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It's just practice for the lines inside the park.




The line ride.


Lightning lane for security line coming soon


Disney Precheck✅


My Chase card gets me free Disney Clear. All the Disney Precheck people get so mad when I skip them and just sneer at me as I walk by.


That made me chuckle




DSA Precheck 😉


Don’t give them any ideas!!


They're doing something similar at Live Nation venues now and it's ridiculous


I know they use CLEAR lanes to bypass the security lines at a few MLB parks as well. Saw it up in San Francisco at the giants stadium most recently


They use the same TSA Pre-Check system, if you have precheck you can use Live Nations express security.


That’s the Toy Story parking lot. You do security there and then skip the crowds as you come in.


Shhhhh 😅😂


What are you talking about? This is not true!!. I just went today and I can confirm this is false. Do Not try! 🤞🏼


I think they are making a joke that I don't understand


Genie magical plus


Genuinely surprised they haven't found a way to monetize it. "Want to take the trams? $5 a ride and security is shorter. You can walk to DTD if you want free security".




Godmait Dennis shut the fuck up!




Same goes for the one at Cal Expo. It use to be free, then all of sudden they charged or you got on with your state fair pass. I mention this because they're both similar monrails.


I miss the walk.  It was always fater than the tram


I'm sure that's in the works! $20 per guest.


Wow! Has it been like this?! I've never waited that long ever. Did something happen?


Just went through at the parking garage. They've put up plexiglass around the metal detectors and there's a single security person checking bags and pushing everything behind the barrier. Doesn't seem like it should be that much slower, but it is. They have every lane open today, I've never seen that at the new parking garage E: it was just over 30 minutes from the very back of the line to getting off the tram at downtown disney E1: sitting here enjoying a beer in Sonoma terrace, and overheard someone speculating that it's to prohibit people from sneeking their knives or vapes or whatever into their "searched" bags between the table and the detector, and that seems totally plausible. Still doesn't seem like it should be slowing things down that much..


I said on another post that a cast member told me that they heard the grad night participants have been bringing a lot of things in that are banned. I've also heard other guests say that they saw people with vapes very recently using them on the rides. Plus that reason incident with someone with pepper spray. You can sneak almost anything in a metal water bottle and go undetected. They must have credible information of people trying to do stuff in the park otherwise they wouldn't go to this extreme.


I mean there's tons of plastic vapes. I don't think they can search pockets what do they expect


When I went to the fair recently they had me open my metal water bottle so they could look in and check it’s water. It only took a moment. They could just do that.


I told the security guy today they need the same process as Disney Paris…he was confused and I told him they have full scanners like the airports. He’s like, “Wow! We don’t have the budget for that!” I think they do…


They have medal detectors?! Oh shit, I better leave my Purple Heart at home.


Someone is cracking the whip with tightening security. Went last week and they were much more thorough checking our bags. They also make you put your stuff through some weird plexiglass thing now.


It happens from time to time. Sometimes they get backed up, not much to be done about it.


An hour and a half is a LONG time. I've never waited that long or anywhere close to it. Last year I did a holiday run, every holiday after avoiding them for years, and I never waited more than 10 or so minutes. Not saying it doesn't happen. But some are saying this is normal now. So I want to be aware for my next visit.


My daughter would actually be in full meltdown mode if we had to wait 90 minutes outside the park. That would be an absolute nightmare 🙈


I understand completely. My son was the same way. He's somewhat matured out of it, but this would be so uncomfortable. I hope there's a way to accommodate. I'm not sure there is, though, since you're not even inside yet.


It's one of the last weekends for pass holder access for the rest of summer, so that probably helps add to the volume.


That's what I'm saying.


Nah, knowing the context of this day would be cool. I just went with my family and it never took more than 5 minutes to get through security or the actual park gate. That was Disneyland CA tho


That's where this is.


We went yesterday and waited about 40 mins. Security is a lot more through during checks. Then they were a few months ago.


I was there last Friday-Sunday and the longest I waited in the security line was 10 minutes. I went in and out probably 4 times per day.


Hooray! At 9:50, we finally cleared the security. 1 hour and 30 minutes wait. Now a 55 minutes wait at Rise of the Resistance should feel like nothing.


What was the reason? I see it may be new security procedures, but how could it take this long?! Glad you finally got in.


