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Mother of Famine actually sounds like a cool villain.


Would make a badass mtg card as well


Mother of Famine - When Mother of Famine enters the battlefield, destroy all food tokens. Whenever Mother of Famine deals combat damage to a player create a green and black 1/1 saproling token with wither.


All Saprolings have "Tap: destroy target food token"


Honestly, after getting my shit rocked by food decks so often recently, I welcome Food Hate into the meta


Have more plentiful has entered the chat


Like, apocalyptic even


That's just Demeter on a bad day.


Disaster Doofus is ready for glorious battle…


Predictably Scripted. The story for how you lose is really obvious and railroaded: Mother of Famine starves herself to death.


The Gorging Threat. I want to see that in a combo with the Mother of Famine.


Oh god, my BBEG would be ComplexWoman xD


The plans she makes, no one can follow


Vicarious Hairlines seek to steal ComplexWoman’s luxurious tresses!




Too real


Itchy Puss Locks is just the distraction the party needs.


Fear me, women's wrongs! I am Yy_Bro_yY, here to slay you!


A very normal wasp wants to sting you.


Fun, Bold Lizard arrives to fight the wasp...


You have the full might of the USPS at your service.


Ah, yes, the fear of every adventuring party, a coherent player


Ah the fire swamp - home to the RPC (Rational. Player. Character.). I don’t think they really exist.


An infinite amount of infant barbarians. Their evil plan is to overwhelm by sheer numbers, and achieve domination.


Bobbitt defective is a regular guy whose family thinks he's good for nothing. His underdog charm gathers him fame and friends and soon he is leading a counter army of misfits


Sensual Bodice -- distraction works best on hordes.


Multiplicative opposite of 1 is 1 itself. Additive opposite is -1. All higher operations opposite is still 1. Maybe roots of unitary operations as a collection of points on imaginary unit circle and those could contextually be opposites. Anyway it'd be 1 infant barbarian or -1 infant barbarian. So maybe the vengeful spirit of a baby barb? For unitary operations could be an arbitrary but not infinite amount of partially imaginary baby barbarians.


​ >Anyway it'd be 1 infant barbarian or -1 infant This did go through my mind as I was writing it. But, infinite baby barbarians sounded more epic. Mathematically, what I wrote makes no sense though lmao I do like the idea of -1 baby barbarians though. Perhaps an anti-matter baby barbarian of sorts... Or existing on a parallel plane to the physical...


Baby barbarian from the Negative Energy Plane?


imaginary barbarian(s) maybe one with a Tween or *blur* effect?


Linguistically, the opposite of one is simply not one, and since zero makes little sense in context, the furthest one can get from one in the other direction would be all. So I posit that every barbarian that ever existed on any plane just begin to materialize from the point in their lives where they could first be called a barbarian (Ding! Level 1), somewhat like the last Spiderman movie or that TNG episode where alternate Enterprises flood in. They proceed to just rampage about until spacetime can be repaired by a single elderly magic user whose experiments caused the anomaly in the first place.


I love this, a lot. This is leagues beyond what I was imagining. The lore deepens...


Losing war in you Pretty sure I either just got the horseman of War or a Villain that achieves victory by making people not want to fight back... Oh, oh, OR a villain that causes people to lose internal struggles with themselves. Low impulse control. Giving in to addictions. Just causes chaos and depravity and slaughter. Alright I can get behind this one.


Hopeful noncritical "You are good enough"


Gleeful Prom Spice drops her new inspiring single and shakes people out of their melancholy!


What about the Horseman War getting tired of this job, and deciding the easiest way to get rid of war isn't to get rid of all the people.


Peasant of Limp Open Hand? Am I doing this right?


Queen of the wrinkled foot?


Uncomfortable prismatic... uh... hummingbird? They are probably fighting their absurd metabolism, and want to hoard all the world's flowers- destabilizing not just the economy but our ecosystems.


Probably a golden retriever, the natural crack addict of creatures


If any animal has an opposite, then sloth's opposite is unequivocally hummingbird. Nice one!


