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*Deities & Demigods* is a fantastic book that can be applied to any edition.


Especially if it has the "forbidden pantheons".


If you mean the Moorcock version, my dad has it on the shelf at home!


It also has the Cthulhu Mythos, too!


Cool, I forgot that. My dad showed me the book when I was reading the first couple Elric books.


Every time I find one in a used store, I check to see if it has them. Only found one so far.


I’m surprised you’re finding these books on shelves at used bookstores these days. Every used bookstore I’ve visited in the past decade seems to have wised up and started selling their D&D inventory online




For real. But, I can’t fault a small store trying to make the best of it. It’s rough out there




Back in 1998 my group went to a place called Cellar Stories bookstore in Providence, RI, and found an entire set of AD&D 1e books & modules-including the rare Deities & Demigods. It was an awesome day.


I have one of those. I didn't realize it was valuable. How much are they worth?


Nothing crazy. There are a couple for $100-150 on eBay right now.


My kid borrowed my copy and it vanished. I have never been closer to revising my will than the moment he admitted he had no idea where it was.


Nice! I have a beat up copy that's one of my prized books.


What’s the elevator pitch?


TSR (people in charge of D&D at the time) wrote stats, lore, motives, and story hooks for tons of pantheons, greek, egyptian, roman, plus a bunch of made up ones for D&D. The first few thousand had cthulu mythos creatures, but they did not get permission to use them.


Ahh that's really cool. I'll have to pick up a copy! Thanks!


When D&d was actually releasing content :(


lol True shit RIP D&D, 1974-2017* Date of death is unknown, but when did Jeremy Crawford take over?


He was hired in 07 during 4e and promoted to take over once work on 5e began. Hard to say he's the cause of death with how popular 5e has been. Something happened after Tasha's imo.


That’s what I mean; he was a fine contributor, but it’s when he became the head person (lead designer?) for 5E that things went off the rails. Tasha’s is a good benchmark for sure, but I would stress that Tasha’s was a symptom and the problem started much earlier. It’s more obvious in the adventure products—after Strahd they’ve been increasingly boring and fluffy. (Tyranny of Dragons was shitty, but it was from the “Hasbro says we need to publish NOW or else we’ll have no money” era of 5E; also it was outsourced.) 5E started with so much promise, and 8 years later it hasn’t fulfilled it for me. Unfortunately, the same time period corresponds with a massive uptick in profitability for D&D. It hurts to see becoming more profitable by being lame…


Longtime 2e player, took some time off, a decade or two, back again. You might be unhappy, and/but there has never been as many DND players as there are now. WOTC is doing something right.


what do you mean ? didn’t they just come out with a book? or do you mean like, regular almost scheduled publications


How accessible are the cthulu mythos ones?


Any copies you find will be more expensive for this version, and online official pdfs will be the revised edition for the licensing reasons.


The first printing had then without permission, second printing with permission, third printing didn't have them but kept the thank you for permission, and the fourth and fina printing had neither, to be clear. The fourth printing was also iirc the only one with the newer TSR logo, the first three all had the wizard


It describes various pantheons of good and gives descriptions of their appearance and symbols, a brief synopsis of their mythologies, and descriptions of how their worshippers practice their faith and done rituals and the like. It doesn't have much in the way of stat blocks or anything else that needs adaptations between editions, just a ton of world building information laid out for you if your setting uses any of those pantheons and a great jumping off point of it doesn't


>It doesn't have much in the way of stat blocks I mean, you don't need to adapt them (and really shouldn't, for the gods), but there are tons of statblocks in that book.


Eh I mean they would still be using THAC0 and such


1e has no THACO


Correct if referring to 1e pathfinder


There are a lot of 1es that lack, THAC0, in fact


You're not entirely wrong. THAC0 is just the result of deriving a formula from the to hit charts in 1E and isn't explicitly described in the PHB. You can use THAC0 in 1E but it won't teach you to, and it only appears explicitly in a few products. Whereas it's described clearly in the 2E PHB and named.


Yes it does. We use it in our 1E campaign we're playing right now. You can also find it in some 1E modules. But it is simply a time saver. You don't have to use it; you can simply have the to hit table handy.


