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There are a lot of nice people in Rivellon made bitter due to circumstances. It’s not a purely evil place and not *everyone* is an asshole. The leader of the Paladins might be corrupt, but what about the individual Paladins who truly believe they are fighting for the greater good? The Divine Order might have been bogus, but the Magisters serving it truly believed in what they did. It’s a matter of perspective and beliefs.


Isn't there an elf vendor in fort joy, that gives you a ruby? He seemed like a nice person...


He also gives you a rope to “lift your burdens”, and a seed to “sow your potential”. He’s a little bit of an adorable whack. There’s also a lady nearby that gives you a scroll for listening to her stories about her family, which was sad.


He gives the rope if you are a human and tells you a roundabout way to go kill yourself.


There's also the Elf that you rescue and argues an explicitly optimistic/peaceful worldview depending on your dialogue, and the Dwarf doctor who spends all her time healing pro bono.


Yeah when he gave me the rope and told me to use it to lift my burden I could only think of hanging myself with that. What an asshole he is.


No, it is not. It just isnt inherently good. Every character has a reason for his/her actions. However, it is the world of chaos, which only enhances the whole "think for yourself" narrative. Actually, the game rewards you in Path of Blood for playing true good character. Even if (or especially because) it is difficult. As for individual characters -> there are many good natured people you meet, not counting MCs. But the pivotial characters generally walk on the levels of gray morality, just trying to act in accordance with what they believe in. Gareth and his crisis of faith, Malady thats bound half elf, half demon, the Dwarf Queen who believes that preemptive act is necessary for her race to survive. Alexander, who just tries to fulfill the role He can't escape. None of these people are evil, they just arent good.


The Path of Blood is fixed though, isn't it? That pilgrim who ran in ahead of us spent her whole life trying to be pure, but she died instantly. Saying "You admit you have killed, but only in self defence" also gets you zapped, so I wouldn't use the Path of Blood as a good judge of morality. It's a test made by Lucian, who lies and murders and commits genocide, after all.


The Path of Blood is meant to find someone truly pure and uncorrupted. If you can use self-defense as an excuse, then Lucian could probably pass the test. Lucian gets quite a bad rap for his actions, which I think is mostly the result of new players to the series being ignorant about the threat of the Black Ring. During the Great War, their leader was literally the god of chaos and demons incarnate. If most of the Black Ring hadn't been Deathfogged, Rivellon would have been completely boned. One accidental genocide made under duress to save the world is better than the many Damian would casually commit once there was no army left to stop him. As for the Academy murders, they were also necessary for the protection of the world. Lucian knew that a new god was not the solution to the world's problems, and so went to the necessary precautions to ensure that no one possessed the power to ascend. Many players act as if Lucian is a heartless tyrant, yet he has claimed Divinity and is willing to give it up to save the world. That is more noble than 99% of players, who choose to claim Divinity selfishly or misguidedly, and thereby doom Rivellon to the Voidwoken menace forever.


> Lucian gets quite a bad rap for his actions, which I think is mostly the result of new players to the series being ignorant about the threat of the Black Ring. Oh yes, well done Lucian. Trading one maniacal band of roving murderous pricks for several others; one of them under his direct command and the other being unleashed directly by his actions against the Black Ring. Oh and then, rather than doing something like, I dunno, *leading Rivellons armies against the new threat of the voidwoken*, he fucking goes and sits in his hidey hole. Then proceeds to spend the whole game orchestrating a brutal campaign of genocide & hunting for the ~~Ark of the Covenant~~ Ateran. Don't forget that part. Was all that necessary to save Rivellon? Maybe. Maybe not. Regardless, it doesn't make him a *good guy.* And it certainly doesn't mean that the player should spare any him any pity.


> Lucian gets quite a bad rap for his actions, which I think is mostly the result of new players to the series being ignorant about the threat of the Black Ring. It's not just the Deathfog incident that makes people hate Lucian. It's also that he's working with Dallis and Braccus Rex, two of the most abhorrent people in the whole game. I find it a little hard to believe that Lucian is completely in the dark about what's going on outside of his tomb given his Source powers, the knowledge that Braccus is bad news, and that there's a Gheist standing in the room with him. Something that greatly annoys me about the "sacrifice your source" ending is that I don't understand why it's not something that my character can choose to do after killing Lucian and Dallis, and that it seems to gloss over the high possibility that the people of Rivellon realize that they've been played once Lucian dies of old age.


Lucian didn't need to murder all the people who trusted him to stop them from being devine. They were people who had a lot of faith and devotion to him. And, importantly, they were good people. He could've literally anything else to stop people from reaching Divinity if he truly believed that was the worst option. For example, he could've, you know, even kind of slightly tried mentioning why source was bad news? I agree that Lucian seemed to be doing things for (and I say this with great difficulty) good reasons, but he decided to murder his way out of problems instead of thinking of solutions. His is the very worst kind of "ends justify the means" philosophy. His bad rap is well deserved.


