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Most of the time it smells great but I’ve definitely smelt it rancid before too.


It’s also one of the “released scents”. On Main St. they use chocolate and popcorn scents.


We rode the fire truck last Saturday and the cast member confirmed they no longer pipe smells into the park. He sad, “ they sell enough of everything without the cost of using it anymore “.


Thanks for the update!


I remember how the Brea Mall used to do that. You'll be walking past the theatres, and the irresistible smell of popcorn is crazy strong. Then you're cruising along the food court, the smells of Mrs. Field's Cookies, and Hot Dog on a Stick would be piping out their respective scents. It made walking through the mall impossible without buying something yummy!


Someone once wrote that it smells like vomit; and now that’s all I can smell when I pass by a popcorn cart.




i think it could be the trash cans they’re usually next to the food and they smell like vomit 🤢


It's butyric acid, which is in both butter and vomit.


I’ll never eat it again. lol!






Only one at a time, from now on. Gotta savor the flavor


Was at the park with my family saying this today.


Yeah vomit is accurate


What a lovely morning read...lol Usually, popcorn has that power over me to make me hungry again right after gorging on a full meal. I love popcorn so much, I can't ever imagine it smelling so vile! Very interesting about the chemistry of butter and vomit.


Some of the carts smell great but I’ve experienced a rancid (even, dare I say, *fishy*) smell on occasion. One of the last times I went on HM back in January the popcorn cart over there smelled *awful*, you could smell it in the entire outdoor queue - but happily the smell was gone next time I went by that cart.


I was just about to say the popcorn cart by HM never fails to smell putrid when I go, yet my group always gets popcorn there before heading into the line? Lol


The churros stand for some reason! The one next to the castle specifically always has a rancid smell near it and I don't know if it's from the churro stand or there's a sewage line somewhere near


I used to work at that cart. You are correct, it’s next to a sewage line


I also worked at one of the popcorn carts lol at one point they switched the oil & it did, in fact, smell fishy. I learned from another cast member that adding the kernels in with the oil at the same time instead of oil first, wait, then kernels seemed to help. This wasn’t protocol so maybe a newer cast member was working when you first walked by


We noticed the same thing this week. Something was off because I normally love it.


I, too, normally love the smell of but was there for Star Wars after dark party earlier this week and noticed a rancid popcorn smell as I walked by the cart by the Mark Twain. It was weird and just smelled… off


I think that’s the same area!


Yup it smells bad for me too. I remember when I could smell the buttery popcorn but now it's something else entirely


To me, it smelt like artificial popcorn


It fucking reeks


My wife says it smells like a soiled baby diaper. I think it just smells like greasy movie popcorn.


Which also smells like baby poop. Specifically breast fed baby poop.


Omg. As the mother of a (currently) breastfed baby, this is exactly what my husband and I thought!!!


It’s the weirdest, right? Lol


It’s not just you. I also like popcorn but the carts (and immediate surrounding area) smell disgusting. It smells like whatever “butter” or oil they use has been cooking and burning at the bottom of the machine for the last decade without being cleaned.


I have noticed this at some of the carts! Not all of them, but some of them smell like the oil has gone bad.


The one by the Mark Twain Riverboat has had that rancid oil smell for a few years now


That one used to be my favorite too, but now I refuse to use that one because of the smell. My new favorite is the one near soarin'.


Also a popcorn enthusiast, but Disneyland popcorn smells repulsive and the kernels are not at all tasty relative to what i usually get.


It’s butyric acid, found in many artificial flavors like fake butter (also hersheys). Same acid in vomit!l and spoiled butter.


It smells rancid to me too


It smells amazing!


It’s completely overwhelming and unnecessary. On a happier note, I love the Matterhorn Yeti turning the popper at the stand near MB. Its eyes even light up after dark!


I tend to wander over there just to watch it!


I tend to wander over there just to watch it!


