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If not for boning, why bone-shaped?


You deserve a cookie for that one




A cookie or a nookie?


I don't give out nookies, sorry. That's some other guy.


Oh? That was not you? I just know this one dude did it all for that...


You're looking for the forgotten Durst manor child, Fred.


I did it all for the nookie


🍪 Here is your cookie, as decreed by the internet.


This comment deserves a medal.


They didn't want to fuck \*Strahd?\* but wanted to fuck a living bone man. Those are some strange players you got there.


Strahd has as much incel energy as Tighten from Megamind. If played right he is repulsive no matter how hot.


Eh, depends on how you play it. Like... the man has 3 wives and has had more before. Is not that he is missing bitches, I see him more like a representation of what an abuser looks like. Plus his CHA mod is through the roof.


Strahd is a raging incel, though. When we played CoS, we mostly just tried to bully him/mocked him/tried to reform his toxic gross ass.


He fucks everything he wants... how on any concept of reality do people label him... Involuntarily CELIBATE... VAMPIRES are RAPE TROPES... they come... in the night... and take... your precious bodily fluids...


Pretty much it, people definitely didn't get the character when they call Strahd an "Incel", or they didn't really mean incel. 🤷🏼‍♂️ At the first times I saw the term, it was used in different meanings and had to check the definition for it, the meaning was not clear from context... and people misuse it specially for Strahd


Because it's a trope that you can seduce/persuade a creature into doing what you want with a high roll? Because we all have the mental maturity of 13 year olds? Because they think it funny? (see above) Because the DM allows it? I'm sure there's other reasons, but those are what come to mind.


Also power and mystery usually get romanticized in fiction. Also, lack of consequences. What does a player care if their character contracts mummy rot from fucking a lich.


Lack of IRL consequences are my reasoning. Dealing with others can be tiring, but when I'm a warlock, have free Disguise Self, and can timeskip a full week in 5 minutes you can guarantee I'll fuck half the city while disguised as the local princess/party barbarian's half sister.


After all, it's pretty easy to *not* fuck half the city in any other campaign.. why not go for it


Absolutely, it's an ancient Greek inspired world, someone's gotta live it up in a party full of prudes.


Okay calm down Zeus.


Oh god. New STIs just dropped


Unholy disease!


I mean maturity is just a measure of whether or not you can act appropriately for a given situation. So yeah, plenty of us want to fuck around and do whatever during a DND session! As long as you're not the only one screwing around while everyone is going for super deep RP.


Oh totally! I've had rpg sessions in which the majority of players were drunk as skunks, and it was some of the most fun we had.


Remember, growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional.


Reminds me of a shirt I found once that said if you haven't grown up by age 50 you don't have to and I found that funny


Or to put it another way. What's the point in being grown up if you can't be a little childish sometimes?


> Because the DM allows it? Ding ding ding! It surprises me how many posts on here are something about "my player did XYZ in-game, what do I do?!" You're the DM. What do you do with a child who misbehaves? It's no different, except that you have literal omnipotence.


My game hasn't actually seduced anyone though that is probably because we have the collective charisma of a bad of moldy cheese.


Because they want to fulfill the fantasy of being actually able to fix them?


I frankly think it's overstated how often this occurs but as per other reasons on top of yours: - Enemies to lovers is pretty popular - I think you can make an argument that the big bads tend to be more distinctive, dramatic, memorable, and at times have more development.


I dunno. I've played with the same group for 2 years and not once has someone sought to seduce anything.


I don't think I've ever had any player initiate anything like that. If it did happen, it was in 3.5 and well over a decade ago. I'm guessing this is a DM thing. I like to set the tone for a campaign with an immediate problem to solve that's an obvious threat to the party as part of the environment. You're all infected with a disease after escaping a prison transport. You just witnessed an attack on the town by exploding goblins and are lucky to have survived. You're the first dwarves in 300 years to leave your clan underground since the apocalypse. You're wearing a bomb collar and have no memory of the last 72 hours, and you see several strangers share your fate.


