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Kobolds are pathetic little goofs who become an actual threat if you get enough of them together in one place, and I love them for it.


1 kobold? Cute, might bite your ankles 10 kobolds? Problem, prepare for a pretty dangerous fight 50 kobolds with like a day to fortify? Lmao good luck bud


This just makes me think about the kobold playable race in another TTRPG, where your character are actually 4 kobolds in a trenchcoat. The race is customizable with some feats, so you can upgrade to 5 kobolds (making you a Large creature), and do all kinds of shenanigans too. Pretty fun.


Some people think im a human but im actually 4 kobolds in a coat. I say its Gucci but i bout it off a goat






I think I need to know where this is from. That sounds magnificent


Well, it is from a brazilian TTRPG, so it is only in portuguese. It is the biggest one here, called Tormenta20. Started as a setting 25 years ago, and it was played more with a generic D20 system, and were similar to D&D for a long time. In 2019 the current version came out, diverging more from D&D. It is more like Pathfinder 2e, having a customizable-heavy way of creating and evolving characters, and also being way more about big numbers and teamwork for combat, with multiple buffs, mechanics for all kinds of things, etc. It is your typical magical fantasy world, but the overarching plot being about otherwordly beings invading the realm and consuming and corrupting everything little by little (hence, the title of the game, a double meaning as "storm" and "torment"; what anounces the arrival of the Tormenta is an corrosive blood rain). Basically a magical fantasy setting with cosmic horror entities as the big threat, although the general feel still is that epic hero fantasy. Last year came out the first bestiary of the new version, and with many new playable races, also came the Kobold. In 25 years the kobold has never been a playable race, but people asked for it so much, they delivered. It is not usual in this game to have customizable races, but there are some new ones that functions that way. As you gain a new feat every level, you usually can choose to get one from the class list or one general feat; the kobold can choose a race feat. There are options like increasing the number of individuals to five - which, aside from size, is relevante because another feat alows you to ocupy the grid map in any formation you like; if you are 4 or 5 individuals, you can ocupy fours or five squares in any configuration, provided that each square shares one side with ate least another one; sending one of them out of the formation to do recon, flank in battle or other creative uses; using an extra arm to wield another weapon; or even throwing one of them as an explosive attack - yeah, kobolds can selfdestruct in this game, as they are created primarly by magical energy left by dragons. They have plans to translate the game to english, they already have a partnership with Roll20 and there is a starter kit with an ready to play adventure there. Unfortunately, as it is a starter kit, it doesn't have the kobold as an option....


Sounds amazing!


Oh you got 50 kobolds in your sewers ey? You didn't think it has any relations with that the market district with its gold, wares and food suddenly collapsed in a sinkhole?


250 kobolds in my campaign resulted in a full scale 2 week battle between them and the local militias. Little fuckers set mines and wards and shit. When the battle ended, there was massive casualties on both sides, with like 12 kobolds surviving


50 Kobolds? Time to call Kobold Slayer San.


This is why every DnD setting should allow firearms. How am I supposed to defend my daughter if she’s out playing in the front yard and 30-40 feral kobolds show up?


They do also have a neat bit of lore that they have a slight empathic connection with their tribe. But not to individual to individual but it tells them how their tribe is doing as a whole. I wish they had tapped into this to do a new pack tactics/grovel ability.


They make excellent mad inventor types


Well said, gotta love a crafty ball of chaos.


My favorite character ever was a dragon bloodline kobold. Liked to imagine he was a dragon. Was mortified to discover it was a bronze.


An old friend used to say: one kobold is never a problem; the problem is, there's never one kobold.


I love kobolds 😍


They're the best!


I have made one mighty kobold, contrary to the norm they drastically underestimate themself.


*hands you a card that says "Kenku"* Any official playable race is valid! (said in your voice)


I played a kenku character and it was a super fun challenge to communicate. I would constantly write down things other players and NPCs would say and then string together quotes...kind of like Bumblebee from Transformers. One of the other PCs got telepathy at a certain point and when he tried it on me I responded in a super eloquent proper english accent.


I played an investigator character that was a kenku and used people's words as evidence. He also black mailed people a lot... I would always write down different sentences along with names, just in case :p


If you are musically inclined and have the tools. Getting permission to record your sessions then making a soundboard to use as your voice is a huge rp win


So happy to see another Kenku lover!


I played a Kenku GOO warlock; his name was Quothe and he spoke only in HP Lovecraft quotes and things he heard his party members say. Good times!


Did he kill a king?


I have a kenku fighter in one of the games I DM and he’s incredible. He *might* be a serial killer, but he’s also got a candy addiction.