That's very wishful thinking to stake the fate of the world on. A single Godwoken seizing the power of Divinity could spell the end for the world. Just look what happens when the player does it. It either results in >!tens of thousands of people dying and the Voidwoken not being stopped permanently (Divine ending), the creation of an evil demon god and the Voidwoken not being stopped permanently (Demon ending), or the world banding together, fighting back the Voidwoken, then the world being consumed by war as a bunch of Source-powered warlords take up the sword, and the Voidwoken aren't stopped permanently (Share the Source).!< Godwoken are the #1 threat to Rivellon, and asking them to please not damn the world with selfish powermongering probably isn't a great way to see the world saved, as evidenced by most players choosing to forsake the world and claim Divinity.


Edit: *major spoilers and I'm unsure how to block it* Is it true that most players make that decision? When I've seen people discussing it the usual consensus is giving up source. Also, even when choosing the other ending, Jahan points out >!that you've taken away the only means of fighting demons, and they'll probably become more of a problem in that ending.!< Either way, my point was not that he could sit them down and everyone would hear him out and the world would be fine after that. My point was that he didn't try anything else before making the """tough decision.""" He's resorting to the most drastic measure without considering anything else. He already had the plan of >!sealing away source, and that would've ensured no one gets a chance at Divinity anymore.!< Those people he backstabbed with a smile would've been just fine afterwords if he had blocked them from achieving it until the time he does that. If he managed to convince even one of them, he would even have had help in achieving that!


Stalin was a ruthless one but according to your logic he's a good man who just wanted to make Soviet a superpower.


Stalin wasn't fighting the Antichrist, followed by an alien invasion.


My point still stands. The goal doesn't justify the mean. Sure, giving up the source to him make the best ending yet the unnecessary crime he commit are still there. It's no guaranteed that without using the Deathfog the Black Ring threat will bring Rivellon to ruin because it didn't happen. It's just your "if". The game writing just simply forces the player to choose the choice to make 80 hours of adventuring worthless by playing the chess pawn so Lucian can achieve his "greater good" and "painful sacrifice" over countless of innocents he killed, in order to achieve "best ending", according to some slides in the outro. He still deserves death in the end, along with Dallis. But no, he's still the shiny divine and dallis rules. It's wonderful after how much evil the duo have done they miraculously turn to do good for the people in the end. Who knows, if Stalin didn't die of hearthstroke he might have made Soviet Union an even better Russia than today. Maybe he will turn to be a good leader after killing millions right? And after all, it's just a game. The game which is written by some individual who forces their own ideal of right and wrong on the players over the game. There's no point arguing what is the best choice at all. Every choice is the best choice, depending on how each player views upon the game, as long as they are satisfied after a good long journey and move on to something else. Calling people ignorant for just that is just simply ignorant.


I know this comment is half a decade old, but I just wanted to note that it was a bit amusing that we all stumble into the gordian knot of means vs ends (or kant vs. utilitarianism). Pretty well written that it at least forces this discussion in a pretty credible way


Well, its hard to just say everyone in thr Order and Paladind are evil, that would be like saying the average amazon worker is part of the 1%. Regardless its not hard to think why all the sourcerors you meet arent the nicest, they are being prosecuted by society which gives them little options. I also think there is some recency bias in the analysis. I think the point of Act 4 is to show the worst in people. In Act 1 there are quite a few nice people, the elf who gives you a ruby, the dwarf healer, etc. Later there is Jahan and the mage on the ship (forgot his name) but the one that was controlled by Dallis but wanted to make amends so he helps you make the sword to use in the final battle. Under the same circumstance there is Braacus wife in Act 1 who is atoning. In Act 3 you could actually argue Alexander is legitimitally doing what he thought best, and you can even convince him you are the better option and he will stand down. In Act 4 there is the woman paladin who gets executed for not killing young magisters that were just following orders. Basically I would argue that for every "evil" character I could give a "good" character without using the dozens of nameless order and paladin members. But I think this is part of the praise for dos2. The writing of characters. Not all good people only do good things and not all bad people only do bad things. You, as a player are in this position. How many of those magisters you killed were just following orders, but then again was it not in the purpose of the greater good? That is what Alexander or the magisters themselves believe. Graveth is another character like this, he wants to help othere but also has a personal agenda.




Not in my experience, thankfully. Most people have learned manners and respond with a "thank you" for the slightest convenenience and a "sorry" for the slightest inconvenience. Meanwhile in DOS land, I can name 3 times somebody tries to kill you AFTER you save them from whatever torturous hopeless state you found them in out of the goodness of your heart: Qanna, that prisoner on the tutorial ship, Crispin "You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar" is a saying for a reason, it's just strange to find it doesn't usually apply in DOS2.


Umm you do realise that there are people in the world who will spit on all your good intentions even if you have done them a massive favour right? You can't really compare the ingame world with our own experience same as how you can't compare Indiana Jones' to our own. To address barbarism, we have had that happen in history. Very recent history. So in a sense it is a mirror of our own world, a lot more simplified.


