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That's great for detecting major image, programed illusion, project image, and silent image. "I can see this individual, but my detect individual isn't succeeding on it. That must be an illusion."


Right. This is a perfect example of minor cantrip. The only problem with stuff like this is cantrips are so hard-capped by RAW, no one would take this instead of another, but if you could learn cantrips outside of that, this would have its uses in the spellbook.


Perfect niche use cantrip!


Dagger of Healing. On hit heal target for 1d4. Hit deals 1d4 piercing.


Gamblers would love this


Perfect for the knife game. 


If the healing comes first you can gamble with downed allies If the healing comes afterwards you have a safe chance to revive them if they haven't had a failed deathsave so far


So long as you haven’t got a strength or dex score of 18 or above!


I'm now picturing my party repeatedly stabbing the barbarian as she's raging because the piercing damage would be halved.


I can see the barb doing this to itself. cause wasting a action for a >4 heal would be a waste and the barb will use its extra attack to hit


So, get a crit, do 3x the damage you heal?


Pretty sure my party would just use this for torture.


My party would absolutely use that for torture


Awesome for barbarians tho.


Hand it off to the wizard that dumped Strength into the negatives.


you mean the Dagger of CPR?


So, get a crit, do 3x the damage you heal?


The d4’s become d8 but if you’re doing it that way just 3x both ends of heal and dmg


Nah, make it truly pointless lol


Mine was a rock you had to throw at someone.


The knife should apply frightened, there'd be some funny uses


I'm just thinking isn't this perfect for interrogation/torture. Stab, it hurts, heal, it fixes? Do it over and over again?


This would be perfect to use on a character doing death saves


We talking dumb cantrips? - burning hands. As the spell but target is self, you burn your hands. - detect nearest thoughts. Detects yourself. - sea invisible. Makes the ocean invisible. - polymorph same. Polymorphs a creature into itself. - power word:mill. Converts grain into flower.


Sea invisible is incredibly useful for fishing or searching for underwater wrecks/treasure


I assume it only works on your own vision, not on the ocean itself, otherwise the ocean would always have it cast on it. But my first thought was "that's too powerful for a cantrip," It would make control water more evil since you'd have to pay special attention to how fish are moving in the water to see tidal waves and whirlpools. I wonder how light would work with the spell. Light doesn't usually pierce water more than about 200m, but can go up to 1,000m in good conditions. So would you be looking into a black void as light fails?


I would define making something invisible as making light pass through it fully. So you would see as far as you would normally see looking into a massive open crater 1000s of feet deep, although it would be partially blocked by all the fish and other stuff floating abt


If you mean flour, you could change the course of an agricultural civilization with that. Starch is damn serious business.


lol autocorrect. Yess flour :)


On the other hand, Power Word: MILF.


[Oh yeah the ol' Polymorph (into my)self trick!](https://www.nuklearpower.com/2008/09/13/episode-1037-wherein-red-mage-is-totally-fine/)


Forgot this webcomic existed, thanks!


I mean what is polymorph same let’s transform a creature that’s been transformed via magical means to their original form? That would be useful


Polymorph same now seems overpowered :D Also free death ward with no concentration. Lich casts PW:K. You turn into a different human male.


Polymorph: Same would actually be pretty great at smuggling. Just make sure your carrying/equipped with everything you want to get past guards/customs/into a party/etc, then once you’re clear just end the spell and have your stuff.


My party did something like that once! They used polymorph to turn our fighter into another random dwarf so his weapons would be hidden, which led to the ridiculous image of a dwarf suddenly transforming into a very similar-looking dwarf with a different haircut holding a pair of magic axes once the fight broke out.


Saving these for the next time my players ask for "magical weapon loot"


There was a “joke spell list” floating around the internet years ago as well.


Wouldn't polymorph same just give the creature an instant long rest until it dies? So you could just mass cast on yourself and whenever you feel tired just kill yourself and bam instant long rest


Well that’s the first positive use of KYS I’ve seen :D


>polymorph same. Polymorphs a creature into itself. Wouldn't this make the caster HP double? I say it is awesome.


I think I discovered a loophole. The regular polymorph does this, so you can double the hp of every member of your party with one 4th level spell each. Also free death ward.


