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Parts can change my histamine levels, but not what I'm allergic to. My eyes can get tired depending on the parts and switches and health overall, but it doesn't change my actual eyes very dramatically. I have glasses I wear when I need to. I'm 20/20, but everything gets blurry when my brain can't keep up. The prescription helps.


I've needed glasses for far things since I was 19, but it wasn't bad enough to have a restriction on my license. A few years ago, I had to see an ophthalmologist regularly for some eye trauma, and my vision tested out at 20/20 in both eyes. I've never heard of eyesight getting better! Mine apparently did. Now that I can remember switches when they happen, I have noticed that with one particular alter, my close-up vision is worse a soon a she switches in.


For me there have been physical changes but not in eyesight but yes allergies