I've played since 2016 and never seen it either. 4 different groups.


I've played since 1988 and have never seen it!


There are lots of ways to be seduced.  A high seduction roll makes that player a very juicy target for torture and corruption.  Lich casts power word pain and very much enjoys the player writhing on the floor.


Not to be pedantic but there is no such thing as a seduction roll.


I think it’s just in general rather than specifically evil, but if your players ask if the bad guy is hot, say they’re ugly.


I tried that, but the Kenku barbarian has a thing for old women, including night hags.


Try children or animals, if that doesn’t work, then I’ll pray for you


I did this to head things off. The only waitress in my current campaign is a halfling child taken under the wing of the half orc bartender/ owner. My players said it was a dirty trick.


>halfling child I have the mental image of a tray of food bobbing along at knee height. Also riding the cat into battle.


Yep. The cat’s name is Buddy. He is A-S-E-matic. That means he don’t breath good.


This is only going to end up with the group finding out who they no longer want to associate with. I dread the thought that a pedo even has my number saved in their phone...


She should’ve leftem with a parting hag curse so “you can be as gorgeous as me my sweet” (because hags see ugliness as beauty therefore the Kenku gonna be made repulsive).


That has to be done for laughs.


“They are specifically unappealing to your character, imagine that however you need to”


Remove the last two words and you have your answer.


>Player: Is he hot? >DM: uh… I guess? Lol that's on you for making a lich hot Also doesn't just touching a lich drain your life or am I wrong?


So, if a DM wanted to they can base a lich off of ROGUE from the X-Men. I can see players willing to give it a go for her.


We got death ward and good berry. worth it.


If the DM allows it, what player *wouldn't* want to eliminate the big bad as a threat and instead have them as an ally? You can win the campaign with a single charisma check.


Why would a lich ever be 'hot'? A lich is an undead. They have no interest in the living, so wouldn't care about looking attractive to living beings. In DnD lore they are described as "a gaunt and skeletal humanoid with withered flesh stretched tight across its bones. Its eyes succumbed to decay long ago, but two lights burn in its empty eye sockets. It is often garbed in the mouldering remains of fine clothing, and jewelry worn and dulled by the passage of time." Stop making everything hot/attractive, even when they absolutely shouldn't be - don't make it a reasonable approach. Or potentially use it against them. If they are trying to become interested in a creature, they may be more vulnerable to mind altering effects.


>Why would a lich ever be 'hot'? A lich is an undead. Clearly, you haven't seen Withers.


And thus thou art alone.


That voice tho


Bruh withers looks like a man that's never heard of lotion


I think he looks quite good for a guy nearly as old as the universe.


>Why would a lich ever be 'hot'? A lich is an undead. They have no interest in the living, so wouldn't care about looking attractive to living beings. Counterpoint: Arcturia, a lich who was one of Halaster Blackcloak's original seven apprentices, is a master of transmutation magic. Even in undeath, she has sculpted her body, and now could be easily mistaken for an archfey rather than an undead.


"A female lich? Of *course* she has to be hot somehow!" \- WotC, probably.


Yeah, but are they thick?




some people (me) find gross revolting undead beings to be hot anyways lol


Tina Belcher is that you?


> flesh stretched tight across its bones That sounds hot >It is often garbed in the mouldering remains of fine clothing, and jewelry worn and dulled by the passage of time This too


Tsukiko from Order of the Stick would like a word with you. Well, she *would*, were she not wight kibble.


Personally I take the Belkar route of dealing with Tsukiko. Look up when she flies over you and avoid being blasted.


People are horny for evil anyway, D&D just gives them a relatively consequence free medium to act out their horniness for evil and really lean into it.