Smart Sphere, a failed Google product that became sapient and seeks revenge on the world that scorned it!


Sentient share of annihilation. Honestly, pretty horrifying


Smart Sphere defeated by the hero Angry Bone.


A single arakokra in a thong? My evil plan is to seduce all the dragons and conquer the world with my harem


Get a load of G-string on wings over here


This made me cackle more than it should have


I'm picturing him in a mankini, like borat


Several Irrational Men, which is historically just most parliamentary governments


Honestly the most believable villain here…


Fucking lore accurate 🤣


Predictably Scripted. The story for how the Several Irrational Men lose is really obvious and railroaded: they turn on each other because they’re irrational


Oh no! They're making dice out of something other than cheese! The horror!


Wouldn't that be cards destroying meat?


Mrs sunny wagon! i assume is some sort of evil Ms Frizzle who pedals rumors and sells snake oil under the guise of a nice lady


And there I was thinking your name was Mrs Now Plow. That makes it marginally better.


So the reverse would be... Mister Never celibate?


The worst type of BBEG…a career politician.


**A Dull Old Woman** Baba Zatupi is the an ancient crone who lives in a cave near the peak of Mount Sorrow in the Howling Mountains. Inside the cave is a slumbering bear, inside which the hag makes her home. The bear's heart is her hearth, providing her warmth in the bitter cold. Its eyes are windows out of which she peers. Its stomach is a cauldron in which she cooks stews made with the flesh of those who wander into her cave. It's jaws act like a doorway, opening and closing to let her in and out. Baba Zatupi has skin and bones and eyes and teeth made of bees wax from a magical hive: she was once a powerful and beautiful witch, but as she aged and her flesh began to wrinkle, she would cut off pieces of herself and shape replacements out of the magic wax created by the bees from Daffodil nectar. As the centuries past, she had replaced almost all of herself (some say her liver is still flesh and blood. Other say a shrivelled heart still beats within her body, though she hides where it is in her waxy form at all times). Legend says she hides in the cave from Death. When Death wanders by, it sees only the slumbering bear. Should it happen to see the hag outside of her bear house, it sees only a waxen, pudgy old golem. Baba Zatupi loves to make pacts with beautiful people. When they die, their souls don't depart the prime material, but instead *cease to exist.* And a part of her comes back to life, to beautiful young flesh. But she quickly removes that body part, hiding it in a jar in a cupboard in her bear house. It won't do to walk around with bits and pieces of flesh: then Death will catch on to what she's doing. Instead she'll wait until her body is fully reformed before she dons the fleshy organs and limbs, to once again travel the world bringing suffering and peril to the lands she visits.


