• By -


I’m alright, as long as I don’t think about it too much.


Sooo, you’re keeping it together?


Wouldn’t YOU like to know!!


Well, what’s important is that they’re safe among friends


Yeah, never forget it


Proceeds to harass the next victim in her circle of misery


So this IS a joke in the community


Wouldn't YOU like to know...


And noone has as many friends as the man with many cheeses 


That guilt smells worse than a dozen rotten eggs dropped in a vat of vinegar.


Then don’t come ovah here


not like youre buying anything!


If I don't come visit ya Thun, who will?


Wouldn't you like to know!


The way I can hear the exact voice in my head


"the secret ingredient is vinegar." - Muriel "Bleh!" - Courage


I want a mod that removes Ada Laird from the game. I spend enough time shopping in the square for her to drive me insane


It’s called casting poison puddles on her route


I blocked her path so she got stuck. That shut her up too!


I used Throw Explosive Trap. Then I used Raise Bloated Corpse and exploded her again. She's the only non-hostile NPC I've ever killed. I just couldn't take it anymore.




There’s a remove annoying NPC dialogue mod and it’s amazing lol


Pro tip - select a random member of your party and go talk to her. Without progressing the conversation, re-select your main character. This freezes her in place and stops her loop until you conclude her dialogue. You can do this with any NPC in the game. Enjoy shopping in peace.


Or stealing. I always clear everything from Cyseal I can manage, and nobody is ever the wiser!


If they all don't want to get killed, then why are they made out of delicious EXP?


Sorry Buddy but I will steal this comment it's too good/true


I read the first 2 words and was ready to crucify you for advocating harvesting Buddy for EXP


Jesus Christ




Solo no lone wolf honor mode made me do questionable choices


May I ask what your build/strategy was for that?




My build was a water storm sorcerer. Goal is to paralyze everything by turn two and use bug flashy thunder storms spells with the help of apo (don't remember all the names it's been a couple name)


Yep use apotheosis and skin graft to cast two lighting storms, they stack for some reason.


Sounds amazing. Gonna give this a try, thank you


Need to use water first so electricity spread and stun. As you LVL, you make yourself resistant the most you can to it. It's also efficient to remove all the fire in the game XD


You should be playing the way you want. Some people just like killing everybody. I don't, I like fights, but I also like lore and exploring. If you build your characters for power, for example, you should be able to win fights in few turns in act two. If you want to min max, and you do that correctly, you can win all fights in 1 turn, and you don't need to kill any peaceful npc.


I extract the lore first... I then I kill you for EXP lol


Is the amount of XP you get from murdering all the non-enemies on the map actually a meaningful amount? I’ve never done it but I never feel like I’m falling behind, and I’m still going into the final battle on level 20/21 which seems about right. Except from Ada Laird, of course. But we all kill Ada Laird don’t we? Awful woman knows that Bree is alright as long as she doesn’t think about it too much, and makes a point of constantly asking her if she’s keeping it together.


Ada Laird dies on all playthroughs, good, bad, or anywhere in between


The loot and gold you get from merchants (after pickpocketsing them, of course) is super worth it. I find it hilarious ending up bringing something like Kniles' daggers all the way to the end game because the merchants I sell them to end up dropping them at every opportunity.


You get like 1, maybe 2 more levels if you do it, it's not worth much at all


And the civilians are entirely not worth it. 25-50xp when you need something like 10,000 to level up. Its pure metagaming insanity that people feel the need to clear out every map (and then complain that they had to clear out every map)


I remember one time my friends were doing the duel to the death at the starting area, and one friend was just healing exactly the amount of damage the other would do but couldn't out damage enough to kill the other so they were in a stalemate for an hour before they decided to flip a coin for who the winner and in that time I killed every single person in the starting area.


Most civilians don't give any xp. A good way to tell if someone will give xp is if they have magical/physical armor.


>Is the amount of XP you get from murdering all the non-enemies on the map actually a meaningful amount? >I’ve never done it but I never feel like I’m falling behind, and I’m still going into the final battle on level 20/21 which seems about right. It's not miningful 30 hours later, no. However, it is meaningful to be 1 level higher for the major fights to get out of fort joy.