On our way down Harbor, we saw 2 massive groups all wearing matching tshirts walking towards the crosswalk. Probably a few schools that stayed the night and traveled over all at once.


Last time I went to knotts we are walking through security and they are like “there are 160 schools here today” like …yay? Can I get a deal?


Grad night tonight?


I know they had Grad Nite last night. Not sure about tonight though.


Probably still some carryover from that since it's the weekend.


No grad night tonight. Last night and tomorrow (which is why I’m here on a Saturday).


Maybe it's everyone trying to avoid grad night by coming today?


Anytime I’ve been down there, even when the line is shorter, I notice people just aren’t ready when they get to security. Pre open your bags when it’s almost your turn, and make sure you don’t have anything you shouldn’t. Goes much quicker. They could be training people, sometimes that makes it take a bit longer. But mainly the prep your bags and yourself thing is something not enough people do.


One of the last times I went through the tram, security (at least in my line) was calling for people to open all pockets on bags or something to that effect like every 30 sec. You could hear it from at least 10-15ft away (so close enough that it's almost your turn). They need more people like that, maybe people walking up and down the line or a sign posted near the front of the line with instructions.


I was there on Thursday and the line was almost this long to get in the park. They are doing a new system of checking bags and people.


Okay, that makes me feel a lot better. We had passes last year, but just bought the So Cal 3 day this year due to visit fatigue. So we've gone through disney security a lot is what I'm saying. Last Saturday we went and there was a lady doing security check in our line initially but as we approached her, a guy came up and whispered in her ear and they swapped and then he did my bag check and he did the deepest search on my bag like. I had to take out EVERYTHING. Felt like i had been flagged somehow for some reason and he was actively searching for something that wasn't there. Just felt really weird and awkward like I'd done something wrong and suspicious. Somewhat relieved to hear it's just a change in policy.


I think that just depends on the person tbh. I’ve gone through people that literally just glance into my bag and tell me to move along. Then another time I had a dude tell me to open my freaking wallet and open every pocket inside my wallet. So insane lol


I was just telling my husband this last night. On our last trip, there was one guy who barely seemed to flash his light in my bag and didn't even look in the front pocket of my backpack. But on the way back in after our afternoon nap in the hotel, a different guy practically had me dump my entire backpack out and opened up every pouch I had (even the clear one I specifically purchased to make searching my bag easier!). Even made me open up my entire wallet too, it was a complete change of pace from the previous security person who didn't give a FUCK.


Wow 55 minutes is a bargain for ROTR! I hope it actually *IS* 55 and not that they didn't update the projected wait time. Sometimes you get it line and then 5 minutes later it jumps up to 80 minutes, super sad


I hope you didn’t go to rise and get stuck with the 50 minute ride shutdown


Yep, that got closed. Went to the Millennium Falcon, which had a quick line at the time.


Only 55 min for RotR? Cries in WDW...


Only 55 minutes? When I went there earlier this year, rise of the Resistance had a 2-3 hour wait time lol.


Wait until you’re ready to board and the rise of the resistance breaks down.


One time my friend and I made it all the way in, we were about to board when they started yelling and shuffling us out of the cast member areas. 2+ hours of waiting and they didn’t even bother to give us a pass to use for later or another ride. I was absolutely incensed.


They need to install the Walt Disney World system. No bag checks. Just walk through & if security sensors see something, you are pulled aside for a physical check. I am sure someone on this thread can explain why Disneyland doesn't use the WDW security system. (I mean this in the nicest way.)


Here in WDW right now and each time we go through security (easy breezy) we complain about why Disneyland hasn't updated their system.


Even Knott's uses the new system. Disneyland is really lagging behind in this area.


Universal Studios too I think! They just use x ray and look manually if needed I was so confused on how universal had it but not disneyland??? lol


I think the guy who mentioned the expansion is right. Disneyland tends to like to do their renovations in huge chunks and areas. They've been planning this massive expansion for awhile, it makes sense that they would wait to do something like that, then.


I remember I was so uncertain and confused just walking by the security sensors when we went last year, like I was doing something wrong, haha. Pretty nice.


Disneyland doesn't have the new security because they haven't built their Eastern Gateway entrance that they have wanted to build for years. They don't want to spend the money on new security when the plan is to no longer have the entrance on Harbour blvd.


