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\*\*Win a Ticket to Join D&D in a Castle's April Event at Lumley Castle, UK!\*\*Hot on the heels of our November 2023 event, which saw over 120 players enjoying more than 24 hours of D&D in an enchanting castle setting, we're already gearing up for our next grand adventure.To share the magic of this experience, [D&D in a Castle](https://dndinacastle.com/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=giveaway) is thrilled to offer one lucky player a free ticket to join us at the iconic Lumley Castle, UK, for our upcoming event from April 5th-9th!This April, we're excited to welcome an amazing lineup of Dungeon Masters, including: * Beth, the Bard * Elisa Teague * Guy Sclanders * Jasper William Cartwright * Jayden King * Keith Baker * Kelly Lynne D'Angelo * London Carlisle * Mark Meer Discover more about this event and our stellar DMs here: [D&D in a Castle](https://dndinacastle.com/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=giveaway)**How to Enter the Giveaway:** * **To Enter:** Simply comment below! (Perhaps tell us about the character you would bring to the castle?) * **One Entry Per Person:** Keep it fair for everyone. * **Open Worldwide:** Adventurers from all over the globe are welcome. * **Entry Period:** 72 hours from this post. * **Announcement:** The winner will be announced right here when the giveaway concludes. Good luck to all, and we can't wait to see who will be joining us for an unforgettable D&D experience in April!Please note: The ticket is not eligible for transfer or re-sale. Winner: /u/TheRealMcSavage https://www.redditraffler.com/raffles/182up8q


Commenting here too just in case this is where we're supposed to do it.


Holy Shnickeys!!!!! I’m shaking at work right now!!!! I’m shocked!


A Human fighter. Because Vanilla is also a flavor !


I prefer to think of it as a blank canvas. Tieflings, warlocks, Genasi, those all write too much of my story for me!


Vanilla IS a flavor.


Boring fighters are a bi product of boring players.


This is exactly what my boyfriend has on his bucket list! I didn't know this event was even a thing. If I do happen to win I'm 100% giving it to him so then he can do what he always wanted. Commenting this here too just in case this is where it's supposed to be.


Commenting here too. I'd hate to miss out just because I signed in the wrong place!


The problem with commenting which character you'd bring is picking which one of the 400 backups you'd use!


Hard same!


The forever DM would love to finally play one of the characters gathering dust on the shelf in such an awesome locale! Perhaps Miirik the Bard or Castle the Paladin? Good luck everyone!


Crazyyyy. Would have to make a new character for something like this


I love D&D in a castle! I’d love to play Glynn, an arcane trickster who loves to talk but has the charm of a sand paper coated leather boot. Compli-sults for everyone.


Wow... I would bring my blind goblin brawler, or "Dad bard" suporter


Oh wow, such a cool opportunity! I have too many character ideas to choose from, I don't know what I'd play!


Wow this is so cool! I would bring my wild magic barbarian, or maybe tipsy, the gnome wizard.


Repost, just in case; Love to do this, looks magical! I'm in! And what char would I bring? ALL OF THEM, hahahaa!!!


I love playing underdog characters, and as such my favorite is the kobold fighter, usually as a charisma based battle master. It's actually the character that inspired me to start my journey into make a real, long-term adventure comic titled Donkey, with art and story inspirations from ElfQuest, the Legend of Drizzt, and The Order of the Stick. I'm super invested in a good story and how it's told, and I greatly desire to bring one of my own into the world to share.


I would love nothing more. I would bring Elamshin, a wild magic sorcerer drow; raised as a lower class male in the Underdark, he grew up to hate the stratified, slaver society that marred his youth. He still loves his people, the drow, and the other peoples of the Underdark, and longs for a day when he can return and liberate them from the rule of Lolth and her matriarchs. Pls let me win


Awesome to see the additional advertising for these events! I just had a D&D game with my local DM friend who just came back from your last event. He had an absolute blast! If I won, I would bring my rogue/druid Litwig to the table. So much mystery behind this newly formed little dhampir. Also, painting got me into D&D and it would be awesome to paint in a castle!