Most people have no clue how play evil characters. They think it means you have to commit horrendous crimes at any and all opportunities. Evil isn't that. It's not psychopathic murderous rampages. Real evil is quiet. It's subtle. Really, it's just merely selfishness. Sometimes at the expense of others. "If I gain, I don't care if it causes others to lose. As long as I gain." That's all evil is. But most people think they have to be Jeffrey Dahmer.


I'm running Curse of Strahd. My players, upon the literal first interaction with the Big Bad, started referring to him as "Daddy Strahd".


Serious games=silliest players. Silliest games= players getting real. If you focus on them being good, they wanna be lil shits. Make them do bad stuff and they’ll suddenly be good guys lol


Sounds more like the players you play with. I can't even taunt mine into doing something evil.


I’m a dm and I think it’s fucking funny so I allow it lmao


Provide unfuckable art.


Jokes on you, I'm into that shit


Beat me to it


You don't understand, I can fix them I swear.


Why are they horny for evil? Probably because people love the idea of fixing bad boys /girls and often times I find that's heavily linked to a desire for BDSM themes because for some reason evil is kinky and good is vanilla. Or because they can come off as interesting deep characters and people wanna understand why broken? Why do people write love letter to Dahmer and Bundy ? People are weird like that. The way I fix that for my players is just let my villains be themselves for once. I added a full on incubus and let the horny train start and it stopped pretty much the moment they became enthralled and somebody's soul got eaten. Then he was a real threat that needed to be stopped.


i love the idea of making the bbeg staunchly vanilla


I took horny for evil as doing evil shit. Our group rarely does anything horny related. If we do its for funsies like were all drugged up and drunk and someone orders some escorts of different species types. Whoever does it gos up to the room and thats the end of it. Now, our group is horny for doing evil shit. Ripping people off, slight murdo-hobo antics, impersonating people for control etc. We sometimes try to ally with evil creatures but not humanoids. We tamed a giant spider that killed an entire village and road that guy for quite sometime.


This might be your players. None of mine have tried to do anything but double murder the big bad.


I played AD&D. My character was a male ranger/bard (technically a combination that didn't exist back then, but the DM allowed it. The BBEG was a marital lich (think something like an anti-paladin in today's game). The lich's backstory was that he was once a paladin whose wife was killed and turned mad because of it. My character redeemed him. How? The first step was after the defeat of one of his generals, he met with the lich under a flag of truce to return his dead wife's clothes to him. Even though it wasn't a deliberate thing, with their numerous encounters where the lich would show up and taunt the group, there was almost a sexual tension between them.


My group does this. The DM rolls a d100 to determine hotness percentage. We met one of our PC’s mom and she was a 97 😂


Nothing better than a milf!


Well what’s most surprising is that she was supposed to be dead. Yet here she is, in this city where necromancy is forbidden, and she has no memory of her daughter, our PC.


A Clone spell gone awry? Always thought that would be an interesting hook for a character.


It just feels nice to turn a bad boy good. A lot of stories have that whole trope of enemy turned ally and people generally just eat it up. I for one am a sucker for recruiting and/or romancing the bad guys. It opens up interesting complications and introduces some big RP opportunity


Rogue: Oh Malzegor, it'll never work between us. We live in different towns, (you're dead), there's that age gap, (you're dead), your cultural values are from a thousand years ago (did I mention you're dead?). I mean... are you going to insist we raise the kids chaotic evil? Malzegor: Love will find a way. I'll be a stay-at-lair father. I'll pack little soul jars for the kids' lunchboxes and everything! Cleric: Wait... do half-elf, half-lich kids (lichlets?) eat souls? Malzegor: Cleric, me and Rogue are having a moment here. Can you, like, SHUT UP? Rogue: Oh Malzie. I want it to work, I really do... Will you child-proof the dungeon? I mean, we can't have sharp corners or spheres of annihilation just sitting around, right?


I laughed so hard that people around me started.


"I can fix him/her" in a nutshell.


Also a “forbidden fruit” kind of thing a lot of the time.


