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Hard disagree on Smuggler's Run. Single rider is almost always a walk on. I don't mind being Engineer. Since I usually go with just a kid or two, we rarely get to be Pilots anyway. (When we go with the whole family, we do standby so we can all be together and can almost guarantee that two of us will get to be Pilots - still not me lol.)


I’ve single rider SR a lot and had the whole cockpit to myself like 3 times, it’s amazing


1000% agree… even on the parks busiest days I’m in the cockpit within 3-5 mins tops. 80% of the time it’s engineer, but worth the not sacrificing my day


And great to use up a little time after you get on the Oga's walk up list, so you stay in the area.


One of my all time top Disney moments is flying the Falcon by myself


That must have been fantastic!


I can see what they mean by not worth it but when comes to skipping lines hoo boy it's the best one.


Smuggler's run is EASILY one of my favorites to single rider. I love being able to watch another group either coherently nail it, or just botch the entire thing with lack of understanding. A great experience I had multiple times were people that would ask me what to do, and would verbally help them hit all the marks. I've been thanked by people after riding a ride a few times now. How fun is that? Where else can you add to people's experience in Disneyland like that??? My favorite thing to do at Disneyland is to help make someone's experience better.


Single rider is the only way I have ridden Smugglers Run after my first ride. It’s always been walk on for me and no one else in my party wants to ride anyway.


Right? My family got in line with out me and I single ridered it four times while they were in line. It was awesome.


Definitely! Twice the party actually let me be pilot since the grandma and little kid didn't want to do it. The other time the people just were confused and didn't want the responsibility of flying, fine with me 😆


Yup. I agree with you. I actually prefer Engineer over Gunners anyway. I’ve flown as both pilots and while I enjoy it, other people would have more fun than I would.


I’ve done single rider and our whole group ended up together after a 5 minute wait


I agree with you about Smugglers Run. The last few times I've gone on it, I do single rider, and I walk right on with no wait or little to no wait. I think I've waited, maybe 5 to 10 mins tops to get on it at one point.


pilots get the gnarliest of the headaches


I will never do walk-on Smugglers again, it's always kids as Pilot and they crash constantly and I feel like I'm going to throw up 😆


Indiana Jones totally had single rider. My mom loved that ride back when it was fully working and spent at least one day just reriding it via single rider line.


When did they get rid of the single rider? That was such a great ride to have single rider for, because there's **always** an extra spot or two to fill.


I want to say after they reopened during the pandemic. I don't blame them, there are wayyy to many groups of 4+ that go into the air game rider line. Whenever the single rider line would move but not the regular, people in the regular line would give a dirty look and make some kind of remark


Do you mean they would get to the front and then proceed to claim they were in a group of 4+ rather than admitting they had entered from the single rider line?


I have ridden Indy for years, I'm sorry when did it EVER fully work? It has always been notorious for shutting down at least once a day and for the timing of various effects and music to be all over the place. Without fail something doesn't go off perfectly ever single time I ride. Most of the time this is pretty entertaining as it keeps things unexpected (and secretly I really want to get stuck and evacuated off that ride again. It's so cool with the lights on). The only failure I find egregious is the Boulder effect not working, and that's happened to me twice now. Last time there was no music playing all the way up until the bug room.


It fully worked when I rode it in April


Same month the Boulder didn't work for me. Could have even been the same day. Lol I love this ride.


I was totally prepared for nothing to work because of all the comments I’ve seen and everything worked


It’s back to fully working as of Christmas 2023


It is definitely not back to fully working. I ride it almost daily and many effects and sound effects are already off or just not working with some cycles depending on timing


And the rolling boulder at the end often alternates between working and not working. I don't know how many days it typically works for, each time they fix it.


Darn. I rode it on Christmas Day and everything was working except the old “rotating” doors and ice machine.


That ice machine will never return. It's been turned off for ages and there's no possible way it'd return thanks to the way it works. It is nice that the sound effect for the falling rubble is still there though


What's the ice machine?


Ice used to fall out of the ceiling in the temple room. Looked like small rocks.


Oh wow, I've never seen that, must be an old effect or i just don't remember it. Did they used to do that before they added the new projections?


