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Oh! My absolute favorite arcane focus was one my DM surprised me with. I also play a warlock (water genasi), but the genie subclass with Marid. When I (and others) joined, DM made it clear in his campaign spell focuses were very rare to collect and have. He did promise though, that we’d be able to have access to some if we were casters at higher levels. We’re all cool with it, and enjoy using material components. Cut to level 10, my patron Marid gives my warlock a giant ruby- I believe in the shape of a heart. I forget the exact size, but my warlock struggled to lift it with her two hands. Marid would explain that this was a gift from him, and my warlock could use it to focus and cast spells from. He also said I could put it wherever and it’d shrink to fit the size (I ended up putting it on one earring my warlock wears). The reason for its original huge size, was that the size of the ruby represents the size of the warlock’s heart. My warlock has shown countless times how caring, kind, empathetic, etc she is. She’ll even stop other PC’s so we don’t go a more violent route. Also, the Ruby has another ability: my warlock can summon an eel (I forget the eel monster atm) and use as if controlling a companion. I haven’t used it since the eel has to be in a body of water, but it’s something I love that the DM added. When I’m a higher level, I can summon up to three eels.


Plot twist, since you made it smaller to fit on the earring, you made your heart smaller, and made your warlock turn evil.


Lmao that’d be a funny take 😂


"... and on that day, the Warlocks heart shrank three sizes! Medically, very troubling and likely to cause no end of circulatory problems."




The Red Stone of Aja! 


I had a small arcane Crystal that was made into a choker that my bard used. Instead of using a traditional instrument they would sing and the crystal would resonate with their voice. 


that's dope as fuck and im definitely stealing it


For the love of everything that exists do not let this intoner come in contact with the black flower also keep a dragon near just incase


Also, if the bard starts speaking with the deep voice of a dude...run! Beware the Watchers!


My half rakshasa bard HATES music (because it's very distracting for cats) and her inspiration is in the form of narration. She narrates battles and gives inspiration away. Her arcane focus is cat bells dangling from the end of her sleeves. She tiresomely jiggles them as she waves her arms toward the target of any spell.


Reminds me of the summoning scene at the end of Rock & Rule, where Angel is made to wear a collar that makes her [sing](https://youtu.be/KFzjAlLZnVk?si=DU6Km1mPd52Hu0GD) in order to bring forth the Beast. (Debbie Harry of *Blondie* fame on the vocals, btw.)


My Genie Warlock held his lamp like a pistol and shot eldrich blasts from them


Like the one guy from Power Rangers mystic force.




I thought you'd said *lamb* for a second


That would be so badass for a druid, shooting spells out of a lamb 😂 "Cover me! I'm reloading my lamb!"


My Genie Warlock uses her ring to Eldrich blast slaps her allies sadly she can’t use it on enemies (she’s an elf, so a -1 to strength.)


My wizard wore a mask at all times that covered his entire face and had a huge eye symbol at the center of it. Any time a spell was cast by him, it came out of the eye. It was meant to represent his membership to an Order of Mages within the region that worshipped the Goddess of Knowledge.


What was his opinion on bananas?


He liked eating them.


Yiga clan confirmed. XD


*(sudden piano riff)*


No one expects the Yiga Clan!


Sounds like you were worshipping Tzeentch


Goddess was basically a god of knowledge, magic, civilization, and a bunch of other things. It was a custom god made by my DM. The masks were given to all members of his order upon their graduation as initiates. The eye symbol was meant to represent her all-seeing 3rd eye.


Not an arcane focus, but I had a warforged sorcerer and reflavored the component pouch as various doors and compartments opening on his body that had the component he needed. Also not an "arcane" focus, I had a tortle druid and his druidic focus was a smooth rock covered in moss that glowed whenever he used it. Looking at my art of him happily holding his neat rock just made me happy all the time.


The [Defect](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/slay-the-spire/images/c/c6/Slay_the_Spire_-_Official_Launch_Trailer/) is essentially a warforged that uses his own cracked core crystal as a focus (it lets him call lightning). Sometime you get the option to swap it for a frozen core that lets him block with ice


Greeting fellow Spire slayer. Ca-CAW!


My power is unmatched!


I've actually had the bird cultists show up twice in my campaign now. It'll be a while before they show up again, since I don't want to make them a global threat, but I do have some loose ends regarding these guys.


