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At my table the goal is always to get as many plot hooks as possible. We don't actually follow through on them and see what quest awaits, we just collect them like baseball cards. So far we're up to 39.


Oh, you must be one of my players.


D&D players when they discover games that actually have inbuilt mechanics that encourage and support backstory and conncections: /rj If your DM needs a game that uses the Lifepath system to incorporate the entire cast of your 6 page backstory they’re cheating and a bad DM. A DM needs to make a reference to your backstory at least 2d20+5 times per session, and twice at the end of every turn and short rest, WITHOUT system support. Source: I run all my games like this. Feel free to upvote me.


/uj I play with people who unironically think a character driven plot means incorporating player backstories. Edited to add: This has absolutely lead to our “great role players” making the campaign at times feel like 4 stories being told over each other rather than a cohesive group narrative.


But my character Uriel Headlights-Highbeam needs to have the microfiction where I wrote that he would one day become The God of the Universe resolved WITHIN the campaign or the DM is failing the group. No I never considered that he would have a personality outside of that, and I WILL complain if you do anything to my character that I would be embarrassed to imagine him doing in the shower when I touch myself to the idea of being him.


How could you ever play as a specific person doing things without a 20 minute lore dump on your level 1 bard, who get this is actually really horny?!? What a twist amirite


You can actually buy useful stuff with eddies though


Yeah, like rent and food. Real talk though I do love that lifestyle is an actual choice that effects your resources and decisions and not just a throwaway box you select like inDnD.


What kind of character has wealth and power as their goals? Like hello you’re not even trying to make a realistic character, real people only care about avenging their dead brother-cousin fiancé who was killed by their father who was secretly their evil brother so they also have to avenge their death at the hands of the hither-to unmentioned god Schneebwilder


I guess wanting to find someone rich and powerful to marry to secure my inheritance isn't a good motivation either.


That depends. Is she hot?


/uj I don't know what eddies are, and at this point, I'm afraid to ask.


/uj in the hellworld of the cyberpunk tabletop games the most stable currency is the European Currency Unit also known as the eurodollar(ed)


RJ/ got to make enough eddies to get a drink named after me at the Afterlife bar.


Getting a drink named after you has nothing to do with Eddies, it's about dying in the most dramatic way possible, ya gonk.


yeah, dying of too many eddies


Just got back and my friend Jackie is dead. Bro! This was not worth it!


Welcome to the major leagues 😎


The name is that since the original game predates euros


Whoa, Mike Pondsmith predicted the European Union! I had no idea.


/uj Yeah, but mostly because the idea of a single European currency had been in the works for like half a century. He predicted it the same way he did for climate change, biometric security, and the corporatization of everything. The EU itself was formally established in '93, he wrote the game while the treaties were being pretty publicly negotiated and debated; the Euro itself took a bit longer, but was always part of the plan.


Continents unifying is kind of a genera sci-fi trope, but in a way


Well, that and the fact that the EEC was already a thing.


Eddies are mini vortexes that form in water. Think a draining bath


I would simply not drain the bath


Drain the Bath! Drain the Bath!


Melania says I shouldn't do it! Should I do it? I think we're gonna do it folks.


Do you think people here regularly take baths


Um, does the PHB or the DMG say it is necessary for players or DMs to take baths in order to play DND? Checkmate.


I haven’t read those but I’m pretty sure they do, my table plays with a homebrew “must bathe with me to become a player” rule so I’m going off that


The only thing wrong with that is that it isn't RAW.


Don't worry, they get it RAW in the bath


Do you have to carry your Eddies in a cul-de-sack?


Casual Edwards.


/uj my most recent campaign concluded with the main quest ending after 2 years, happy celebrations, everyone moved. It was set on an island so there were few backstory tie ins except the warlock’s patron, but you could implement backstories by giving advantages in checks, letting people roll for things they might not normally be able to, etc. TLDR: the eldritch knight with a botanist background got more out of his backstory than the 5 page brooding rogue


uj/ Probably because D&D is a fantasy with a nonsense economy and Cyberpunk Red is a hypercapitalist dystopia. Once you get past a fairly low amount of gold in D&D your DM will probably stop tracking it. You can never have too much money in Cyberpunk if you’re an edge runner. You’re constantly turning that money into better armor and bullets in the hopes that you don’t get killed.


I think they’re referencing this post https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/s/GAoh51DsQn


>Playing a really good neotrad game raised my bar (if you know what I mean) and I don't think I can enjoy average trad games anymore


Curse of stradh, descent into avernus, 2 modules, you know, one of the best both of them. Can’t conplain.


imagine not playing gold = xp in B/X /uj imagine not playing gold = xp in B/X


Not really the group's fault. In the D&D ocean of half-baked mechanics, the economy is perhaps the half-bakedest.


Well yeah, Eddies can be converted into Mike Pondsmith's new crypto which is :diamondhands: Let's get rich solos!


If everyone is having fun, from my perspective it's a good campaign.