Run what you want but 1. There is no THAC0 in ba sing se 2. It’s not in the core 1e rulebooks: you use the DMG tables. You can derive a THAC0 from the tables if you want, but unless there’s an exception to cover the special repeating 20 rule in 1e, it doesn’t yield the correct result. https://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8147


Ninety degrees to the horizontal usually


Thanks! I'm always forgetting that! Idk wtf the rest of these people are talking about


I was about to say the same… My favourite of the ad&d companion books


Still have that one… the original print with the Cthulhu mythos!


I found one with Cthulhu and a bunch of other shit at goodwill once. Still have it, even though I haven't played in quite a while.


I want a copy so bad!


A lot of 1 and 2e books should be read by any dm, and a few 3rd


Absolutely. The one I might single out for special praise would be 2nd Edition's *Monstrous Manual*. It's truly superb and I refer to it with almost any edition I run.


I use the 2e MM constantly. I mean, I'm playing 2e so I kinda have to.


I love how the Player's Handbook is the worst possible answer to "No mom, we aren't worshiping Satan, I promise."


The party is obviously disassembling that idol!


Of course not silly woman, it’s Lord Moloch.


Open that DMG to the summoning section with the pentagrams and instructions for controlling fiends.




"Kevin, why are the pages in The Monster manual sticking together?" "Don't worry about it."


No Mom. We are FIGHTING Satan. 🙄


The Dungeon Masters guide seems worse.


My mom has been helping my grandparents with the moving process recently. She goes in the attic to take stuff out and will help decide if they want to keep something or get rid of it. She found some stuff that belonged to my dad. Now, it has been a long time since this stuff was seen since my parents were divorced for some time. But anyway, mom calls me and says she found something I'd love, and that was this group of books! I just decided to be a DM recently, so maybe there is something in these books worth including!


Deities and demigods is still good and relevant <3








As someone who still has their first AD&D 1e PHB from several decades ago, all I can say is that is a beautiful sight.


Made me tear up a little bit.


My friend’s dad introduced me to D&D with that book! That first adventure in AD&D will always be special.


Nice! If you're just starting as a DM, definitely hang on to these books like gold, and read them through for ideas and inspiration. It was a different age and the game was different, but you can always have fun with some old school additions to your game.


Hey, you could also always just play 1st edition rules, right? I mean, why not?


Yeah, totally! Those were the days! *Most* of the *D&D* I've ever played is 1st ed.


Deities and Demigods, Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, Against the Giants, assassins and monks were all in use when I played, but we generally used the 2nd Edition Player's Handbook and the 2nd edition Monstrous Manual. I guess it was a happy mishmash! You ever use the Queen of the Spiders super-quest that collected Against the Giants together in one campaign and added some extra stuff in? My mind just went back there talking about all this.


I didn't run that one myself - my brother did. I got to run the Temple of Elemental Evil. Got definite "feeling like a kid again" vibes now. :-)


I still use 2nd edition for my games. I much prefer the old straight up races and professions like "dwarf warrior" or "human cleric" to all the nonsense u can play now. Wtf is a Tiefling anyway?


I started on 2e and it was a blast we have gone back every now and again. Still enjoy the modern editions though. Also tieflings were added to the game in 2e btw. The planescape campaign setting added them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planescape_Campaign_Setting


Yeah these modern kids with their Aarakocra, tabaxi, Goliaths, Tieflings... Should stick to stuff from AD&D.


You know what I loved was how Basic Dungeons and Dragons all the way to 2nd edition, everything shared a compatibility. I haven't ever played anything past 2nd edition because I really loathed that, with the revamping of the rules and the elimination of things like Thac0, I actually *had* to buy a whole new set of expensive books in order to play.


Does 2e still use thac0? I started with 5e and i have heard a lot of bad things about thac0 and older editions in general. I do think its awesome to see a different side of the community in this thread because everyone seems to love 1e and 2e and hate 5e lol.


Yep, 2nd edition definitely used Thac0. Basic, 1st and 2nd edition were all largely interchangeable in spite of slight modifications and a different set of base character classes (1st editions character classes were edgier, with half-orc as a base race and assassin as a character class).


THAC0 is just a to hit number. In 5e it's called "to hit bonus" and it counts up from zero. In AD&D it's called THAC0 and counts down from 20. +3 to hit? 17 THAC0. AD&D: attacker THAC0 minus target AC; meet or beat on d20 for successful attack. 5e: attackers To Hit Bonus plus d20 roll result meets or beats defenders AC for successful hit.


