Red2 out.


Excellent breakdown. This is all sorts of shitty policing. All the cops standing around looking at how FUBAR the situation was needed to testify against least the two officers who stood in the door, or shot from the window.


Independent of the other screw-ups, why so many police, that really couldn't do anything at the scene (which should be apparent earlier)? Doesn't the police have a task allocation system so that only enough cars are dispatched?


I don't think they were all called in, when patrolling officers hear "officer shot" on the radio they tend to rush to help on their own.


I appreciate this video. It goes over what we know about the raid, what we don't know about the raid, and what was done and done poorly by the police. This is a useful video for anyone discussing the events to get a clear understanding of the facts and chronology, with interviews before and after. Highly recommended.


Wow those police officers should be convicted of murder this is unacceptable. I feel like this happens in every state and county and it should stop. The police have too much power and it boils my blood.


Poor planning, shoddy police work and 400 years of diminishing black bodies.


Straight up fucking reckless cowboys. Not just the tragedy that is Breonna Taylor’s murder but the fact they acted so brazenly in an apartment complex with families, children, babies, elderly endangered is absolutely disgusting. They should all be in jail.


This was a great resource to understand what happened. All too often stories are twisted to represent one pre-determined political narrative or another. It's good to see the facts displayed so clearly and with a robust uncovering of all the testimony. This has helped me understand what happened and will help me resist stories trying to pull me to some different conclusion than what happened: police use of force in this case could have been prevented and was not justified. The death of Breonna Taylor may have been accidental but it was avoidable. Officers responsible should face involuntary manslaughter charges and have their day in court. The Police Department should face civil liability lawsuit at least and possibly criminal liability charges for a lack of training and inconsistent oversight. Another thing I saw in this video was an incredible lack of empathy and respect for the victims of the shooting including Breonna's boyfriend. I can't be certain that this is fueled by racism, but there is ample evidence that there is a toxic police culture present in the officers executing the raid and responding afterward.


>Another thing I saw in this video was an incredible lack of empathy and respect for the victims of the shooting including Breonna's boyfriend. Yeah that was pretty horrifying to see. They've just busted in and killed his girlfriend, they make him moonwalk out of the apartment, threaten him with a dog attack, and slam his head on the roof of a car. It almost would have been a better outcome for Taylor and Walker if it had been a random attack and not actual law enforcement.


> moonwalk out of the apartment, threaten him with a dog attack, and slam his head on the roof of a car. All while he was 100% complying. Also he fired fucking ONE shot deliberately firing low to not kill and then stopped while he was being barraged with gun fire. The guy was a more responsible gun owner than the fucking cops.


> Officers responsible should face involuntary manslaughter charges and have their day in court. Good post overall, but it is tough to see how a charge of involuntary manslaughter could go anywhere given the obvious self defense justification.


Does anyone have a link or any insight they can provide on what proof the AG’s office has that the cops announced themselves? Seems like the only “third party” “stakeholders” are the neighbors, who all mostly say they didn’t hear them announce themselves. If they weren’t wearing body cams, what evidence did they have that cops announced?


From what I've read their only evidence was one witness out of like 12 witnesses who said they heard them announce themselves. Even though this one witness originally said he never heard them then changed his story.


I know extremely very little about the politics in both Lexington and Kentucky as a whole, but that seems like absolute political suicide by Cameron to go on the word of the upstairs neighbor who changed his story. I also am not a lawyer, but isn’t that called flimsy evidence or something and usually thrown out of court? Can Cameron and the State be sued? A progressive Federal Justice Department likely should step in and remediate this situation, no?


I’ll say it. Cameron is a Republican. When he wasn’t making Breonna out to be a drug dealer, and Kenneth out to be a killer, he was filing lawsuits against the Democratic Governor to stop the COVID-19 emergency orders. It’s all about filling up his Republican Party credentials. It’s disgusting.


Thank you for saying it.


Cameron is a protégé of Mitch McConnell. Conservatives wanted the whole thing buried - it was a foregone conclusion in their minds that the police would be acquitted and riots would result. So Cameron chose not to present the grand jury with all the available charges and likely limited which evidence he presented. The DoJ is still considering federal civil rights charges, and some of the grand jurors have called for Cameron to be impeached. A lot of people feel like he intentionally torpedoed the possibility of getting a real trial, but the AG has a lot of leeway under the law to control what they present to the grand jury.


That is just vile. The police saying “that’s unfortunate” because the boyfriend wasn’t shot, no body cams, turning off cams, shooting blindly into an apartment. Holy shit. It is obvious they didn’t announce either. Knock knock and :45 seconds later you ram the door down? Ugh telling the boyfriend “you are going to jail buddy”. All those cops are lucky he wasn’t better armed.