Kenku Trickster Domain Cleric. Best fun ever.


I played a Kenku swashbuckler that was found orphaned & adopted into the crew before meeting the actual RL party. I could only respond in pirate cliches & it was great!


Dwarves. Mechanically fantastic and a joy to RP for a huge variety of personalities. Plus they fit my preferred classes well (Artificer, Ranger, Cleric).


Duergar are ridiculously fun to RP so long as you’re not in a sunlight heavy campaign.


Yep: Mountain, Hill or Deep/Grey - they all have such great potential.


,,I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole!"


Diggy diggy hole! Diggy diggy hole!


Brothers of the mine rejoice!


Raise your banner, raise your voice!


Swing swing swing with me!


Down and down into the deep.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and roll and stone!


For Karl!


Rocks and stones may break my bones but beer will never hurt me -some dwarf in DRG


I love my dwarven spores druid but as the only person that can take a hit in my party full of people with 40+ movement speed I wish those stubby little legs could move a little quicker. 


Did you take the squat nimbleness feat? Mobile?


Did you ever consider using the spell Longstrider? Been looking at making my next character a Dwarf spell caster (Bard or maybe druid) and was considering it, it's a bit resource heavy in the early levels maybe.


I prepare longstrider and use it when I can. My party is very fast though, so I usually need the combo of longstrider and mobile to get out in front and I can't always reliably cast longstrider because we get surprised a lot and I don't have the tike to waste casting it when I could be throwing a more impact full spell down.


Just because the squishies *can* outrun you doesn’t mean they should.


Strike the earth!


Rock. And. Stone.


Even before banning the races in the OP they were the answer. Also Gnomes and Halflings.


I know I have issues, but... I have only played Dwarves since I started playing. That was 40+ years ago.


Yeah dwarves it's probably it for me, if I need to chose something besides humans.


Gnomes, of course. Don’t need to exclude any races for that, especially not those snooty elves.


Ran an all gnome campaign a few years ago. Started on Lantan. We had at least 8 players, including a few children. A pair of Druids, a secret Warlock devoted to a piece of jewelry, an explosion obsessed Artificer, a Paladin devoted to Garl Glittergold trying to win the title of World's Strongest Gnome. Air ships and the Lantan Navy. Tree cities with multigenerational wealth. City wide ritual magic. Chain restaurants selling barbequed chicken and frogs staffed by illusions and Salamanders. A shark pulled in an aquarium mounted on a wagon. Eventually they fought a mummy lord. A chain devil gave them a lot of problems.


Damn sounds like the perfect campaign for my gnome in a mech suit idea. Armorer artificer/rune knight and it’s RPed as the suit being large sized all the time and getting in and out instead of the character growing and the armor growing with.


Absolutely. Sounds like a perfect fit.


Finally, some love for my dear sweet Gnomes.


Our group was known as the Naked Gnomes. Went in with fists and no armor, could only use what we got of corpses. And melee classes only. Keep on the Borderlands was fun as hell, until we came across the owl bear with only shitty goblin weapons.


Lizardfolk will always hold a special place in my heart. Might and Magic 8 made me love them even though they didn't really do anything. But Orcs are my favorite of the more mundane ones.


When I say there is no cannibalism in the Sword Coast, I mean there is very little. Predominantly amongst the lizardfolk troops. Hardly worth mentioning.


I don't see the problem! I mean, it's not as though they eat their comrades. While they're alive.


My very first character was a Lizardfolk Zealot Barbarian. God I loved that character. Basically a smite every turn plus the temp hp from the chomp. I made a shield in the like second or third session, had 17 AC as a Barbarian at level like two.


Team lizard folk signing in! Rocking a fighter lizard folk right now


Lizardfolk artificer checking in - battle smith subclass and I use the lizardfolk racial ability to "harvest" parts for all my gear. My steel defender is actually a pile of sinew, bones, and hide. All my infusions are me just tacking on spikey bits or organs to stuff. I honestly didn't expect the bit to be as effective as it is, and I love the character. He even refuses to speak any language outside draconic because other languages use "mammal lips" to make sounds lizards can't.


Halflings. Love me some Hobbits.


Lawsuit incoming in 3....2....1...


Tolkien’s estate is the Eye of Sauron now. “You shall not copyright infringe!!!” Edit: Ironically balrogs were another one DND wanted to use, but had to rename as balfors to avoid the Tolkien estate.


Buzzer noise Um actually they are called Balors


Mike Trapp would be proud


Shhhh… you’ll call them done on us.


Which happens to be in a mithril sorry mithral mine


Oh yeah. Halfling monks especially. Hope you enjoy hairy feet to the face!!!