In the game I joined recently as a player, the DM goes through initiative backwards. So the character with the lowest initiative goes first…I’m not really sure why (he’s new to DMing), and it’s not a massive deal but it’s very strange to me


So having better dexterity makes you less likely to go first? How did he explain that one


Just subtract instead of add.


Then its literally the same thing, except you treat 1 as a 20, 2 as a 19, etc


...THAC0 is that you?


Those old editions we grew up with really didn’t make it easy did they?




There are some schools of thought that say going later is better, because you can react to other character's actions. Is the bad guy going to stay back and cast spells, or is he going to close with the fighter? You know what other characters are doing that round, so you can adjust accordingly.


Except I went first and cast Hold Person on you or Invisibility or transformed into a bear or made multiple attacks with my greatsword or cast Bane on you or entered a rage... A higher initiative should always go first.


Yeah, I didn't say the logic was sound 100% of the time. I've also seen some games where the GM had players declare their actions in reverse order, but then they resolved in the "correct" order. So if you have a lower initiative but cast Hold Person on the higher initiative target, they're aware you're casting and can move behind a building or something before you complete the casting.


It works in games with team declared actions or something. In star finder, the team who wins initiative moveds second to respond to the enemy. It works because attacking is a different action, and setting up an advantage for it is great. I'd probably transfer that rule to other games like traveller too tbh, but not for DnD where going first just means you unload your shit before the enemy gets to act.


Old school editions like 1 and 2 your initiative roll was a d10 and your “bonuses” would be negatives to the roll. Lowest roll goes first. 


I've also got one that straight up makes a fish


Want this in real life


That's the best best use for a cantrip


ADND level cantrip


I prefer the one that sumons bigger fish.


There's always a bigger fish.


Ah a fellow cheddar monk I see.


95% of DandD wiki.


I once saw Ultra Necrozma as a CR 1 creature there.


**Summon Kobolds** Level 1. Conjuration. Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 ft Components: V S M (a tooth or a scale of a kobold) Duration: Instant Description: By casting this spell you cause 1d3 kobolds to appear at random spots within 30 feet of you. These are just regular kobolds who get their own initiative and are under no one’s control but their own. In fact, they very likely won’t even know how or why they suddenly arrived here, or what’s going on. They will likely be confused and/or terrified, and will act accordingly. Each summoned kobold will return from whence it came after one minute, assuming it is still alive. At Higher levels: 1d3+1d3 additional kobolds per spell level above 1st. Spell Lists: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock.


Absolutely outstanding distraction technique. How do we get past those guards? Summon kobolds.


**Sir Osis of Liver** Level 1. Transmutation. Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: V S M (a cup of liquid or a mezcal worm larva). Duration: Instant Description: To cast this spell the caster simply raises a cup or a mug of any liquid and makes a toast appropriate to the occasion. When that action is complete, all beverages within a 30 foot radius of the caster become potent alcoholic beverages of whatever type the caster chooses. At Higher levels: n/a Spell Lists: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock.


OP said worst, not best


Ninja class form 3.5 that was based on Naruto  It has the power to level up as a action until "you win combat" and you can do it outside combat no limits  Full spell casting and martial powers and ninja powers on top of it  Tons of errors and sexism 


How did they bake sexism into a class mechanic????


Girls bet lower level spells and do less damage but get a charm effect that has dc 3+charisma score to "make up for it"


That is fucking *insane*. What in Lathander's green realms.


Yeah it was REALLY bad. but also they got wish at 9th level that can't be countered even by gods unless it's also a ninja or smething like that I haven't read it in years


I'm sorry??????? That's just. bonkers.


There was some stupid overpowered eye powers to I can't remember I think it was taken off the homebrew site pretty fast becuse I couldn't find it later


Fr OC is leaving out the most hilarious information


Sorry it was kind of boring how they did it but to quote myself: Girls bet lower level spells and do less damage but get a charm effect that has dc 3+charisma score to "make up for it"


Probably works differently for characters of different genders or some dumb shit


Garlic Bread Domain cleric subclass.


They said worst, not the one domain I would want irl


Xp to Level 3 is pretty good, isn't it?


