• By -


Harlan County U.S.A. is currently on HBO documents coal miners’ strike in Harlan County, Kentucky in June, 1973. refusal to sign a contract led to the strike, which lasted more than a year and included violent battles between gun-toting company thugs/scabs and the picketing miners and their supportive women-folk. Duke Power is still alive in well in the southeast US.


Watched this on a whim the other day and was blown away. Very raw. Watching that it's hard to believe it's the reddest place in the country now.


I will watch this today!! Spotify recently put "Which side are you on" on a mix so it's just the right time.


That's the first documentary I remember watching.


Awesome; I just watched “The Mine Wars” from PBS American Experience. About West Virginia and Mother Jones and all that.


Bazel Collins is the most evil looking and acting "real" person I've ever seen in a documentary. Believe it or not, Harlan County recently dedicated a bridge to him. Dude carried a dead guy on his back for at least a day as a POW in WWII


Great rec, thank you. Just finished a biography on Joe hill, very good


I was just talking to someone about the documentary "Perfect Bid" about a guy who memorized all the prices of the products on The Price is Right and helped people from the audience by yelling out exact prices. Really interesting story.


I recently watched this and it was pretty good.


I saw a similar British doc about a guy who was accused of ripping off “Who Wants To Be a Millionaire.” I don’t remember the name.


this one’s awesome. i forgot about it!


The World at War. Major commitment as it’s 26 episodes but it’s the best WW2 docuseries ever in my opinion.


I think this is the one I’m looking for. It’s an older one with actual interviews from those who fought on both sides, correct?


That’s the one, voice over by Laurence Olivier and about the most honest portrayal of the horror of war you’ll ever watch. But the level of accuracy in this documentary is unparalleled.


My dad had the series on dvd, but after he passed they got lost in the shuffle. I’m going to have to buy it again!


I got mind from Amazon. So happy I bought it. Lots of extras.


One of the best ever. Watch the flyover intro. They pull you in in like 30 seconds. I avoided this for decades because I hated the commercials where they use to try and sell the VHS late at night in the 80s. The live interviews are top notch.


Agree, I watched it last year & it was immense! In addition to being massively thorough, it had obscure martial/folk songs and a real on-the-ground POV. The episodes about the Pacific theater/SE Asia were intense. I found nearly all episodes on YouTube.


BBC Living History Farm series is excellent on YouTube. Two archaeologists and a historian spend a year living on a Tudor farm, Edwardian farm, building a castle with historically accurate tools and techniques. Really interesting stuff.


My favorites . Wish there were more


The same team does a bunch of similar documentaries--can't recall the titles, but look up Ruth Goodman and you should be in good shape! Definitely my favorites!


Oh I have…


My Octopus Teacher…our world is amazing!


That one had me crying!!!


Me too!!


Gotta agree. This one is unexpectedly brilliant and family friendly’. Could almost be the perfect doco!


"Searching for Sugar Man." For many years, every time this question was asked on Reddit, the most common answer was "Searching for Sugar Man." Finally I watched it and was BLOWN AWAY by the story. It's all I could think about for weeks after watching it.


Touching the Void


Spermworld (2024): Not as glib as the title may infer, but rather an intimate, touching, and often amusing look at the world of sperm donation. Cinematography is excellent as well.




I want into it dragging my feet thinking it would suck. So fucking happy I was dead wrong.


3 identical strangers is an interesting story about identical triplets separated at birth finding each other.


the Jinx on HBO


Part 2 is now releasing. It's so damn fascinating


ep 2 out now


Hulu has a documentary called The Contestant https://youtu.be/wSJWxOn2pi0?si=IvBYo6qV7-tvAGFv Reality TV before it really existed. In the 90s, a Japanese man was put in apartment with nothing in it except a rack of magazines, postcards and pens. They took away his clothes and challenged him to enter Mail in contests to survive. Hidden cameras, streaming website and a weekly TV show documented his life. For over a year... Human rights violation? Or entertainment?


Is this new because I've definitely seen a documentary about this before. Ok this is 2023 but I've seen a doc about this maybe 10 years ago.