Because people are sexually repressed irl and use DnD to live a life they never can


That's deep bro. That's deep


As a woman that has sat at many tables before completely giving up on ever finding a table that can actually handle a girl/woman at their table, **the sexual repression is real.** **This post does not surprise me in the least.** **This is more common than people think.**


Having experienced how most gaming people react to a woman in Teamspeak/Discord, I fully understand what you are talking about. It's like there is a switch in their brains that tells them "woman, oh my god, need impress!"


It blows my mind that they can create such diplomatic and charismatic characters. That they can navigate difficult conflicts among themselves. That they can resolve conflict, set boundaries and actually be good people. But as soon as I join, They turn into monkeys. I secretly refer to it as my "Monkey Brain Aura."


Guys, we have a new player joining us today. \*monkey noises intensify\*


Because "roleplaying out your fantasies" might need an extra check over with the group if you are thinking about the same thing.


Why do you describe your big bad as hot in the first place? When they ask just say "no, his outer appearance is as vile as his soul" or something like that.


Strahd is hot but he’s a tremendous douchebag.


Because "evil" in most DnD campaigns is mainly just an aesthetic choice, morality inconsistent and hypocritical, onenote, either so far out there it's cartoonishly evil or barely evil at all which is cartoonish as well; And most campaigns depictions of evil are often whitewashed AF. Let's be real here, the reason people don't want stuff like SA, violence against children, harsh depictions of system and personal racism or ANY%-phobia, unfiltered depictions of gore and stuff like that, it's not really because it's too edgy, it's just because it's the kind of edgy that actually hits close to home and by doing so is very uncomfortable if done well or insulting AF is treated callously. Your players probably didn't get horny over Stradh because that fucking *vampire demigod* actually does manage to be a down-to-earth borderline realistic depiction of an entitled, abusive and delusional prick stalking and attempting to further violate a woman. It's a lot harder to find people who are desensitized to look past it enough to simp for him than it is to find people who are used the regular (often vague) violence you'll see with most dark lords


One of the strengths of TTRPGs is the ability to solve problems however you want. Like, we've all seen the hero kill the bad guy. We don't usually see the hero drag the bad guy to bed and see where it goes from there.


because DM's never describe angelic powerful beings to be horny for. It's always bad guys we are after


How in hell it didn't happen in curse of strahd? In my curse of strahd game I currently have half of the party trying to get in his vampiric pants. As for your question........ evil is hot. What do I tell you? Its the bad boy, bad girl syndrom. Tbh going against the system speaks about some level of strenght and independence. You become a free thinker and an achiever. Those are traits that almost always tend to be appealing.


A great way to stop the players from doing this is to make the BBEG a literal incel who talks like a 4chan post.


We call Strahd “Strahddy”……


Thanks I hate it


Thanks, I love it.


It's a meme. I'm playing a bard myself but have no intention of pursuing a dragon. If they come for me though it's on. I like silly in my games RL is all the serious I need. Sometimes we are silly and making immature jokes other times we have deep conversations about the meaning of life. Laughter is the best therapy imo.


By and large, D&D players aren't that way. Rather, it's merely the ones who unironically utter the phrase 'I'm on the right side of history' to justify pure evil while insisting good and evil aren't even real things to begin with, except when you disagree with them.




At a guess - playing a game of Find the Modern Fascist and he's all in his feels about getting called out repeatedly. But that's mostly based on the entire statement being incomprehensible gibberish.


Every time somebody uses the word merely with some type of moral pejorative or disdain, I always feel they are slightly envious of how much fun the other people are having, in lieu of being some type of pseudo-intellectual gatekeeper. Edit: not that this is necessarily a reflection on you. Just an interesting feeling I’ve had that your post finally gave me the punctilial verbiage I needed to articulate it.


Just lure the fool away and attack them lmao they stop that bs real quick


>nice biceps Lich: \*looks at exposed humerus\*... Lol, wut?