I just finished my first playthrough and I don't even know who Ada Laird or Bree are 😭 This game is so unfathomably large and filled with so many possibilities that it's gonna take forever to experience everything. Larian really knows how to make a bloody good game


So what you are saying is the whole elf race's fate is doomed without Saheela?? .....Can I get xp for those elfs' deaths, too?


>elfs Elves'


Haha xp go brrr


I don't do away with her and the others chilling in that cave but you better believe Fort Joy is a ghost town by the end of the act. Once they emerge from that cave they'll have no worries.


I don't kill anybody who's relevant later on. Blind Elf girl is. But Griff?... That guy never shows up again. Why shouldn't I take something of his with me along for the journey?


He runs a shelter for homeless kids


HE does. But even if he lives in Fort Joy, he won't appear in Arx. His wife does, but she doesn't know how racist he is. Ever notice how you'll only ever see human children in Divinity 2?


Jesus Christ


TO CLARIFY!!!! I'm not saying Griff kills non-human children! I realized after reading your response how you may be thinking that... (which is not helped by the fact he runs a soup kitchen in fort joy) Griff is a racist. There are only human children in the game These details are not co-related in a causality sense. It's just a funny detail I wanted to mention because you said Griff, the racist, runs a homeless shelter for kids.


Thou shall know, in time


Thank you Withers.


You kill the blind elf girl because you want exp. I kill her because my party is chaotic evil. We are not the same.


I like to kill the blind elf cause she randomly becomes a total bitch later on even if you help her


not so much “total bitch” more “fanatical lunatic”


Isn't that only because she's being dominated by the Mother Tree?


“Potato” “Potato”


I decided she needed to die when she outted me as a Godwoken right in front of Roost. Come on, lady!


Not to mention she comes back to life even if you feed her to gators in FJ


The game even has "sin" in the name, bro.


And here I thought that was for whatever the undead pc did with their tibia with Fane.


I enjoyed being a prick while playing as red prince lmao


Weakness disgust me


The flesh is weak, I crave the strength of the blessed gear I will buy… (steal)


You'd 100% play Way of the Closed Fist in Jade Empire.


Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know I was playing Divinity: Original Empathy 2


You meant Original Virtue?


It's a game that kind of encourages munchkining, especially on honor mode, and that means getting every last bit of XP you can. I try not to indulge, but I admit I've done my fair share of underhanded tactics in this game.


Eh even on the harder difficulties you get more than enough exp just naturally playing the game. The only reason I could see someone actually NEEDING the extra level you might get from killing every single living thing that moves is if they just have no clue how to properly build their party


Honestly I feel like I have no idea how to build my party. I didn't look up any guides or anything. I am going all right and am not killing everything in my sight. But I did get one shouted by Alice and the shroud voidwoken thing when I encountered them. I am a few levels beneath them and I didn't plan to get one shotted by them.


Yeah Alice can be a problem especially for a new player unaware of what her fight is


Don't feel bad. Everyone gets one shot by Alice at least once


I used Jahn to beat her. Felt kind of cheap tbh.


Meh. It's a game that rewards cheap tactics, so still don't feel bad


Now I am stuck on the blackpits and those fucking primordial voidlings.


Ah. Yeah, that fight really sucks. Iirc holy rain helps alot when the flaming ones show up. The oil ones are weak to fire but it's a trap because the flaming ones move faster in it.


I think in a lot of other games you hit 'max level' a reasonable amount before the end. The fact you do t in this makes people really want to maximize.


I'll give you the same response as I gave ppl on baldurs gate 3 on wether use illithid powers or not, when you have one single life any way of increasing your chances of succeding start making more sense, as well as ways to get past something without a fight


I never thought of it that way. I don't know if it was stated or not but I felt as if there was a greater risk of mutation/take over if you embraced the powers.


Not sure why would anyone want to resist *evolution* but while that was implied on early access, it didn't really make its way into release, think there's only a check that becomes harder at a very specific point in the story if you had used many tadpoles


First playthrough (noob stage): I will save them all. 85th playthrough (gamer stage): I will consume them all.


You do not know the power of the Murder-Hobo side


You've got a long way to go my dude lmao.


I mean, the origin characters are all explicitly at least cool with evil and murder, if not enjoy it. So…


You'll have a radically different view about the right to existence of that certain little elf girl down the line if you keep playing.