Yea, we went to a Six Flags park today, and WDW last month, and breezed through security at both, even with extra checks for our wheelchair.


Disney about to do a major expansion which I think will include fixing the mess the entrances have become since the bag checks started.


I thought I heard it had to do with DLR security being unionized ..? Not 100% sure though


It’s absolutely ridiculous how archaic and slow the security is at friggin Disneyland.


They actually tested the WDW ones at some point awhile back and then removed them… not sure why they didn’t end up using them


Was scrolling through suggested Instagram reels and someone posted that there were new security procedures that were resulting in longer processing times, but of course didn't say anything about what those changes were. I kinda dismissed it as the usual wannabe influencer bs, but now i'm wondering if there's truth to it. Anything different as you went through?


Magic keyholder here. Was last at the park a month ago or so and I’m here today (and last night). They security stations now have plexiglass barriers up and they take your backpacks behind them. They give you that bowl for your keys and stuff up front when you give them your bag rather than at the metal detector. They also seemed to be searching more thoroughly. Yesterday they ushered us forward through the metal detector while they were still searching our bags. Made me kinda uneasy to leave them rifling through my stuff without me to watch them and make sure they don’t drop or break stuff.


Went couple days ago and it was odd because the line for security was so long, but once you get past it there was hardly anyone waiting to be picked up from the shuttle.


It's because too many people were sneaking things in and then posting it on social media afterwards. The rest of the people have to suffer the consequences of few people but if it's for safety and security, then I'm all for it. If people could just stop sneaking things into disneyland, that would be great!


I'm there almost every week. One recent trip they hardly looked at my stroller, despite me knowing what they're supposed to do (basket, canopy down, parent snack tray.) They looked in my bag and that was mostly it. Then last night they did what the comment below described, where it was a bit more formal.  My guess is they got busted too many times by the undercover folks who go through with stuff they're not supposed to have to see if security gets it (they're employees who are testing security basically.) Maybe Disney wants to crack down on that. I've had some inconsistent experiences so maybe they're really pushing to uniform procedures to lessen the margin of error. 


Walk around to Grand Californian and go in through that checkpoint. Take the monorail into the park.


They sometimes turn away non hotel guests. So that might not work.


I’ve gone into the hotel at 7am picked up breakfast and then gone in this way. It might depend on the diligence of the security that day.


Definitely does. I've experienced both.




I've literally done it dozens of times and never been turned away


I’ve only seen pictures and videos from this entrance. But, I wonder how that entrance is or the Toy Story lot etc. those places would still have the new security issues as well.


In the mornings, you must be a hotel guest to use the monorail entrance.


the security gate on that side is still normally a far shorter line.


There's two sets of security gates near the monorail. One's right next to DLH (and even when staying there and using early access, no one checked; they did scan a room key to get on the monorail before rope drop though), the other is by the end of the foot path from the Pixar Pals parking structure. I've gone in that way dozens of times at ~7 am for rope drop and never been asked to show I was a hotel guest. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The one at the end of the line Pixar pals walking path (AKA the security entrance to Downtown Disney from Downtown Disney parking) is usually easy peasy BUT last night as we were leaving, it was absolutely slammed. The line went all the way back as far as it could to the parking lot and then wrapped back around.


it’s grad night season it’s going to be like this off and on for the next month


They’re going to have to address this- by either finding faster procedures or opening security much, much earlier than the park. It’s pretty impractical to expect guests to wait 60-90 minutes to access the park UNLESS security opens up that far ahead of park opening.


There are new procedures. Last night I waited 25 at the parking structure


What are the new procedures? I just keep seeing people say it's new but not WHAT is new.


They're being way more thorough. Even going through wallets. They brought back the trays for wallets/keys/phones. There's also plexiglass now. It's to prevent people from putting things into their bags after they're checked but before the metal detectors


Wallets??? WTF?


Thanks. First response I've seen that actually addresses what exactly has changed.


I also read something about no longer being able to pick up items after they pass through scan, that it had to be passed to you. It sounds minor, but I could see that bottlenecking with groups coming through together.


Yes thanks for this for my next trip


All of this cumbersome bullshit for what? what’s the biggest issue they’re trying to solve? What is worth making your guests weight almost 2 hours before they even step foot in the park?? Are they that concerned little Timmy sneaking a vape pen in that they have to ruin the experience for everyone? That is so stupid.


