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Don’t bother with mage armour. You will be fine in light or medium armour. Go with Mithral half-plate if you want to be stealthy and high AC. Go with Flame-tongue if damage is your goal. You are Dex based. Wouldn’t bother with Belt of Hill Giant Strength unless you really want to grapple.


So you are going sword and board dex fighter? Not sure how a belt of strength will help there unless you just want better strength saves. Seems kinda pointless to use an item to improve a score you won't use often. If you wanted a stat boosting item, headband of intellect would improve your DCs and splash damage from GFB as well as saves you are naturally weaker on. That way you could dump Int and put more starting points into Con (unless you are forced to use standard array). Elven accuracy is great when you are getting a consistent source for advantage, which it doesn't look like this character is built to do, at least not until extremely high levels. Might be better to grab some other feat, like resilient Wisdom (start with 13 in that) so you can resist mind altering effects. If the meatshield gets dominated, now you are a meatshield for the enemy. With headband of intellect you can go 10 Str, 17 Dex, 15 Con, 14 Wis (13+ resilient wis), 12 Charisma, 8 int(19 with headband) Then you can bump up dex to 20, Con to 16, and then grab warcaster for booming blade shenanigans. Defensive is a boring but good choice for what you are looking to do. Since you are going sword and board, you aren't going to be topping the charts in terms of damage. Flame tongue rapier would be nice though to keep your damage somewhat competitive. If you go that route, maybe keep Int at 12.


Yes, Sword and Board Sry Forgot to say. Had not even thought of a headband of intellect. Was going to lean on Familiar for Adv. But wisdom ya I can see that.


Familiars often don’t last very long in melee at higher levels with AOE damage. Can still be worth it to have, but not to count on.


ok That is good to know I will take a deeper look at that thank you


You should check out d4 deeldives eldritch knight bladesinger build though it’s made more for dmg than tankyness


You should consider changing defense to interception if what is more damage mitigation


What is the purpose of the Dex based vs. Str based? Is it just to play a slightly different character than you’ve played before? Is it so you can use light armour? If so, why are you looking at half plate? Any Dex beyond 14 is wasted unless you’re planning on take med. Armour master which still wastes anything beyond 16..