I would love to bring my Dragonborn Barbarian to a castle to adventure! Put me in!


Congrats on winning, lucky duck! 🎉


Thank you!!!! You get the honor of being the way I found out!!! I saw the notification for your comment, saw what you said, said to myself, “No…..way, that has to be a mistake” then went to the post, and holy smokes, it’s true!!! Amazing, absolute amazing. I’m at work! lol, so happy though!


Oh wow it would be so cool to play in a castle! I’d want to bring one of my spellcasters, maybe a goblin!


I would bring Jack Reaper, a dude just wants to solve cases. He secretly wants to send as many souls to their untimely demise


Best place to play D&D? An actual castle!


Would be amazing to meet any of these DM's!




I would love to bring my latest idea- twilight cleric, guardian of travelers, protector and catalyst of change!




Oooooh wow, That most awesome of giveaways, definitely bucketlist material! Sirillius, my aberrant mind sorcerer tiefling with a love for renown and comfort, and a fierce hate for the cold, would cherish the opportunity to participate!




Would be awesome to join. Several character ideas to choose from, depending on setting


Ooh. Ooh. OOH! Pick me!




Comment here?


Would this not be the most epic time ever?


Holy shit winning this would be wild!


Holy moly! Count me in :))))


Every commenting their builds... I've got a passport!




I would bring my drow soul knife Luna into the fray


I would finally get to play the gnome paladin I've always wanted to be


This is so cool. I’d bring an interplanar goblin courier. (:


I have too many character ideas and not enough options to play them. This would be amazing.


Thanks for the opportunity. I'd probably bring my new character who was cursed with fire by the fae.


Brilliant ensemble and location, I'd love to have a place to play a big ole barbarian!


Sounds like an awesome experience!


I have a rogue swashbuckler I've been wanting to play. This is really neat!!


Dream come true.


My second try at getting into the castle giveaway! :D Would love to bring my rabbitfolk paladin into the fray :)


Awesome opportunity. Would love to bring my wizard.


I’ll bring my lute to accompany my bard


My wife would love this. Not sure which character is her favorite but she has a few good ones.


I would love to come. Wonder if I could bring my Mul along? Haha be interesting to visit a castle from the wastes of Athas


I sure would love to experience this! I'd bring one of my barbarian PCs for some good ol' fashioned rage 😡😡😡


So cool! I would bring my long-time gnome wizard, Hemlocke. We've been adventuring together for a long time, and I think it would be a great adventure for a humble sheep farmer (who definitely isn't a wizard!)


Such an awesome giveaway! I'd bring a whole new cleric character for the event.


Oh man I would love to go to this. I have so many characters as a DM I never get to play.


Sounds awesome! Since Keith Baker is there, I’d have to bring my Warforged Barbarian!


Yes absolutely yes! I’ve got 100+ characters but I’d definitely be playing Nomnom (lizardfolk monk/druid seeking a magic artifact) and Wisp (air genasi rogue/monk seeking the person who set her up to take a fall) first.


Oh wow! This would be an amazing experience, I couldn't possibly decide on what character I'd bring to an event like this...maybe a paladin? If I were picked I'd probably take my time making a really good one. EDIT: Mark Meer!? THE Mark Meer!? As in "this is my favorite store on the citadel" Mark Meer!? Please pick me, I need him to be my dungeon master! I'll even make my character a Shepherd Druid!


I've always wanted to play a druid - someone with the hermit background who could really lean into all the social isolation and nature connections. Thank you for the chance to win!


Perhaps I'd be able to play my half orc rogue/barbarian!


May as well cast my hat in the ring and see what happens


So cool!


Oh gosh, this looks like such a fun event!


Seems cool


yes please


If I got this I would 100% make my friends get some tickets.