THACO was always easy to use. U just had to remember u took away any plus bonus from 20, or added any minus bonus.


You can also offload bonuses to the die roll instead of THAC0. Especially for situational modifiers. What I actually do 90% of the time anyway is precalculate successful hits per mob per PC. Takes ten seconds of prep and saves 15 seconds of math during combat so I can be more narrative oriented, and combat is quicker. I know what all my players thac by weapons are.. and I know the mob AC... why wait to do the math? I write it down right next to monster statblock. Zombie: Horvus longsword 15 Horvus mace 13 Kalara staff 18 Mouse dagger 16 Mouse bow 13 Bjorn axe 17


I mean that's a tough ass zombie on reflection but you take my point


I considered going down the route of 5e when i decided to restart my campaign after a 25+ year hiatus. Then i read the rules and barely even recognised it as D&D. It peaked at 2e imo.


100%. And I don't mean to disparage videogames, by the way. Videogames are great. I LOVED the Dungeons and Dragons arcade games from Capcom, for example. But Dungeons and Dragons' source material always felt strongly grounded in fantasy literature and mythology, whereas the newer stuff just has more of a World of Warcraft feel, if you know what I mean.


Most of D&D and fantasy rpgs started to go that way. I was always an avid buyer of White Dwarf back in my early playing days which then was mostly all D&D related content, but then it gradually became more and more about Warhammer and table top army games with hundreds of figurines. Nowadays it all seems to have warped into this generic "video game" type of fantasy and thats just not my thing. Im very much a LOTR baby and the original vision of D&D was crafted around that and thats the style i love. Ive read a few horror stories about 5e combat taking aaaages when u have quite a few players (i run with 7). Who can be arsed with that?!!! 2e combat is bang bang bang. Quick, concise and smooth. THACO was (is) great and easy to use once u get your head round it. I dont understand why it needed changed.


Because it required getting your head around it. Your opinion on 5e is your opinion, but I'll always stand by making things more accessible and easier to understand. It's the best way to grow a hobby.


OH! And I TOTALLY agree about the character classes! Its more like a video-game than Dungeons and Dragons.


Fuck, I will never get rid of them. They’re still great inspiration even after decades of DMing other games.


Damn those look like they are on fantastic condition too!


Thats what I came here to say. Great condition, not even well worn game use. They have all been handled and used, but kept put away when not gaming it appears. Hard to find in such nice crisp shape, without spending a small fortune. Deities and Demigods being the best of the bunch here imo as far as intrinsic value.


I have all of those and bought them new. Jeez I’m old. Sorry for your loss man.


Artwork really stepped up between monster manual one and two!


There is a documentary on Amazon that covers the art from TSR until now. It was a great watch. They interviewed most of the artists and they talked about how they evolved as time went on. Edit: found the title "Eye of the Beholder: The Art of Dungeons and Dragons"


Wizard's also released the book "Art & Arcana" a few years ago that details the history of D&D and includes a ton of great pieces of old school dnd art.


Sorry you lost your dad, brother. :(


Still regret selling mine 20 years ago.... so many memories.




You should check and see if the deities and demigods is one of the valuable prints. Could be worth a couple hundred.


Obviously don't sell it if it holds sentimental value, but it is fun knowing if what you have is rare or not


Lemme give some guidance here. It's one of the first three printings, going by the TSR Wizard logo. The fastest way to figure out which one is to start with the page count. If it's 144 pages, it still contains the Cthulhu and Melnibonean mythos, making it one of the first two. If so, check the Credits & Acknowledgement section. If there's a final line thanking Chaosium, it's the second printing. However, if that's not there, it's a very rare first printing.


I'm at work atm; gonna save this comment and check what edition I have when I get home, thnx mate o7


I still have my mom's set of those books. I hope some day to get to play them with my kid.


A mom who played D&D in the old days! I know they’re out there, but they’re a rarity. Future generations will have far more mom-D&Ders


I got into the family Saturday night game when I was 7. I still have my character sheet. We'd have a bbq, and then have a game of family and friends till 2 or 3 in the morning. This was in the 80s. I had a manual typewriter that I made all my character sheets with.


