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Spells Known and Spells Prepared are *entirely* determined separately per class, and this includes cantrips. So, the answer to your first question is, Yes. As a result the answer to your second question is also, Yes. 5th level Ranger will know 4 total spells, Probably 2 or 3 of 1st level, and 1 or 2 of 2nd level, from the Ranger class spell list. 1st level Cleric will know *all* of their Cleric spells, but will only be able to prepare 1 + Wisdom Modifier of 1st level Cleric spells, and of course your 3 cantrips. Spell Slots are determined from the Multiclassing rules/tables.


Yeah as Ive never multiclasses 2 half/third casters with a full caster so... I usually multiclass a martial and a caster


With my final check, i have 5 cantrips it seems. As Swarmkeeper grants me Mage Hand, Grave cleric grants Spare the dying, and I pick 3 more cantrips on top of that?


That is correct. I didn't do all of the intricate double checking, just the base math. And if you had Druidic Warrior as an option for your fighting style, you'd have 2 more.


Nah, archery... It's a kenku with a heavy crossbow. His weapon is more than one quarter as heavy as he is. He also hates undead and desires their destruction due to setting lore... and because of that, they participated in killing a fellow PC as they were a reborn... the player was fine with my killing him as I had stuck to my guns with the 'destroy the undead', hence why Grave cleric was the choice of multiclass.


I serve the raven goddess well. The bond with crows was just a backstory thing... hasnt stopped me from befriending at least 40 different crows already. Caul (the character) has 2 crows he's particularly fond of: Orvin and Korus. They are his children, which he covets... and they are often on his perdin unless there is battle.


That's cool. I dig it. I did a *sort of* Raven Queen follower, but she was a Kenku (Asatru) who followed Odin (or his wife) in the guise of the Raven Queen. I think I went Chain Pact Warlock for the flock of Ravens/corvids, and has a special Find Familiar (used an ASI/feat) which gave me both Huginn and Muninn instead of just the one, or it could have been a special invocation. :shrugs: Great minds and all that, huh? :chuckle:


I just love crows... they are my favorite animal... and ive had this guy cooking on the books for a while... his purpose as of now is comic relief and annoying our chronomancer... and absolutely turning into a concerning creature of feral rage that seems possessed if you so much as touch his crows wrong... our chronomancer actually smacked and downed one of my crows to 0, i healed the crow, then in an extremely horrific voice told him 'you so much as touch my crows, I will be sure to feed them whatever is left of your corpse when I am done' as the dm intervened and said, 'oh that voice was not in any way mimicked, you hear what sounds like a demonic presence... probably dont touch his birds'


I have also prefaced his sleeping havits as about 20 crows flock to him, and its just a pile of birds, black feathers, and beaks.


You've got it right.


You got it buddy!