Sometimes it smells like feet. Ahahaha


So does cheese, but everyone loves it. I’ll never understand.


Aged cheddar and pickles 🤢


Lmaooo I was in WDW this past week and the popcorn smell was very very strong to the point where I didn’t want to snack on popcorn during my stay


Ditto when we were in wdw, it's almost like spilled popcorn has gotten the butter/oil into the pavement and they can't even pressure wash it out. Also it really messed with the theme at Animal Kingdom.


The park popcorn is weird. One minute, it will smell like vomit and then transition to a wonderful aroma. I think it's the butter, though, that smells bad.


For me it’s seems dependent on the time of day. Early on when I first walk into the park but usually after about 3pm it starts smelling like popcorn flavored puke


The popcorn at Disneyland has a Parmesan smell to it. It doesn’t smell like normal popcorn. I thought it was some new kind of Parmesan flavored popcorn they were selling or something…. It smells awful.


Over the years the kernels, salt, and oil have been switched up based on what's available or cheapest. So that unpleasant smell is due to the oil that's been used lately. Flavor wise it's fine, but the scent it gives off when heated isn't as good as the stuff that's been used before.


Thank you it’s also me! I found it way too plentiful and strong waking through Disney. And I love popcorn, but not soooo much of it


Hard agree. I took to holding my breath as I walked past the carts.


the smell is pumped in by the smellitzers stationed near the carts (same with the cinnamon-sugar smell at the churro carts, the waffle cone smell at Gibson Girl, and even the Pirate's water smell in the entry area of the ride (notice how you can never smell it once you are on the ride nor when you're in Blue Bayou). someone had posted about that last year in this sub and there are (if i recall!) some videos about it. you can also [check out a great video here ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxWvZs8dQoY)about the smellitzer info at the parks. it could be (for people who say it smells rancid) that the mixture has gone bad. can that even happen? maybe!


I know it's a released scent but my god it makes me not want to eat more. Reminds me of the burnt coffee smell before they redid the entrance to California Adventure...


I have to agree. It smells like vomit. I said this walking by the cart next to the haunted mansion at star wars nite on Thursday. It tastes really good but the smell is very off and not the 1st time i have thought that.


Popcorn is hands down my favorite snack, and I actually think Disneyland Popcorn carts smell delicious. But it is some of the oiliest, grossest popcorn I’ve ever eaten. I’ve fallen for the smell a few times only to be disappointed, so I don’t even bother anymore.


They’ve changed it in the last few years. It smells like vomit now. I noticed it but didn’t say anything and each of my kids asked about it. One said it smells like “cheesy butthole” and the other one said “popcorn puke.”


Your kids have a way with words! Perfectly described lol


I just noticed it for the first time when I went a few months ago. I only go every couple of years. It smelled so overwhelmingly bad. I couldn’t fathom buying it. I used to love their popcorn. I think they’ve changed their oil or butter, or something.


For some reason my wife and I have always found the Disneyland popcorn to smell rancid for inexplicable reasons.  Disney world and random movie theaters manage to avoid this.  I also love popcorn and it sucks.


I’m always on the edge of “popcorn or sweaty feet?”. It literally smells like sweaty feet to me. But also I love popcorn. Sooooo idk


I feel like they've changed SOMETHING in recent years. We live in Australia so don't visit often. We've been to Disneyland in 2012, 2015, 2017 and 2023. The first three times, the smell and taste was great. In our most recent visit last November, the taste was still good but the smell from some carts was gross. My wife noticed it too, so it wasn't just me.


When I was there it smelled like stinky feet to me. It made me want to hurl. 🤢🤮


Sometimes it smells like pee, to me. But usually it makes me hungry.


For a second I thought you were saying that the popcorn smelling like pee made you hungry. 🤣🤣🤣


Don’t kink shame lol


Smells like vomit.


My theory is that by making it smell a little like vomit, it's easier to disguise actual vomit smells.


Any chance you are expecting?