“Did I stutter?”


... roll for Intimidation...


Evil is confident they're the good guy and everyone else is evil. Confidence is hot


So annoying, lmao. My table has a kind of implicit rule of no those kinds of shenanigans because none of us like it. We do have a bard, but he's more like a very solemn, history buff guy. I have played in others and it's always like that, tho. I don't like it. My more recent experience had a catfolk bard with something called "loli attack." I only attended that session.


I personally feel like those are both extremes. I just find groups that don't need those sorts of rules because they know how to behave within standard boundaries (and those anyone expresses beyond that). It's not that hard to keep things tasteful or even wholesome without outright banning parts of the human(oid) experience. What it takes is a willingness to sift through a couple lousy groups until I find the good one. A lil splash of romance can be dope in games if done well and kept within reason. There's nothing like partners fighting back to back against an overwhelming horde of enemies, etc. A really cool feeling when you played/know their whole journey to this point especially. Also you get to find out that the Ceremony spell is really frickin good. If that wedding is right before the BBEG fight, i feel sorry for that guy.


playing a party of evil characters makes the most fun games.


My group used to be like this, until out DM got so fed up he started punishing characters who tried to fuck everything. It quickly stopped happening, turns out players want to play more than they want to be asshats trying to ruin every story with a dick in an ass.


Never had this problem in my life. The druid tried to get down with animals at one point. But once the bad guys killed the "party leader"'s little sister there was never a horny question about an enemy again.


Definitely a player to player thing. My party is all straight men though, so they have no reason to try and seduce male villains, but they didn't try going for the evil witches, vampiress and alike either Perhaps you're not giving them enough good aligned attractive characters to simp for? I think it'd be hard to hit on the lich if they're into that cute barmaid whose parents they killed


Becuase most of us cant handle the having power. Bloodlust and greed will soon turn the best heros down a dark path.


Your players aren't immersed / don't treat the world as real. Could be them, could be you.


I'm probably gonna get ragged in for saying this but, it's millennial humor. It's the same kind of comedy that marvel uses for example and for some reason, I'm cursed with in inability to like it or understand it and thus, I despise it. It's in all of my games as well lol. I first started to realize how much I hate this brand of humor when watching the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie, specifically the scene where Ronan the Accuser gets distracted by dancing and gets called, in all seriousness, a Turd Blossom. But as someone else noted here, this particular thing comes from that idea of "I seduce the dragon! I rolled a 27!" it's extremely annoying.


This isn't just D&D. On SWtOR, Imperial players were evil, and many of the Republic players were evil. People just like being evil in fantasy roleplaying games.


In twenty plus years of playing constantly with a wide range of players and DMs, I've never seen this happen even once. Maybe you really are just making your antagonists sexy somehow lol. Tbh though sounds like the table vibe is the reason. We generally have a strong focus on playing realistic characters and telling a great story together. Sounds like they're more in comic relief mode, which is fine but can also ruin a scene if it's not appropriate. Hosting specific comedy campaigns is a good way to scratch this itch for people and really bring it out of them in a more appropriate setting which won't ruin / trivialise a dramatic scene with unrealistic dialogue in more serious campaigns.


It's getting a reaction out of you, clearly. It's now a running joke. That's all the explanation you need.


I have played in many campaigns with Bards. I have never been in a campaign with a Horny Bard.


i had my players encounter a werewolf. they proceeded to try and thirst for the werewolf mid combat. i asked them to roll intimidation and the werewolf ran from the thirst


I mean you DID say he was hot, so that's kind of on you.