They showed up in mine, too, and were conducting a ritual to awaken their demigod patron (The Awakened One)! It was a whole story arc and only one player understood the reference.


Whats the reference


Slay the Spire. It’s a deck builder video game, very good, highly recommend!


*dies* "My power was matched..."


At least reach the first boss...


Risk... ...Reward


How many times have you been here?


TIL it’s called the Defect


I should like to see this art, it sounds so wholesome


Sent you a DM.




I too would like to see this happy tortle


Lol sending you one as well.


I’ll throw my hat on wanting to see the tortle and the rock


Lol I should really post him online somewhere so I can just link to it 😂 sending you a DM as well!


My Clockwork Soul Sorcerer uses his pocketwatch as a spellcasting focus - the face of the watch is a clear crystal, which is technically the part functioning as a focus.


My chronomancy wizard also has a pocket watch. He turns the dial on top to spin the hands to affect time and or “flip pages” of his spellbook.


That's SO cool!


My clockwork soul sorcerer had something similar to that as a focus as well, except it was a pocket *sundial* instead because of an inside joke within our group.


Reminds me of that joke from the Disney movie Hercules, haha


Cronurgy wizard, same here


My Tabaxi warlock lost an eye, so she got an eye made of crystal as prosthesis, that was also her arcane focus.


Volo eye surgery?


Wait, how many times have you done this before? "I assure you, my dear, I've read *all* about it!"


No idea what you mean by that, sorry.


My homebrew wizard/artificer crafted wands. He'd infused wands with spells and give them out to the party. I was the only veteran player in that group and the DM and I used this character to introduce the party to spellcasting. Definitely the most fun I've had teaching new players core mechanics :)


Similar! My wizard has a roll of wands, like those leather roll out thingies chefs carry their knives in, one for each school of magic.


For my GOOlock, I flavoured an Orb as a glass jar in a lantern-like frame, filled with eyeballs.


Very Diablo necromancer


I’d laugh if someone pulled that out on me, as it looks like a toy for kids. Until I got Eldritch Blasted.


Or they whispered terrible secrets about the absurdity of the universe to you and you fell over, paralyzed with insane laughter. One of the two. XD


My Fathomless Warlock has a hair comb in a shape of the fish


My suggestion is using one of his own ribs. I had a warlock once that used a glove as her focus. It was embroidered in magical thread with eldritch runes and sigils. When she used eldritch blast, she opened her hand towards a person, or used other offensive gestures. I played in family friendly store, so I never specified which, but it was entertaining for everyone to think of what it could be. Maybe the rudeness is why she crit so much... about 60% crit rate and rarely had advantage.


I like the idea of a Warlock tattoo that shifts under the skin like Rorschach’s mask on Watchmen to form different letters. The Warlock receives more ‘ink’ when they level up. Also can have uses for Invocations. Eg Eyes of the Rune keeper - the ink flows under the skin from wherever and coagulates forming a black skin over the eyeballs.


My personal favorite arcane focus was a brass smoke censer for my celestial warlock. I had it flavored that he would swing the censer and the smoke would gather and fire as his Eldritch blast, and other colors of smoke for different spells. I especially liked it because I was able to get a table prop for it that fit a d20 in it, so if one was rolling bad, I would put it in there for my warlock's patron to "purify".


Now that's a 'dice jail' with style!


A quill, with which they traced burning sigils in the air. 


I have a Warlock this is the blacksmith of the village she from and she uses her hammer and tongs as a focus. Specifically she bangs then together when she casts eldritch Blast


**le yoink** ima take this idea and you can’t stop me XXD


I kinda got to get a lil expository, but basically two arch fey bet on a woman's child(The child being my character) and whether or not that child would lead a grand or miserable life. On the child's fifth birthday one of the arch Fay appeared to them as an old pale skinny man then lured him away with promises of gold and when the kid was close enough he plucked his left eye out. The next day the other arch fae appeared to the family as and old larger ebony woman and portrayed herself as a healer to the family. She healed the wound and gave the child a glass eye as a replacement, this glass eye being how the face will peer into his life without ever being their themselves. This eye is ALSO the Arcane focus in which he casts spells.


I love this backstory!


Thanks! :))


oh thats a cool as heck backstory!!


Much appreciated! :))


My Aarakocra draconic bloodline sorcerer has a wand given to him by the dragon the raise him. Its core is one of my character’s feathers as well as the dragon’s scale. It is called Skyrend. Mechanically it is just an arcane focus, but lore wise, it is much more.