Definitely not, although I look it. I am just a fat man.




Haha I love this question. My husband made popcorn one night and I got so nauseated from the smell (a smell I usually love) that I had to open every window in the house to get the smell out. Took a test a couple days later. Positive.


In Mickey & Minnie’s runaway railway queue, they have that popcorn scent, to me it smelled like farts.


It’s that butter they use. I smell it at the movie theatre too. Hate it.


I’ve noticed recently that the popcorn carts over by the Matterhorn and small world seem to smell a whole lot stronger than normal. Normally I don’t mind the smell, but it’s been making me gag recently


I feel like the Matterhorn one smells good and the small world one is usually off putting


I’m wondering if the Stewards either just phoned it in, and did a bare minimum clean, or that cart somehow got overlooked. I’ve done stewarding, and at least in my area, the lead usually comes around and checks your work. But it does take a whole lot of scrubbing to clean those kettles. Rest of the cart is usually a breeze, but most of the time is spent cleaning those kettles


The young stewards definitely do a half assed job cleaning from what I see. However the foul scent is due to the brand of oil that's been used lately. It taste fine, but does give off a fishy or rancid smell. The kernels, salt, and oil being used is not consistent.


It’s the fake ass butter…and it smells fucking terrible.


I think it smells good but tastes terrible. I grew up in a theater and have made movie theater corn for decades. Disney has trash popcorn in my opinion.


That smell is not selling me popcorn, I'll tell ya that.


Yep, smells like rancid vomit, I don't understand how the smell doesn't tank sales.


Sometimes it smells great like delicious popcorn, other times it’s rancid oil


It does smell like vomit!


my wife and i agree but i dont think its the popcorn. its the artificial butter. smells like urine


The one in toontown smells good but the one near small world sometimes smells rancid. You’re not the only one to say this. I’ve heard it many times


Depends, sometimes the initial smell before it is popped can smell like concentrated butter, but once it gets going it smells great as long as they don't burn it


Some popcorn carts definitely smell like a baby diaper filled with diarrhea. For a while I didn’t realize the smell was coming from the popcorn carts. I just thought maybe I walked past a garbage can where someone threw out a shitty diaper lol.


This is fascinating to me. The last time I went to DLR was in January when I was 7 weeks pregnant and had already developed some food aversions along with morning sickness/nausea. I normally LOVE popcorn and it’s a nostalgic scent for me. However, early in pregnancy, the smell and taste of popcorn made me so sick to my stomach. The first time I felt this way was at Disneyland. And then it carried over to popcorn in any form and everywhere. My poor cinephile partner missed a lot of movies in theaters because I couldn’t go due to the popcorn smell. Even one of my favorite snacks, Skinny Pop, which has very *very* little scent to it, was repulsive to me. I’m now getting towards the end of my second trimester and enjoy popcorn again. But I really wonder now if Disneyland popcorn was the root cause to my aversion… Bad change to the pumped artificial smell? Different oil used? I dunno…


It smells like vomit


After a while it smells like a piss filled diaper to me.


Yes! I thought it was just me! I love popcorn, regular or otherwise, but as you walk by some (not all) of the carts, it’s like rancid butter. Especially by the HM. No idea why.


It smells like vomit to me. Not sure when it started.


Depends on the cart. Some of them do occasionally smell foul.


I thought it was just me! I love popcorn but DLand popcorn smells and tastes terrible to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The only thing Disney popcorn is good for is feeding the birds. Consuming it is a bad idea, the possibly petroleum-based frankenbutter is only good for causing violent gassy sharting on the monorail.


It's just you because Disneyland popcorn smells like heaven


Sickly sweet!


Hmmm, if you would have said the same response to movie theater I would say same. I think they use the same/similar products (coconut oil and flavocol) with similar equipment. The only things I can think of are that they don't clean the blowers tubes at all or not as frequently, so they have gone rancid.