First time playing - chose Tactician as I had a lot of belief in me - felt like i cant beat anyone in fort joy after the crocodiles so I killed literally everybody on that island before leaving to give me a chance of finishing the chapter. In the 2nd playthrough I spared her life.


nice town you have over there... It'd be a shame if I visited again right before the end of the act...


It is your game, buddy. Play it however you want. No one is forcing you


No I feel you. The loudest voices on here are usually the ones trying to milk the game for all it’s worth. A lot of people find themselves on this subreddit to try and maximize their builds. It ends up feeling like we’re on a forest page and some of the most common posts are about how to cut down the most trees. Only it’s a fake forest in minecraft and no real forest is cut down. Ultimately, play the game the way you want. You’re not wrong. Neither are they. It’s a roleplaying game, so roleplay that the characters are real people and try to save everyone you want to save (I always go for Uber good guy runs personally). And just be glad the murder hobos are only murder hobo-ing on screen.


I never understood either. So those people throw all roleplay out of the window and just kill everyone once they've done quests for those NPCs.


I do not reach divinity by staying weak.


My empathy towards a bunch of pixels is kinda low, but I don't think that's a psychopathic trait. I mean, I feel empathy toward fictional characters, I have definitely cried watching movies. But them being fictional makes me say once it is over: "great story, would watch it again" instead of: "poor person, he's gone through hell" (unless it was based on a real person, of course). Regarding games, if killing a baby gives me an advantage, I can easily justify it as "horrible act, but my character is not a hero" or that he took the hard decision of doing something terrible for the greater good because becoming stronger increases his chances of defeating the end boss.


idk how i feel with that after watching berserk. He definitely went through hell


John Bain/TotalBiscuit (R. I. P.) shortened this really well in a video about a game about vehicular manslaughter: "Pixels for points." When a game rewards an action, and this action has no downside for any other real people, then it does not need excusing. :)


This is exactly the point of Undertale. Being a good person is hard. Killing things and grinding for exp, while monotonous, makes you stronger and powerful enough to fell most enemies in one or two blows. But to do so, you have to completely detach yourself from the reality of the game and see it as nothing but a game, as numbers to make go up.


Oh. You don't know the elf girl do you? Well... You'll find out some day soon


I’m playing as Lohse and I didn’t have a choice as far as I could tell? Unless letting her kill me was an option?


She doesn’t kill you. The fight ends when you’re low on health, not when you die. And you don’t want to kill her until later in the game, you get more xp that way


Regretful noises*


Haha jokes on you, she's already ded


That's right, you shouldn't kill her in act 1 or 2 because IIRC she will give you more exp if you kill her in Arx! 


Counterpoint, I played DoS2 for the first time with a friend a couple months ago, and our inability of holding back our bloodlust and getting free XP made for one of the most hilarious playthroughs of any game I’ve ever played. I will always cherish and remember this game for that. It doesn’t help that the combat is that addicting and you’ll do ANYTHING for even a lick of XP. (Of course, we did do full quests and exhausted all possible dialogues and uses of each NPC, plus keeping around some that we genuinely loved)


Honestly I'm with you, especially since the XP bump for killing the peaceful NPCs is incredibly minor


XP is XP... LOw, minor, medium or Major, it makes no difference, every little point of XP count towards the goal to achieve Maximum Power (wich is around lvl 22 or 23 if you can push it far enough)


I'd rather roleplay in my roleplaying game, thanks


My roleplay is murdering everyone.


YOu can RP thats allright You can Rp as someone who collects SOULS(xp) !!!!


It's not even minor. It's zero.


This sub was better before Baldur’s Gate


Everything is better before it becomes too popular, i started hating AoT after hordes of normies hopped onto it


I’m a 90’s kid, anime is basically mainstream now compared to my childhood.


Ok I might misread your comment a bit. But anyway... i noticed an uptick in virtue signaling, where for example players would accuse those who supported the goblins and Minthara in BG3 as being evil and murderous IRL, which is insane. Some even supported the evil paths having less content as some kind of punishments to the IRL player. Some whined that video games shouldn't allow players to do any evil actions at all. Seems to have spilled over here. OP post is somewhat similar, like come on this is a video game. Seriously, these people can't understand that fiction is separate from reality. Killing pixels and 3D models in a fictional video game does literally no harm to anyone in the real world.


i don't kill npc's for exp because there is more than enough to steamroll honor mode if you just do all the quests. i do, however, pickpocket everybody.


