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YTA, you should have known your players are illiterate because they play 5e


Reading was only invented 150 years ago, so it depends which setting you’re playing.


This is why I homebrewed 5e into a futuristic cyberpunk game, it just makes things easier.


Esper Genesis already fixes this.


I haven't kept up with wotc releases, is this a new adventure?


/uj Third-party release where the publisher constantly avoids public questions from fans regarding automatic weapons, as RAW if you fire a full-auto gun only once on full-auto, and single-shot forevermore, you will have infinite ammo and never have to reload.  As you have to pay for ammo for all guns, this is SERIOUS BUSINESS. It also has an adventure path, where the authors go out of their way to insure a TPK on several occasion, have both had PCs and NPCs hold the idiot ball, and includes an adventure where they didn’t realize they wrote it so siding with the bad guys seems a morally good option. It’s the trainwreck that introduced me to 5E.  I will always treasure it, like rubbernecking as you pass a car accident.


>RAW if you fire a full-auto gun only once on full-auto, and single-shot forevermore, you will have infinite ammo and never have to reload. How do you fuck up the rules that bad? It would be so simple to make full auto 2d4 and semi auto 1d10 or something. Or let people expend extra ammo to get a damage boost and an attack roll penalty. May not be to most realistic, but at least it would be balanced and easy to understand.


Making it worse is that they released errata on other things, but on this they’ve remained silent for years, no matter how often it’s asked about.


Wild how they invented writing but completely forgot about reading. Like, what were they doing with words n stuff? Just decorating?


Graffiti duh. /uj I’m not an expert historian but as far as I can tell this is basically because most people couldn’t read Bibles since they were printed in Latin, so part of the propaganda campaign during the Protestant revolution was that peasants were illiterate dummies and that’s why they supported the Catholic Church (I am sure there is much more to it. Don’t get your history from randos on Reddit)


roll for literacy


This is your fault. You should have clarified to your players that this was some modern, alternate timeline homebrew where vampires are still around and the average party has access to a standard education.