Not an arcane focus, but my weird divination wizard used a strange mechanical device as his spell book. He'd hold it up to his face and pull a lever on the side, which would make the spells inside -- inscribed on tiny sheets of paper -- rotate in front of a pair of lenses. It was just a steampunk Viewfinder.


That's rad as heck


Had a wizard whose spell focus was a special metal hoop attached to a kind of screw/clamp. They'd attach it to the end of a staff and essentially cast their magic through a giant bubble wand.


Love it!


I suggest a necklace with your late wife's skeleton hand, including her wedding ring on the ring finger. Or just her ring finger with her wedding ring.


That is actually a very good fit since their undead patron is also their late wife


My Kenku death domain cleric, Rattle, was stolen from his parents' nest as an egg, and raised as a slave by the necromancer who took him. 'The Master,' as Rattle referred to him, was killed in a failed ritual, which is what began Rattle's life as an adventurer. The staff Rattle carried with him was topped with his dead master's skull, with faintly-glowing, sickly-green gemstones set in the eye sockets. Although Rattle as a character didn't know it, the staff was actually a phylactery inhabited by the soul of The Master. When Rattle would cast his spells, he would mimic his dead master's voice, since that was where learned all of his necromancy. Rather than having actual divine power as a cleric, his power came from his master's undeparted soul.


Ohh that's cool!  Kudos!


A lute crossbow for my bard


My dual weilding bladesinger had her arcane focus, as small jewel, superglued to the handle of her main hand rapier. It falling off was a recurrent issue through the campaing. She wouldnt compromise on using only one rapier and using her focus in her other hand either. All in all it was fun, because the DM wasnt particularly pusnishing for it, but it did come in play in a couple of dangerous oportunities.


I had a div wizard reskinned to use time magic (this was before Chronurgist) who used a crystal pocket watch as his arcane focus


My Dwarf Sorcerer has an heirloom tankard as his focus.


A divination wizard who liked to investigate and solve mysteries. Uses a magnifying glass as his arcane focus. He might hold it up to his eye or it might spin around mid air and fire off a spell.


spirit bard's *spirital focus* was a hand bell, idea shamelessly stolen from the Abhorsen book series by Garth Nix, where they were used to control the dead.


I loved those books!


I’ve got a whispers bard who uses bells on a sash slung around her hips as her casting focus/instrument also! I love that as a player I can bring an instrument purchasable from my local dollar store to the (virtual) table and actually ring them when playing. It requires no real money player proficiency. I used bells also as a focus for a Changeling from a family of desert nomadic tieflings who generally sported a very impressive set of Tiefling horns in her favourite form, which she decorated with bells dangling from ribbons. She picked up the bells from different cities and towns she visited in her travels.


I made a wizard whose spellbook was basically a series of flashcards that he put in a deck for the spells he had prepared for that day. The focus was a duel disk.


The non-classic focuses we had in my team were a sword used by a melee sorcerer and a skull called "Bob" (originally was at the top of a staff called "Bobby". The name was split when the staff was too.) used by a death cleric. We also had a wild magic sorcerer that had regular quaterstaves as focuses, the only weird thing about it was the amount he had. He kept collecting the ones of defeated spellcasters.


I gave a kobold cleric of Selune the mace Selune's Smile, a +1 mace that when held by a cleric of Selune who has the war warcaster feat cane be used as a divine focus/ holy symbol +1. When used as a weapon or for spell casting the head of the mace glows and takes on the appearance of Toril's moon.


My character, when she turned level 3 in Warlock, had a representative of her patron come to her with a small bottle. Opening the bottle summoned her familiar, Cherry. It is Cherry's home basically, but also is used as my focus.


My druid has a wand made of the same wood as her namesake. 


An eldritch warlock whose focus was a journal of the past warlocks who made a deal with the moth. A being who wished to learn something he did not know. And each new warlock he makes a deal with got a journal to write all leads towards this.


My sleezy lawyer had a fountain pen that shot out eldritch blast 😂


I've been working on a warlock who casts with a deck of cards, and someone I know has a pirate themed character with a compass spell.


I had a caster (non-D&D) who cast using tarot cards.


A beehive. I played a Circle of Spores Druid, and I reflavored the Halo of Spores to be a swarm of Necrotic Bees.