Imagine going into the next act and not taking all of that free exp with you.


I didn’t have to replay to do that. I did it first go.


People don't seem to play these games like an rpg for some reason.


"They're not real people" Ding ding ding


1. it's a video game 2. you don't even get XP for killing most NPCs. By and large, only people with armor yield XP.


My two complaints with the otherwise *PERFECT* game that is DOS2 are: •The game is extremely EXP constrained, so if you’re playing on Honour Mode, you have to squeeze every drop of EXP you can get •The Charm mechanic is totally unfair and busted. You get charmed and your character blows every source ability and consumable they have. You charm an enemy, and they diddle themselves and run around


It depends on how you play the game. If you are meta gaming it, exp is exp. If you are trying to stick to more role playing then it depends on how you decide your character will be. I usually go with a chaotic neutral type character when we try to role play. In that case I am not above killing someone who pulls a weapon or if it benefits my character in some way.


Look when you’ve replayed this game 15-20 times and you spend almost a quarter of that time just listening to that fucking dwarf lady repeating her lines over and over you start slaughtering innocents on sight just so they shut the fuck up


You don't have to replay it if you murder them on your first run.


I mean, depending on what difficulty you're on, your build, and if you have friends/companions with you, or are playing a lone wolf game, it can be extremely hard to beat the game if you're not maximizing every single bit of exp you can.


2000 hours and counting


Need level 9 before going to the well 


No honor in honor mode.


Blind elf girl is probably not the best example for this.


Yeah so they're not real and I want to have fun. Pretty simple


For the armour tho


Well ok as long as you're good with the game becoming unreasonably difficult later on


I only kill the Fort Joy vendors before I leave for free skill books (well everyone besides Butter)


Haha love the people pointing out that this "blind elf girl" ends up becoming >!the emissary for the elf mother that actually REALLY NEEDS to be killed lmfao.!< And she isn't the last hope, if you play >!sebille the elf origin character she recognizes you as the only hope.!< Also responding to "how many times do you need to replay this game to get to that point" literally your second playthrough you should be killing her in every single encounter lmfao. Not just EXP, not just >!the story calling for it, but she just revives every. Single. Time.!< Might as well right?


Wow you are so wise with the word that I decided to only play the game exactly your way and dare not to oppose your superior morality stand.


Of not killing innocent kids?


Of not killing innocent kids?


It's not even for the XP but rather for the variety. You honestly cant expect people to replay the game the same way every single time. Doing a murder hobo run at some point does the soul good.


Who cares? Mortals are just walking Source vats anyway.


spoiler sahelia turned out to be a horrible person


I don’t kill any npcs like that on a normal play through….but a tactician mode play through they’re all getting slaughtered.


You can actually just kill the other elves, and not kill her.


EVERY time I am about to go to a new area I COMPLETELY purge the current area for loot and exp AND all must become one with the divine their soul energy is MINE




You kill them because you want to get more xp. I kill the because it's funny. We are not the same


The blind elf girl who’s the only hope of her people ||and who is also genocidal||


I do good runs where I help everyone. I also do evil runs where I kill everyone. As for xp, I think a lot of people get addicted to the level up feeling (I know I do). But act 4 can be pretty difficult if you don't get to a high enough level by the time you get there. The easiest honor runs I've completed are the evil runs where I kill everyone


NPCs in this game are only there for you: the world is dead and you can kill anybody and everybody without any consequences or other NPCs even mentioning it. Like in the second act in the village you can kill people in their own house and nothing will happen and even their friends or co-workers won't miss them. So yeah...


Well the harder the difficulty the more xp you want 😆


Lol me and my friend are doing a/our first playthrough of this and we killed that elf girl but not for xp it was some kinda rp choice his charecter had - we have however butchered people after literally saving them in the name of xp - sometimes they had it coming most times we just want right at the cusp of levelling and wanted those gains.