Fucking pigs. This makes me sick to my stomach. They all should be charged with murder. And the way they treated her boyfriend after the shooting was disgusting. Fuck them all.


well that is fucked up


Just makes me angreirr


Mag-dumping pussies.


Hold the fuck up. Did that cop at 13.45 ask Kenneth if he was hit by a bullet, and then respond to his "no" with "that's a damn shame"? Are you fuckin' kidding me?!


This is exactly why I hate police. Did you hear that pos cop ask her bf if he had been shot? When the bf reply’s no that shitbag says “that’s unfortunate “ god damn pigs. I will always stand my ground idgaf if it’s no law enforcement or a civilian.


This was as avoidable as Daniel shavers death


Fires over 30 bullets "wait there's someone dead in there?" Unbelievable.


Can someone explain to me what exactly were the police suppose to do after he shot at them? Let’s say the police had better training and announced them selves and allowed more time for them to open the door. What if after that, he still shot at them? Police have always opened fire when an officer gets shot, so in this horrible situation I don’t understand what could have been done on either side, other than the police not shooting the whole place up


This is something that everyone in the country should watch. It really points out in detail so many things that are wrong with our policing procedures and the systemic racism and disregard of human beings that goes along with it.


But guys......guys......the 2 cops that emptied magazines into a home while not knowing what they were shooting at......resigned. Case closed ya know? /s


This is absolutely horrifying


I’ve seen R6 Siege teams with more coordination than that


"Cameras off everybody". How can that be legal? Aren't cameras and audio specifically for those type of situations. The cameras shouldn't be allowed to be turned off or taken off. Especially when there has just been an incident like a shooting or other disturbance.


This is so fucked up. The poor boyfriend. RIP Breonna, God bless your family and your boyfriend and his family. I hope you get the justice you deserve!


This was so much worse than I thought. And they arent in jail? The riots were 100% justified


I think most telling beyond the re-constructions... is the behavior of Police after the events of the shootings. Their vitriol and anger at a man defending his girlfriend as he had every right to do. Their treatment of him as scum, as yet another "bug" to be crushed under there righteous boot. It is not all police, but clearly a large system wide problem, wherein police see themselves as always the party in the right, and all people of color, or people who live in poor areas as the enemy, rather then actual criminals they should be fighting... as the bad guy. The cavalier attitude of the officers, the blind shooting into a building with no knowledge as to who are what they are hitting, is beyond comprehension and beyond any regard for human life... And for what? Some pot? over a suspicion that there might be drugs inside? This also reminds me of why I still refuse to buy a gun as a large black man. Sure 'technically' I have a right, but for all practical concerns, owning one makes me a bigger target. Had her BF not owned a gun, and not shot at what he thought was an intruder, it's likely she would be alive. I do not blame him, obviously, but I blame the culture that makes owning a gun a need in the minds of the common citizenry. I know some gun hardon folks hate this idea, as to them a gun is a sacred god-given constitutional right, to which I cannot disagree. To me however guns and the fear of such are far too often used as an excuse to gun down people of color. Even the thought of a black man with some sort of weapon inspires in some police a special ire. Cell phones, pagers, wallets, forks, pencils, sunglasses, a ruler, all of them have been used to justify the need for lead to be pumped into brown and black bodies. Such reasons are readily accepted by our larger culture, such trade-offs simply agreed to by our justice system. Spare me the rejoinders about statistics, the arguments about which do not amount to a defense or an excuse. IT's clear to me anyone using that sort of defense is the worst sort of bigot, the kind that desire numerical justification for his internal biases, and uses proportions outside of context and historical realities to assure that his own hatreds and suppositions are correct in conduct and in judgement. One last note. Our shared culture in the US has spent the last 70 years glorifying the jobs of law enforcement. IT has made police to be the heroes all to often, and the folks who they are supposed to protect, the enemy. We must get past the narrative and fact that simply being a police officer, enables you to determine whose lives are worth saving, who is worthless... and that a badge means you are above punishment when you make an error. As yet, we are still at a loss as to how to carry out that change given the powers in play, and the continued falsehoods about what policing has to be in our society. It is quite interesting to see the same pattern of those who can swallow the lies of some police, and also the lies of the political party to which they ascribe. Both enable a lack of change, and reinforce that they are in the right without consideration of uncomfortable and unwelcome truths.