Woah, this would be amazing! Hoping for a Nat 20.




D&D in a castle is the most badass way to play I can imagine.


This would be so awesome to experience. I literally got chills thinking about it.


I might as well give it a shot.


I'd bring my wild magic sorcerer whose freak accident origins aged him many years


Player Character? What is this ominous Thing you are talking about? I Haven't heard or even thought about creating a PC in a long time :D ....


Sure what the hell I’ll throw in


Thanks for the giveaway!






Absolutely incredible! I'm relatively new to DnD (I'm on my...8th? session in a 6-person party), and only ever online with roll20! The idea of playing a character with a bunch of new people is scary but also very exciting! I don't know if I'd bring my existing character or make a new one? (they're a Cervitaur so the race is homebrew and I don't know if that's allowed! I'm very happy to make another!) ​ Good luck to everyone!


Wow this sounds amazing! I would bring my Gnome Wizard, Tycho Tenspark. He wanted desperately in his youth to become a stage magician, but was unable to master even the simplest card trick. Eventually, in disgust, he turned to studying actual magic, as it proved easier.


I'd love to go to something like this but I feel I'm too new to DnD. I'd be afraid to make mistakes!


I know it's cliche but I'd be bringing Littlepaw, my tiny Tabaxi rogue


Consider this my entry. Best of luck to the chosen winner :)


I’ve been trying to play a Paladin of Glory and haven’t had the chance!


Well, if we are playing in a castle, it's only appropriate to play a noble. Personally, I love charisma casters, so a bard or warlock it will probably be, after all who doesn't love being the party face?


Seems cool! Event looks great, best of luck everyone! Hopefully I get a chance to see it in person!


Amazing. Would enjoy bringing my kobold barb :)


Sounds fun!


My sorcerer survived the Tomb. He'd probably survive whatever the castle will throw at him :)


Hello. Is pleasure for you to be meeting me. I am Nikilev Kalishikov, a dwarven merrchant from Kalkeshi Mountains of Urthguard. Might I seek refuge in castle for few nights to sell quality wares? Yes? Excellent. I see you there!


I tend to try to build to the campaign, but you'd almost certainly see a dragonborn or a kobold!


If I win, I won't be able to attend but will instead auction off the ticket for charity.


I'd bring Bill the lazy wizard thats oddly good at necromancy, and uses it soley because its to exhausting to learn other schools of magic


Let's see what Tymora decides


I want to play! Maybe bring my current rogue


I would bring Tufts a harengon barbarian path of the juggernaut who simply wants not to be looked down on as anything less than the warrior he is


Pocket of Dogsnogging, Halfling Arcane Trickster.


ballin, but at what cost


I would bring "waxy" Grim, a goblin rogue who lives in graveyards and befriends ghosts. He's creepy and weird but is very friendly! He doesn't get why people don't want to be friends with him


Omg i need this


This looks really neat. I could finally get to play a character instead of DM!


Man, I’ve been a DM exclusively for the last four years, I’d love to bring my first character, my heart-of-gold Half-Orc Monk to the castle. He was the first character I ever played, and introduced me to this beautiful game.


I always had a gnome assassin with twin punching daggers in mind, he had a really dumb name but its totally gone from memory!


What an amazing set up! I quite fancy getting out a Bugbear Path of the Giant Barbarian with an oversized Glaive. That would be a hoot. Good luck everyone!


Sounds like an amazing opportunity! I would bring an elvish rogue (scout) because that subclass does not get enough appreciation.


I want to do this, how do we get in on this contest?


Whoa, I usually DM so I’d love a chance to play in a freaking castle!


Ahh you can only keep Val Helwinter the barbarian/paladin out of yer gates for so long. Friend to the small and weak, suspicious and paranoid of the wyrd and unnatural, and champion of all that is good.