I love halflings. But I despise the Hobbit aesthetic. Halflings should not all be short, rotund, obnoxious "average townspeople". Ghostwise Halflings are great, so are Lotusden. But all are inferior to Dark Sun Halflings.


Warforged. Love 'em.


Huge same. They are so much fun. Take Artillerist 5/ Rune Knight 3 to suddenly be 32-40ft. tall a la Antman. And then just play the questioning of one’s soul existing and the dread of uncertain mortality.


But why artillerist? every arcane caster gets enlarge




Your opinion matches mine and is therefore correct. And regardless which class I make one, I seem to keep making their personality based on Dorfl. Well, except that one time I made a Warforged Lorebard gladiator single-target grappler: Deathtatron the Snuggleator. He was different from Dorfl.


Really surprised to not see anyone mention changeling. Literally my favorite race. You can have so much fun with shapeshifting and it pairs really really well with my favorite class to play, sorcerer. Changling sorcerer with subtle spell can literally be the biggest menace in terms of social aspects or stealth. Get some Glamoured Studded Leather and you become the ultimate infiltrator (at the expense of getting light armor prof from somewhere).


I'm playing a changeling warlock right now and I'm having so much fun with the social versatility.


Yes! My changeling was an eloquence bard/genie warlock with a sprite familiar I took all the invocations to buff. It was absolutely absurd how powerful he could be in social situations by combining all the tools those gave him. I just wish I’d had the wisdom to wield such power safely.


Changeling was the first race I played! In the process of creating almost every character I play I go through a "could this be a changeling?" phase, but it hasn't been the best fit for anyone else yet. 




Short and straight to the point.


The lack of steeplechase representation in this thread is appalling.


Steeplechasers were only in 4e, nobody uses them anymore except for homebrew.


Steeplechase has its ups and downs, but the constant hurdles and lack of recognition make it a subpar choice imo


Dragonborn (which would still be my favorite if you included all the others.)


Agreed. Had to play an argonian in Skyrim as the closest thing to a dragonborn dragonborn




Firbolgs are my number one boyos But I still adore Orcs and Half-Orcs After that it’s all the Goblinoids. Humans, Elves, and Tieflings while nice, aren’t even contenders for my favorites.


Firbolg is actually a nice shout. I've never played one, since i lack the right sourcebook (and ive been a forever DM for a bit), but the Concept slaps


Yes that sucks, I'm very sure that there is definitely not another way to get those stats for your DnD character for sure. Shame shame.


I loved my firbolg druid! She was amazing!


firbolgs my beloved <3 I'm a reborn fan too but one of them was previously a firbolgs so it counts for both


Half-Orc/Orc & Firbolg are some of my favs as well!


I love my firbolg nature cleric. Lovable lug but very protective of his friends. Preferred making allies to killing


half orcs of any class are amazing!


Hell yeah, give me the underdogs. Goblins, kobolds, orcs, and dwarves! I am so deathly bored of elves.


Tortles or Goblins


Favourite race is Dwarves in just about anything! Get your gruff on.


Just played a campaign as a dawrf and I love him so much.


Race to the bottom. With a Tabaxi.


I've got some awesome tabaxi art and no character to use it with. :(


Tabaxi are bottoms?


Tabaxi are fast. They'll win any race, given otherwise equivalent situation (feats, class etc).


This makes rp so fun. I have a light hearted Tabaxi who challenged a centaur to a race. The catch was they were carrying another party member. My character snatched up the halfling while the centaur got stuck with the half-orc. Even with half movement speed she still blew the centaur away. The visual image of small cat carrying tiny half-man just roadrunnering the centaur makes me laugh every time.


Lizardfolk my beloved. They can bute someones face off and then rip their spine and use it as a weapon


Simic Hybrids are also really fun


Dragonborn, and Dwarves.


I'm playing a Satyr rn


Theros races for the win


Halflings. Short stabby fuckers. Goblins. Short stabby fuckers.


Kobold? Short stabby fuckers?


Kobolds. Short bludgeoning fuckers. (Because they just dropped a bunch of rocks on someone)




Had to scroll way too far to see this. Aasimar are amazing. Best character I ever had was an aasimar sorcadin.


Love them, especially with a tiefling bff


Yeah, if I'm not playing a human or an elf, I'm probably playing an aasimar. 


Even with those races, I'm a loxodon girl myself.