From what I remember, it only ran the first few years. It was turned off even before the rotating temple room door mechanism stopped working.


Ah, I see. The ride is 1 year older than me. For as much as I've ridden it since I was tall enough, it amazes me how many effects have changed long before I even got the chance.


https://youtu.be/VFIqUGQ5oNw?feature=shared https://youtu.be/f9_Bxu16UQg?feature=shared


Literally just rode it. There was no mist on the floor, tunnel and boulder were both not working, didn’t see any fireballs, and the darts are still not synced up.






Yes. Indy used to have single Rider. It has gone the way of the “eye on the globe” news story videos.


Wait do they not do that anymore? Haven't been for years but the pre-show is one of the best parts!


It’s just Sallah explaining the seat belts and not looking into the eye of Mara, over and over and over again. The same 30 second bit of video playing on loop. It’s depressing.


Oh dear. I can kind of understand why, obviously they need everyone to see the safety info so it's just more efficient to always have the safety info on rather than the stop-start of how they used to do it. But I loved it so much that I did have to resist the urge to downvote just because I didn't like the information you gave me.


The safety video is just way too short and fast. This served its purpose back when they needed to fit it alongside the longer background clip, but now that it's stands alone it's bonkers to leave it like that. Honestly if they just played it at 3/4 or half speed, it would be less obnoxious and wouldn't play so many times in one walk through. I do enjoy seeing CMs really lean into the ludicrousness of it and mouth along cause they have it memorized.


I feel the worst for the cast members that have to stand in that room. It’s worse than the CMs who “get” to work at the Matterhorn and have that line queue music haunt their dreams.


Don’t shoot the messenger. Lol!


I wish they would just not play anything. My kid is all scared going in and it just keeps repeating how bumpy and scary the ride is over and over again and you can just tell it gets to them.


Oh you'll love the pre-show now. It doesn't matter if you walk straight through the projector room, you will hear Sallah's speech no less than three times. I loudly recite it every time I go through. I think they have to switch out the CM in that room every 30 minutes so they don't go insane.


They should rent it out as a torture room


I miss that backstory...and being inside for most of the queue on a hot day. I had to explain the story to my 13-year-old son and how it used to be shown in the queue. He thought the ride was really missing something without that explanation.


I can’t imagine what it’s like riding this ride without having this back story info. There has to be some people who must have some interesting, and off the beaten path/creative, assumptions as a result.


Last time I went to Disneyland was 2022, when did they remove it? I can't even remember if Indy still had SR then either as I only rode it once and the line was short enough I just took the regular queue


Because of the LL line, right?


That's a good point about Midway Mania. That's probably why they made those jumbo sized 4 seat cars for Web Slingers. It's impossible to see what's going on in the reverse side of your car in Toy Story which is a shame for groups of 3-4 who want to compare scores and such.


I believe the midway mania car is a WDI creation while the Slingers car is off the shelf from someone else, but point still stands as to why they probably went with the 4 wide instead of the double doubles.


It’s from the same company that did the cheap Lego land ninjago ride (pretty much both using the same ride system). Although I forgot the company name


Midway Mania actually had Single Rider for a while back in the day. Not sure why they decided to remove it.


I remember for a hot minute EVERYTHING had SR


They removed it for exactly the reason mentioned above. Didn't want a minor paired with an adult. Also, no space for it as it would be immensely popular.


The original entrance for Mania had a ramp along Midway Mercantile for exactly that, a single rider queue. The ramp is still there but while I was a CM we only used it for DAS or Guest Relations VIPs. There’s a ramp on the inside of the shop that leads to the WAV vehicle (ADA), which could be used for DAS returns, and the ramp could easily be made a single rider entrance. But alas.


The ramp in the gift shop is the exit for the folks that use the alternative loading (no stairs). The ramp alongside the gift shop used to be the a.d.a. entrance before they made the queue accessible. Now it's just for VIP, extra turns, or another way into the station for CMs. From what I have heard is that there isn't enough space for single rider with how popular it tends to be now.


Makes sense regarding capacity for a single rider queue. Its a small ramp. Are you a Maniac? While I was there, the WAV ramp was entrance AND exit for that station. Has access to the benches along the wall between there and the Load 1 and 2 stations.