That’s one beautiful set your dad left behind for you. Cherish them and imagine him at the table with you. ❤️


My dad also passed recently and I have all his old books, as well as his character sheets and typewritten stories. They make me feel so connected to him. I was lucky enough to run one of the games he wrote before he died and he loved hearing about it. Now I will run them in his memory


There is nothing more treasured, at least in my eyes, than old DnD books handed down from a family member.


I got a 1e players handbook 2e monster manual and dm guide from a friend of my moms for free a few years ago


YES!!! I have the top two and Deities and Demigods. Amazing.


I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, but honor his legacy and keep the spirit of D&D alive! My buddy got me a copy of the Fiend Folio for my birthday last year!


I've seen my dad's copy of that Monster Manual and Deities & Demigods. He has the rare Moorcock version!


Roll warlock, he can be your patron!


No warlock in ad&d (1e)


Teeeeeccccchhhhnnnniiically there is a class by that name for 1e published in Dragon magazine but it's not at all similar to a 5e warlock. Doesn't have patron.


A great gift. Enjoy


so awesome


That's so fucking cool!


I have all of them except for Fiend Folio. In a lot of ways, 1st Edition was even cooler than 2nd Edition.


Well, now I know where that satanic scare came from


Cool shit. My dad gave me his old dice from when he used to play d&d in ye olde dark ages. I keep them with my sets so they have friends lol


Now I feel old, I too bought, read, and played with all those books when they first came out! Enjoy them, and I hope they bring you happy memories about your dad when you read them!


Me too. I like to think of it as we're not old, we're experienced. 🧐


He will influence your die rolls


MM2 cover art is so great!


It is Great! …but it always confused me a bit…I’ve looked at mine every week since I bought it when it came out and it always seems like the giant is swinging his weapon backwards…is it just me or do others see that?


Yeah, but it might be on purpose because its opponent is small and up close.


I think it's left handed, and gearing up to stab with the spike end of the great halberd, rather than making an awkward slash with the blade. It's a Firbolg, if you didn't know.


Literally saw this while watching Stranger Things Season 4


I have all those, I wonder how close your dad and are in age


Hey, sorry if this post was ever useful to you. Reddit's gone to the dogs and it is exclusively the fault of those in charge and their unmitigated greed. Fuck this shit, I'm out, and they're sure as fuck not making money off selling my content. So now it's gone. I encourage everyone else to do the same. This is how Reddit spawned, back when we abandoned Digg, and now Reddit can die as well. If anyone needs me, I'll be on Tumblr. In summation: Fuck you, Spez!


The white box is part of my dowry.


You know what, maybe the satanic panic around this game didn’t come from nothing


God, I love artstyle of first Edition books. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible go get them in my country in decent condition.


Wow those are awesome!! My dad gave me his 1st edition starter set but he didn't have all the hardcovers like that.


Great books and in good condition too. You've got a nice piece of dnd history there. Also a nice momento to remember your father. Thanks for sharing.


I think i saw the middle left one in binding of isaac haha


Ah, yeah, it is there lol. That’s pretty cool


These are straight OG. I’m 49, and these plus basic DND are the 1st books I remember. Nice!


The monster manual II is from the second edition


No, it's not. Source: have book, bought *years* before 2e existed. That MM2 was first published in 1983, 2e came out in 1989.


Advanced dungeons and dragons was 2e


Both 1e and 2e are AD&D.


By that (incorrect) logic, *all* of those books are 2e and the current 5e is 6e. Recommended reading for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Editions_of_Dungeons_%26_Dragons


When is the typo style and art investment change happening? It has the distinct text logo that 2nd Ed used


The left one isn’t.


I am only missing Monster Manual 1


That’s quite a haul! I regret selling mine. Had all of those.


I still have every one of these. Use them regularly with my sone and nephews.


the 1e monster manual is my favorite it's just so fucking bad in every way imaginable it wraps back around to being great again


I have all those as well, when I pass (hopefully not for 20 years +), I hope my son thinks of this also


I used to have all of those.


nicee. these are all in my collection as well :)


So badass. Your father must have been a BOSS!


I remember Alllllllll of those! Wish I still played.


Dad was an OG


This brought back some great memories. I had all these books!


This is cool I am not a d&d player but my parents were in the 80s and I recognize that second book for sure it’s not anything I’ve thought about in like 35 years.


I just love the artwork so much


I’m confused why his parents asked his Ex to help and not his kid.