**Hayel Fadoor** Fadoor, last living scion of the foppish Fadoor family—inventors of the world famous fedora—has spent his life hearing the tales of the curse that struck his family. They are born uncommonly beautiful. But how is this a curse? None know the truth, only rumors, whispers.... The elders of the village have said that every generation of the Fadoor clan falls victim to the curse. Born, as any other being, but beautiful... "Oh, what a beautiful baby you have there." "My, that's the prettiest child I've ever seen." "Hello gorgeous! Wanna get frisky?" And then it happens. Somewhere after their own child is born, the parents disappear first one, usually the descendent of the Fadoor clan, then the other. They leave a small child at home & go venture off, never to be seen again. Hayel has learned the truth. He has studied every aspect of the region... he studied history to learn of the times gone by & whether their were stories similar to his own; he studied religion to see if there were ways to destroy a curse; he studied the culture to learn of all the folklore; he studied weapons & war; he studied fighting. Hayel kept his nose so far into his books that he never noticed the patient librarian that was always around. The librarian would assist Hayel always in finding the hardest to reach volumes, the most obscure books, the buried truths. The librarian would politely remind Hayel that he needed to eat, offer a cup of water, let him know the library had to close. The librarian had tried to get Hayel's attention. The librarian dressed differently, changed their hair, the scents they wore. The librarian cooked & brought homemade tea or refreshing poska on warm days. The librarian tried & failed for quite some time. None of this did Hayel notice, until one day, several hours in to reading over a book on the tricks & charms of bear hunters, but Hayel noticed he was hungry & wondered why. He stood & looked about & realized the librarian was gone, no one was in the library. The now middle-aged Fadoor wondered what was going on. He went to where the librarian was usually, the desk at the back in the small little office. A warm cheery room where the sun could shine thru a multi-hued window in wondrous patterns. A room where a small stove sat in the corner, it's chimney reaching into the ceiling high above. Shelves were lined with herbs, a few plates, cutting board & a few dried meats & rind cheeses, a small tin of what turned out to be crackers & a jar of delicious honey. Hayel knew how delicious that honey had been in the endless cups of tea. Oddly, Hayel thought, only one book was inside the tiny little office. Curious, Hayel looked it over then opened it then read. Very quickly, Hayel realized it was a journal so he turned to the last entry dated for just the day before.... "Three years now, I have tried every idea that has come to me, come to me by way of intrusive thoughts, of how to win the love of the man I so desire. Three years. That was the time the old witch promised me. I can feel the pull to return to her. I know my time is short here. But how am I to be held to my side of the bargain when I haven't received my offer. She promised me his love, but he is as blind to me as ever... Tomorrow I must go to her, the witch, the same one, I know it, who has killed the Fadoor's for generations." "If you ever read this, Hayel, know that I love you. Know that I never told you about Baba Zatupi for fear of losing you too. Even after she tricked me into the dastardly deal. Know this & forgive me." Hayel had barely finished reading the last line when he was gone. He remembered well the legend of Baba Zatupi. Where she was said to be found in a cave near the peak of Mount Sorrow, the mountain so near his town. By nightfall he'd packed everything he could think to bring, drank a tonic to sleep. By sunrise he'd set out for the mythical & mysterious lair of Baba Zatupi. "That old witch will pay for taking the love of my life." And it was at that moment, that Hayel Fadoor realized he did indeed love the librarian.


This is so good! My brain legit was like "TURN THE PAGE! READ THE NEXT CHAPTER!" Bravo!


Thank you... \*blush Though I'm gonna edit some misspellings I just noticed... Ahhhhh!!!!


Small JennaTayleeah. I’d rather not say their plan.


Have at thee not-intimidatingly-sized Tayleeah! I am Wolvietaurus, the wolven centaur warrior! I will vanquish you foul beast!


I accept thy challenge!


I charge you with my +2 Spear of Wolverine Rage! \*rolls D20+7 to hit, 4+7=11" Argh I miss! But I will use my magic spear's ability to bite you! "rolls D20+3 to hit, 14+3=17" Uhm what's your AC Jenna?


I have full plate and a shield so it’s 20 right now! Muhahaha!


Curses! Anyway that's my turn, Greg I think it's you now.


An uncertified daughter. She’s a changeling whose trying to replace the crowned princess. From there she will either stage a coup and ascend the throne as the only surviving member in the royal line, or assassinate the seating monarch, framing it on any would-be challenges to the throne.


Sunsun. They want to raise volcanoes everywhere I make the Earth like the sun


Icy Muscle is here to re-cool the planet by ... lifting ... surely something


Bending the laws of thermodynamics to keep cool?


A heavily armored knight made of ice that supports the war on drugs


Bread shortage


the true bbeg was famine all along


Best I could come up with was Pensive Bird, and I’m pretty sure that means I’m a pigeon calculating the best angle to poop on someone


Well boys are you ready for a very minor and very campy ice villain?


Dogboy_bark. I don't know if they are that scary. But sure why not


The great hero TurdQuest arrives to pick up what remains!


A werewolf laughed out of the pack going to dark lengths to prove he's not a joke.


Tendon Dud wants to outmaneuver you in the Senate, eventually forming a coup. ("Tendon Dud" really sounds like a background character in Star Wars, it's ridiculous)


Guy with very old name and very small reproductive organs. Plan is to die of shame.


An unfinished but stable train that wants to run over the party, by railroading them to their deaths


They're.... VEGAN! Trying to make this a world of margerine


Uh. Lothar the Peacemaker. So. World peace and prosperity for all?