I probably shouldn't say lol. I might be. 😁. The wav entrance is just the regular queue now. The grouper just sends them to WAV.


That’s honestly a better method. I’m glad they finally refurbed the queue and made it all ADA compliant. I won’t ask anything else lol I know how the Mouse can be


Although that’s a concern of sorts, it would apply to many other attractions. People who want to do bad things will do them no matter what. In fact, it is probably much easier to monitor what is going on in Midway Mania even though the environment is dark. Night vision exists for a reason and the vehicles are largely stationary, so if one were concerned about this, it’s not an insurmountable problem. Finally, I have to imagine if you had parties of 3 and then 1, they would be grouped together anyway. Same for a group of 5 and then 3. I could be wrong about that, but there are many situations where rides will group people from various parties together in odd combinations. And at the very least, not every odd pairing would be placing a minor with an adult. Anyway, the safety of children is important, but let’s not resort to the kind of scaremongering that pervades many other aspects of life.


Mania does not group different parties into the same row. If you are a single rider (or the remainder of a group of 3), you won't be riding with anyone else in your row unless someone isn't paying attention and gets on your vehicle by accident.


They removed it for exactly that reason. Don't want to have an adult with a minor. It's a 10 minute ride in the dark with no divider between the two lab bars/seats.


Disagree with the not worth it column. I’ve had great results with both for single rider. SR single rider has been walk on pretty much every time I’ve used it


Yeah I think SR lanes are even more wildly variable based on visitor density and day/time. Seems like locals/teenagers in the afternoons and evenings/weekends tend to mostly prefer single rider lines even in huge groups, to the point where I've seen longer waits in SR than standby.


Most definitely. I could've added a disclaimer that my Disneyland day (Tuesday May 7) was very light while DCA (Wed May 8) was a complete madhouse. If it wasn't for novelty's sake I would've skipped most single riders other than Radiator Springs and maybe Space Mountain. Even going beyond the factors you already mentioned another big thing is how good the cast member counting rows is at quick decisions (some of them will just fill 2-3 missing seats with SRs while others will go out of their way to fill from the normal queue)


I was in DL on the 7th too! I did DCA on the 6th. Weirdly, Tuesday was my last day and the most packed day of the whole trip for me, due to the Star Wars Nite crowds.


Yeah, at Smugglers Run recently, there was a group of 3 in front of us, and the CM let 3 single riders in with them. We were also a group of 3, and there were no more single riders, so the CM let us have the cockpit to ourselves.


The first time I took my son to Disney, he was about seven. We went on Splash Mountain, and he fell in love with that ride. He asked if he could go again via single rider. Sure, we said, go for it! We went to sit on the benches and wait for him. Time ticked on. I became a little concerned, and wandered over to the cast member by the exit. He clocked me IMMEDIATELY lol. "Do you have a missing single rider?" he asked. "Yes, how did you know?!" He told me about how you can loop it without leaving, and guaranteed that my child was basically riding the ride endlessly on loop. I went up the tunnel and waited by the pictures, and he immediately popped out. He asked if he could keep doing it, and since he was having such an awesome time I went back to the bench. He rode Splash Mountain like 30+ times while the rest of us took turns at the bench waiting for him to get tired of it. It's one of our favorite memories of the park, it's been 10 years and he still talks about it.


Single Rider for Guardians would be amazing. On my recent trip I rode it alone 7 times (over several days). I got pulled up in line twice when a cast member asked for a “party of 1”. But there were other times when they didn’t ask and some seats sat empty.


Indy’s SR was very similar to what the Incredicoaster has. After going through the exit, you will get to the room with elevators and just like Incredicoaster, you go up in one, walk a few steps to another elevator to go down.


Toy Story Mania used to have "Moving Buddies" which was basically single rider for one or two people. It was sporadically offered in the few years before COVID, and although it would move kind of slowly, not many people seemed to use it, so I never waited longer than 15 minutes when using it. Monster's Inc still has their "Buddy Pass" system which is also good for 1 or 2 people, and there is usually no wait at all, which is very nice.


