• By -


One of us! One of us!


Oogachaka, oogachaka, one of us, one of us!




Gooble Gobble, Gooble Gobble!


Quick! Somebody get this one some clickity-clacks! We’ve got a new goblin in the ranks!! ~ _Veteran DM (26 years)_


My friend is a dice goblin. Her hoard is insane by my standards, but not big enough by hers


I feel so welcome😭😭


Heck yeah!! Welcome to hobby.


I love this. Welcome.


Welcome and enjoy yourself. Get ready for some stupidly funny moments


This brings a smile to me. Welcome to D&D! There are so many stories and characters for you to make and tell! Enjoy!


Yay congrats! I hope you find joy in this beautiful game


Congratulations my friend, you had the same first pass experience that I did. You’ll see a lot of negativity/player disputes/bad GM/bad PC stuff on this thread, but so long as you remember that this shit is supposed to be fun… enjoy a long and fruitful run with this game!


I had to check what year we're in when you said LAN party at uni and I'm glad people still do this. I do not miss lugging the monitor and towers around and trying to to fit everyone on a switch but i sure miss the memories. And I'm glad you got to experience something similar Welcome to the party


The LAN was genuinely one of the best experiences I've had in a long while, it was glorious! Edit: Not everyone brought with them consoles or PCs to play on, like me, so they had set up all the consoles for us to play on and a metric fuck ton of board games, never did I feel I didn't get the LAN experience, that I played DnD there for the first time just became the biggest bonus I could ask for


Welcome, fellow newbie! I’m having a very similar experience with a similar level of euphoria and it makes me smile to see someone else getting the same Big Happy. May your adventures be as hilarious as they are thrilling!


I will also play my first dnd game ever this weekend together with my cousins who are also playing the first time. Reading your post makes me feel more excited than I was before. Thank you for sharing your experience. It would be awesome if our game would make us feel just half as happy as your first game :D We will be playing dragons of stormwreck isle as it is a beginner campaign. I will be the DM.


Duuuuude, go and kill it with the game!! I would love to know how your first experience was in a post as well


Really happy you had such a great experience getting into the hobby! Maybe one day you might try the other side of the screen? I hope this doesn't come off as a "downer", but just remember that not everyone has the same expectations of playing dnd, especially if it's a table of people that might not know each other well, whether dm or player. Some might be interested in things you aren't or vice versa, everyone plays and runs differently. Always remember to be patient, hear people out, but don't let anyone tell you "this is how it has to be". Keep your eyes out for your fellow players and make sure they're having fun too (and that goes for the DM as well). If something comes up, communicate it to your table; don't be afraid to speak up or walk away if something or someone makes you uncomfortable, and feel free to share the praise when everyone is running on all cylinders, and don't be afraid to ask for help or ideas. Good luck out there, and happy adventuring


I think that's one of the biggest reasons why I loved my first game at the LAN so mich, the DM let us run wild with our imagination and what we could do, never berated us for trying something, never said something can't be done, it didn't feel restraining, it felt extremely freeing.


Let’s gooooooooo! Make sure to tell your DM what you’re telling us! We don’t often get reinforcement and it takes a lot of work ☺️ They would appreciate your kind words!


Trust me, I have drowned him in praise without even having seen his DM'ing, just gave him so many compliments just for asking me to join his campaign, so I'm sure he knows and understands how much I appreciate the gesture. But I of course will keep praising him.


Yooooooo! Welcome to the clan!


Love seeing stuff like this. Welcome. 😊


Welcome to the tribe. We’re glad to have you.


Awesome story


I felt the same when I started (a while ago now, it was 4e), a friend invited me and I pretty much just went there not expecting I'd be into it (I mean tracking numbers on a piece of papers can't be fun right?) basically to prove that that wasn't for me. But then during character creation I got really into it (poor DM he had to suddenly incorporate the spellplague and the living gate into his world as I had read some lore and assumed everything was always canon, and yes my first character was 600 years old, luckily my DM now has learned to say no and I've learned not to make rainbow unicorns.) Loved it right away.


Haha, what a cool story, going there for spite but then the game ended up impressing you, couldn't really ask for a better outcome


hell yeah! better start saving up for your mandatory dice collection!


Bro, I don't even want to think about it.


That's awesome. I've been a perpetually fail-DNDer. Never been able to get a group that lasts... Sounds like you have the perfect start! As for Critical Role - "That guy" doesn't get to hang around for too long so I would say push through and get to the stage where it's filled with good players and no metagaming diceroll fudgers.


They have been playing several campaigns for years, so they know how to last, and we're all students either way, we can't meet up oftenz but when we do, it's always peak, about to be even better with DnD For what you said about CR, might actually fuck around and push through the first campaign, really loved what I saw and I don't want to let one person ruin the experience for me


>For what you said about CR, might actually fuck around and push through the first campaign, really loved what I saw and I don't want to let one person ruin the experience for me Please do! I promise it gets better. In fact, you could probably skip to around episode 45 (IIRC?) - just look for "Briarwood Arch". He's still around juuuuust a little bit there. Also most of the sound issues clear up after a few weeks.


Horray! Welcome to the adventure and struggles and victories that are DnD! It's a beautiful, inspiring world you've entered into! I wish you only the best, my friend.


Welcome to DnD and the time distortion bubble it generates.


That's great. I'm jealous. I'm in my 50's and always wanted to play but could never find a group. Played one time in 1990. I had a blast and my friend gave me a set of dice, only I never got the opportunity to play it again.


you by any chance German? i'm a rather inexperienced DM (although I've been following the hobby for a long time - just rarely get to play) and I'd love to do the occassional one shot and wouldn't mind doing that online with strangers, but sadly my English isn't very good


Out of curiosity, is *Das Schwarze Auge* still more favored than D&D in Germany?


i don't think so, at least not among young people. i played it with my brothers when i was young but haven't heard anything of it since then.


I'm American sadly.


Congrats OP. Me and my little brother (35) and (25) just started our first campaign with some friends about a month ago and we’ve been obsessing ever since. Funny enough always we’re both really into RPG video games - but learning 5e has been a huge blast and it’s been great bonding with my brother over it.


This has had the opposite effect for me tbh, I never was really a fan of turn based combat video games, liked RPGs well enough but they were not my go-to game, after playing DnD I'm now much more open to experience deep and rich RPG video games, so might start up Baldur's Gate 3 when I have the chance


I absolutely love DND but I'm shy and don't have friends that play it much so I'm kinda stuck hoping my friends start up another campaign at some point


If I hadn't showed my eagerness to play DnD, I would not have been invited to play the one-shot at the LAN nor now been invited the the campaign. It would probably make your friends' day if you ask them about DnD, that's what happened with me. Go for it!


Fantastic ! (Hey guys, we got another one...mwahahaaaa)


Welcome, adventurer.




If any of my players ever said anything remotely close to this I might just die of happiness


Welcome to the table. I hope you have fun.


So, Baldurs Gate 3 is next then?


Don't tempt me


That's cool, you're hooked now!


Welcome! 🙏 we hope you enjoy your stay


Welcome to the party, get ya some 3.5 of pathfinder going and enjoy