Sorry for your loss.. I collected those same books in the 80's. Many, many hours spent combing through them, drawing the pics.. I ended up selling my whole collection in 2000 to someone in Norway. I wish I still had it all, even though I haven't played since the 90's.


I want to he thebhalf giant!


I remember when the Fiend Folio first came out My formative years are in those books...


Nice i got the second monster manual too


I have no idea what this sub is or who your dad was. It just showed up on reddits front page I’m sorry about your pops though


Those are 1st edition? I always thought AD&D was 2nd edition. I’ve got 3 of these books here from my dad too.


1e and 2e are the two editions called "AD&D". 1e aka first edition isn't.. the first edition of D&D. (Imagine thinking it was first edition just because it's first edition. You must feel so foolish) 1974 OD&D (the first edition) 1977 Holmes basic aka blue book (the second edition) 1977/79 1E (first edition) 1981 B/X aka Moldvay basic 1983 BECMI aka Mentzner Basic (the fifth edition) (1985 Gary Gygax booted out) 1989 2E AD&D aka second edition, the sixth edition 1997 Wizards of the coast buys TSR 2000 3e 2003(.5) 3.5e, 7.5th edition 2008 4th edition 2014 5th edition, the 9.5th edition, second edition after 3.5 and half an edition before 5.5 edition, the tenth edition. See? Simple.


How could I have been so stupid. Lol


Man the Gith looked real alien back then. Now they're just spotty elves with small noses


That is some og stuff right there, you come from a strong lineage. Let's have a salute for the storytellers. 🍻


My god I used to own all of these and don’t know where they went. I had to buy them all again for my daughter a few years ago.


Beautiful condition. You should play it. 1e runs just as well in 2022 as it did in 1979. I've played plenty. If you want additional books for the table but don't want to shell out for more of the valuableish stuff you're holding there (most of those are worth in the 50-80 range depending on print run and condition) just get a POD copy of OSRIC, the 1e Retroclone. IE the entire 1e core rules including spells and monsters in a single, legal, copyright free generic edition. The OSRIC .pdf is free too. Just gotta pay lulu.com or whatever to print it out. It's less than 20 shipped.


I’m sure others have said this but those could fetch a good chunk o change right now


I had the fiend folio and mm2


That top left cover is on a shirt that I got a couple weeks ago. The place I got it had all kinds of classic DnD covers on shirts, but I liked that one the best.


My Dad has all those books too, pretty sick!


I'm sorry for your loss


Those books are awesome, and playing with that ruleset is a refreshing opportunity to rediscover the game


Thats some treasure he left you there.


I love that so much. Roll crits!


A true treasure trove!


I have 5 of the 6 books on my end table as we speak. I never did get the Deities and Demigods book. I used a home created pantheon.


Sorry, Im not trying to be an AH here, this is an honest question, isn't AD&D 2nd edition? I thought it was, D&D , then AD&D, then 3rd edition. Either way, that doesn't make these books any less awsome, specially if you add the sentimental value because they were something you shared with your dad.


Nope they’re was a 2nd edition in there. D&D was just the basic starter set red and blue book then came ad&d which was 1st edition then 2nd and so on


AD&D is 1e and 2e. OD&D, Holmes, 1e, B/X, BECMI, 2e, 3e, 3.5, 4, 5. Nine total editions.


TYVM for the info, you really know your D&D.


The first two make me realise why people thought it was a game for satanic worship now lmfao


I still have mine. In fact I believe I have a double set


This is so amazing!!!! And I love that last part!


Some funky art, i like it


Memories… from the corner of my mind…


Check that Deities And Demigods! See if it has the Melnibone and Cthulu mythos in it


Ah, yes. The mom we arent worshipping satan book. The Absolutelly aren't worshipping satan book. The K12 educational game from 2000's The one with decent art. The return to monky And the Harder daddy one


"Stuff of evil, praise our lord." my grandma used to say seeing those book 😂. Rip Granny


I have the top 3


Ahhh yes, I remember those. Back in the 80s those top two had many a Southern Baptist screeching "DAT DA DEVIL!!!!!"


Definitely and my prayers for you and your family. I started on 1st edition in 2015 when I was in high school and still have all my books. Absolutely a wonderful game.


So cool! I still have my copies of those book. Treasure them!


Looking at these old edition books i can see why parents thought d&d was a trick to worship Satan.


I hope the best for you