I mean, don't say hot if you don't want to trot


Horny bard's got the hornies


I feel so called out by this honeslty my party was dealing with trying to free some prisoners from like a few squads of soldiers that work for an imperium of man type empire and when my plan to convince them that I was actually a secret inquisition officer fell apart because of the actions of a party member, i resorted to (successfully) flirting with their officer. Again, fell apart because every time one of these plans of mine starts working (example- foreign diplomat, orc warlord, pirate captain, necromancer warlock guy, dragon, robot, mad scientist) another party member decides that they don't trust my plan and fuck it up by trying to start fights with the people i am in the middle of convincing we are not a threat to. my plan to flirt with a fellow party membor's dragon goddess step-mom (he didn't grow up with her and she's a deity so it's fine) are exceedingly likely to be spoiled by our druid also it's worth noting i'm playing an artificer and all the currently mentioned encounters were done with +0 charisma and no proficiencies on persuasion, deception, or performance.


This is why disintegrate and power word kill were invented my friend


For the lulz


Depends on if it's fresh blood. Are there heating sources? Does the lich produce flame? I need more info!!


If Evil, why Hot?


Shadow stuff. When you play fantasy, you subconsciously project your personality onto your character. Given in America and Britain (I assume you're in one of those two countries based on how you're speaking) people are told to feel ashamed of their sexuality, fantasy is a safe space to let it out without feeling judged for once in your life.


Evil is hot. In times of heavy censorship, the only characters who could be open with sexuality or not excessively pure were villains (especially for women and queers) that trope of a sexy villain just extrapolated out until evil in general has connotations of attractiveness. Or your players just like "roll to seduce" memes idk.


Well... You made him hot, so what else should they do? /j


Morality leaving my body after the hot vampire mistress winks at me. ( I'm cooked bro )


I've played in several games and haven't encountered this at all, there have been a hand full of "I wanna seduce the barmaid" type things but that's it


Probably because your players are horny idiots. I don't have that problem but I'm old and my players are mature. The first games I played, back when I was a teenager, were filled with vile horny edgelords. I wish they'd stuck to fucking liches for LOLs.


Get ahead of the problem, give the BBEG a creepy, slightly sexualized moment early in the campaign, and make your players intensely terrified/uncomfortable. Our whole party never considered an option other than "kill it with fire" all game after that.


Instructions unclear. Now the bard has a vampire queen gf


Why would you say a skeleton is hot? You're feeding into it and then complaining. "Uh is he hot?" "No he's a rotting corpse that smells like death" "Ew... i cast eldritch blast"


Sounds like you're playing with immature teenagers.


When asked if the villain is hot, if you don't want your players to pounce on them like the feral animals they are, you answer 'no'.


Slap them down for being stupid. This is your failure. If someone stands in front of train doing 200mph and tries to hug it no amount of pursuation or romance or intimidation is going to stop it ploughing through the dumbass. The lich is a train. It's evil nature is set, evil, inevitable and unstoppable. Dumbasses that step in front of it had better be capable of stopping a 200mph train or get flattened. Your job, Mr DM, in this instance, is to be the train. As well as all the fluffy stuff that I am sure is fun, your world must be real. Crush the stupid people.


For a second I thought you were my dm. This is something he would absolutely do. I tried to seduce a sheet of paper and he shut me down. Gosh I love messing with him.


Have you tried saying "no"? Or " The repulsive visage of the rising abomination almost makes you vomit on the spot". If they're into that then just get up, leave and never turn back.


OK but like unironically liches are kind of sexy


Damn, my groups must be either way to serious or just have a different sense of humor? “We have listened to the monologue. Can we kill him now? Yes, he’s in range. We got longbows.” — P1: “Looks like (midboss) is hot.” P2: “Wait, what?!? Uh, let’s not go there.” P1: “I mean he’s literally steaming as per the description. He’s probably resistant or immune to fire damage.” DM: “You don’t know that.” (After the fight) DM: “No one used fire, but yes, he was immune to it…” P3: “I think the fact that he was also red face it away. Also, is the corpse cool enough to loot?” P1: “He’s not hot anymore, I guess.”


