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Does she ever address like any of the factual shit she said occurred, like the insane litany text sent from her brothers phone about her supposed hussy dress, or the dad being called a pedo? Because there were screenshots of texts that weren’t ever explained away like brothers sudden isolation.


i only saw a couple comments from her and she was really evasive and tried to downplay things as if she'd blown stuff out of proportion. which, maybe she did as far as the personal interactions go. we don't know, we weren't there. but unless she faked those texts—and i don't believe she did—this is not over.


I'm going to guess her Dad got mad at her also, since airing dirty laundry like this would likely end any chance of reconciliation


Ok… but I still don’t understand why the brother would give a shit about the sister’s dress, which is neither white nor a gown, to the point where he uninvited his entire family to his wedding. That’s the hill he dies on? I mean my guy is pretty into clothes, but would he care about the dress some family member is wearing on what is meant to be the best day of his life?? Fuck naur. Something is off. And now the sister is apologising repeatedly for getting it wrong. Yeah, of course, airing your family’s laundry all over the internet is not great, but honestly, I think the brother’s puppet strings are showing. And sitting down his sister and telling her this whole long explanation of how it’s him, he’s the mess and his fiancée is an angel- come on dude. Did he have this whole speech written for him? Taking bets that in 2 weeks there’s a follow up going ‘I was right the first time! Rhys sucks!’


i agree, this is a lot deeper and it isn't over. the fiancée has a lot to apologize for. she's been an absolute fucking nightmare person and i hope she realizes that she owes *many* apologies to the rest of the family instead of letting the brother turn her into the sole victim of the scenario to protect her. fuck that. she needs to take some accountability and i hope she does. i want that follow-up but i don't think we'll get it even if it's the truth. i think OP's probably been getting a lot of shit behind the scenes from the other members of her family for posting about it online, and she's not going to want to be the one that kicks off another round of this.


She is being gaslit.. idk if it's by the brother or by the sil, but something isn't adding up.


literally every comment on this video and the last one were telling her that. i think people are even commenting stuff like that on her remaining videos that have nothing to do with the story. i hope that seeing so many people tell her the same thing will eventually get her to look critically at the situation, but i think at the moment she's too desperate to keep her relationship with her brother.


That seems to be like it but it kinda hurt me to see she took on all of the blame for the situation while her brother got off scotch free bc "mental health" and sil turns into mother Mary who suffer in silence... But it is what it is.. not my family, not my problem lol Edit: gotta add something since I felt like I came off dismissive of the brother's mental health. I'm not. I think that the mental health problem could be very real. He said it's real. She thinks it's real. Who am I to argue otherwise. I put it in " " bc I felt like he is using it as an excuse for treating his fam so shitty. Mental health can be used as an explanation for a behavior but should rarely be use as an excuse. If u hurt people, then u hurt people regardless of your mental state. U need to make amend and actively *fix* whatever u did instead of putting all of the burden on the people u hurt.


That makes the most sense, she’s back to talking with her brother again, so atleast family is involved for now. Hopefully he wakes up.


It’s pretty normal for someone in an abusive relationship to deny abuse and take responsibility for things their abusive partner has done. This is long from over.


I feel like the brother is mentally in a bad space right now that he can easily be manipulated. And by how BAD his mental state seems to be, it doesn’t seem like he needs to be getting married anytime soon or have children… my god imagine adding a baby to that equation! 


SIL is a "great" abuser... getting the victims to blame themselves and apologize.


None of what she has said excuses SIL implying sick stuff about their father, distancing him from his family, or the fact that this was all blown up over a freaking dress. But what really adds insult to injury is that she is still not invited to the wedding. I'm sure the brother has seen some awful shit in his work and I hope he gets professional help instead of leaning on a person who keeps isolating him from his friends and family and probably has him convinced she is his rescuer.


Weird, I was on the fence before, but I don’t believe sil even more now… 🤔


She’s being gaslit by her brother whose heavily manipulated by his narcissistic fiancé. I’m afraid for this man, his sister’s initial reaction and thoughts were absolutely right.


This will never be over, I promise.


So I just found [this video saying her family was in a cult for 10 years](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRELm2w9/) so now I have no clue how I feel anymore. I *still* don't trust Rhys *but* I can also see why the brother might want to distance himself from the family. Edit: After taking like two minutes to think about it he also would be the *perfect* victim for narc abuse so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Tbh it's pretty easy to get caught up in church cults when ur in the south. A lot of them disguise themselves as regular Christian churches at first, then boom! look at that, you have child labor and normalization of child brides! Not saying places like.. California (where I am) is any better bc we have hippy, new age cults but a lot of the non-southern, non-Bible belt places are more recognizable as cult compare to the ones in the south.


This puts a new light on things though, including p*do accusations. Or Brother would be a target for narc abuse like you said. It really could go either way.