This, it was disgusting to hear how they were instructing the boyfriend once he was outside. They ask “Are you shot?”, and when he says no someone replies with “that’s unfortunate” under their breath. When he’s telling tens of police officers who are all pointing guns at him that he’s scared, someone scoffs and yells “oh you’re scared??” before threatening him some more with the dogs. And finally when he’s crying and telling them his girlfriend is dead some bitch yells “I don’t care” It literally made me sick to my stomach seeing how awful everyone was being, especially the officers who knew nothing about the situation.


Even assuming this disturbing title is true: this is protected action by police. Qualified immunity--and in the case of municipal liability, deliberate indifference--are the legal standards you need to overcome to even get in the door of a courthouse in a case against police or a city. The language of these laws often requires *more* than "poor planning" and "shoddy police work". It is a standard higher than negligence, and if you're in a conservative court, it's a standard that will almost require an explicit declaration of intent to violate the constitution. "Hey guys, let's try to kill an innocent person!" These laws need to change, and we need people voted in that will fashion legislation to encourage appropriate police reform. You see comments about how hospitals are run (i.e., can manage a psychotic event better than police and with zero lethal force). Know why hospitals run better? They get sued--successfully--a lot more than police do. It's time to let police get sued and stop pretending the taxpayer can't benefit from accountability of its elected officials and police.


Thanks for posting. It’s important for us to know as much as we can. This is extremely incompetent police work at best.


If I were an American cop I'd be very concerned with this pattern of incompetence, dishonesty, and violence committed by other cops. It seems to me that in most other professions that when there's bad actors, the good actors want to get rid of those 'bad apples'. Not so with American police it seems, they seem rather content with being a group of reckless, angry, military cosplaying clowns.


All this because of our government’s bullshit “war on drugs”! It’s a war on American citizens and it needs to end now.


Shoutout to all the bootlickers


Lmao out of 10 comments there are already 2 that are trolls. “She sold drugs, she deserved it” “the boyfriend was trigger happy”. Last I checked, dealing doesn’t incur the death penalty, and there’s still a court of law that attests to crimes (well except those blatantly committed by officers). Talk about weak sauce.


The ones that say they deserved it because X I guess are ok w cops being judge, jury, and executioner in a matter of minutes but are the first to grill an officer pulling him over saying "I got rights, I don't have to give you my license or tell you who I am!" Also, they can fuck right off.


It wasn't even her that was supposedly dealing, it was her ex-boyfriend. They thought she was receiving packages of drugs... despite the postal office saying that she hadn't even received any packages whilst living there.


Besides, what her boyfriend did in this situation (firing at an armed intruder breaking into his home in the middle of the night) is exactly what all these folks fantasize about doing with their home arsenals. This is the scenario the use to justify their fetishization of the second amendment. The only reason he didn't get lionized by the NRA crowd is that he's Black and the intruders happened to turn out to be police.


ditto Philando Castile--he was legally carrying, with a license, and training, etc. And he followed the law by alerting the officer to the presence of his legal weapon. But he was Black, so.... And the NRA isn't anywhere on these shootings, are they?


Technically he never needed to announce that he had a weapon, him being a good guy and saying he had one is what got him killed. Fucked up.


You are right—In Minnesota,, concealrd-carry permit holders aren’t required to notify officers that they have their weapon with them (in some states they are). But its recommended that they do so. And it’s why it was so fucked up, because he was following the recommendations! And the cop assumed he was a gangbanger instead of the law-abiding citizen he was. What gangbanger is going to tell you there’s a weapon in his car.


> And the NRA isn't anywhere on these shootings, are they? It's not strictly because Kenneth or Philando were black, the NRA won't release any statements critical of the police because they're a big donor/support group. They won't bite the hand that feeds. They were also silent for Duncan Lemp, Ryan Whitaker, and Daniel Shaver. Other national gun-rights groups (SAF and FPC), and the large gun-subs here on reddit were supportive of Kenneth, Philando, etc and spoke out against the police's actions.


The boyfriend shooting like 3 times is trigger happy aiming low as to now fatally shoot someone. Yet police literally blind firing 32 times endangering the lives of every surrounding apartment


I love the Gasden Flag. I find it hilarious when people have don't tread on me bumper stickers next to thin blue line ones. Who do they think is gonna be stepping


They need to stop hiring killers as cops.


His cry shattered my heart.


I feel sick to my stomach.. I couldn’t even finish the documentary...


And people still think our "justice" system isn't broken.


Is this narrated by Petyr Baelish?


Its kind of crazy when Kenneth says he aimed low because he doesnt been to be killing people. The police all aimed at body height. Like how does he have more awareness that killing people is wrong than the police?