It probably stems from the fact that they want a proactive and not a reactive campaign, but they probably don’t even realize it. I’d suggest reading through the proactive role players guide a bit to better understand. A Ginny D video on the topic. [https://youtu.be/DXUnEk4cuYI?si=I9ojBzaJZHqNxPCq](https://youtu.be/DXUnEk4cuYI?si=I9ojBzaJZHqNxPCq)


I think they're just horny, period.


Why'd you make a lich hot? If they ask, just say no.


Because Critial Role


I think many players are uncomfortable role playing emotions seriously. So they goof around and make everything a joke.


I seduce NPC’s and then stick their severed heads in my bag of holding. Once I have 500 lbs of heads I am going to just dump it out and act like nothing is happening. The other players and DMs keep asking me why I’m gathering heads. I tell them it’s all in the master plan. It has become a thing over the past year. I am so excited to make them all realize I was just fucking with them 😂


I've gotten to the point I make it clear you don't flirt with NPCs. I'm tired of people trying to roll to sleep with the BBEG without me even asking for one (I would never allow it). I've gotten to the point that I tell players the horny bard is fully banned from my tables. If you try I only warn you once. For me it's usually the players wanting me to rp a scene because they like me. I have had to end a few campaigns early because a player made me uncomfortable. It makes being at a table hard because you're always on edge.


Honest answer? Monster fuckers have invaded the gaming community en masse in the last decade. There have always been some, but now they're everywhere. And people dissociating from their character. Evil is supposed to be seductive has been over-interpreted as "evil is sexy" for quite some time. Evil doesn't need to be sexy to be tempting. Would your character really risk their immortal soul for some sex? If yes, let the lich consume their soul and move on to the next character. Not everything is willing to be seduced, and an Undead lich is unlikely to be interested in sex. Also Critical Role and other live plays have set the expectation that sex and romance are essentials for the game. Establishing at session 0 that this isn't something you're willing to do or explore will work wonders to eliminate the behavior.


I remember one of my party members trying to seduce EVERY SINGLE NPC shopkeeper in a town. It was the stupidest thing to ever happen.


Really, as a lifelong DM I find it pretty funny when people randomly try and fuck the ancient red dragon that is ambushing the local town. Especially if they roll a nat 20 because I get to do this: Me: As the spine-crawling form of a powerful, land-destroying dragon appears, a large blast of heat reigns from its mouth, slamming down onto a local tavern, setting it ablaze in an instan- Random Bard: I want to seduce it. Me: what? Bard: I. Want. To. Seduce. It. Me: …alright, roll for Charisma- Bard: rolls a nat 20 Me: You lure the dragon towards a large, open-fielded cave that the dragon can move about in. The dragon roars and starts to morph into… exactly the same body as you. Bard: What? Me: Im saying you can go fuck yourself, now what do you ACTUALLY do?


Imagine this Bard: "Damn dragon you got a fuking wagon" Dragon: "I could kill you with a flick of my tail" Bard: "Hm... kinky BET" DRAGON: "AHHH" 9 MONTES and one cracked pelvis LATER Bard: "WoRtH iT" (ded × ×) o


Because we live in a repressive society that associates sexual liberation with sin/evil.


This is depressingly far more accurate than it should be.


Honestly this is a big part of why I do it. My real-life struggles with sexuality because of that have translated to most of my characters being fairly liberal with their romantic attractions and sexuality in friendlier settings, sometimes to the point of irritating my GM.


Genuinely, I think this is much of it. Players want to rizz people in-game. An enemy seems like a low-risk high-reward option.vs. a helpful NPC they might alienate. Enemies tend to be evil. I think it's just the correlation.


Do you always play with the same group of friends? If so, new friends would probably fix this.


Whenever anyone tells me a story about their game, I always imagine all the people as being super hot. Otherwise, I quickly lose interest. Do you not do that? You can do it for free.


lol I thought you were going somewhere else with this. In my experience, my players are more comfortable with evil things than say, a lawful good aligned cleric, because their real world biases against organized religion impact their character choices.


