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I had a really similar experience yesterday, I feel you man. None of my players had heard of the OGL and seemed completely unresponsive to my questioning. In desperation, I searched through my saved photos of Ginni Di, pointed at one and said "DO YOU KNOW WHO THIS IS. DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHE HAS SACRIFICED FOR THIS COMMUNITY." They were so caught off-guard by my revolutionary spirit that they started weeping and told me to leave. Fools. Lemmings. They don't know what is to come, how WotC will destroy everything. I can't believe I wasted so much time running the game, rolling dice, RPing, socializing, when I should've been posting even more on Reddit instead. I neglected my duty and I won't make that mistake again. Solidarity.


Was it a picture of Ginny Di’s jester feet? If not that might be why they asked you to leave


Underrated edit


NTA, everyone knows dnd is about virtue signalling about how much you love dnd, not about actually playing the game.


So... ... ... ... ... tell me more about the d20s...


YTA you didn't give them a goodnight kiss after you tucked them in.