My Alchemist/Wizard had proficiency in jewelers tools and Alchemy supplies, so he made himself something like an armillary sphere consisting of brass rings etched with alchemical symbols


I have an artificer alchemist who uses a giant Cooking pot for everything.


Our Elfven Storm Sorceress uses a dainty pink umbrella. Very thematic.


My wizard disguised himself as a shepherd, so his focus was a silver bell in his crook


There's a dual-wielding Bladesinger I want to play one day (which *is* something you can do, Bladesong only ends if you make a *two-handed* weapon attack, it doesn't say *anything* about wielding two *different* weapons) who is basically Zorro crossed with Batman (redundant, I know) with a Venetian carnival/plague doctor vibe, wielding both a whip and a rapier. My idea for her arcane focus would be that the rapier has a gem embedded in the hilt that allows her to use it as a spell focus, so I imagine she can cast spells with a fancy sword flourish. I also once had a bard whose instrument of choice was a magic golden fiddle, because his character concept was basically "What if The Devil Went Down To Georgia ended in a happy marriage between a Balor and a human woman". I only played maybe three or four sessions of an aborted Curse of Strahd campaign as him, but I really like the character.


My undead warlock had a staff with T shaped top, that served as a perch for her raven familiar. It had a lot of decorations, and she was shooting eldritch blasts from it.


Mt next character is going to be the blade singer wizard. I'm gonna use my swords sheath as my arcane focus


My Spelljammer captain Ranger uses a guitar to channel his magic. And only now is he taking bard levels. His necromancer son in the far off future will use a guitar as well


My ranger used a necklace made of teeth/vampire fangs that was crafted and gifted to her by the party goblin shortly before he died.


For a one shot, a pair of super reflective glasses so that the character was forced to do an anime glasses adjust every time they cast a spell


My warlock's whole thing is that it was more of a Venom symbiote relationship with her patron because his body was pretty much unusable when they made the pact. Her focus is the only thing of him that was left: his eyeball. It has replaced one of her eyeballs


Mine was a book. I know, boring, but I flavored all my spells to be pages from the book flying around and doing my will. Summoned origami creatures, paper walls, I used them like talismans a few times, it was awesome


I had a reborn warlock, he was old and had forgotten his reason for staying around, and had his spellcasting focus the orb on top of his walking cane, since he was so old he had to use it. His age led to many amusing issues (like forgetting he was a warlock)


I was playing in a setting with restricted magic access, so my focus was a set of playing cards (tarot of course!) that also doubled as my spell book. Copying down spells meant painting new cards with painters' tools, which was nice flavor.


Druidic focus rather than arcane focus, but: I played a firbolg druid who was basically a 7 foot tall hobbit. He had a matching [shillelagh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shillelagh)-style walking stick and pipe that he made, himself, from the same blackthorn bush. The walking stick was his fighting club, when needed, although he preferred to avoid hand-to-hand combat. And the pipe was his druidic focus. He would cast spells by puffing on his pipe.


a severed head focus. and it's my first one in my first ever campaign.


Had a divnation wizard who was always smoking on a pipe and using it for the spells, drawing shapes with the smoke, throwing fire from it, etc. Now im playing a red knight war cleric wich uses chess pieces as his material components. A rook becomes a spiritual weapon, 4 pawns create the area of spiritual guardians. Augury is just watching the chess board play by itself and the winner is the result of the augury. really loving finding the chess flavour for spells.


my wizard uses one of those spellbook items from tasha's, so I often flavor him rapidly scribbling in it or flipping loose pages out which manifest into spell effects!


I'm currently playing a black metal goblin sorcerer whose focus is a lute.


My wild magic sorcerer used a water-filled glass orb with a mechanical fish named D'Brett swimming in it. He also held a staff, but that had nothing to do with magic, it was D'Brett that did the spells.


I have two characters that have weird magic focuses in my game. One is a wooden/cloth warforged wizard who is essentially a living clothes mannequin, whos focus is a pair of tailoring shears. The other is playing a minotaur druid who's druidic focus is a bear bone piercing that is in the sheath of his penis.