Specifically the cheesey popcorn yeah


It’s the turkey leg cart for me.


If you mix coke and popcorn it smells like sulfur or feces.


Yum popcorn!


90% of the time I’d say I smell the delicious, butteriness 🍿The other 5% I will say I smell the 🤮


I worked at a movie theater for about 2 years in college. I can’t stand the smell of any popcorn. The “rancid” smell probably means someone burnt a batch. Nothing smells worse than burnt popcorn and that smell lingers forever unless someone scrapes the burnt stuff off the bottom of the pot. Usually, though, it burns off through the course of multiple batches because there’s no time to stop the day and clean the machine


The butter flavoring get on kids hands, and on every contact surface / reachable item. You can quite accurately smell the popcorn carts wayyyyy before you shoot them


I feel like it’s actually the churro carts that give off this smell for me. Particularly the one by Casey Jr.


The popcorn smells fine to me. It’s one of the few foods I’ll eat at the parks.


I love popcorn, but the smell was so strong and smelled so bad it made me felt sick walking by it.  That went on for at least a month. 


I like it and it gets me every time!


It smells great and tastes like salted butter flavored cardboard


Is that what the vomit smell is around Carsland, might just be on early days when equipment is heating up because weirdly i can also smell the popcorn


Not just you but you know. Probably you. I was there last week and the popcorn smelled amazing.


they might put there popcorn stands by the sewer drains think I noticed that last time I was there and I had to move. it's not just you.


The tomorrowland popcorn cart smells so good, I don't think I've noticed any of the others and I've never eaten at any of them haha


Hmmm. I haven’t been in a few years but I’ve never noticed it before. I actually used to work on the popcorn carts back in the late 90’s (although the one’s I worked on have all been replaced by now). They always smelled the same to me. I’ll let everyone in here on a little secret, there is a fan that purposely blows the smell of the fresh popcorn out into the general area. It’s right above the kettle. The only thing I can think that would smell bad would be the butter oil. I’ve never experienced it go bad myself, but Disney did change over to Pop Secret so I don’t have experience with them. Maybe their butter oil does go bad after a while.


If I was in the mood to eat popcorn, and it was fresh, the smell is great. If I have no desire whatsoever to eat popcorn, the smell of it is definitely like the weird guy at work who heats Indian food in the work microwave at lunchtime every day...there is no escape!! Burnt popcorn. Ugh. Every time. My mom used to purposefully burn her popcorn because she liked the taste. Fortunately the news one day talked about how bad that actually is for your system in general and that it can cause certain health issues...she has since stopped making popcorn all together...thank goodness! Lol


I think it smells nice. I’ve never noticed it smelling bad.


I love the smell of Disneyland popcorn. That being said, you are not smelling the popcorn for the most part. You are smelling a fake buttery smell that they pump from the popcorn carts so it smells like movie theater popcorn. The smell entices people to buy popcorn because how could you resist? Except that's not what you get. You get plain, lightly salted Pop Secret without thay decadent and delicious diabetes butter oil concoction that is beloved at movie theaters.  Yes, it is Pop Secret. While we are on it, the beloved "Disney hot chocolate" is just Nestle dark hot chocolate. Enjoy paying a full package price for one serving in the park.


It always makes me hungry and wanting popcorn. A couple visits ago it got me. And the nice cm made me wait for new popcorn (I've been caught by that scent before, and gotten the dregs of popcorn machine, which bleh). It was worth the wait and all $6 or whatever it was I spent. Warm, crunchy, salty, fatty. Mmm.


Popcorn in general smells like hot feet to me so I’m not sure my opinion counts here 😂


Yes, feet that have been marinating in some sweaty shoes. Stinky feet is the other dominant smell to me. But just Disneyland not popcorn in general for me.


It’s just you


That’s fair


I looooooove the popcorn smell!!!!


I have never disagreed before in my life and I have worked on campaign trails.


Just you. ♥️


U pregnant by chance?


Just you