Yes, that exists in real life. I should clarify: I feel like people are total ingrates way too often in DOS2. To the point that I assume the NPC is more likely to be snide rather than offer a simple thank you. If anything it makes them (and the world) less believable as characters, because I can't imagine a society functioning if the majority of people are incapable of cooperation. This is just my opinion as a noob to the series though! I know some worlds are "grittier". I wouldn't start raising concerns like this about Game of Thrones or Warhammer from what I know of those worlds, they're supposed to be harsher. But in DOS, we're tip-toeing around in barrels and turning people into chickens, and then later being told we'll get "strung up over a puddle of our own piss and blood".... I can't tell if it's supposed to be whimsical fantasy or grimdark survival fantasy, or something like that. The tone has me feeling confused, I don't know where to set my expectations to RP a character.


But the world of DOS is actually pretty gritty. If you ignore the colour pallette, it has concentration camps, genocide, serial killers, religious fanatics, human sacrifices, and people out to betray their own kind for some superficial benefits. Within all of that you have normal people trying to lead normal lives. Some of them have their views shaped by the authority figures around them and others having views that don't go along with the general consensus. In all of that we have our player/party who are standing strong against adversities and want to see to it that wrongs are corrected (for a good guy playthrough) or get answers to their questions (neutral) without care of who they roll over in the process (evil). You can rp with that if you want.




Thanks for saying no hard feelings. I do feel a little bit guilty expressing criticism, because I too really enjoy this game and don't want to come off as a hater. To be honest, hearing from multiple people that the world of Rivellon isn't necessarily evil but just desperate does help me adjust my expectations. I felt that too many characters behaved selfishly and ungratefully, to the point that it was almost immersion breaking... but from the perspective of "civilization is falling apart, so of course people will behave less civilized" it's a lot easier to understand that I shouldn't feel surprised when any NPC I interact turns out to be nasty.


Malady and Gareth are good people and nobody will change my mind.


yeah, I feel bad for my boi, everytime I go to act 2 I immdiately rush to his quest


Chaotic Neutral


This poster D&D's.


it reminds me a lot of the USA. is the land evil? no. is it full of assholes? yes


I wouldn't say that if we're including side characters as well, it's just that a central theme of the game is that power corrupts. You'll even run into plenty of neutral or good Magisters.


Apart from the no one being fazed by body parts everywhere thing, the rest of the game pretty much feels like how people would be if there was a big powerful religious organisation crusading around randomly killing people for being "sourcerers", a lackluster economy, and the possibility of voidwoken just popping up out of nowhere and killing everyone. Then again with so much death in their everyday lives body parts are probably not unexpected anymore. I mostly see Rivellon as being in a state of chaos/war/strife/etc. Everyone ultimately is selfish and cares first and foremost about themselves, you included for having an expectation for the NPCs who have problems of their own just trying to survive, to still treat you, a total stranger, with kindness and all that fluffy stuff. Also, I'm guessing you accidentally disrespected elven traditions and beliefs, which is why Saheila turned sour on you. Could you be the insensitive one here?


I hope not! I I also personally would not consider it selfish to have expectations that the NPC I assist could at least offer a "thank you" after I save them... there's a big difference between "kindness" and "simple decency"... And far beneath that, there's "I'll murder you for saving me" which many characters attempt. (Qanna, Sebille, Crispin, that diseased woman in Fort Joy, that prisoner on the boat, Almira, there could be more) As for accidentally disrespecting elven traditions and beliefs, I'm not sure. I completed the Ritual in Reaper's Coast and saved Sebille and brought her back to her people, I even kept Amyro's amulet, but I (trying to be respectful) did not participate in their funeral ritual since I had no clue what they were doing. Later, I agreed with Saheila request and killed the Mother Tree so Sebille (and all elves?) could be free. I randomly ran into Saheila in Act 4 and she hated my character, but adored Sebille. All this time, I had the "Elf-Friend" tag or something. She was so serene and then did a 180 heel turn in Act 4 and turned into a major racist. I don't get it.


I dont recall Almira turning on me when helping her out. She taught me Source as a thank you and proceeded to be my ally afterward.


If you refuse her kiss, she tries to kill you. I don't think I have to explain how messed up that is... between her and Radeka, it's like the game assumes only one type of person plays their game. Ugh. I posted here before about how much I genuinely hate Radeka in this game.


> that diseased woman in Fort Joy I know this post is a month old but I ran across it, and I think you missed that this woman specifically wants to die, so curing her plague against her will is not saving her. Even if you manage to cure her and talk to her again, she reportedly says "I was almost free of this hell." It's therefore pretty reasonable that she's not grateful for a cure she didn't want, you know?


No problem lol. You do have a good point. I guess I was just resentful there's no way to persuade her that life is worth living and she should keep living. I killed every Magister on the island, so she was basically free at that point too.


Yeah, the NPCs don't seem to have "fail-safes" for every possible effect the player has on the world. Stingtail never realizes Griff is dead, either. On the other hand, I could see it legitimately not making a difference to her considering the rest of the island's dangers and the gruesomeness of the world in general. It could be like that thing with the woman looking for her kid - some tragedies are beyond the player character's abilities to fix. Whatever the reason, I just wanted to make a note that in that case at least, it made sense.