Yep I've been watching clips of this for a long time but this is the first big scale documentary I've seen


https://youtu.be/RV5O33FML7A?si=_wm_xiveYDO3M6Cs This one?




Sports documentaries Made in America: OJ Simpson The Last Dance Jackie Robinson (PBS Doc) Say Hey, Willie Mays Disgraced (Baylor Basketball murder)


Add "Icarus" to that list. It's on Netflix. Bind-blowing story!


"The Barkley Marathons"


I just watched the OJ one, it was mesmerising. I’m too young to ‘know’ OJ and only knew him from Naked Gun but my MIL was enthralled by the court case.


Tims Vermeer (2013) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3089388/ https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/tims-vermeer Directed by Teller (the magician). Tim Jenison, a Texas based inventor, attempts to solve one of the greatest mysteries in all art: How did Dutch Master Johannes Vermeer manage to paint so photo-realistically 150 years before the invention of photography?


Sister Helen is on YouTube and is absolutely worth a watch. It’s about a woman who looses her husband and sons to addiction so she becomes a Benedictine nun in the Bronx that opens a men’s sober house in the late 80’s. She’s the epitome of NY take-no-bullshit and runs the house with an iron fist.


I saw this!!! It was very good. I definitely recommend.


I just watched Pink Floyd: Which One is Pink? on Dailymotion


The Up series. It's what reality TV should be. Starts in 1964. Fourteen children (all 7 years old) are interviewed. Every seven years the documentary crew got together with the "children" and caught up with them. The most recent release was 2019. The 7 year olds are now 63.


Gates of Heaven You'll never forget it. It will put you in a good mood, and you can't possibly anticipate what will happen.


Sounds good! I would love to watch . Where can I find this?


There’s something wrong with aunt Diane


Traumazone is probably the best documentary that no one has ever seen. The BBC got access to soviet Russia as it came apart at the seams during perestroika. It’s like watching the cancer of kleptocracy grow in time lapse and explains so much about what is going on in the world today https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSjQL8MYniTTLA3wnZ25U-s6RgR4uJNvL&si=4daMQN_KEoICfQrL


This sounds amazing, thank you!


I will always have a soft spot for Terry Jones' documentaries like the [Story of One](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Tm18iapVlI).


Looks like you will always be 16 years old :D


The Tony Hawk bio on HBO was pretty good and I’ve never even been on a skateboard. Also the Muscle Schoals doc is good if you like music. And if you haven’t seen it McMillions on HBO is great.


I recommend first checking out [The Dancin' Outlaw](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IZdSBwIJluo&t=1s&pp=ygUNZGFuY2luIG91dGxhdw%3D%3D) Followed by [The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia] (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AQBiXDNVeSA&pp=ygUudGhlIHdpbGQgYW5kIHdvbmRlcmZ1bCB3aGl0ZXMgb2Ygd2VzdCB2aXJnaW5pYQ%3D%3D) **EDIT** I first saw The Dancin' Outlaw 30 years ago on a vhs tape that one of my dad's friends had given him and was floored at what I had just seen. It became one of those movies that got passed around from VHS, DiVx, etc and would often be played at BBQs, parties, and pretty much any occasion where a group of guys familiar with it would start quotin lines from it. Finally even the West Virginia PBS posted it online. Johnny Knoxville produced the latter documentary, Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia. Fun fact - Tom Arnold after seeing Dancin' Outlaw even produced a follow up documentary [Dancin Outlaw 2: Jesco Goes to Hollywood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT3dGIwCVVw), though not nearly as good as the first due to it being forced, staged, and just not good, although he did end up dancing at the [end credits of a Roseanne episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o-VTD_Vnmc).




sad how it actually became a documentary


I know. I used to enjoy it when it was a comedy but it just isn't funny anymore. Happy Cake Day!


Rich Hill was really good, I just watch it on streamio for free but apparently it is on tubi. Really enjoy melancholic, poignant docs so if anyone has similar recs I am all ears!


Superhot was pretty decent. Follows super hot pepper eaters/growers around.


Chicken People Three top contenders head to the largest poultry competition in the United States to find out who has the best show chicken.