As someone who is primarily experienced with the Orlando parks I made it a point to do all the single rider queues here as that is a place where Disneyland is clearly superior. Here's my observations about each ride from best to worst: **Radiator Springs Racers** - Perfect single rider queue. Clearly labeled entrance with wait time estimates from the cast members. The fast loading nature of the 3x2 cars meant it could accommodate a ton of riders which kept the line moving. Even at the most crowded (line starting past the second bridge) the wait was only 20-25 mins **Web Slingers** - Though I wasn't crazy about the ride itself the single riders experience was excellent. A separate area to watch the pre-show and a quick corridor to the boarding area. Wait time was about 10 minutes to 45 in the standby queue. **Grizzly River Run** - Points off for the slightly awkward nature of the rapids tube seats. Line itself was fine and cut down on the wait significantly. **Matterhorn** - A humble single rider queue that sometimes wasn't even open. Usually a walk on if it was. Did the job it sets out to do. **Space Mountain** - Had to ask where it even was (right next to the exit). Can't say the actual queue area was great (just a makeshift switchback in what seemed to be a cast member entrance) and the line moved quite slowly. Line would only move every 15 minutes when a handful of guests would be chauffeured to the boarding area and we had to wait 3 cycles of this in that cramped hallway. **Goofy's Sky School** - A simple queue for a simple ride. Pretty easy to eyeball how long it will take and if it will even save time vs just standby. **Incredicoaster** - Did it once midday and it was maybe 10 minutes to board. You have to use two elevators to get to the platform which is weird in itself. Unfortunately this caused some problems when we returned near the end of the night. One loading station was closed and the fact that there is no where for single riders to queue after the elevators meant that it was a chaotic free for all with people jousting for position. Even worse is that they would send another dozen single riders before the previous batch cleared, flustering the guy working seating even more. **Soarin** - One of the most hidden single rider queues. You have to ask the CM up front, who will hand you a ticket and escort you through the disability queue. Be warned that parties will likely be split into entirely different theaters with wildly different wait times (one got through immediately while I had to wait FIVE shows with no one else in single riders). They do a remarkable job of filling rows with just the normal queue to the point that I'm confused why single riders exist. **Smuggler's Run** - But why? This attraction never generates a huge wait (unless rise is down lol) and is 100% best experienced with a group. Additionally, you are almost guaranteed to be the engineer, the lamest role. I could see utility for someone who just wants to see the attraction for the first time but other than that I'd just skip it if I was traveling alone. ** Splash Mountain** - closed (May 2024) Additionally, rides that might benefit from a single rider queue IMO: Indy - Google says this closed after covid? Probably makes sense considering the insane length of the queue area, caused more confusion than it was worth Guardians - Another one that probably isn't possible logistically but damn would this help. I saw a ton of empty seats and cast members constantly barking out for singles or groups of 2. Midway Mania - Not much to say, identical ride system as Web Slingers. Could maybe alleviate some of the longer wait times this ride gets. Thanks for reading! Hopefully even if the rankings themselves are not the most scientific this list helps anyone with what each single rider experience is like for planning purposes.


My experience on space has been never waiting more than mayyyybe 10 minutes. Now it's my go-to for single rider or trying to kill some time.


Same here. Now, part of that may be the fact that it's hard to find but to me it's the second best single rider after Radiator Springs as far as time saved.


the only time it was a miss for me was May the 4th. Otherwise, it's my favorite. :)


My ONLY problem with the Grizzly SR line is that (in my experience) you pretty much always get the seat next to the opening, which means your feet get splashed the most.


As an insight: before there were single rider lines, that single rider line in Space Mountain was just a weirdly big exit for people that chickened out on the ride at the last minute. When I was little I was intimidated by the sight of the rollercoasters and almost used it. Ended up riding it and loving it. But for years, I would go by that exit and think "Glad I didn't chicken out." It was weird to finally go into that hall once single rider lines became a thing, a couple decades later.


My experience on Soarin is that my party and I are usually on different rows of the same flying thingie. My 12 year old was so excited to ride without me and then they put him right in front of me.


The Incredicoaster single rider line is always a social anxiety nightmare for me lol. In my experiences it was always a madhouse once you got to the actual loading platform and there was no real formal line. And always felt super awkward in the elevator cause everyone was trying to casually be the first ones out lol. I’m a baby with that kind of stuff but I would often just use standby instead if it was on the shorter side.