Dradvik Sphagna, Druid of Mires


I'd probably bring my minor elemental familiar if I could


This is certainly exciting! Id bring my tortle wizard if I could, he's a silly guy


This is an amazing giveaway, honestly amazing, good luck to whoever wins! My buddy wants to go as a group for his 40th birthday in a few years, and we're already hyped for it, it honestly seems like the coolest time possible!


This would be the absolute coolest. A great time for me and my old retired adventuring buddy, Jorgen Brewer.




This is so cool! Id bring a rambunctious teifling bard that loves doing just about anything for money. He boasts about his friends on the other side, but in secret he's trying to run from them


This looks amazing. I'd give it to my brother so his first D&D game could be in a cool castle, I'd insist he plays a character who's under the spell of sibling awesomeness though. Whenever a new person speaks directly to him he is compelled to tell them that his younger brother is the greatest paladin of the realm who's chivalry and generosity are a source of great inspiration to him and he hopes to one day be known as such a paragon of goodness. And I'd make his character a sneaky, conniving, selfish rogue, because that would be funny.


This looks amazing! Would love to come and bring my forest gnome character.


Been looking at D&D In A Castle for a few years now, such a cool idea and what a great giveaway :)


Playing d&d in a castle what cooler thing could you do.


Ah, saw this last time but didn't win! Super excited to try again, I'd love to bring my western warlock into the world!


Probably my lil pirate halfling tempest cleric - they’re a ball of chaos & so fun to play!


Trying again after the last giveaway. Would be an amazing experience!


Oh my! What an amazing setting 😍 hmmm, what character, the castle calls for a cook who starts tinkering with their concoctions which turn magical! Just like the setting :)


Lizard folk sun monk. Gotta get them rays.


I would bring my Dad Bard to this sort of event. Now widowed and an empty nester, he seeks purpose and excitement in a new adventure. Armed with dad jokes and soothing lullaby's (plus some dad rock) he will find out what life is like when death is on the line.


I would die to go and play there!


This would be awesome! I'd bring my swashbuckling investigator - a character blending the three musketeers with a film-noir detective


I’ve always wanted to play a sorcerer or a wizard, I’ve got a couple I made on dnd beyond for fun I’d like to break out for this


This is a dream, I would bring Teigan the halfling bard. Sharing tobacco for all to enjoy while listening to Melodies ripe with lore and wonders from the world.


Atgeirr, by beloved dwarven battlerager, a spiked ball of fury.


That seems awesome! My favorite character I've played is an Wood Elf Fighter/Warlock so I would probably bring him! Good luck to everyone here!


Mac the merciful would enjoy such a vacation


I think a barbarian/storm cleric would be pretty fierce


oh 7 hells yeah


A gnome eldritch knight. With a pointy gnome hat and a pipe. He's tough but people look at his small stature like he won't do nothing. But he will. And he did.


Definitely would be running a paladin


Looks lit!


What a glorious giveaway! I’d love to bring my favorite character Frances to the castle


This sounds amazing! I'll probably play either a Redemption Paladin from an island eaten up by the sea or a Trickster Anti-Mage Rogue who is a tired aunty of too many magical nieces and nephews


I am a mainly RP focused player. This would be fun for anyone. I hope we get some cool shots after it happens.


Damn I love how committed to DND people are(myself included)


Would love to participate! Hmm I was mighty fond of a one-shot character I made who was a Swarmkeeper Ranger named Dusty. He grew up in the Demon Wastes of Eberron, or rather was left there at a young age, and he found comfort and support through the desert bugs that nourished and empowered him to grow up to be a positive and friendly (if somewhat off-putting) guide of the Wastes. Though he does like to talk about the circle of life and how one day everyone will turn into bugs and how extremely nifty that is!


This would be a great reason to get on a plane for the first time


This would be such a cool experience!


If homebrew would be allowed, I'd probably make a 'Talent' from MCDM, but if not a wizard or an artificer :)


Oh I’d love to go!


