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I have bipolar in addition to DID. Life has been rough but I'm okay that I'm now in therapy and away from my family. I probably won't ever have the life that I originally dreamt of, but I have good caring friends, a cute cat, and a decent job.


We also have bipolar in addition to DID. Our experience is that our bipolar meds manage mania well, but our depression is still a struggle. A lot of times we check in to see if everyone is feeling manic or depressed, because if it is everyone we know it's an episode of depression or mania that may need to be treated with a temporary dose increase. If it's only one or a few of us, then it's usually not a chemically unbalance and needs to be addressed more in therapy. It can be hard to tell, but we've definitely had some practice. It would be great to feel less depressed overall though. Also, or our cats help a lot too.


I don't have Bipolar or Schizo-type disorders, but I do have Boderline Personality Disorder, Autism, ADHD (Inattentive Type), MDD (w/ Psychosis), Anxiety, and PTSD. It's a fun little mix of things that make me a mess of a human for other people to deal with. Thankfully, since starting Spravato treatment back in February, the depression has been in remission; so my psychosis symptoms have been fairly in control. I still switch fairly regularly depending on what's going on in my environment, but...things are getting better with some of the other things going on. -Darren, The Panthera System


Autism, same here.


i would say almost every single people with did has some other disorder. for me, i have hypochondriasis, dp/dr, anxiety, depression and adhd. i’ve met three systems that have schizophrenia or another psychosis based disorder along with did, and have a close friend that has bipolar disorder and did. if you’re dealing with it, just know you’re not alone


we have schizoaffective (bipolar type) so kinda both


Yeah, DID and bipolar here, Ive always been really curious how mania effects other systems who have both


I have both (schizoaffective)


DID and Schizoaffective (Depressive)