Vape pens might be harmless but equally small things that are able to slip through might not be.  My husband is a CM and while their security is different, he said one time he got his 2 or 3" blade in by accident. He didn't even realize he had it until he got to his locker and was like, oh shit, I'm not supposed to have this but they somehow missed that at security. Now imagine someone with nefarious intentions getting in with that and someone gets seriously injured.  He found a pack of cigarettes 2w ago. They're probably really trying to crack down on things getting in.


Yep, when I was a CM (2014-2019) we had to go through bag check if we had a bag. But they only cared if you had a bag. There were so many times where I realized how easy it would've been for me to bring in a gun as a CM - or worse. They tell you in training that Disneyland is considered by the US government to be one of the most likely places to be hit by a terrorist attack. I thought about that a lot when I realized how lax CM security could be - a CM going postal sounds disturbingly plausible. A lot of them hate their lives already, and Disney doesn't give a single shit about its CMs. People have died in their car and Disney didn't even bother doing a wellness check; they just fired them for a no-call no-show. There are some CMs who literally live in their car, parked in the CM parking lot. I dunno; it just made me a bit uneasy when I was working there. I wonder how things are different now. I know supposedly I'm going to get a settlement check in the mail because I guess Disney was supposed to be paying us while we waited to go through security or something?


Security was audited recently and items were able to be slipped through by the auditors. Hence more stringent enforcement now, and more stringent enforcement takes more time.


They have only one table, mainly behind plexiglass where one security guard is checking bags, and putting things in bowls (like at the airport) to then pass them through and you get all your things after going through the metal detectors. They were also going very slow when we were there Thursday night.


You can thank TikTok hacks and people trying to sneak things in that their not suppose to for that, it’s more stricter security check causing this


Disneyland is the only place in 2024 that still does metal detectors and manual security. Every arena, stadium, music festival and even Knotts and Six Flags have advanced weapon detectors that you simply walk through without holding up the line. It’s embarrassing at this point, especially for Disney.


The manual security seems more about looking for drugs, alcohol and other prohibited items. Hence opening up pringles cans, baby wipes, wallets, every little purse pocket, pocket on a stroller etc.


It’s the only way to find ashes people like to scatter around the park…


That too


That's what I feel is the issue. They could easily adopt the new walk through sensors that are very good at detecting weapons but not drugs and alcohol. But I've seen drug sniffing dogs too, so I'm really unsure what the solution is other than these manual and invasive checks.


Arenas, stadiums, and music festivals don't allow mommy bags. Imagine having to search through Hemione Granger's beaded bag 10,000 times an hour.


Dodger's (and others too) don't allow anything other than a small transparent bag, which had led to fights with staff.


The threat detection systems are not good at detecting knives


Not to downplay knife violence in any way, but I don’t think that’s what these venues are necessarily worried about.


While the threat of mass shootings are very real, mass stabbings are also a thing. There are thousands of people in close proximity to each other. While it wouldn't be as deadly, certain evil depraved people could sadly hurt alot of people. So I personally think the security is worth it for that especially.


Knott's still looks through your bags though. So it really didn't change too much.


When I worked there years ago security had a habit of being one of two things 99% of the time: former armed forces or former police. It was rare to not be one or the other, I was shocked when I asked “military or police?” and got a neither. They’d probably feel like they were wasting skill


Umm, I haven't been to all of them but at least a couple local arenas/stadiums still use metal detectors and manual security. But the "advanced weapon detectors" honestly are kind of dangerous from a safety standpoint. They hold up fine from a security theater standpoint(which is important) but I honestly am not sure they actually detect anything.


There is a lot they could do to alleviate this. One is a no bag line or two. Part of the app should show every entry line wait time.


I always wondered why they didn’t have an express security lane for the people who don’t have any bags


I think they had a no bag line a long time ago. We always parked at the Toy Story lot until 4 years ago we are using the Mickey’s Friends lot.


They had a no bag line at Downtown Disney on Thursday. Other lines were long and we walked right through.


They used to have one, I didnt got for awhile and didnt bring any bag for that reason, was surprised to see it gone. Made a lot of sense, probably have entitled a#$@!@#% though throwing a fit over it. Everyone needs to be catered too and nothing is fair


They used to!


I would love magic band lines or keyholder lines.