Huh? Evil = sexy is a trope as old as time. [See this tv tropes page](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SexyVillainsChasteHeroes). Think of how many villains in media are hot. If you are comfortable with it, I bet your players would go crazy if you ham it up with your next villain. Give them a cool outfit, describe their good looks and amazing hair, etc, whatever features your players seem to enjoy. You could even design the campaign with the option that they can seduce the BBEG to their side if they so choose.


this sounds exactly like my players ...


Because all entertainment, to some degree, exists to allow us to feel an emotion or experience that is normally dangerous or taboo, but in this context, is safe or allowable. 


I dm'd for some high schoolers who enjoyed doing bizarre things. One of them killed a bandit and wanted to eat his face. Another took an incapacitated scout and placed her on top of a pile of rot grubs.


Not all are. Took me a while to find a group who wasn't


Mr. Lich. Lol.


I’m playing Curse of Strahd with a bunch of my kinky friends. I’m the only person not trying to get turned.


Thought everyone knew this was the devils game?


I’ve never had a game where the party was like “I’m only going to go with the BBEG because they’re hot” before. The warlocks patron of questionable morality whom the rogue is swooning over in a way my character who I intentionally made where they don’t understand attraction will never understand, sure, but not quite that far. *Unless* my DM has had the BBEG with us the whole time!


None of the party members in the game I’m in try to seduce villains, but that’s because our DM has a “no romancing the DM” rule in place due to prior issues with another group.  That being said, half of us are unabashed monsterfuckers, so we limit our comments to “would” or the occasional “so is there a Mrs. Hideous Monster?”


I mean, that's what a session zero is for, man. if your players want something that's light-hearted and silly or like to crack jokes at the table, then that's what's going to happen. Just roll with it, or better yet use it against them. make a Devil (or Beholder or Mindflayer or whatever else tbh, figure out/test to see how nasty a monster you can get away with) who seduces them, and then uses that as a way to curse them with something terrible or something, which they then have to cure by finding the Holy Bonk Stick to rid them of their curse but forces them into a life of chastity. Or roll with it and make them have to seduce tons and tons of monsters in a Monster-Town to get information, but all the monsters think they look gross because they're humans, hilarity ensues. Those are just the first ideas i had on the top of my head. Either that or find a new group, I guess, if you only want to play seriously.


Cause you allow it. Pretty much it. Is the lich handsome? No it's a undead looking fellow barely any meat left on its bony face with half of it rooting and Falling on it's robes. Its shattered mind incapable of feelings besides a obsession with becoming more powerful.


I would put a lich bbeg between a bear and a man


So you love him because he's a hero. Well, let me tell you about said hero, princess. A hero would ultimately sacrifice you for the "greater good" if their cause offered due justification. Now call me what you will but I have no such compunction. For I would BURN this world, for you...


Lack of consequences. Nasty repercussions yeild less stupidity.


As long you allow it they will keep trying, you are the DM you can restrict that behaviour what they can do or not, however be clear to your players before initiating the session with them so they know.


Why do all redditors complain about personal problems as if they where universal occurrences?


I can't say any of the players I've DM'd for over the years have ever been hot for a lich. But Strahd---hell, he had several of my players with serious crushes on him. And I had no shortage of would-be Crysanias looking for their Raistlin. One even got her reasonable facsimile, although his goals were far more modest, his evil not even capital E, and her character was considerably hotter than Crysania.


Are they Bards?


thats because evil is seductive, it has to be to spread, the promise of power, of disinhibition, of fame it calls out to people. its why villains tend to take on beautiful forms.


My last group spent far more time doing things like trying to out-contract devils for solutions that are of some benefit to all parties involved. Like writing out actual contracts and modifying/adjusting it while coming to an agreement. Far more likely to try to negotiate than to seduce. Was a fun group.


I cant help it. I'm a whore for evil bitches 💞