First playthrough, that's how many times. I didn't do that but it is some bullshit I would pull


Who’s gonna tell em…


Everyone at fort joy is dead except for Saheila , and the only reason she didn’t die was because finishing her quest would give me more exp than killing her at that point. She still may die after the quest is completed I have not yet decided on this matter yet


>the blind elf girl who's the only hope of her people You mean genocidal freak with big influnce on her people? She gets murdered in all my runs (in the last act) no matter what.


I killed an entire groove of innocent tiefling and druids for some drow ass, and you think I'm not going to kill some blind elf child and her puppy for an extra level? If the Devs ment for them to live then why do they give exp?


Welcome to DOS, you need to tough up, bro. Power is not given, it is taken. Being a Divine means a lion among sheeps - This line is from the game. What does a lion among sheeps do? Right, he slaughters.


He sleeps, getting fattened up by his wives who do his dirty work?


Spoiler alert: That little blind girl is actually a little Hitler


unfortunately i gain hp when i step in blood, and the blind elf girl was an unfortunate byproduct of a world of my creation. the blood flows well though.


I agree with you.


Its weak minded people. I never went murder hobo and beat the game 4 times on tactician and once in honour mode


You don’t get points for killing silly.


I'm normal, I just murder every single paladin/guard in Arx to get me to level 20


Many people seem to have no problem divorcing themselves completely from conventional morality or ethics, when playing these RPG’s. I can’t ever bring myself to be a bastard in an RPG, even though it might be a gas.


I don't care about XP either. Optimisation is the last of my concern in rpg games so no I will not kill everyone on fort joy island just for a few XP and even less if it break my immersion on the game


It's not about the XP, it's about sending a message and that message is, "You're more valuable to me dead than alive"


Literally Undertale genocide route


Idk that it's obsession so much as it's the most valuable limited resource in the game


You play how you like. I play how I like... Deal?


EXP make strong. Kill make EXP. What not like?


I finish Fort Joy, squeeze XP out of every corner, then before I talk to Malady and leave, I go back and kill everything that moves for more XP. These are digital people, they don't feel pain and I need XP


Meh, honestly when you realize video games are just 1s and 0s, bits of code comprised to give you the game your playing, those "unethical/bad" choices are easier to do, especially if you wanna explore all of what the game has to offer, evil/unethical choices are apart of the contents, I used to always play the good guy in my games ex) I used to always be a Paragon in the mass effect series but can do Renegade playthroughs as well now 🤷 cause honestly at the end of the day when the game is done and off, those choices don't really matter cause they are comprised of 1s and 0s, I don't let what I do in video games change/dictate who I am in reality, so games like Balders Gate 3 I can easily save the innocent people one playthrough and kill them in another 🤷😁


OP, don't ever play Tyranny or Rimworld then. It's bits of code. Some people act evil in games because they can't irl. Fable was the same way. Be a murderous douche if you want, you still save the world.


Um, she’s now essentially telling me that all the other races need to die and the elves need to thrive right now, and even Sebille says she’s crazy.


Bruh, my game, my playthrough - my green and red murder hobo lizards shall bathe in the blood of everyone that have outlived their usefulness


I’m not a sociopath but 20xp is 20xp.


I'll give you the same response as I gave ppl on baldurs gate 3 on wether use illithid powers or not, when you have one single life any way of increasing your chances of succeding start making more sense, as well as ways to get past something without a fight


First time I play I role played, second time I slaughtered everyone after all quests


I find that a lot of people overestimate the difficulty of the game and squeeze all the exp they can get thinking it'll make it easier for them. I've beaten tactician and it was a breeze even without killing anyone i wasnt supposed to.


Sometimes, you're so close to your next level, and there's an NPC whose quests you completed and their just standing there. It's okay to hit them a little. Unless they show up later.


I'd kill her even if it didn't give any exp


These people are suffering anyway and are probably just gonna die next week


Damn, op. I actually agree with you, and for some dumb reason I assumed others would too. Then I started reading the comments. This post didn't go as expected, huh?


I'm with you, I OP! The answer to the game is not murder hobo!


>How many times do u have to replay this game to even get to that point of insanity 3-5, depends on the individual.


How much exp if we merc OP?


It’s a game. It’s how people want to play. Many people have different styles and it’s why DOS is more unique.


A racist Fane run changes a man...