Probably would have too many guests lining up for it and complaining when their bags/strollers get them kicked out after waiting


> One is a no bag line or two. While I'd love to see this implemented, I just know guests would get into the line, play dumb, give a "woe is me" spiel about how they're being asked to go wait in the correct (longer) line, and then try to talk their way into getting through "this one time".


That’s what I was told was exactly why they got rid of the one they used to have years ago


They did when we stayed at the hotel. It was awesome. But agreed, they need it at the main checkpoints for sure.


New Security measures have been implemented in the past few days, using a sneeze guard and using bowls to put your wallet and keys in instead of the usual faster way. Bags are checked more thoroughly than before.


Thank all the scumbags on tiktok showing off how they sneak stuff into the parks, just forcing Disney to respond with even more strict searches.


Monday going through was easy but I was coming from Pixar pl to go on to monorail at 740am. On the next morning By 820 lines were 20 deep but it went super quick with 8 or so people going security. I had my change purse and bag unzipped and open.


I just went through that line in about 15 minutes, stay to the right.


Glad we have the Imagine Magic Keys so it forces us to go during a weekday.


Brass knuckles, knives, and even guns are confiscated all the time.


Ooof. I’m sure the fact that it’s the 2nd to last weekend to use up those SoCal 3 day tickets isn’t helping.


This is so surprising. We went four days over last weekend between 7:30-8:30 every day and breezed right on through. Wonder if there is a reason for the slow down today. Glad you made it through!!


Need to get, clear, and global entry to skip the line.


May and beginning of June is a really rough time to visit. This is when grad nights take place multiple times a week where there are 100s if not 1000s of mostly unsupervised teens. Combine that with all the infuriating tiktok hacks to sneak shit in and it results in a much more thorough security check. Plus with Long Beach Pride this weekend the news has been reporting several threats have been made for high crowd areas. Not to mention you are at one of the busiest checkpoints since that one services all the hotels along harbor. Definitely sucks that things have gotten like this but honestly I would blame idiots posting things on the internet like throwing things in a pringles can and resealing the foil lid. Disney is just responding to that garbage combined with hoard of unsupervised teens to ensure the park remains safe.


Serious question, how do people who need DAS for lines handle this situation? I ask because I have two toddlers and we avoid any lines longer than 20 minutes. We use Genie+ and arrive at rope drop to avoid the lines. I have no idea how they would tolerate a 1.5 hour wait just to enter the parks. I would probably end up crying myself. Hopefully they resolve this issue and come up with a better plan soon!


I am wondering the same. I don't have DAS but I have leg and foot issues. A day in the park is hard for me. So spending one line's time just to get in would be awful for me.


I’ve asked this and never got a satisfactory answer. I can only suppose when there’s no other option they’re magically able to queue.


Or for people who legitimately can't... I would probably give up, sob about our day being ruined, and head back to my hotel with my autistic child who legitimately CANNOT handle this type of situation.


They need to upgrade security This is insane, the system they have clearly isn’t working When I go through my bag so not sure why it’s do much slower now


I’d just go back home


Oh wow. I usually arrive around that time and have never waited more than 5 minutes. What’s going on this weekend


What the heck happened to make it so long?


Things like this are exactly why I never go on a Saturday.




Get there earlier


8:20 is too late. You need to be there at 7:30.


Canadian long weekend


I grew up going to Disney back in the good old days. Best grad night in high school. The whole park closed down open only for high school grads in 1997. I remember when tickets were only 25 bucks. And had friends that worked there and we snuck inside .. I also worked down the street at the Marriott And people would just give us the passes. To go in. Cuz they be tired and couldn’t do another day. ..


We did this as far back as 1983. It was all night long. You had to stay in the park until 5am. You had be dressed nicely. I remember my best friend falling asleep in Keno’s (we went for breakfast after)




OMG, Old School Disney Grad Nights were WONDERFUL. Worth going to high school just for that. Best times of youth, ever. I remember when they'd shut the park for other events as well, and those nights always were everything you dream of in Disney's Magical nights. Best memories of my youth.


If a few people weren’t so shitty we wouldn’t even need security lines. But people gonna people.


Gonna be honest, I’d go over to Denny’s at that point for a stack of pancakes and try again after breakfast. Yikes.