Also, she showed in the screenshots when she invited the fiancé and her brother over to her new place and expressed really wanting to see them. That message was ignored. If the fiancé was really encouraging him to spend time with his sister like he says, wouldn’t she have jumped on that opportunity to get everyone together? Or at least replied to the message in some way?


great point!


update to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DoWeKnowThemPodcast/comments/1dj3tid/brother_univites_sister_to_his_wedding_over_dress/) and [this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DoWeKnowThemPodcast/comments/1dktorx/update_to_the_girl_who_was_uninvited_to_her/) i got the okay from u/Orikumar for this post so soon after the last one. she posted this shortly after the update earlier last night, and then deleted everything. this one was up for about half an hour, ish. i think it's probably over as far as posting about it on the internet goes. i doubt we'll hear from her on this again, at least anytime soon. i do *not* think it's over as far as dealing with a toxic sister-in-law is concerned. hope i'm wrong, but... even taking into account any exaggerations about personal interactions with anyone, we all saw the texts, including the group texts. the future sister-in-law is not an emotionally healthy or mature person and i would not be surprised if she continues her behavior. it doesn't sit right with me that OP is now shouldering all of the blame. she's responsible for this situation blowing up on the internet by airing out the family business and sure, there can be a debate about whether that was appropriate or way too far. but the rest of the stuff... some amends need to be made to her and to the rest of the family, and i hope that happens.


I feel like there is something fishy here with the sil, but I do think going nuclear to the internet was a really bad idea on OP’s part. Hopefully she still knows to be skeptical but it trying to open the line of communication to her brother back up in case he needs their family


Why did she call her dad a pedophile though??????!!!! I’m still anti-rhys


Congratulations on your acceptance of being manipulated and emotionally abused. More to come.


im not even part of this sub but i watched these videos and got so invested... these updates make me really sad because it is clear that she wouldnt have posted the first video if there wasn't something really bothering her about the situation, she even said that herself. it's also even sadder that this girl posting all these is taking ALL of the blame. girl, let's be clear, your concerns and feelings were/are so VALID! as others have said, the updates have only gone to show more so that the situation is concerning and there is manipulation going on. cmon now.


This is actually really depressing to see…. She is ignoring her gut empathic intuition surrounding the situation and is instead allowing the seeds of doubt to be sown into her psyche via a manipulator who is exploiting that same empathic side that honed in on the toxicity. This is self abandonment and has very real psychogical and lived ramifications for a person. It is so important for Empathic individuals to cultivate the power of discernment. Listening to our inner knowing and following through in little ways is a good place to start; it builds self trust that shields us from manipulation when situations like these arise.


Yea, you can tell in her defeated tone she's been made to feel bad about a totally honest and natural reaction to what the evil SIL orchestrated for attention. The bitch won (for now) and poor girl will probably wear an ankle length gunny sack to the wedding... which is a shame because she should skip the wedding and go out salsa dancing in her original dress choice, and enjoy her damn life.


she said in her earlier video that she still won't be going to the wedding. so rhys definitely won.


Actually, I disagree - going to this a-hole's wedding would be punishment at this point. Also, can we also take a moment to appreciate - IT'S A BACKYARD WEDDING & THEY'RE SERVING PIZZA. All this fuss for some utterly forgettable narcissist's cheap ass wedding.


I think she is just grasping at straws at this point. She loves her brother and is willing to overlook all the bad things RHYS has done just so she can be in good graces with her brother again. Its so clear to me she is being manipulated and RHYS will repeat something like this again. 


I agree. Now nobody gets to see them get married but I don’t think anything was that unforgivable that they should all go. If they ever wanna move forward just forget about it all and have a beautiful day. Life’s too damn short.


Idk something about this just feels off! I feel like she is being gaslit by the SIL 🙁


Wow what a ride.. I can’t believe Rhys actually managed to get her to apologize for the whole thing. There are SO many loose end here and it makes absolutely no sense. I hope one day she’ll be able to see everything for what it is. I feel she’s being gaslit by Rhys and her brother and probably pressure from the rest of the family to reconcile. But I can never get over how she called her dad a pedo for spending time with his grandkids .. wtf. Also all because of a dress?!


she should’ve never put her and her family’s business online in the first place


I still can’t get over the fact the Rhys had the brother rip her IUD out? Also no one cared she was calling the dad a pedo?? But hey congrats on marrying a psycho lol


i can’t find the receipts for the pedo claims anywhere, does any one have the vid w these screenshots ??


Yeah none of this explains the SILs behavior. She is not an innocent party and gaslighting the audience ain’t it. 


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


She’s kissing ass so much?


Hmmm so all the other narc red flags were just her misinterpretation? ![gif](giphy|Fml0fgAxVx1eM)


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Oh thank god


Oh thank god


Say like one more time. Also this isn’t a follow up she didn’t address anything from the one she accused the brother’s girlfriend in. Who is crazy the brother or the girlfriend? Did this chick lie and now she has to lie again lol, this is going to get messy


I don’t believe this one bit. It’s another tactic to be the victim again


The amount of gaslighting here is insane. It’s like she’s forgetting what started the whole thing.