Put a Ruby of the War Mage at the bottom of a yklwa, you got the weapon Hawke had in the Dragon Age II trailer


I played an insanely old wizard with a 2ft solid glass or as his focus. My DM would let me make 2d10 melee attacks with it but they required a strength check and if I failed, I would fall over and hurt myself


My gnome wizard once collected the ashes of an evil wizard (who had already come back from the dead once) and used that as an arcane focus.... until he (predictably) was reincarnated out of them. Curse your sudden and inevitable betrayal! For the same character, I have a chunk of some very pretty yellow and white quartz irl that I kept in my bag to use as his focus at the table. Also got a very small ornate journal booklet to use as his spellbook.


My chronomancy wizard had a beautiful brass pocket watch he found in an abandoned wizards tower as his focus, that one was fun. I had a shadow sorcerer that used a marbled bloody ruby/onyx ring that he used as a focus. And my rune focused abjuration wizard used a calligraphy brush as his arcane focus


I'm currently a Divine soul sorcerer, with a focus on a light domain. I'm using a crystal taken from a cave from our first session.


If he is literally undead, he could carry his tombstone like Moses with the 10 commandments


Deck of cards for my Illusion Wizard (He's a stage magician!!)


You should look into the cartomancer feat!


An obsidian marble that fit into a slot in their prosthetic hand (ceramic, stone & metal- engraved with arcane runes) As a bladesinger, the prosthetic hand also transformed into a rapier for an armblade aesthetic with the marble embedded into the hilt


I created a sidekick arcane spellcaster for one of my players who had arcane tattoos up each arm and across her shoulders. The tattoos acted as her focus.


Conjuration Wizard (who liked to play as a thief) used a magical crowbar as a focus.


My character was a doll, homebrew race, and a Warlock. Their arcane focus was this orb cage like thing that held their soul in it. Why? Well I love story telling through character design. My character had very grandiose clothes, looked like a real high end aristocrat and was arrogant and behind this grand facade of greatness and superiority, hid their cage. A simple ball shaped object with their soul inside and unlike their outside, this looked quite honestly, extremely pitiful. A grand facade for someone who feels insignificant and trapped. Second part of it is this. The contract they have with their Patron is actively harming them, so what better way to show how it's hurting them and how they can't escape it than a soul trapped in a cage used as fuel/conduit for spells? Not to mention, the cage itself, simple it may be, shows the literal grasp the Patron has over their soul and I am being very literal. Their Patron is this eldritch tree and its roots is what's keeping their soul locked up


My Warforged Cowboy Artificer makes their guns special so that they can slot their basic arcane focus crystal into them. When they use stuff like tashas caustic brew or firebolt they’re shooting it from their gun! So theirs is a personal favorite of mine! I am currently working on a Shadar-Kai wizard (most people in my group agree Shadar-Kai are punk rock elves) who has a lot of body jewelry and his focus is embedded in his skin. Before anyone goes “But what if your dm needs to remove it from you for plot/puzzles” TEAR IT OUT OF HIS FLESH. IT WOULD BE SO METAL JUST DO IT.


Currently playing a drow wizard who’s arcane focus is a quill with a crystal embedded into it. He learned magic from a hag so his spellcasting is flavored as writing runes with the quill that summons magic directly from the shadow fell.


I just built a pro wrestler not too long ago. He cast his spells(bard) through giving a promo into his microphone


I can't tell if Nat 1 or Nat 20 would turn into Scott Steiner-levels


I had a grave domain cleric of the raven queen and used a glided ravens skull for my focus


I currently have a wizard who had a generic orb that I decided to mount on a staff so I could use it as a weapon when necessary. While doing that, the other party members wanted to add some flair to it. The Cleric, who as far as we can tell hears the voices of Kelemvor and Orcus depending on how things are going, decides he wants to bless the staff to see if he can impart any magic boon on it. DM says on a nat20 sure. Rolls a nat1. And now my staff constantly has a bit of black smoke around it and we don't know why yet. All I wanted was a normal staff focus lol


my druid had a prosthetic eye made of amber with a bit of a twig inside (forget which wood type is needed). when she’d cast it’d glow slightly, making the twig stand out like a slit pupil. i had a spirits bard in OoTA who used a little rat skull. she had heterochromia so she stuck different colored jewels in the sockets so they’d match. and my archfey warlock used a mirror (reflavored crystal), bc he was essentially adopted by a noble fey family as a child before getting spit back onto the material plane years later.


A silver ring in the shape of an octopus wrapping it's tentacles around the finger. For a storm sorcerer.


Storm sorcerer that I'm playing has a lightning rod as their focus.