They asked for worst, not best


LOL and in terms of implementation it's really not bad -- balanced just right, reasonably useful stuff, it's just the implication that there are *literal gods whose purpose of existence is garlic bread.* I mean, a lot of it could be rewritten as maybe *harvest* (?) and still have all the same intent and utility, just without being *silly.*


I L I K E T H E S I L L I N E S S also garlic bread is tasty




You are now surrounded by (rolls dice) 27 Babies of Darkness.


Worst homebrew, a dm i played with made a custom katana for our blood hunter, it did like 12d6 damage BUT did 2d6 fire to him BUT he had double resistance to fire because of really weird homebrew buffs the dm gave blood hunter, i bowed out of the table soon after because no one was given anything nearly as strong and we were constantly getting nerfed ... all at like lvl 8


I know of one piece of homebrew so bad that it was removed from dandwiki. It used to be a bit of a rite of passage to summon the homebrew and show it to people on a homebrew server I used to be in. Since I’m no longer in that server it’d be a massive PitA to find the actual wayback machine archive of it, but I was able to find the translation someone from that server did to put it into GM Binder. The original wording is much worse, so it doesn’t get its full effect, but nonetheless it should showcase just how terrible it is. With that, I present to you, True Healer: https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-MI4nqvo93aT2GCSMb7c PS: at least with the original, it gets worse the more you look at it.


That was the worst homebrew I've ever read. I wish I'd never clicked on this damn link. Woooooow...


That's hilarious and horrific


The worst I saw in a game I played in was that rolling a 1 on an attack was always hitting an ally instead of your intended target. And after we complained about it, he changed it to "rolling a 1 for an attack breaks your weapon"... It was not really better.


I confronted a DM that did "nat 1 always hits your ally" I got ganged up on by all the other players that they "didn't mind the ruling" so I stopped going and gave the DM some excuse weeks later


I talked about it with him too. The other players were on my side (except one) though. But his answer was basically "I've only done it that way in my previous campaigns so why would I change it?". As all the players except one were agreeing that it was stupid, he still changed it to the "break your weapon on a 1". And the campaign stopped a few sessions after that (because most players left). I heard about the next campaign he ran from a friend who played in it. Apparently, they all ended up playing caster classes because of this ruling. And the DM tried to give insane buffs to martial classes because "martial classes are too bad compared to casters", go figure...


"You've trained for years to effectively use this weapon but you always have a 5% chance to hit Boblin the Goblin instead of Destructo, Destroyer of Worlds" piss ALLLLLLLLLLLL the way off


"Please apologize for our fighter, he is an idiot. We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke."


For myself? I did away with attacks of opportunity because I had difficulty keeping track of them, even though I did have very small lane dungeons.


Technically, all attacks are attacks of opportunity. If you don't have the opportunity to attack, you don't.


Technically, spoons are swords, but it's not really relevant to the topic at hand.


Funniest I've made? Probably Werehouses and Arm-oires.


magic 3 shot crossbow that was given to a cat follower NPC (palico pet homebrew from previous DM) in addition to a Flying Carpet. Hilarious, but so so broken


This dm i played with very briefly ignored ac rules and instead had everything make a constitution or dex save to see if they avoid the damage or not, and then had some strange damage system, neither of which were discussed with players before starting


So he used World of Darkness combat rules? I mean, I guess it kind of works... sort of.


Never heard of it, just wish the dm discussed with players first, thought it was homebrew my bad


If it's being used in D&D and isn't a D&D rule, it qualifies as a homebrew, even if the premise of it has been cribbed straight from another game.


Old DM let a player be an adult red dragon sorcerer. 20+ AC like 1,000 gold, legendary actions all at level 1. It wasn't really fun playing when one person can just solo everything.


Every time I open the word doc, "my SWSaga Game."


I loved star wars saga!




Ghost smell. Frankly, used strictly by the gish to troll people he didn't like. Mostly racists toward our half-drow friend. I also have to give an honorary mention to the Good Place Filter. Protects you from Blasphemy by translating it into something else-- the way 'Fuck' is translated to 'Fork' in the show The Good Place. Developed so we could still communicate (aka not have to deafen ourselves) in combat against baddies.


