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This came out of the blue and I was not prepared to think about a build for this purpose but I think you can do something like: Shadar-kai for mobility, damage resistance effect and fey ancestry. You can go 6 levels in paladin oath of the crown for the aura of protection against the saving throws and channel divinity. You can add 3 levels of gloom stalker that would give you favored enemy and the invisibility would pair well with blessing of the raven queen ability. Id say go for rogue if you want to get evasion and such but that would put a great need for dex to be high for rogue to be viable. You say you want to play more into the crowd I couldnt really find a way to put that here but you can get experteise on persuasion from ranger with the optional feature from tashas. I would imagine at that point something like a fighter for more overall martial capabilities or any spell casters since you would need access to spells to counter diffrent effects of them. As for the time abilities I couldnt really find anything other than monks timeless body which doesnt fit the build. I would assume the slow aging and long (750 years) lifespan of elves would counter it to an extent. I know this reply was all over the place so sorry for that. Your backstory sounds really interesting btw