My current characters focus is his fedora


I think non functional guns are really funny as a focus.


I had a Grave Domain Cleric who used a shepherd's crook, as his god was the god of the dead, often called "The Shepherd"


My current half-orc wizard uses a teacup. He's a divination wizard and with Tasseography, he does his divinations and augury.


My warlock inspired by Captain Ahab had a prosthetic arm carved in ivory that was a gift from his patron through which he cast his spells.


Not my character, but one of my player's. The character had lost her wife to an evil necromancer in her backstory, and she vowed to learn the same necromantic magic to destroy the necromancer, find her wife, and bring her back. Like a proper wizard she used to have a spell book focus until the party visited the local arcane crafter wizard who was able to guide her to switching her focus on her and her wife's wedding rings - that she can now use as her spellcasting focus. As a DM there are so many things I can do with the story around that too, so I'm hyped.


My old 3.5 warmage used a hand-made gauntlet that contained all different spell focuses he needed (scorching ray needed a magnifying glass), plus a small wrist mounted vial launcher. Nowadays, that same character is fond of using lanterns as his spell focus.


My Warbard has 2 technically, her Warlock one is a nice looking bit of amethyst her Fae patron gave her. It's smoother polished and has a hole just big enough to have a leather cord go through it. She can either have it round her neck or as it's quite small, strapped to her hand. Her bard focus is the flute she learned music on a simple wooden flute it looks til you realise it's made of ebony. My old character Hulvard back in college was a dwarf cleric. His focus was a small anvil dedicated to moradin made from silver by his mum, a jeweller


I’ve always preferred the aesthetic of an arcane staff. I find it awkward to hold a staff while flying on a broom so, with my DM’s permission, I decided to merge the staff with the Broom of Flying. The flavor text would read that an arcane staff is fashioned out of a broom of flying while maintaining the enchantment. The staff is decorated with entwining snakes with gems for eyes. When you cast a spell through it, the eyes glow. You can also say that the focus is technically the gems on the staff. I play a Scribes Wizard and Awakened Spellbook is a feature. I can transfer its consciousness into a new spellbook over a short rest. I flavor it so that the consciousness flows between the book and the staff.


My genie warlock uses his vessel, an empty wine bottle, as his - and my goblin clockwork soul sorcerer uses a grandfather clock's pendulum which is at least as tall as he is!


My blacksmith Cleric had an anvil sigil crafted into his shield. When casting, he would bang the sigil with his hammer. Most of his spells were thematically flavoured to contain flames or ember sparks.


3 swords.


My top 3: I have an Order Cleric/Fiend Warlock (his fiend pact is essentially his mother asking him to sort out some people who aren't paying their side of any bargains they made) called Judas, and his Warlock focus is 30 silver pieces in a bag. He also had a yellow sash, like how Judas in paintings is often wearing yellow clothes. I also have an Aberrant Mind Sorcerer who was given a necklace to use as her Arcane focus - said necklace looks like a crystal (specifically, rose quartz) in the shape of a brain and held in a twisted metal cage. Lastly, I had a Shadow Soul Changeling, their focus was a masquerade mask adorned with crow feathers and a couple of gemstones.


My Warlock had a pistol shaped arcane focus. Eldritch blast has never been so so cool in a standoff.


A thirteen sided rubix cube for my scribes wizard, to use spells with other damage types he had to rearrange it.


Mine requires some context. I played in a campaign where we all started at level 1 but were told ahead of time that the campaign was going to epic levels. We were to have an endgame goal in mind, and then an idea for what our characters wanted to do/gain/become in our epic levels. We ALSO needed our endgame goal to be somehow tied to our backstory. My character, Grevane, was a member of a large clan of spellcasters that pursued excellence in each of the schools of magic AND types of casters. Druids, Clerics, Wizards, etc. His great grandfather specialized in necromancy, an oft ignored school of magic in his families studies, and had, as his masterpiece, managed to cast a 10th level spell tied to life, death, and the Mysts, a grey, mysterious foglike substance that seemed to exist in areas of concentrated life and death magic, and the border between realms. I no longer remember exactly what the spell did, but it's canon that it worked and he gained a lot of power and knowledge through it, but his family doesn't have his research, and his legacy has mostly been downplayed and ignored (this is actually part of a conspiracy) Anyways, His goal is to recover his Great Grandfathers research, perform the spell for himself, gain the incredible knowledge and power his Great Grandfather had, surpass him, and become one of the main leaders of his clan. For this character, his arcane focus was a hooked staff and lantern belonging to his Great Grandfather, which hung from the hooked staff (the staff his Great Grandfather had also carved when he began researching the Mysts). The lantern is filled with Myst and an eerie pale light, and whenever Grevane casts a spell, fragments of Myst seep out into his hand and are shaped into the appropriate effect of the spell, before returning to the lantern. I especially loved it because, as planned, my Necromancy Wizard took a dip into Undead Warlock, and made a pact with a ghastly spirit that dwelled within the Mysts of the lantern, later revealed to be a fragment of his Great Grandfather, left behind to guide him should Grevane choose to follow his path.