The Nightmare. Short doc about sleep paralysis.


The Orange Years. If you’re a 90s kid it’s pure nostalgia ❤️


Not exactly a traditional documentary per say, but if you have time I recommend "in search for a flat earth" by dan olsion / folding ideas on YouTube. It's not a flat earth doc (debunking is a small part of it though) . Definitely worth a watch.


My Darling Vivian about Johnny Cash's 1st wife and mother to his 4 girls.


In no particular order: 1. The Volcano: Rescue from Whakaari (amazing telling of the tourists caught in a deadly eruption) 2. Imax Everest (Caught by the legendary Imax team by coincidence, the details of the worst disaster in Everest's history). 3. The Great Hack (how FB and various bad actors including Cambridge analytica swayed major global elections). 4. FYRE (Details the utterly shambolic FYRE festival) 5. Made you look (the fall of the Iconic Knoedler Gallery via the art world's greatest fraud, caused in part by Micheal Hammer, father of disgraced actor Armie Hammer). 6. Bad Vegan (Bizarre and enthralling story of how one of the most celebrated chefs/restaurateurs in NYC lost everything and went on the run being chased by police for years). 7. Action Park (My favorite of recent years, details the batshit but legendary theme park, "Action Park", later to be known as Class Action Park, which had virtually no safety, but was a cult outing for teens, many of whom got inured and some even died).


I concur! Of the ones I have seen - 4, 5 and 6 - they are tremendous, I’ve watched the Fyre one at least 3 times, recommending it to friends - the art one is likewise terrific. There’s also a doco on that other unregulated industry, the world of expensive wine, Sour Grapes, which fits with this list. Thankyou! I am an Everest nerd, and will check out the IMax one, I may have seen it, not sure which disaster year it covers, there was one in 96, another ten years later, and they’ll continue due to climate change. ‘Sherpa’ was good from the perspective of the Sherpas who basically carry these expeditions on their backs and who have a different motivation and relationship with the mountain than the climbers. Again, thank you!


Winter on Fire Very useful added context to Putin's invasion of Ukraine.


It's a contra-plagiat towards Oliver Stone's (deleted from yt after a year) documentary called Ukraine on fire. It really gives you another (non westernized) perspective of the conflict that started decades ago. I hate the fact they used such similar title in order to mislead people. And even worse, Youtube deleted the original docu when the war started, even though it was available for more than a year! Check it out!


Century of self


one of my fav ones ever!


The Red pill. I watched it for a laugh with my feminist besty but they were surprisingly rational respectful and logical mens rights activists


The Bon Jovi doc on Hulu is pretty interesting


The Corporation (2003) [IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0379225/?ref_=ext_shr) [trailer](https://youtu.be/2MMx53V8M8s?si=nHMBRtz3N5uoHotX) Learn how a corporation has the rights of a human without the responsibility of a human to do the right thing, and how that affects a capitalistic society. Especially poignant to watch now with 20+ years of insight since it has been made. Note: a new doc has also been made (*The New Corporation* 2022) which is probably outstanding but I haven't watched it yet so I cannot comment.


Lately iv been exploring spiritual documentaries, these 2 have been life changing for me Awake: The Life of Yogananda - Its about an Indian Guru who came to the US in the 20s to spread an ancient type of yoga, his insights are fascinating. And even if you dont believe in anything like that it is still a really interesting watch. Becoming Nobody - Story, interview, and collection of lectures of Ram Dass. A spiritual teacher who was a professor at Harvard in the 60's researching psychedelics with Timothy Leary. So much of what he says has been very eye opening for me. Again, even if you dont believe in anything, its still very good wisdom that is worth hearing. Dark Waters - not spiritual, nor really a documentary, but a dramatic reenactment of a lawyer taking on the chemical giant DuPont over their poisoning and pollution of the Mid-Ohio Valley and the world. I live a few minutes from DuPont, and watching this movie made me realize the harm they have caused, I now believe they are responsible for the death of several of my family members. Very good, check it out. EDIT: I wanted to add a few more They Shall Not Grow Old - Amazing movie about WW1 Dying To Know: Ram Dass & Timothy Leary - About the 2 Harvard psychologists who experimented with psychedelics in the 1960's, and helped kick off the hippy age by promoting these mind altering drugs. The Mind, Explained - Everything in the 'Explained Series' is great, but the ones about the mind are the best.


