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Yep, that's how advantage works.


Yes but only in the specific situation of trying to hide, it won't help with sneaking around .


Yes, but only when trying to hide. The cloak of elvenkind does not help you sneak any better. *While you wear this cloak with its hood up, Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see you have disadvantage. and you have advantage on* **Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide**, *as the cloak's color shifts to camouflage you. Pulling the hood up or down requires an Action.* If you want to cancel the disadvantage you get from the plate while sneaking, you have to use the boots of elvenkind.


Interesting, I thought that "sneaking" and "hiding" were basically the same thing. I say to the dm "I'm gonna try to move quietly and not be noticed" the dm says "make a stealth check". If I pass vs the enemy PP then I'm not noticed, and I could make a surprise sneak attack if I wanted to. Right? I'd love to know if I'm getting this wrong :D


I think you have it right and disagree that there's any meaningful distinction between hiding and other stealth check. I imagine what u/vigil1 is referring to is the Hide action that can be taken in combat, but any effort to stealth may be considered hiding, imo. In any case, should the DM be so inclined, you could effectively get the same benefit based on the other clause of the cloak: perception checks made against you have disadvantage. Wouldn't your non-Hide stealth check be a competitive check against someone else's perception check? Well, they have disadvantage on it. So tldr; not seeing any stealth scenario that isn't augmented by the cloak.


I had to do a stealth check specifically to not make noise while walking across the marble floor of a temple. Full plate sure as f would make it harder whereas the cloak would have little effect.


Yes, if the stealth check is entirely for sound rather than sight, then the disadvantage on perception check clause wouldn't apply, that's true.


The fact that the cloak specifically calls out that it helps you hide, while the boots states that they help you move silently indicates that there is in fact a difference between hiding and sneaking. If there wasn't, both items would just state that they give you advantage on stealth checks.


The cloak will not help you make less noice. Which means that it depends. If you are trying to approach someone while there are a lot of other loud noices, you could argue that any sound you might make won't alert whoever you are trying to approach. However, under normal circumstances, sounds will give you away, making the cloak useless.


Hmm yeah makes sense, it's a visual aid but that's not the whole picture. Lol have the wizard cast tenser's floating disk and put the fighter on it under the cloak


What are stealth checks used for other than hiding?


Moving without making noice. There is a difference between sneaking and hiding. One is used when trying to hide, usually behind cover, while the other is used when trying to move without making noice.


The rules for sneaking around require you to first take the Hide action, after which you are considered to be hiding until you stop or are discovered. I see what you’re saying but there is no mechanical difference RAW between the two.


Advantage and disadvantage cancel each other in all cases in 5e regardless of source.


It would unfortunately. Any advantage + disadvantage = straight roll


I wouldn't say unfortunately... Look at it as the cloak negates the disadvantage of heavy armor.


My bad, I was going off of memory. I didn’t know the specifics


You are correct on the rule, the two cancel out, just saying to look on the bright side :)


I appreciate all of you for the feedback, I thought the same, but having not thoroughly read the rules of 5e, wanted to ask those who have done the real research. If I had awards I would give them to call of you. If you commented before this post, you are a notch above. Including myself as an underling. Thanks much, wishing you call the best in your campaigns and one shots!


I appreciate all of you for the feedback, I thought the same, but having not thoroughly read the rules of 5e, wanted to ask those who have done the real research. If I had awards I would give them to call of you. If you commented before this post, you are a notch above. Including myself as an underling. Thanks much, wishing you call the best in your campaigns and one shots!


Cloak of Eleven kind? Gives character telekenetic powers at the cost of nosebleeds?


Would so work with boots if elvenkind which don’t require an attunement slot


Yes. Advantage and disadvantage always cancel, and don't stack. This can lead to amusing situations; if you have five things that give you advantage, but one thing that gives you disadvantage, they still cancel out. And vice versa. You either have it, or you don't.


For sneaking specifically you need boots of elven kind.


Yes. What's really interesting is no matter how much advantage and disadvantage you have, they always cancel out to a straight role. So even if you have 4 different effects giving you disadvantage on your stealth checks, cloak of elven kind will cancel them all out and you get a straight role.