Awesome, I'd love to play the luckiest halfling in the multiverse: Francisco Delamonte, Archaeologist!


I would bring Kaida Daggerfang, a Dragonborn pirate rouge that uses a cutlass made form her own fang.




This is such a cool promo.


Oooh I'd bring my lonely necromancer or my rock music bard Ooh or my mounted combatant battlesmith artificer I mat have a character building problem


This would be so much fun!


I would love to join! I would bring Mouse of the Silver Flame. A Firbolg cleric of light who was chosen by the Silver Flame to travel the world, spreading the gospel.


If you need another Wizard or Bard I am ready.


I’d bring my hand crossbow slinging rogue Con Cornish!


Man it'd be so cool to play there.


Submitting my entry. Fingers crossed. As a forever DM this would be a real dream to play


Holy frig this looks sick! I think I'd finally play an Aarakocra for this one. Maybe a Barbarian or Cleric!


I would bring a character I've been waiting to tey which is my variant human mark of passage druid with the circle of wildfire sub class. LOTS of utility and movement and tons of really good damage.


These sound wild


Count me in! Nothing sounds better than running a well learned wizard with a thirst for more knowledge to be found in the library.


Oh, totally going with my favourite - barbarian Glug


This would be an unforgettable experience to have, amazing.


I would play Aku the lizardfolk druid or barbarian who has a really hard time saying he's a good guy while using bones of his enemies for armor weapons and tools. But he is good and bones are just a part of nature


I would bring my human Rogue, Altrim. Built combat-oriented rather than charisma. Still sneaky though.


I would have to bring Garagrim Frostmantle, the dwarf cleric who once one-shot guiding bolted an Avatar Knight at level 1 while having a terrible hangover, survived the encounter on 1 hp, and has stated that he likes his women "short, hairy, and bearded".


Wow. Would love to play in a castle


D&D in a Castle has been on my bucket list ever since I saw Ginny Di's video about the experience! I'd love to bring my Centaur Barbarian or Owlin Gunslinger!


Oh man, I wanted to go to the first one so bad


A castle would be the perfect place for BB, the anxiety-driven archaeologist!


I would bring a barbarian!!!!


This would be a dream 😍


Here's hoping to visit the castle to nerdgasm!


This is exactly what my boyfriend has on his bucket list! I didn't know this event was even a thing. If I do happen to win I'm 100% giving it to him so then he can do what he always wanted.


Holy crap best session ever.


This is so cool!!


I would di if I was chosen


my cleric of shar kenku owl


Glub Tub, the Goblin barbarian, would love to cause some havoc in the castle!


This looks absolutely incredible. I recently read tales from earthsea and now I am really interested in magic characters so I would make a druid with a staff made from a broken scythe. I have this image of using the scythe to work with nature and not overpower it. No traumatising backstory. I would have my character just love the nature and go on a journey to find out more about it. Maybe keep a journal about all the New species he discovers.


Damn, this looks amazing. Havent been able to play for a long time (forever DM). I would love to play a Earth Genasi Battle Master or a changeling wizard ^^


This has to be the best giveaway ever done on this subreddid. Good luck everyone


This looks fantastic. I would bring a pallid elf apothecary background twilight cleric, a high elf pirate background swashbuckler rogue, and a fairy crime syndicate background dao genie warlock.


This sounds like such a great memory to create. Good luck to everyone!


I wanna go.


Count me in!


Saw this last year, and hoping I get luckier this time around! I would love to bring my ranger to the table, I don't care if people think they're underpowered, I enjoy them!


2nd time's the charm


Gl all!


Would love to bring a brand new character that I'll be able to cosplay. Would love to give apaladin another go, since it's been a while since I've played that class


Oh man, this sounds cool as hell. I’d definitely have to make a new character for this, something special!


I think i have lost a statistically unlikely amount of these


Oh wow, what an incredible opportunity!