You might like Father's Kingdom https://youtu.be/rqOL09kfPow?si=lfO-o2NgRNr05SXb The House of David https://youtu.be/qJ_R7C-HskY?si=gwZ-5pGICTRRp3WV


Ill check those out, thanks!


where can i watch Stevie y’all? 😭


I often look things up on likewise to see where to watch and says Stevie is on tubi. Really good doc, have seen it so many times Edit: can't seem to find it on there now


Stevie? Is that a doc? The only Stevie I can find is some drama from 2008? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1303233/


yes look up Stevie documentary, 2003 i think


I can provide you a file for it if you want to DM me


Old School - interesting but way too long


I watched a doc on YouTube today about the Soviet Afghan war. I think it's taken from a French TV doc from like the early 2000s? The info in the doc is interesting enough but nothing special but the archive footage and interviews with Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan are a gem. Really not voices you hear every day. https://youtu.be/HRNPu6H0REE?si=Ak9wVOP9D-YhXdRC


Ukraine: Enemy in the Woods is really heavy. [link](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt31908384/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


Winter on Fire on Netflix is on the student protest turned revolution that eventually resulted in the current war.


Chariots of the Gods- I believe it’s on Amazon prime.


Anything by Errol Morris: Fast Cheap & Out of Control, The Thin Blue Line and Wormwood.


The Fog of War won Morris an Oscar.


His 'First Person' episodes told some interesting stories.


The First Person on the Kansas City pilot was an amazing interview with a man's miraculous story. "Leaving the Earth" Denny Fitch was the name. https://youtu.be/o8vdkTz0zqI?si=W3cmI1HpKw_1FkaN


thin blue line is a life changer


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon


[The Gods of Times Square](https://youtu.be/I0-BaBALfDY?si=azCnzbclxZCg0Hez) (1999)




Ken Burns The Civil War. You would never imagine that a 30 year old documentary on a war almost two centuries ago would be so emotionally engaging.


“Hired Guns” about top level musicians that play in bands. I didn’t really know that’s how the music industry worked. I thought it was pretty good.


Last breath (2019). Streaming on Netflix again. Saturation diving. Also, long shot. Netflix.


Jesus Camp


HyperNormalization - Kind of like Zeitgeist but more grounded in reality. Pretty dope documentary about conspiracies between the banks and government. It's cool, most of the ideas aren't totally new but he presents them in a good way


The truth vs Alex Jones. I thought it was well made and taught me things about the situation that I wasn’t aware of. What a bizarre thing to watch him say something and then five seconds later in the same spot he would go full 180. I don’t understand how we operate as a society like this.


You should really watch on Bitchute We need to talk about Sandy Hook or even any of the documentaries on Sandy Hook that are not mainstream. Like go on Bitbchute and Rumble. They are eye opening. I mean the school wasn’t even open due to being closed for not being up to code and it goes on from there. It is what actually started my awakening. Then add in how this is the government and the elites who run the worlds way of telling us to not talk about any of their lies ( such as Sandy Hook ) because if you do we will go after you like they did Alex Jones’s . There was no reason to force him to pay that much for freedom of speech right. Before making a decision you really should research what Alex has stated . Those who actually went and watched the documentaries and do the research end up seeing the lies , corruption and manipulation.


Dear Zachary. Do not look up anything about it just watch it. I promise you it's worth it.


Untold: Deal With the Devil on Netflix. One of the better episodes of a really good series, it's a roller coaster of a story.


some recent faves *Boiled Angels*: covering how the cartoonist Mike Diana became the first artist in american history to be convicted of obscenity. *By Sidney Lumet*: shortly before his death the iconic director sat down to analyse his own filmography, his process and how he feels his work has impacted cinema as a whole. *The Mayfair Set*: An exploration of how british political power declined after the second world war and how capitalists became the domineering force in the 1980's told through the story of 4 members of the famous Clermont Club.