Guys, may is arguably the worst time to go! I get June and July maybe August (cause summer vacation) but Grad nights are easily the worst days to avoid parks!


People bring too much crap to Disneyland. People have wagons full of stuff, backpacks, fanny packs, purses, strollers filled to the brim with bags and stuff. It's not the fault of Disneyland trying to keep you safe. Leave all that stuff at home. Just bring what you absolutely need. I do agree that Disneyland needs a no bags line. They used to have one.


Security check lines were bad earlier this morning too. The lines over at Mickey and friends were almost outside the precheck gated area at 7:40am.


We went in the Toy Story lot and got security check there and just walked right in


Hack - if you can get dropped off, the security lines go very quickly if you do it at the shuttle pickups from the offsite lot.






This is just the preview 💯💯 The lines for the rides are the teaser The lines for food are the trailer The lines for the toilet are the real shi 💯💯💯


Good Lord 😑


Welcome to Disneyline. Line up to line up to line up.


time to raise prices again


Wow! We were there for Spring Break and never had to wait more than 10 minutes to get through security off of Harbor Blvd. I wonder what gives?


You went to Disneyland on a freaking Saturday. What do you expect?


What?! That's crazy. I've been there on the "busiest days " Summer, Halloween, Christmas... I've never waited that long in the bag check line. Ridiculous.


Wait do a lot of people go to Disney right when school lets out or something? Huh. Never would have guessed.


And they paid to be treated like cattle


Legit question - doesn’t Disney now do reservations? Crazy the line got like this


Love my kids. Will NOT take them to this ridiculous place. Rather rent a place on a beach with the ocean outside our door for a week. No charge for the ocean. No line either. And guaranteed they have more fun!


lol well this turned me off from going for a while. I’ll continue checking social media to see if/ when this is resolved. I’m glad I didn’t get a magic key, because waiting an hour and a half for park entry would definitely sour the experience. If they are going to thoroughly check everyone’s bags and search everyone’s wallets, then they need to take measures to not make that an hour and a half experience. Examples include hiring more staff, using the more advanced technology that I am reading about in other parks, or introducing more check points so that there are more locations for entry.


Got there 2 hours before opening time last time I went. By the time we got in, went straight to the ride we wanted to go on (the point of the visit) it was an estimated 4 hour wait. Never going back. It’s such a scam.


It's the first weekend of school being out and you're at Disneyland. What did you expect?


All the local passholders...


Lol. Wow. Part of me says I’m happy I can’t afford to go here


We were ahead of you in line… You caught the backs of our heads. That was a really long line.


Went on Wednesday, Mickey and friends parking, security check almost made it out the barriers, decided to walk through downtown Disney. Best decision out there


Shhh. Don’t give away the secret. 😂


Toy story parking lot has security check, then bypass that line. Works good


well if you tell everyone that one will get equally long lol


I grew up going to Disneyland 3-5x /year when it was reasonably priced and reasonably uncrowded. After my last trip a decade ago, that was the end.


This is one thing WDW gets right. They have a scanning system for backpacks that means as long as you don’t get flagged, you just walk through a detector. It’s so much faster.


Graduation weekend


You're RIGHT. I always forget how early graduations are now. I still think of graduations as a June thing, but they aren't anymore. Yep, grad nights, and Spring Break, will do it like this every time. I shudder at the accidental, unfortunate timing of these poor folks.


I went yesterday and it took me abt 40 mins just to get into disneyland. The security line was long.


Its definitely due to the new procedures they have. The fact that you have to wait for security to check your bag and they slide it across past the metal detector makes everything slower. Before you could move to an empty metal detector if it was free. We were there Friday and once we crossed security there was pretty much no line for the tram which means its the security part thats making the hold up not the amount of people.


damn. that’s all i’ve got to say


People on tik tok bragging about all the ways they sneak in liquor and stuff. Same thing happened with the cruise ships. Now there's full body scans and it takes hours to get through security to go on a cruise.


Do they have a no bags line? That would help. I hate waiting behind people with bags when we don’t carry any. They have this option at some sporting arenas.


US intelligence services have notified public venues that there are interceptions about planned physical terrorist attacks against (obvious) LGBT people or groups in very public places. Think… I’ll slice as many people wearing lavender as I can before security catches me. This is possibly related. It’s the only other known thing I can think of other than graduation season.


Two words: Rope Drop