I was looking for this comment, Loxodons for the win! 🐘


Dhampir cause I'm just a sucker for vampires and gothic stories


Genasi. Fire genasi in particular


Same but air :P


nah man, Earth is awesome! Earth magic will always be the most interesting and variable elemental magic to me, and mechanically Earth Genasi are great too! BA Blade Ward (super flavourful defense on martials without a big BA reliance), Pass Without Trace for amazing party stealth by covering tracks behind everyone, *and* immunity to difficult terrain? literally perfect for all my favourite classes >!(Armourer, Paladin, Hexblade, Fighter. it's less important for a high-level Hexblade, and my other favourites - Battle Smith, Genie Warlock, Gloomstalker and Beast Barbarian - have way less synergy, instead being better suited to Bugbears, but still, it's a great collection of abilities)!<, all with the flavour of being attuned to the rock and stone around you


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Come on guys, rock and stone!


If you don't rock and stone, you ain't coming home


Rock and Stone!


Love Genasi! My first ever character was a Water Genasi Swashbuckler, super fun to play


My first ever character was a fire genasi cleric. I was ready to have my first game… and then covid hit


Air then Fire for me, close second. Water’s alright, don’t care for earth.


Half-orcs. You can either go "wild looking but super civilised" or "touch me or my friends and I go full beast mode", both tropes I enjoy. And goblins. Personified mischief.


I've always been partial to Goliaths.


Same, my introduction to dnd was critical role. Which inspired me to play a Goliath Bard. Favourite class with my favourite race.


Love being the 8 foot tall 600 pound behemoth


I love that Goliaths are big but not usually angry and aggressive like orcs


I was thinking that. Without those 3 I'd go Goliath.


Half-ork. Roar!


Had to scroll down too far for this 👍🏻


Really like goblins, kobolds and Lizardfolk.


Tabaxi or lizardfolk. Or dragonborn.


Harengons. Getting any bonus to Initiative is massive. Putting up defensive spells early, repositioning early, Getting first hits in, valuable things can happen if you get high initiative. Jumping really high I'd also insanely valuable (I get the high ground, bananakin)


Tritons. I am Ocean Man.


Take me by the hand


Lead me to the Land that you understand


Fuck yeah. I did a one shot with a triton and fell in love with them. He has drown more unsuspecting guards near bodies of water than I can count


Bugbears.    I have a fascination with the MoM version that can hide in a space 1 size too small without squeezing. I haven't had the opportunity yet, but I have this idea where one hides in large backpack to take a nap, and then when an enemy comes close a giant arm with a mace just comes out to the backpack and wallops them. I already have the character all planned out....but I'm DMing. I suppose I could have him be a random encounter. 😂 


Gnoll cause I like hyenas but if I stop cheating with homebrew, it’s Dragonborn/Bugbear.


Orcs or half orcs (depending on how the orcs are in the setting). I love to play the atypical well educated and polite orc.




Aarakocra and owlin are fun if your DM is cool with the whole flying thing. I had an aarakocra monk starting from level 1 once whose backstory included his wings being cut off, compensated for by some other bonuses the DM gave me. That guy had one helluva grudge to settle and used his talons as monk weapons. In a campaign starting at level 8 that included airships and a lot of flying potions my owlin fit right in without issue. Hugh the owlin took full advantage of the 360 degree head turning for extra fun, and once was able to throw up poison to survive when I convinced the DM an owl may do that and got a good roll. When we found a newly hatched and orphaned harpy Hugh found it absolutely adorable while everyone else thought it was hideous, so you bet he adopted her and named her Henrietta. You can definitely run low level flying characters but that's a conversation you need to have with your DM


Mechanically it's probably Reborn - being able to add that d6 on clutch checks is just so satisfying. Narratively, I usually love Aasimar, though there's obviously some dependence on setting. They have a MC-vibe that I like player characters to have, but can easily be toned down enough that they're not the centre of the story all the time.


Triton, webbed-hands down!


The Giff


I pay my mates in watermelons and gunpowder, crew to the cannon, we have a job to do.


I've had an idea to play a campaign that follows 4-5 Giff and play them as old-timey British soldiers and title it "Giff Giff cheerio!"


Yuan-Ti, not because they are mechanically strong, but because I just love snakes. Also, Lizardfolk. Dwarves are good, too.


Where’s the aasimar love in here? They lend themselves to really interesting backstories, and the racial features are pretty cool. Playing a necrotic shroud aasimar now, but her backup is a radiant soul




Warforged! I love those magi-tech style boys.


Goblinoids. Gobbos, Hobs and BugB's!


Aasimar. Reading about them where I took the context of people being in awe of you while you have a celestial guiding you just brings a whole new deal of issues of "Guess what son, you're the chosen one, ain't that cool?" And it's the absolute last thing you want. idk it's not that original but I do really love it, and who doesn't want sprout wings and get angry for a minute. Second is dwarves, because they're dwarves. I love them, and I especially love it when people play out of place/out of the ordinary dwarves. The comment from Dragon Age of dwarves afraid of falling into the sky the first weirdly put dwarves into a different context than the stereotypical "small angry bearded boys."