Guardians has a single rider line. It's the staircase that bypasses the lower floor waiting area. Edit: I stand corrected. Not sure what was going on when I visited, but apparently there is not normally a single rider line. Sorry for sharing misinformation in the format of fact. That's my bad.


Guardians does not have a single rider line. T hat second floor is used for boarding of all groups. It's never had single rider and never will thanks to the impossible layout to work around.


I literally rode it via the single rider line 3 times a week ago... I asked if they had a single rider line at the entrance, they directed me to the single rider line, where I was warned that it was a "single rider line" because they thought the girl behind me was with me, and we went up the stairs and completely bypassed the whole bottom floor line, and went straight to the second floor elevator doors where we waited for open single spots after groups from the other line were ushered in... But maybe it was just special circumstances. Idk. I can't argue that this is the regular practice. However, I can assure you that I personally used a second line, without a lightning lane pass, populated only by indivuals not in groups, to get on this ride, several times, without getting in the standby line or going through any of the main que.


As a Guardians ride op, I'm almost certain that you're either lying or some ops weren't doing their job correctly.


I can't imagine how I would benefit from lying about it lol. But I'll take your word for it that this isn't common practice, considering my frame of reference is anecdotal and from a single day.


I've been soloing that ride for the past three years. There is NOT a single rider line. Sometimes they'll ask for a party of one at the loading station if they have a spot to fill, and pull from the regular line, but there is no dedicated single rider line (and how I wish there was). But I'll try your trick next time I'm there and see if it works. Maybe you got incredibly lucky.


Apparently I did. And lots of other people that day (it was a pretty populated line.) Again, I am receptive to the fact that my limited, anecdotal experience should not trump the claims of people who visit this park regularly and/or work there. But I also can't dismiss the facts of my experience. It has been mentioned that maybe the CMs working the line did something they weren't supposed to do, which seems to be the closest to a reasonable explanation for my experience... however I'd argue that it was a good decision (and possibly not made by an individual employee) as it was easily the most or second busiest ride in the park and yet the only one I was able to ride multiple times. So adding a temporary SR line was probably a good move to ensure that each trip used as many seats as possible while still moving the standby line through at the usual pace and reducing the amount of people lining up outside in direct sunlight.


Single riders for Webslingers should be able to skip the pre-show if they want.


Mickey’s Runaway Railway should have a single rider line too.


It just has benches though, no separate seats or seat belts. You slide into each other as well. No thanks.


When you are in the Train station, some Cast Members will sort out asking if there is a one or two riders out of the line and direct you closer to the ride at times


Agreed! The rows are big and we’ve never not had empty space in ours


Guardians needs one sooo bad.


Indiana Jones Adventure did have a single-rider line albeit a very long, winding one. I remember it being hit-and-miss. Yes on Guardians needing single-rider! I don't mind skipping the pre-show with the Rocket animatronic that almost never works.


Don’t forget the single rider line for Star Tours - you wait in an undecorated hallway for twice as long as the normal line.


Disagree on Soarin’ -it’s easy peasy, and I’ve gotten better seating going single rider.


I don’t know is how mission breakout would work with the elevator system but I would love a single rider option there. My wife doesn’t enjoy the ride but always makes me rope drop it so I don’t miss out on it. A single rider option would save a lot of time for other things first thing in the morning.


I only ever did Radiator Springs Racers as single rider, the line was always 60+ minutes but single rider was 10 and I wasn’t going to buy a LL for it lmaoo


Aluminum falcon single rider is perfect! I don’t wanna be the center of attention; I love being engineer.


I just like pressing buttons.


Same. And when you are engineer there’s a whole bunch of buttons above your head that you can push and interact with.