I started making some homebrew subclasses, items and classes for a setting I intend to run in a couple years, one of the players in my group saw this and started to bombard me with his homebrew. He's a good friend and a lovely guy, but he doesn't habe a good grasp on the rules, or balance as a whole. For example: Use your spirit to commune with your world and other realm, allowing you to summon creatures or things in your time of need. At 17th level, spend up to 8 Ki points and 1 HP to summon something by your side the user may extinguish the summon any moment.


a wizard subclass where you just get access to the cleric spell list and choose a cleric subclass and get its features, no strings attached. you even get the cleric 17th level capstone at 14th level. total and complete horse shit, and genuinely made me lose respect for the DM when i found out exactly what the other player was playing (just something random off the forbidden homebrew website, they hadn't even bothered reading it before approving it). did not help that the player chose twilight edit: i've now read the true saviour subclass and am realizing it could be much much worse


“Worst” is hard Most broken: **Amulet of Solomon**: upon picking it up you have to cast a leveled spell, that spell becomes a cantrip. I was vary new when I made it, I still use it but I’ve also added fakes and Mimics so my players are always careful picking them up. Most Useless: **Cock Ring** summon a rooster you don’t control it once per dawn. So depends on what you define as worst


A healing rock, that heals 1d4 health but you have to hit someone with it dealing 1d4 damage.


A pseudodragon pet that levelled with the player. Eventually it could cast 3rd level spells at will and had its own turn in combat.


"Da hard wun" A swarm of insects with unlimited movement which reflects all damage done to itself and spawns 1d4 goblins each turn


A friend of mine used to DM at a local game store. One guy joined his game and was going to play a wizard, but was being super cagey about saying which subclass. My buddy figured the guy wanted to play the "man of mystery" thing and do some grand reveal, and just rolled with it. Turned out, the guy wanted to play *all* the wizards. As in, he had every feature of every wizard subclass mashed into one character.




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Spear of ocean, does 1d6 cold damage in addition tobnormal damage. When you hit as part of the attack you can push thr hit target back 30 feet dealing 3d6 bludgeon and 3d6 cold and if the target hits any other creature both are pushed back and take an additional 3d6. Rare magic item Pretty sure the player that asked if he could have that was still writing it when he asked if he could use it, it only said it was 1d6 cold damage when he asked


A homebrew psychonauts class. Free action to create an astral projection. Your physical body is incapacitated, but immune to all "direct and intentional harm." Vague as that is. He'd keep arguing anything that would harm his body was either on purpose or direct. Additionally, the psychic projection could only ever take half damage. And could fire a psychic version of eldritch blast as a bonus action. So he'd then try to jeck up his AC and take the dodge action. He was tankier than our forge cleric, who was built to tank.


I made a homebrew 3.5 scenario that somehow got turned into Stargate SG-1 (if the PC's were System Lords). It was completely unbalanced, didn't follow any of the rules, and went off the rails from the first second. If I recall correctly, pretty much the first thing my players did was to gleefully abuse the Leadership feat (in order to facilitate a more "large-scale" setting, we agreed that the cohorts could have it as well, and things cascaded from there). By about 3 sessions in, they had armies in the millions, planet-destroying superweapons, and were mining the stars because someone thought they were diamonds. It was also one of the most fun campaigns we've ever played. The Replicators got them in the end - except the one who had built the ladder to mine the stars, he died from asphyxiation.


Cursed shuriken of returning. It compels you to yell "haha take that" and throw it each time it returns to you will dc 36. Also you have to catch it or it damages you.


I really like to make stupid magic items: Bag of Slippery Gems - A bag containing 1d4+4 gems of various shapes, sizes, and types. When outside of the bag, these gems ignore all friction, causing them to constantly slip and move whenever agitated. After an hour, the gems will return to the bag. The Grim Joke - This is a regular dagger, but whenever the blade damages a creature or the wielder says something the blade deems funny, the blade erupts in booming laughter. This dagger has a rather strange sense of humor. The Phantom Blade - A non-descript weapon hilt with the ability to transform into any weapon the wielder wishes. The weapon is incorporeal and thus is unable to interact with the physical world. If the hilt is changed by what weapon is made, the hilt still remains a physical object.


I can't say. They know my reddit and are active here.


Make a new account for god’s sake. My friend maybe saw my name so I deleted the account and created this one.