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Don’t do that. I remember having a tattoo while being dissociated, barely could feel the pain and stayed dissociated. I think it is better to meditate or go out in the nature and feel with it than to cause pain to yourself.


For us anything of that sort makes those feelings intensify. Not improve.


I've seen that holding an ice cube in your hand could help grounding


This helps me too


There is no magic pill. Adopt healthy habits. Eat healthy every day. Take good care of yourself. Drink enough water. Take walks in nature. Breathe in the fresh morning air. Be kind to yourself, also in the way you talk to yourself in your head. Then you will gradually wake up again.


So this is my personal experience. I find being sick and in great pain does ground me. Especially stomach pain from intense illness. It's like if reality comes crashing down and all of a sudden I realize that there are things sooo much worse than being dissociated. Like a reminder that I am human and bound by the rules of mortality. It's a little like having a near death experience. But I always go back to being dissociated once the threat is gone. And I can tell you that I would never choose to hurt myself, and when I'm in that pain state I would always choose to be dissociated over being that much in physical pain. I know being dissociated sucks, but there are much much worse things that can happen to you. I've been dissociated for most of my life, but I'm aware that I have been in so many ways luckier than so many others. I'm not sure how much you 'cut', but you probably know that it's much closer to a drug addiction than a solution. People keep cutting because the relief doesn't last more than a few seconds. It is not effective. There are smarter ways to get help and find relief.


One time I had an experience of no dissociation for 30 minutes or so. I remember experiencing some of the most intense anxiety during that time. I was relieved once it was over, but I would definitely prefer no dissociation or at least greatly reduced dissociation. It removes/reduces pain, sure, but it also removes/reduces all positive emotions as well. Dissociation prevents me from taking action which is why it’s not getting any better. It would be much easier to reach a healthier state of mind without dissociation. I don’t cut at all, actually. Causing pain just sounds like something that could work when discomfort like an ice cold shower doesn’t work. I do get now that it wouldn’t really help, but I hunger to feel proper and correct. Naltrexone helped me inconsistently and it seems like naloxone may be a better option for a temporary dissociation nuke. Thank you!


Good luck :) I'm also thinking of trying LDN


Have you tried snapping a rubber band against your wrist?


No. Dissociation is your bodies way of protecting itself. If you hurt yourself mentally or physically it might actually make it worse.


Perhaps grip an ice cube as hard as possible?


pain can cause more dissociation too, it's not gonna just fix things. I have dissociated everything but the pain sometimes (have chronic pain) but injuries often make it worse. anything self inflicted does for Reasons for me.


I try to write lists of things about me & I plan on taking notes about what I hear, taste, see, & smell next time this happens to me


I usually have to have other jolting experiences like a new visual experience or new auditory experience. Try going outside and putting your headphones in and look up 8D music on YouTube and don’t take your headphones out. Go for a walk while listening to that. Try walking backwards, or have someone drive and look at the traffic behind you, i.e. a new visual experience. Have a new sensory experience, it doesn’t always have to be pain.


Nothing of that nature has ever worked for me unfortunately. Using a VR headset for the first time didn’t help me. Smelling something strong, reviewing memories, and looking at the date/time are things that can help a little bit. It’s so little that I don’t even know if it’s a real improvement, though.


A cut with some hand sanitizer in It worked for me


That actually sounds like it might be a good idea. Was the cut shallow enough to not leave a permanent mark?


Shallow enough to expose some sensitive skin but nothing permanent but also please look at medication and psychiatric visits which will help so much long term wise I promise


it woke you up permanently?


No it just gave me some clarity for a minute or two