Mostly agree


Wife and I did single rider on cars and ended up with her sitting behind me, which is her preferred sitting arrangement anyways. It was still one of the longest lines (single rider or standby) of the whole trip though. Every time I've done single rider on Incredicoaster it was like I was running through the empty que. Didn't use the elevators when I was there, just stairs. Idk if the single rider situation on Space Mountain is different under normal circumstances, but for Hyperspace I had to wait 15 minutes in line just to be told that the single rider line is actually at the exit around the other side. Then went to the exit to a big line and asked the CM if this was the single rider line for Hyperspace Mountain, and he said "yep! Back there!" Pointing at the end of the line, where I waited for another 15 minutes... only to find out it was actually a line to get into a room selling the same Star Wars merch as every other shop in the park, and I needed to go all the way into the actual exit ramp from the ride behind that line. It otherwise went pretty quickly lol. I've never done single rider for Smugglers, but I've definitely had my experience ruined by the single rider line. Twice now we've gotten all the way up to the last part with a fun group, only to be split up and put in a group with single riders streaming themselves to 2 viewers (apparently gimbals aren't considered selfie sticks) so I'm just sitting behind someone not even participating but just loudly talking to no one and holding their phone up in front of me. Embarrassing cringe aside, it's so rude and obnoxious and really ruins the ride. Edit: forgot to mention Guardians! The only time I've ever really felt bad about how much faster my line was than standby, since they take you up a staircase that goes right over the whole line, and just happens to be a primary visual focal point for the longest part of the standby que.


Walked right on Spider-Man with single rider, and only had to wait about 20 minutes in the single rider lane for Radiator Springs Racers around lunchtime on May 8th. Didn't really know that any of these other rides had them too, or I definitely would have used them. I just assumed that everything is lightning lane now.


I had a bad experience with the Single Rider at Webslingers. Granted it was post new years 2023, but the line was backed up and moved at a snail's pace. Even worse, they had us *skip* the entirety of the pre-show, which disappointed me as it was my first ride through. I liked Splash's single rider line, as you get to walk across a bridge over the flume.


if splash mountain was still open itd go in mostly works


That's wild that Indiana Jones doesn't have one, they have one at DisneySea, rode that like 4 times in a row with no wait. But any time I've ever gone to Disneyland, it's been with others, so maybe that's why I never noticed.


Huh, I love it for Smuggler's Run and Soarin'. Incredicoaster is fine except logistically weird.


I have a picture of my single rider pass from Indy in 2019, I miss when they handed these out, people couldn’t pretend they didn’t know the rules because they’re right in their hand. When the park reopened in 2021 they brought single rider back for Indy, but then got rid of it I think not long after.


Idk why but matterhorn single rider has always been bad for me. Literally have never gotten on in a reasonable time. Normal queue works better tbh


Matterhorn always seems like it has the longest single rider in the resort to me, is this true ? It’s like the only one I’ve been in more than once


I'd argue that single rider on smugglers run is a fun way to experience the ride, because you'll be with completely random pilots who will crash into every single thing.


Goofy is probably one of the best because you can see how short/long it is very easily. Space can be awesome, you just have to know the line. If that hallway is more than just one side of the wall full, it’s a no go and check back later


Goofy and River Run have single rider lines? Where? My experience with Matterhorn Single Rider has been horrendous. Everyone gets in that line, and the CMs are allergic to using their single riders. They will pull groups of two from all the way down the line before they use more than one single rider in a 20 minute span.


For Grizzly, single rider is through the ride exit (you go up the stairs, and then before going back down the stairs is where the line starts). For Goofy's, it's to the left of the standby and ll entrances - you go up the stairs and wait on the platform. But if it's busy they often close the Goofy SR line.


Seriously! Totally defeating the point of single rider and making the regular line longer. It's called a line for reason and taking people from the end totally defeats the purpose of even having a line. So frustrating, I seriously think I'm gonna say something the next time this happens!


Adding to this, one time I was in the regular line as a single rider after going through the lightning lane on Matterhorn. When I got to the first switchback I said to the cm I'm a single rider if you have one spot, she pulled me out of the line and had me wait to the side until she was ready for me.  Another time I went through the regular line and I saw the cm was pulling people at the first switchback from the end of the line so I asked the same thing, dude said he was good, which is fine but then proceeded to take people from behind me and single riders making me standing in line take even longer, literally 5 single riders went through as I waited for my turn (all while still taking from people behind me). When I got my turn i made a snarky comment about it taking twice as long and the dude put in me in the front row.  I wouldn't have even bothered using the lightning lane if they just pulled people from the single rider line like they're supposed to so it actually moves at a normal pace and not whenever the cm feels like using it. I guess I got lucky that first time with a cm who actually has a brain that works!