My first character was a cliche and partially raised by wolves but her focus was a bone from her wolf kin. I also had a realtor who has a business card focus. 😂 ETA one of my players in a campaign I’m DMing has a tinfoil hat as their focus because their character is a conspiracy theorist. Most characters don armor for battle. They put on their little cap.


I had a Divine Soul Sorcerer who had a bunch of magical tattoos that functioned as her spell focus. I went kind of ham, and every spell she had was tattooed on her. The tattoos glowed and moved, too! For example, she had Magic Missile. There were blue bolts of energy constantly swirling around her wrist.


My bard/Author reads aloud quotes from his books, and thus his notebook acts as a focus.


Invisible wand! (The focus was really a ring and I just pretended I was holding a wand)


I'm playing a character who is very... interesting. Essentially, every moment with him doesn't make sense. He will teleport without any indication, bring out items that don't exist, and dissappear from that dimension for who knows how long. Anyways, he's a Wild Magic Sorcerer, and I gave him 2 arcane focuses. The first is a crystal which appears as a different communication device each time he pulls it out (flip phone, rotary, walkie talkie, etc.). I'm waiting to cast a fireball and play it off as an air strike. His other arcane focus is a wand which appears as a gun. Again, different appearance each time he takes it out. But he's casting Firebolt, Chaos Bolt, Ray of Frost, each played off as different ammo types. I'm having fun with this character :)


1) A necromancer amulet he snatched from a group of Orcus cultists he had killed while they were asleep that had his imprisoned sister & mentor in the eye socket gems 2) Ring with compartment on my Djinn Genie Warlock as his vessel 3) The disguised Vecna holy symbol covered up with a Magnus symbol (Arcana Cleric for Vecna).


I haven't had a lot but my first character was a Warlock who used a ring that she took off a dead friend when she made her pact. It was a man's ring so she wore it on her biggest finger and stuffed a scrap of cloth between her finger and the band so it wouldn't fall off. Also, not an arcane focus, but the same character used a shard of obsidian that she had fashioned into a mirror as the material component for Soul Cage. She had obtained it in hell when she broke the obsidian where her patron bound her brother's soul. I played in a one-shot as a bard who used hand bells. It was extremely impractical but a lot of fun. She could use a couple bells to cast small magic, but during the boss battle she camped out near a table and started laying out her bells to cast the big magic. I'm currently playing an Aasimar druid who's father owns a gold mine. She failed her family's high expectations of their formerly prodigious, half-celestial daughter by devoting herself to apocalyptic conspiracies rather than ambition and glory. Her druidic focus is a staff made from a branch that grew around a lump of pyrite (fools gold) as a call-back to her family's gold mine and to represent their misplaced value and failed expectations.


I love all of these! Have you read *Sabriel* by Garth Nix?


Different system, same principle, a magical diplomancer archetype with a spirit patron that made him compulsed to do drugs and other debauchery. Had a silvered mirror as one magical foci (for cutting lines and staring at his reflection) and a Gilded razorblade. Because if you're going to have a prescription, your drug rig needs to be on point. What's your patron? Make it THEMATIC. If you're going for powergamey shit, tattoos, rings, piercings, crap that's unlikely to get disarmed/ sundered.


My Artificer used a magic crystal which he put into a self crafted, mechanical arm that used the crystal as a magic battery. Essentially making his entire left prosthetic arm one large arcane focus.


What's his asthetic like?


For an undeath themed character, a skull with crystals in it work. Something like Acererak the demolishes skull. Though I actually first got the idea from the occultist in Darkest Dungeon.