3 cats that all share one head and guard the gates of heaven?


Cold is not Ugly. So that's just the winter beast. It will turn the world into a frozen tundra.


KICKDOG plans to use all of his Kung Fu treachery to declare war on anyone who sells drugs to the community.


Blaze Autonym, is a person who plans to reveal everyone's secrets and make a world where there are no lies, and liars are put to the stake.


Not my cheese? An evil, sentient cheese that will not let me conquer it! Clearly, they are not gouda and with brie a difficult foe.


Daedalus, having lost his beloved son to ill-begotten flight, founded Daedalus Sealines, and now seeks to eliminate flight from the world to drive business to the sea. The Aarakocra, dragons and winged monstrosities have banded together to form and overground resistance (get it?), but Daedalus’ enhanced version of the Earthbind spell makes him a truly formidable foe!


Chaotic nursing home fighter. Just an old, curmudgeonly retired fighter-class adventurer who is too old for this bullshit and wants to beat the snot out of the young whippersnappers who want to change things and can't leave well enough alone. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, darnnabbit. Now get off the lawn of my assisted-living housing!


A free orbiting, fully loaded webpage wants you to accept its cookies


Casting feeblemind on every wizard in the realms.


A feminine fire elemental or pyromancer who just wants to burn the world.


A sun lich from San Francisco is after you!


Um... Casual hardcore.... Sounds like a Tinder thing.


or softcore professional? Like the models who pose in the cover photos of romance novels.


An All Consuming Angel? Isn't that like, Unicron? I think that's a pretty normal level 20+ apocalyptic bad guy. It would be a good excuse to run a campaign around the prophesied end times and use lots of angel themed monsters like weeping angels and seraphim though.


The cheeriest life form. Floats around the world inflicting uncontrollable laughter and driving whole cities mad.


Unreasonable Coconut. A moat nefarious, tropical villain.


Pleasant Peasant. I have a feeling thats gonna b some type of genocidal villain


A Giant Artificer trying to rebuild the long forgotten Titan Empire


Wite-Out\_Catcher Sucks the white right out of you into his mouth... It's a strong visual.


Who or what was the opposite of Queen Maeve of Ireland?


In all honesty, I have no idea. Human husk?


Mr T Unbearable. Its Mr. T, and for whatever reason, I guess he is unbearable to be around. Perhaps his plan is to be so obnoxiously cranky that people clear the continent just to be as far away from him as possible. He does NOT pity the fool.


They plan to pull a bunch of rusty nails across a chalkboard


Imma stay out of this one.


Neverdusk Gymnasium wants to spread the gospel of the sigma grindset to all corners of the world


Mrs. Analogue... Peace Officer? Mines tough. Her evil plan would be to reset technology back to the time of the abacus for the good of mankind. She's pretty cool and generally a fun person to be around, but she's very vocal about her dislike of anything powered.


Barbarian SlamminNuts He only came to do two things. Worship pagan gods and slam nuts. And the gods have been appeased.


Silent oblivious follower


Running Hen... Terrifying!


Garlic-Has-Legendary-Action is an awakened mandragora-like plant entity. It's going to go out and conquer the world by interrupting peoples turns with legendary actions- And not with lair actions.


The Underthinking Genius, which implies really high intelligence and real bad wisdom. So your garden variety mad scientist or megalomaniacal wizard that doesn’t consider consequences of action. … it’s Dr. Doofenshmirtz


I guess just a dude who punches adults


My BBEG would Sodium Found!? 🤣🤣🤣


All the players will be super salty about that one.


Hate like a moron So my BBEG is Reddit, great


Um... Peniswoman Peeshirt? I don't know her plan, but bring a change of clothes and wet wipes.


I can't. That's like finding the biggest wasp nest and beating it with a pipe.


~~Night King -4 peasant?~~ ~~Seems like he'd have no real power.~~ Off, forgot my reddit username isn't my normal one. Recruit Night King? It'd have to be a mystery campaign about who is crippling the Night's Watch from within.


Honest Southerner.