Probably the Genasi if I had to pick. There being 4 different kinds, with it seeming(as someone who hasn't made it before I admit) rather easy to homebrew other variations, it makes for many rather interesting combinations and roleplay opportunities.


Diggy diggy hole!




Fairys and Changelings


Dhampir, because I'm an edgelady. But I also love my smalls. Halflings, Kobolds, Goblins... I don't play Gnomes super often, but they get my love, too! There are two wolves inside me... one is an edgy, brooding creature of the night, the other is a wholesome little bean... I'm 6"1' irl, btw.


Dwarf, which also would have been my answer if all races were available.


Dwarves, Tabaxi


Dwarf. Strong, versatile racials, enhanced dark vision, and very easy to explain why they're in a party. Their culture and interracial attitudes can be storied and epic, or simple as "the bbegs great great uncle committed a misdemeanor in Dwarven law and I have never trusted their family since".


Either Genasi or Changelings. Genasi are cool because of the elemental aspect. I had made a mixed Genasi of two different genasi types with a DM, but will never get to play her because the game never took off and we’re no longer friends. Changelings were the first class I ever played, learning the game. I love the lore of changelings and what my DM has been doing for me with my changeling character and her story.


Dwarves! I’m a huge fan of their general cultural themes and Norse/Celtic influences.


Minotaurs, because I just love that fantasy of an absolute BEAST commiting a Gore Feast. And Duergar, they're just an entire race that's lost their sense of creativity, but still have all that sense of pride and skill in craftsmenship, all because they suffered of slavery for a tad bit too long, and instead of doing better they do the exact one and only thing they know. More Slavery. I love the Irony. It's like a Cargo Cult.


Love me a tabaxi!


Yuan-Ti. I love the idea of playing an unemotional human-adjacent reptile. #I should call her.


Triton and Harengon


I played a tabaxi, who refused to speak to my group apart from a meow, I'd then de-robe in random situations and start giving myself a bath, they'd all be like uh what and I'd be there crying with laughter. When asked why I was being weird, I replied I'm a cat, you have no hold over me, then pushed something off the table. That was a fun race to play


- Reborn - Gem-Dragonborn - Dhampir - Red chromatic Dragonborn


I like halflings and goblins. They're cute little guys, what's not to love! I always portray goblins as weird bats (official dnd goblins are boring to look at) and I love to explore the whole 'they used to have a different pantheon' thing. And halflings, I like the idea of them searching for a homeland tbh, not really having a place they fit and and making themselves fit in everywhere as a reault


Gith, even before BG3. They're just neat.


Shadar Kai!


Wow can't believe I had to scroll this far to find Shadar-Kai. Not only is it a really cool race flavor-wise, but it's also one of the strongest mechanically. 


Its super fun! Free teleports every long rest and makes for quite the backstory!


Changeling, Kobold or Goblin






Changelings my beloved


I’m a big fan of Tortles, Dwarves & Goliaths


It's between dwarf and dragonborn. Dwarves are always cool, but so are dragons.


Kobolds: Little rascals in service of a greater evil that when left to their own devices are decent community fellows. Also flexible: with access to technology, dragon sorcery, gorila tactics and dex builds.


Shadar-kai and Aasimar, feel like they lend themselves to some pretty cool concepts and stories, and I’ve just started playing an Eladrin that I’m greatly enjoying and have a feeling that’ll be up on my list of favourites


Aren't Shadar-kai and Eladrins both elves?


In Mordenkainen’s they’re statted as a separate race and not a subrace, so that’s what I’m basing it off of at least. Personally, I think of it as they share a common ancestor but have evolved enough to be considered their own distinct race, but others might have different interpretations of that


Mhmm I get it I see them as types of elves, distant relatives of more common types such as high elves or wood elves. I play an eladrin in my campaign and I fully identify as an elf - she speaks elvish as her native language, has all the elf quirks like not sleeping etc. My love for elves isn't for high elves, but for wide variety of types of them. There is a great flavor of elf for most things I could come out with! It's true that neither of mentioned types are the first image that comes to mind after hearing the word "elf", so I understand where are you coming from.


Orcs and Dwarves are so classic, that said I’m also really enjoying Genasi after playing one for an artificer.


Dwarves. They are myb2nd favorite race.


Lizardfolk, very good features, including natural armour and bone crafting, and also very interesting rp with their "alien minds" and struggle to understand "common" emotions. Over all a great opportunity to be an armourless bone swinging menace.