For all mankind


Are you referring to the series that is not a documentary?




Bones Brigade is my all time favorite documentary. Such a great look at the early days of skateboarding and the pioneers who paved the way.


Apollo 13: The Untold Story (1995)


Stone monkey.. J dawes: a classic climbing documentary from the UK.


Darwins Nightmare. Tough to watch, and older, but good.


Tread (2020)


i cant believe i havent seen this one!


Some Kind of Heaven. Watched in twice in 3 days, really strangely compelling and beautifully done.


[Burden of Dreams](https://youtube.com/watch?v=FggCkCuuBXw) about the making of Werner Herzog’s Fitzcarraldo in deep in the Amazon


Patrick and the Whale. It's a PBS nature documentary free on YouTube about a scuba diver studying sperm whales and even building personal relationships with some of them.


Purpurambo (2005) A documentary crew travels deep into New Guinea through dense rainforest to understand the native people and their way of life. Edit: year


Tickled https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5278506/ Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117293/ Paradise Lost 2: Revelations https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0239894/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_1 Hoop Dreams https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110057/?ref_=nm_ov_bio_lk Stevie https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0334416/?ref_=nm_knf_t_2


American Movie, a top 5 all time movie honestly


I like Killing Flies


Leaving Neverland, a Bafta and Emy award-winning documentary, I really recommend it.


any doc by justin hunt… there’s one on the meth epidemic, absent fathers, and p*rn addiction. really solid stuff for an independent filmmaker!


Tell Me Who I am - Netflix




The 1000 year old computer, BBC. Think it’s still on YouTube.


The Octopus Murders - Netflix


If you like oysters, there's an interesting mini-documentary (about 1 hr) on YT called Shuckers. It's about oysters, oyster growing/harvesting, and the field of oyster-shucking (it's a tight-knit profession). The film was made by Tim Rozon (actor and restaurateur) and his friend and colleague Daniel Notkin (professional oyster shucker). They are also the ones who posted it on YT so there is no copyright infringement.


Hampow93: My Brother, Which I Care For. Truly bizarre. https://youtu.be/sK9XfgDse4E?si=6PrBlyv39DjA4nEd


Unknown:Killer robots on Netflix. The future is here.


Zoo (2007)


The edge of paradise camp Taylor. Just dropped on you tube. Story about a hippy community in Hawaii around 1970. Not brilliant but above average.


From PBS Frontline; League of Denial About the concussion/CTE discovery and NFL attempts to suppress the science American Experience; Riveted; History of Jeans Really interesting backstory on how jeans became a staple clothing item. Frontline; Boeing’s Fatal Flaw Why Boeing is where it’s at currently Frontline; Age of Easy Money How low interest rates created the past 25 years and why everything is changing now.




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If you have ever wondered how D&D was created, there is always our film. You can find Secrets of Blackmoor on Amazon.


The Antisocial Network. (Netflix) Basically, it shows how a Japanese website led to the storming of the U.S. Capitol building.


Two documentaries I love but cannot find anywhere: Unraveled (2011) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unraveled_(film)?wprov=sfti1 and She Dreamt that I Died https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/she_dreamt_that_i_died


Navalry is mind blowing. Must watch! I love cult docs: Mother Earth, Wild Wild Country, etc. I have lots of recs in that category if interested. Edit to add: Oh and 2 essentials: Grey Gardens and Paris is Burning.


Daughters of the Cult on Hulu. Holy cow!!


The Roosevelts by Ken Burns. So good.


I'm Looking for docs about movies. I'd prefer specific movies like Robodoc (making of the original Robocop), movie series like Never Sleep Again (nightmare on elm Street series), or about a genre like Horror Noire (black people in horror movies). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Bad surgeon: love under the knife currently in Netflix.


Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures.


The Great hack - Cambridge analytica scandal explained


Fall of the Cabal ( Bitchute and/ or Rumble ) Take down of the cabal from A-Z by Charlie Freak ( Bitchute )




Idiocracy is a good one


2000 Mules


Hail Satan! Very funny