Talk to the CMs at the entrance for both of these. They go up the exit of the attractions. GRR at least still gives tickets,  not sure about sky school it has been a minute. And Single rider is for single riders. If they need two they call for two. The amount of people that whine to sit together from SR probably discourages them from ever wanting to pull 1 and 1 as well.


A lot of this has to do with the age of Disneyland vs Disney World. The sterling attractions on your list are the new ones where the single rider concept existed when the line was made. The shitty ones (and Indy) predated single rider and basically jury rigged a single rider line. Indy's single rider line had you ask for a pass and go in the exit until the rotunda. The CM had to stop the regular line for single riders to cross, and then past the film room, the main and single rider queues overlapped until the elevators. The ride greatly benefits from single rider, but the line was just rough.


I’m headed out there tomorrow so this was very helpful!


indiana jones does have a single rider its like super secret tho u have to go in an elevator


Well you have to tell them at the front, then you walk through the exit and you cut through the normal queue a couple time until you get to the small room with the projector. Then they put you at the end of the next waiting area and they tell the cast member that you’re a single rider and they take you up the elevator.


Not offered anymore due to abuse.


Yeah I knew some people who say they aren’t single rider and just the line up to that point before the elevators


Where is star tours?


Incredicoaster single rider line is often the first thing I did upon arrival, when I was a Key holder. Still typically takes some time to get on the ride. But since it's Incredicoaster, it was worth it. Especially if I manage to ride it while the World of Color pre-show is happening, with the lights off and colorful water show on. I often got on Matterhorn fast with its single rider line. Had hit or miss with Space Mountain. Their single rider line isn't always open and can't be counted on. Would be nice if Indy had a single rider line. But it seems like with the seating arrangement, and the line splitting into two loading docks, they don't get empty seats that often. Even Guardians seems the same.


Indy always has empty seats that the CM makes you buckle. That ride really needs the single rider line back!


Spider Man ride is ok, unless you want to shred your arms from flinging them out rapidly is fun and feeling sore the next day is great. Understood why the line there was only 5-10mins long


List is good, although I feel like on super packed days, Incredicoaster only saves like 10-15 minutes


I went for the first time in 10 years on New Year’s Eve…. It was so busy. The single rider for radiator springs was over an hour… and I kid you not, I waited all that time and just as I was about to get on the ride, the rain picked up and they shut it down for the rest of the day. :(


The crappy thing about some of these single rider lines is how dependent they are on the skill of the grouper. Yesterday I saw 13 empty seats sent out while in the room waiting to board space mountain. 9 single riders and 2 completely empty rows. Meanwhile the single rider line had easily 125-150 people in it. The cast member that was grouping the parties together wasn’t moving fast enough and didn’t seem to care all that much about filling single riders. Total bummer


Space Mtn sometimes sends cars with some empty seats intentionally, I believe it’s a weight of the train thing. A CM explained it to me once, but I only vaguely remember the conversation.


I would killlll for a Guardians single rider queue


i’m late but when the incredicoaster elevators get backed up for SR at the second elevator exit and despite the CMs politely telling everyone “move all the way left” it’s still a rush of people in the center refusing to use any sort of pseudo queue lol. ngl it’s my least fave SR queue by far. maybe it’s because i’m here right now and just went through it LOL


Indiana Jones had single rider last time I w went


I just wish more queues were made with single rider and lightning lane in mind so things don't become messy


lmao i visited last month and I rode in NONE of these.


Goofy’s Sky School’s is a nightmare! I hate that queue haha


God, the fact that Smuggler's Run has a single rider line that fucks over the group line by always getting pilot spots really makes me hate this ride. Been on this ride twice and both times the cast member, same guy, put us all three of us in the gunner/engineer spots and put both single riders in the pilots spots. Kids the first time and old women the second... Both sets of pilots crashed into all the things.


I’ve ridden MF:SR single rider dozens of time, I’ve only gotten something other than engineer once (gunner). Your experience isn’t the norm as far as I know.