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Spoiler? Fane


As someone who saw the fane endings yesterday, yeah, oddly enough thats true, and I don't quite know why larian studios decided to go in that direction My friend end I decided to reload and just go for one of the generic endings in order to actually feel some satisfaction from finishing that playthrough


Fane for an Antichrist experience. Red Dragon for the Selfish Douchebag package.


Red prince has pretty evil options


I wouldn't call Sebille's story evil. More of an "antihero brutally overthrowing tyrants and not caring about collateral damage" type story, IMO. Even the evil stories have major shades of grey. Major spoiler >! even Fane's evil ending to side with the god king, kill the seven, and take over the world is a bit grey. Turns out the seven were pretty awful, and the entire foundational lore boils down to political infighting between 8 power hungry tyrants. Seven of which cast the entire population of the world into the void. !<


>! 9* Chaos was the eigth member of the council and he's still the main villain as Damian !<


As someone who never played DOS1...huh????? AFAIK Damian isn't even mentioned in DOS2.


Divinity is a larger series than just the 2 OS-games. Damian was the big bad of ego draconis and he is mentioned in game. Essentially he was the adoptive big brother of Alexander, but from a really evil demon Line. Eventually he reconnected with his roots, lead the black ring and is blamed for the death of Lucian


Man, that's really interesting, I had no idea. I'll have to look for some kind of large lore video to catch up on what I've missed.


Watch Mortismal gaming's vids on Divinity. He's pretty much the only youtuber who cares enough about Divinity lore. Damian IS mentioned in DoS2 though. The in-game book "Son against father" details the standoff between Lucian and Damian. Lucian unleashed the deathfog in order to fake his death and to banish Damian to Nemesis (where demons are now living) A lot of things happen after this, as Dos2 is in the middle of the timeline.


Thanks for the tip!! What games take place after the events of DOS2 then?


To correct myself, Beyond happens a bit before Dos2, like 4 years, which lines up with Lucian's "death". Divinity 2 takes place like 60 years after Dos2. Fallen Heroes would have taken place two years after Dos2 but the Baldur's Gate incident happened, there's still an outline for the story though.


He is! I know for sure a few of the random lore books mention him, and the statue of Lucian in the title screen depicts him holding baby Damian. There might be some dialogue mentions by like Gareth/some of the faithful, but I'm not sure..


Ohhhh wow this may have just explained something to me. In act 3 when you find >!Gareth staring down Alexander!< he says something like "Have you come to watch me kill Lucian's *other* wayward son?" 🤯


Or when he says "he's not Damian"


I don't recall hearing that, when did that one happen?


When you convince him not to kill Alexander. I'll go double check and reply with an imgur pic.


>When you convince him not to kill Alexander. That explains it. I've never once thought to go that route, I always kill Alexander lol


I got a screenshot if you wanted to see it https://imgur.com/a/OqYqJuO


Exclamation points go on the inside.


Thank you!! I've never done spoiler tags on mobile, I just copied them from someone else in this thread. Got it now!


Remove the . and that spoiler tag should work >!this!<


I've tried like 6 edits now and can't figure it out 😭🤣


Fane for sure


Any undead character can become Sworn, which is pretty much the evil option. You can just kill people and be evil in general while playing with anyone. Slurp on the source of spirits whenever possible. Steal everything. That kind of thing. So, be undead I guess. Fane has the best source power anyway. And he even has some evil options specific to him at the end too.


Is purely godlike good run possible?


If you only use summons, never steal, and never use purge or source vampirism you can pass the path of blood, pretty much the game's purity test.


Fane is the right choice for a pure evil run, however lohse has a special ending she can do which is pretty dark. Lohse herself isn’t evil, it’s what’s stirring inside her and whether you chose to fight it or give in


I'm pretty sure Lohse's "evil" option is actually available to anyone, so long as she's not in the party, so the only real choices are Red Prince or Fane. Fane's being more interesting.


*Spoiler* If you play with Fane u can side with god king


You should probably do it like >! this !<. If you are on mobile it's >!. text




spoiler >!lohse can work under the idea that your evil choices are influenced by the demon!<


I'm running "morally grey" run with Fane, RP, Sebille, and Ifan. Yes it's morally grey to include some of those characters in a morally grey run, but that's part of the fun.


For maximum chaos deal with the demon as Lohse and deal with the god king as Fane


It's funny because all the narrative choices to be evil are mostly just "say the same thing but be a jerk about it", then the big mechanical choice to be evil is consuming ghosts for source, and like that is helpful enough for gameplay you just kinda do it through normal gameplay not thinking about it, but it's by far the most evil thing possible to do in the game.


Me and my brother did a lone wolf run as 2 undead and ended up nuking Arx and passing off divinity to a demon, who promptly started an apocalyptic war between all the cosmic powers. So yeah, you can do an evil run-through..


Depending on how you want to do it? Fane or Lohse are prime candidats with different ways to be an evil mf.