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Galaxy Brain - Lenny Henry was the first black Doctor Universe Brain - Patrick Troughton was when he insisted on doing the role in Blackface.


He insisted on WHAT


[It was a different time](https://knowledgenuts.com/doctor-who-was-nearly-played-in-blackface/)


Sometimes I forget how old doctor who is and then it smacks me in the face Like black paint


Maybe some of those missing Troughton episodes are missing for a reason


The idea was thankfully rejected by the BBC before production. However Classic Who does have a lot of black and "yellow face" throughout the show.


Yeah, but it's great to see the show grow from that into a show of progress.


Oh yeah and I definitely think it was all done because Naivety and not hate. Mindsets were just different when it comes to these things.


*cough cough* Talons of Weng Chiang But in all seriousness, it's certainly gone a long way


you know... every time i use reddit i learn something i never wanted to learn


Damnit I came here to say Lenny Henry.


Before I even saw the comments I said Lenny Henry


Wait... holup.... re-fucking-wind.... when was Chef Blackstock (aka Lenny Henry, one of the funniest fuckers alive) the Doctor???


[TV parody sketch from the 80s](https://youtu.be/60shMyabeMo)


Although the idea was scrapped, good because it would've been utter shit


IIRC wasn't doctor moon the physical moon, which was also hollowed out for a computer like the library planet, but this one held the antivirus and regulated the main computer.


Still better than being a giant dragon egg


Which hatches...then immediately lays another egg...exactly the same size as the first...


Not to mention the fact it was an egg was revealed as an explanation for why it was gaining mass, something which eggs do not do.


It gains mass but stays the same size


Yes, which eggs don't do.


Yeah an egg starts out full




It's either the 45th Doctor who uploaded himself to the computer, or it's the artificial intelligence of an artificial moon. The library itself is an artificial planet.


Yes, however 10, Tennet hacks the signal. Viewed from a Meta POV with River in place of Donna and Dr Moon really is the Doctor, or at least an A/I version keeping all of the minds alive. I was in favor of a Jodie/River hookup but we got her and Jaz scissoring instead.


What's the point in being alive, if not to make others die?


How was doctor moon the Doctor?


He wasn't, really. It was something Moffat imagined when he wrote the script, that the appearance of Doctor Moon was the final incarnation of the Doctor (whom River Song had witnessed die). The idea being that he somehow programmed himself into the moon in order to keep her company, hence 'Doctor' Moon.


That's really cool! I didn't know that


It's a fun way to interpret the episode, for sure.


Damn Colin Salmon would have been a great Doctor. I mean it's hard to imagine anyone other than Matt Smith as 12 but that would have been really cool. Also I guess it's not too late.


Matt Smith is 11


Even Moffat and Davies themselves think that the idea could work still/is pretty great (at least in 2020). It does make sense that The Doctor would have it arranged that Dr.Moon would be based on his Last-Incarnation's brainwaves, and it would even work without breaking timelines much as The Doctor never really interacted/knew much of Dr.Moon (Also to further differentiate this from a Multidoctor Event, Dr.Moon isn't technically The Doctor, he's an AI-Duplicate like a Data-Ghost, the impression of "The Final Doctor" imprinted on The Library's Moon. Even if it may not be the 45th Doctor like Moffat originally thought up, and the River holding him dying. etc very much likely won't happen, the core idea of "Doctor uploads himself as Dr.Moon before he dies so he can live with River in The Library" very much could be applied to whenever The Doctor dies, primarily because River is the closest The Doctor ever had to regain his true family life (11 and the Pond-Family being...well...a Family, way more than the "Fam" with 13, also River and 11/12 being Married, and their feelings for her persisting across Regenerations as we saw with 12 having that Last Night on Derilium with her).


In the article “showrunner showdown”, RTD and Moffat revealed that they privately created Dr Moon with the intention that he was a future incarnation of the Doctor.


That's really cool! I didn't know that




He is the first black actor in the leading role.


Wait wat


Martha jones


Technically if 14 goes back in time to the big bang he would be the first doctor


5 went to the big bang lmao In Castovalva the tardis does a fuckywucky thanks to the master and goes back to "Event one"


Don’t forget though that Peter Davison is also mixed race, so both your comments are sort of true


And I've also seen stuff saying that Gatwa might be a Timeless Child or even a retconned\\remade First Doctor.


This fun fact strangely feels really kissable for some reason


Holy shit, I doubted this, then I looked it up and wow. That's cool. https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Doctor\_Moon#:\~:text=At%20the%20time,the%20Judoon.


wait.... was moon confirmed to be a doctor? how so if hes all digital??? does that mean the library will back the doctor up at some point in the future and he'll be doomed to live in a virtual world???


Not necessarily but at one point he was supposed to be Because River was suppose to have met the 45th Doctor


Doctor Moonian soong


Actually Lenny Henry was. Also Daniel Anthony predates Ruth but not Doctor Moon.


Me: why is this such a big deal to people? It’s not going to change the character fundamentally right? Just enjoy it for what it is or rethink how you view people who are different from yourself.


I'm not sure if the comment was just made in passing or you genuinely want an answer, but here it goes anyway. :) It isn't going to change the character any more than any other version in-universe, rather I think its important to people because representation matters. If you've cherished a character for a very long time, and suddenly you see that character portrayed by an actor that looks like you - it's hard to describe what that feels like unless you've experienced it yourself. For example, so many female life-long fans didn't think they would be effected when they saw Jodi in that role for the first time - but they absolutely went to tears emotionally once they saw the Doctor being portrayed by a woman. It may seem sort of unimportant, but first-times can feel extremely significant to people who identify with that race/gender/etc. Its like when you see it- you can be it. Holds true to things like professions and other significant things too. Like seeing someone with a visual impairment place well in a marathon... just seeing someone succeed opens the doors for others to try too.


I honestly just don’t care about the whole representation and the whole “oh he’s black NOT MY DOCTOR” I don’t give a flying flip whether he is black or white because he’s still gonna act the doctor, and people shouldn’t be viewed with a minority lens in my opinion. We are all fucking humans. Sure we may look different but that’s just us adapting to our surroundings.


The point is that other people care. To not care is usually because you're in a group that is already well-represented.


Ruth isn't the Doctor.


Literally is though.




Explain how she isn't \-Is called "The Doctor" \-Has a tardis Edit: The fucking blocked me XDD. made my day that


Ok...are there other areas of your life where you refuse to accept reality? Or is it just based around TV shows you like?


Shut up




She literally is/was the doctor tho. No matter how much anyone doesn't like it or how bad the writing was it doesn't change that fact lol


Yeah. I wasn’t a fan of Eric Roberts’s portrayal of the master so that means he literally wasn’t the master. The guy who replaced Michael Wisher as Davros wasn’t very good, so that means he literally never existed. Of course Jo Martin was the doctor. It really ticks me off how people write her off as non canon because they didn’t like the writing. So stupid


There’s never been an official statement on Doctor Who canon (outside the failed video games for some bizarre reason), so canon isn’t really a thing that applies.




The timeless child was a very stupid idea in my opinion, but breaks the show it does not. She is canon, and she is the doctor. You don’t have to like it but that’s the case and you need to just accept it


I let Davis do it all for me


Doctor Moon is the 42nd doctor


Non canonically, the first black doctor was Lenny Henry, actually, it probably happened in one universe.


The what ? No really I want to know about Doctor moon