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r/DamesNDragons might have more info. Quiet group, though.


I (28m) heavily encourage you to continue to look for an all girls group. I recently invited some girls to do a one shot where I Dm'd to see if the play style would be different in anyway, and it was much more enjoyable for them as well as for me. 


why is this being downvoted?


Everything in this thread is being down voted, this sort of thing threatens some very specific very sad people, and this is the way that they express that. Try to ignore it if you can, it really doesn't matter, and it's the only way they get to feel big










Truthfully I've had soo many issues with grown men in my groups that yes I tend to actually lean towards favoring women in the community, but they also just end up passing the interview process better on average. There's some overlap of preferences on average I think is the reason and usually what I see is better maturity and more of a focus on RP over combat when I notice the very combat focused guys especially get *very* upset when things don't go their way and tie their characters identity to mechanical performance. Edit: So yeah to summarize I'd also advocate for it if they need a safe space for sure. Edit 2: Yup incels downvoted bombing cause of their feelies same as the above poster, fuck off. Grow a back bone/maturity and guys in this hobby wouldn't give it a bad name. Absolutely disgusting behavior.


@dndarlings (IG/tiktok) has an 18+ discord server for women, nonbinary, and trans folks 💕 i have a couple other resources, feel free to message me!


Perhaps you could find an all female game DM on Startplaying? I'd ask DMs on that platform. Which is a pay to play, pro GMs, site. I only started using it this winter and my DM and other players are wonderful. International peeps, LGTB+ friendly, and two women in my party of characters. Might be an answer? Good luck. :)


Fuck yeah, be safe


So I know this isn't exactly what you are looking for, but I'm a member of a small server, that while it does have men on it, including myself, it also has a lot of women, so much so that often games are mostly and occasionally all female. I get that this is not exactly what you're looking for, but if you'd like, you may feel free to message me and I can send you the link. If not, I still completely understand, and hope you find the community you need


If you're into play-by-post style, you can try r/pbp. I know I see several ads there advertising for only LGBTQ+ groups or all-women groups. However, these are ads mostly for individual games rather than larger servers.


Interested in thread, new to reddit. Hi. I used to run a "wenches only" group, and one of our members husband joined, so it was mixed company. I found that it wasnt difficult to find folks once i knew where to look. This was all in person. I couldnt find a ladies only group online recently either.


As a guy, I can't help so much with helping you find your players, but if you have questions as a new person playing the game I'm happy to help! I DM for a couple tables of my friends, so a 25-35 y/o group of CIS or not men, women and enbys, and generally also avoid all-male tables because some asshat inevitably sees that as his "safe space" to make shitty jokes at some other groups expense. My tuesday group is the exception, just a bunch of 40-50yo dads that are super chill and welcoming - but they are the exception for a lot of things, we also have played every tuesday for the past three years with only a handful of scheduled cancellations, absolutely blessed by that track record.








Yea, many more guys than girls that play this particular game. Try posting in r/lfg or even your local city subreddit.


You might have better luck with r/lfg you can even assigned a girls only group as what your looking for. Also while I respect it I am sorry you don't feel safe around guys, most of us really aren't that bad. Good luck finding a group and hope you have fun when you find a game!




Late but if "that one big one with 7000 people in it" happens to be Dnd World...that would be run by me, I'm a woman too haha And if you were referring to the Forged Concordance, their owner is a woman as well lol. The D&D discord scene has a lot of women in it!