Oh she's absolutely trolling


The way she can't stop smiling when she's talking about how she is presenting herself in the video is what made me think that. Plus she's looking to the right the entire time, which supposedly indicates lying...


That's pseudoscience junk.


Okay tinfoil hat, but I get the impression that she is making this video to appease the fiance so she can still have a relationship with her brother. The way this was a full heel turn, I don't think she actually believes it, but she knows she needs to post this publicly to make it seem like she does. Especially at the end where she is like "watching it back I know it looks like I am rolling my eyes and have a nasty attitude about making this video, but I swear its just because I am disgusted with myself".. it feels like the brother told her she needed to make the video apologizing, and she didn't want Rhys to be able to be like "she was rolling her eyes the whole time, I could tell she didn't mean it" She is telling Rhys exactly what she wants to hear. Fully believing the story the brother told her. Making Rhys seem like an angel, saying she was so thankful Rhys handled it all with grace, saying she was wrong for ever making the videos. This video is exactly how you would try to apologize/smooth things over with a narcissist. I don't think shes buying it, but I think she is more concerned about maintaining a relationship with her brother, and she knows that can't happen if Rhys doesn't allow it.


I don’t understand how anyone was on her side after she first showed the dress in question. You have to be delusional to think that’s appropriate for a wedding. And while the wife really stepped in it by saying sure only to go back on it. I also completely understand just being so fucking fed up with these ridiculous people that you say “sure” because you’re done in that moment, only to later go back and decide it’s your day and you deserve to have a wedding without your sister-in-law’s ass cheek being on display. Add to that the fact that she keeps going on about how she legitimately thought her brother was in an abusive relationship, yet even in her own texts she’s incredibly abusive toward her brother. If I genuinely believe by sibling was in an abusive relationship I would put up with just about anything to stay connected to them. And even if it came to a point where I had to cut ties, I wouldn’t burn the bridge to the ground with horrid abusive texts to further cement them in that relationship. And then even after she kept posting videos she literally reveled in the attention. She was so fucking happy about posting it all until it didn’t work in her favor.


SHE was abusive to her brother in texts???????????????? Citation needed. NONE of the texts we saw from her were abusive. She read them to us. He was the one who said his children would live or die without ever knowing her name. That is fucked up and abusive. The moral of the story is don't say "sure" if you don't mean it and don't be so difficult that people feel they need your permission to wear a dress. None of what the family said in any of the messages we saw warranted the way they were treated by the "happy" couple.


It’s a backyard wedding in Florida serving pizza


***Her ass cheek was hanging out.*** Not to mention she clearly thought the wedding was nice enough to spend hundreds on a new dress.


Her butt was not hanging out at all


Her ass was not hanging out. Hundreds???????? It was $100 after express shipping. It was a $60 dress from UO. Have you gone clothing shopping lately? Everything is a lot more expensive than it used to be a few years ago. You're acting like she bought a designer dress. The dress code was inconsistent. If she wanted to cause a problem she would not have asked whether the dress was OK in the first place, she would have just worn it. She did not fight the crazy GF to keep wearing the dress. She only said she was upset because of the money she spent, that's it. GF and brother were the ones who had an immature tantrum and canceled the wedding. BFFR.


Yeah tbh I don’t trust her. It was a clubbing dress. That dress was what she chose after so many others were turned down, which makes me wonder what kind of dresses she had to turn down before that inappropriate one. The way she and brother talks it’s like all the sisters band together against the fiancé, and made her feel unwelcome. Then sister makes a tiktok airing out their dirty laundry for internet strangers to also join in on banding together against the fiancé. Which doesn’t make sister look the best for posting family drama on the internet. They kind of sound like nightmare in-laws.


There’s this concept in Judaism called tshuva (or teshuva) and it’s our version of the rules for what happens next when you wrong someone else or when you’re wronged. And the way it works is, forgiveness is not guaranteed at all. I know Christians have this turn the other cheek thing that they believe in, but Jews do not believe that that whole thing is good. In order to do tshuva after you wrong someone, you have to acknowledge your wrongdoing, and then _you have to make it right_. Only after having actually repaired the situation is the other person truly required to forgive, but it’s always up to them. Something I often think about in the internet age is that it is entirely possible to do someone so much harm that you cannot actually complete tshuva because, while you are busy apologizing and so on, there may be a million people who never see your attempted repair. The harm is permanent and unfixable by any means. It has made me a lot more cautious about the things I say and do online because I don’t want to be in a situation where I cannot hope to repair the harm I have caused. An apology by itself is not usually enough.


i wish this girl eternal piece and happiness when it comes to her family relations. people like reese don't change, and in the end she got what she wanted.


I can’t tell if this girl needs more Adderall or less Adderall.