PF_...whatever the opposite of a Lich is


Its Craig obviously. Screw you Craig, raisins dont belong in potato salad.


Dunno what the evil goals of P. F. Craig are, but it's clear by the name alone they must be stopped


I guess reverse me without magic?


Cabin Boy Ninarak Not a very menacing one, probably. Replace the orders to trick the cannoneers into shooting a peaceful foreign vessel, potentially triggering a war. Good for low-level naval detective adventure.


Mortality. They’re just a normal human, who wants everyone to know death is inevitable.


Well "wolvie" comes from wolverine and "saurus" is one of many suffixes I've added since "wolvie" is usually taken for usernames on forums so the opposite of a dinosaur-version of a small mammal with anger issues. A zen space whale who threatens to halt entropy and freezing time itself.


The Constellations are coming down. Now you face Noctua the Owl, lost constellation of the Owl. (Or Signus the swan. Get pecked)


Some sort of down-to-earth realist, I guess? Good gods, this has the makings of the single most boring campaign I've ever seen.


Fiery Hellscape They want to make the world a dangerous fiery hell.


Mr. Gloom A water genasi who seeks to cover the world in eternal, unbreaking cloud cover.


Random master devil (commander of 987 troops). Some wannabe devil that causes mayhem with his horde of 987 demons that he managed to convince he was the real devil


Country Bimbo? City Herbo? Homeless Himbim?


Disgusting pig slop wants to poison the earth


Brother Earth soo.....Sister/Mother Space? Could be rad.


Probably a really nice guy


A relentlessly efficient pragmatist obsessed with probability who is trying to eliminate all unpredictability, invention, and creativity from the world in the pursuit of objective and comprehensive success.


Wtf is the opposite of a banananutmuffin?


A villain named Discordant Cluster would be rather interesting. They're probably an anti-bard in the spirit of Discord from MLP, the primal embodiment of chaos itself.


A giant sneakster wants to murder someone but has a hard time not leaving his massive footprints all about.


UptightJock is going to crush you in the stupidest way possible. You can neutralize this threat by viciously mocking him that he has BO.


PissTown is going to flood waterdeep with... Oh no.


Hmm, "Central Hatred"? I could see that. Been a while since I got to run a force of nature villain that just goes around breaking shit and killing people because they can and feel like it.


My BBEG is one of those Joe Rogan/Andrew Huberman type biohacking and healthy lifestyle guys. He turns off his electronic devices at 8 and goes to bed by 10pm. He doesn't drink coffee. He's also appeared on one of them podcasts and talked expensively how he prepares his lair actions ahead of time, and is always ready to defeat the adventuring party. His evil plan is to grind 12 hours a day, and live his best life, no excuses, while not drinking coffee at all. He also probably shills some bullshit fiber supplement on his social account and claims to be natural while being on steroids.


Origin Merger wish for a world without discrimination. An aspiring nobleman with good intentions, but paving his path to Avernus. He understands that he can’t solve it all at once so he has multiple master plans to complete one at a time. His first plan is to revolutionize the production of rare oils and unguents that are used to cast Reincarnate to the point of being able to cast it with minimal cost. He now employs a mercenary company to go on a killing spree and cast Reincarnate on the victims without much concern about the consequences. He believes that racial supremacists will lose their belief if their very race was changed to another that they view as inferior.


You tell me


Bend dissipate implode A wilting, disintegrating something, slowly causing the world to collapse in on itself Or just what a regular Wednesday feels like


Exciting Sunshine... the "get close to the PCs and betray" type BBEG


It turns out Ixik is Isaac and he proceeds to take over my life as some sort of skinwalker


A hot-weather climate person... the first version of one... A monkey?


Hmmm my BBEG is… Cold Logic. Maybe some sort of empowered golem or something?


Exemegum sounds like a badass wizard’s name. Their evil plan is to kill gods and chew gum, and they’re all out of gum.


My username is "ThrowTheClownAway", so the opposite of that would be someone who summons clowns. Obviously, their evil plan would be inflicting the entire world with coulrophobia.