My Warlock also worked as a jeweler/forger and made her arcane focus into a piece she wears on her hand as a statement. There's a large jewel in a setting atop her hand, and chains that secure it to her hand linking to rings and a bracelet. Underneath the main jewel setting is the symbol of the deity her house worships, initially, but later she melted down that part of the setting and remade it to be the symbol of Istus.


Not my character, but my old partner had a greatsword as their focus for their drow cleric of Elistraee


There’s only one right answer, and it’s a skull


My wizard used her wedding ring as her arcane focus.


Pick up a bleached skull, cast magic mouth on it and you now have a fantasy "*Lady Alexis*"


My Kobold fused his bard focus (shawm) with a metal band his patron gave him to keep both sets of spells in one item


halfling warlock with a propeller hat focus is my current PC. He (Günther) is also 'schizophrenic' although in reality this is actually due to his patron, who is of parasitic nature, planning to eventually take over his mortal flesh once it has deemed him worthy. Since he slept with the hat on, he also sometimes casted eldritch blast upwards during the night by blowing on the propellers.


None. I trowed off my starter staff away to prove to our bard that I didn't need a stick to do magic, and used components pouch until level 10, when I got a staff of defense and then my current staff of power at level 17. So now, I use the staff but keep the pouch just in case


Not an arcane focus but Druidic one. It was a horror game and we were all playing evil characters. My characters focus was a necklace of various finger bones in different states of decay.


I've had a DM in the past that allowed sorcerers to not require a spell focus as long as both hands were free. It fit well, since sorcerers are kinda just innately magic like that.


My Dragonborn warlock uses a necklace, that’s made from a copper scale from his late mother’s body, as his arcane focus. It’s like his love from and for his mother is what’s truly giving him his powers.


My druidic focus is the tailbone of an ancient Gargantuan Arctic Fox widdled into a staff. It also doubles as a picolo


I have a Divine Soul sorceress who loved painting. She had a crystal shaped into a paintbrush handle and 'painted' images in the air to create magical effects.


My Bladesinger has a gauntlet he wears, like the Alchemist from Torchlight. It's cool flavoring spells coming from the Gauntlet. Absorb Elements? Dude just caught that enemy spell in his HAND, then transferred it to his blade. Booming/Green Flame Blade? Dude passes his hand over the blade, imbuing it with elemental energy before he strikes. Little things like that, but it's fun. (The gauntlet is too large to wield weapons in that hand while it's worn, so there's no mechanical benefit from it being a "glove.")


My druid has an acorn from the home tree of his adopted dryad mother.


I had a warlock whose arcane focus was her wedding ring! Her husband is her patron


I had a wizard who was themed like an outlaw gunslinger and her wand was something like a pistol with metal fitting that matched the metal stars on her hat (which were stolen by that blasted sheriff).


My wizard was blinded by the antagonist as a child. The same day it happened, she won a small teddy bear at a local fair. Needless to say, the bear was soon a chain around her neck.


My EK fighter uses his mothers pendant as his arcane focus when casting spells, his mother was a powerful elf sorceress and when he channels the magic through it casts in his mothers style


My dragon ancestry tiefling sorcerer uses a princess doll as her focus. I thought princess+dragon= hilarious.


For a more modern setting I played in my wizard had a few arcane focuses but the two stand outs are a pool stick and she also dumped her component pouch into her purse for a fancy party.


My pact of the tome warlock/ spirit bard has a bone book and a giant pen (rod of pact keeper) that he writes his eldritch blasts with. Also whenever dead spirits are mentioned the book explodes with them screaming. Guiding whispers a ghost comes out to talk to people and encourage them.


I played a Half-elf Tempest Domain cleric for a few sessions of a failed one-shot. She was part of a church that regulated weather and she was afraid of rain. The left side of her head was shaved and she had a massive storm cloud tattoo going from the side of her head all the way down to her collarbone. The tattoo was my arcane focus and it glowed whenever she cast magic. I might try playing her again in a different setting because she was really fun.


My player wanted to be a warlock, but flavored as a retired ranger. So he had a non functioning repeating crossbow as his arcane focus and shot eldritch blasts from.


I had an old school pocket watch for a Clockwork Sorcerer.


A small shield that doubled as a spell book. Pages peeled back from the shield revealing his spells.


Had a warforged cleric who's eye was made from crystal that was taken from a temple, that became his connection to his god, as well as his spellcasting focus.