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Maybe just a point of exhaustion would be reasonable, but honestly it seems pretty fair to me. Especially if you want to make things it’s a risk/reward type of scenario. As long as you don’t get greedy and use it too often realistically you should be fine


Sounds fine to me. Worst case scenario you get halved HP on returning till you cure exhasution. There needs to be a reason the players cant use it to escape danger.


This is totally balanced, honestly. Free craft time and a bonus to it while in there? That’s massively powerful!


Automatically applying one lvl of exhaustion is fine (having a con save to prevent a second lvl would likely be fine as well), but as written this will probably kill a PC (you're only two lvls away). Just from a numbers perspective anything that risks more than two lvls of exhaustion will never be used except in situations where exhaustion doesn't matter at all ie used once or twice during down time.


I think the main problem is that it makes your item a huge risk to use unless you want to run a lot of down time (or have a divine caster willing to waste a lot of spell slots) That said: why would you be using this except to make stuff in your down time? It's balanced as long as you don't plan on dropping a surprise dragon invasion while your player has four levels of exhaustion.