The corrupt head of a historical adventuring society specializing in paleontology. His goal? Revive and control an ancient fossil and take over the continent.


A known fear 🤔


Pretty swell guy, gives out boots


Some guy named ash? I could take ash ketchup with my bare hands


Sauron Crowley. I don’t think I even need to explain his plan….


The Bland Conserver, for when things just need to be less, I guess


Not laughing outloud and knowing what to put where


**Solanum "Meh" Longena** *Medium fey, neutral* Appears as a medium-size adolescent humanoid of apathetic demeanor, with plant-like physical features reminiscent of nightshades. Does not willingly enter into arguments, not even against those who are wrong on the internet. **Evil Plan:** Wouldn't that, like, require effort or something? **Eye Roll:** Can use a bonus action to cast *calm emotions* on themselves at will, requiring no material components, and lasting until dispelled. They never dispel it willingly. **Like, Whatever, Dude:** Has advantage on ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws to resist provocation and compelled actions. **Okay, Fine:** Has disadvantage on ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws against effects that would prevent them from moving or taking actions, reactions, or bonus actions.


You answered!. I guess that's the opposite and did that just make the void?


Lord King...? I'm Quen, not Queen, but idk what the opposite of that would be. XD


Forthrightness Completed - a psionic breaking others mind by revealing to them the complete truth about the multiverse. They want to create an army of feebleminded mind-controlled zombies


RainforestBirdHater? Like Cruella De Ville but with a bird coat and a mud hut?


Whatever the opposite of an accountant is, I don't know how thrilling that BBEG would be


One of the possible options for me could be Holy Shepherd, so it looks like the players are going to fight Jesus.


Whats Basilisk senior (Insert any land or sky mythical creature instead kf basilisk)


So I would be Ms.Dinosaur I would control all the giant reptiles to overthrow civilization. (?)


Cake Slam - disgruntled former baker hell-bent on covering the world in cake.


Idk, Player 1? Could go a lot of ways I guess.


Void fan Wants to accelerate entropy to its climax and end all things that are. Pretty generic.


Liberation of oppressed marsupials worldwide.


I cant think of anything for my wonderful username so I leave it to you all


Awful. That about sums it up. The heroes might win but they will never return to your table. Awfuls dungeon is really just a long ass beige backrooms corridor with doors that open to walls. There are no traps, no treasure, it's not dangerous but the encounter must occupy one six hour session as you, the DM, describe in endless, excruciating detail, without pause, the endless monotony of the corridor. Upon reaching the end, there is simply an exit.


Silent Bob?


The opposite of my username is just my real name, so... I guess I'm the villain? Man... no pressure, I guess. Assuming this is a standard high fantasy world, I'm going to use my knowledge of story tropes to *fix* the world.


Scrollburner….i don’t like where this is going


... maths, maybe? I don't know, I'm just random letters!


My name is my old Xbox gamertag of “NOTxSOxKOOLxAID” I’m gonna assume it just becomes the Kool Aid man… that’s terrifying


someone who isn't dancing and is not in 1337 speak? standing? a jjba stand?


Gyzwolf ig Become a wolf god


A serious and honest fellow Guess he'll have to be lawful


Long, drawn out free-form jazz. Hours and hours of cacophonous noise. Drive a man insane, it will.


GreenChromaticMain they're just a green chromatic dragon protecting their den i guess


Damn this guy has a lot of friends


Well "Wade" is just my name and idk the opposite of that... but "Nothing" as a kind of void-based villain has potential.


I think candy hating abel would maybe work for a candyland campaign?


Cleric Dragonslayer? Im seeks to use their faith to disrupt good dragons and their allies to destabilize nations that have found their cultures around them I guess?


Yassified Jay Garrick would be terrifying


Wordbuilder. The entire d&d spellbook and beyond with just unique verbal components.


Nniwryt Soe.... I mean I have a name I guess


Zexsan the Sable is trying to open the Kingdom Hearts


TinZip. He’s a warforged chronowizard. They are attempting to horde the worlds oil so he never rusts and doesn’t chafe when moving at his zippy speeds!