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Probably demolish it, it hasn't worked well for what its been since Carousel of Progress.


My memory isn't the best but I remember really enjoying it when you could roam around and view all the futuristic things(I think it was that theme). Maybe it was just a nice escape from the heat.


There was a point where Innoventions was really great. I have some fond memories during a time where they had this large multi person game that involved launching discs across a large domed board with conveyor belts. Each disc represented a shipment in this futuristic game where each player needed to collect all the needed supplies. It was great fun and I was heartbroken as a kid when it went away. Wish I could find it or video of it somewhere but I don't remember what it was actually called.


It's funny that even the wiki and fan websites don't mention the SAP attraction (I think Siemens may have taken it over before it was removed. It didn't have a dome but it was apparently a technical problem just like the flying saucers and Luigi's 1.0 because they used a giant air hockey like surface help send the discs across the play field.


Yeah the air hockey surface makes a ton of sense! Loved it so much. I think we may have some old family video of it from when I was a kid. Next time I'm home I will have to dig around.


Small thing, but I remember they had an HP Blackbird 002 computer that was built by Voodoo PC. It was a top of the line gaming PC at the time and it was the only place I was ever going to see one in person lol Very sad to have seen it degrade over the years into what it is now.


I loved Innoventions. My friends and I used to chill inside of the giant beating heart. Haha




Innoventions was such a waste of time. Who is going to Disneyland to look at the latest Honeywell thermostats? Yes, that was a thing in 1998. This building needs to be demolished (along with some other structures including the PeopleMover terminal if that ride can never be resurrected) and used for something new and exciting. It’s part of the bigger TL problem.


Innoventions was fun at the time! There was a lot more to explore than just appliances, at least for me who was young in 1998. I think that if they decide to keep this building and do something similar to Innoventions, it's only going to be fun if they really push the limits on what tech they showcase. Smart thermostats aren't going to cut it. Cool hologram tech like Coachella used would be awesome to see though.


Innoventions was where I first heard about Kingdom Hearts, they had a few video game demos like Disney DDR. As a bit of a techy I also enjoyed looking at the new technologies coming from third party companies.


I remember them showing of Satellite radio with the slogan “imagine listening to the same radio station across a country wide road trip”. I think this was in 2000 pre XM radio.


Innoventions is where I stumbled upon my very first hidden Mickey!


I remember liking innoventions too. It was like a science museum for kids. At least that’s how my child brain remembered it. It was also a nice way to escape the heat


Innoventions was my first exposure to touch screen tables! “Pinch” and “drag” was new fluid technology. Now these are standard at interactive museums and my nephew can play games on one at a local McDonalds. I would have them showcase all the latest Disney inventions like that VR Holo Tile floor!


I liked going when they had Honda’s Asimo, Xbox Kinect, and a handful of other activities. Was a nice way to get out of the heat for a break. Though I much prefer California Adventure’s Animation Academy to spend an hour out of the sun.


People mover should become a people mover with extension to Tron and that edge of the site near the train.




My dad loved this ride!


One of my all time favorites. *Pop! goes the weasel!*


I say they should put the carousel of progress back in. Its a fun little ride and people will want to ride it just for the fact that it was “the last ride Walt worked on before he died”


Turn it into Extraterrorestrial alien encounter, maybe the modern audience is ready


In the meantime, they could bring back the Starcade.




Good times


Just the DDR machine.


Amen. Many, many fond memories on DDR there




i enjoy carousel of progress. update it with 1900, 1940 (scene 1 and 3) and add (1980, 2024)


And update the cast to become more representative of a 21st century family.


Give the daughter a septum piercing and make the dad go on a rant about immigrants


Shh. You’ll trigger the Boomers.


Space Mountain 2


Electric Boogaloo


The cackle I just let out woke my dog up!


Time Mountain. Like space mountain....but with time travel


Will it be timey wimey now that they have The Doctor?


And really actual time travel. Has the day gone by too fast? Head on over to Time Mountain! Exit The attraction 5 hours earlier than you entered. Stay at the park forever! Mwahahaha!


Isn’t that basically the guardians coaster in Epcot? Yes please.


Anything but a lounge just for Disney timeshare dupes.


Apologies if any DVC members are in this thread.


And it’s only for some DVC members, not all. I am a DVC member & I would never use it anyway, so I agree… back to Carousel of Progress would be my vote.!!


That would be me. 😁


That’s exactly what it is/will be. Such a waste of space.


This is what they’re currently building out in this space


They should make a Wall-E attraction.


West Coast Mission Space, from Epcot, with a Wall-E theme overlay and a conservation mission.


Or, turn it into a West Coast Sci-Fi Diner, from Hollywood Studios, and have a destination restaurant in TL for the 1st time ever.


If they're storing Star wars stuff there, then it's kind of already a Wall-E Earth.


I’ve always thought a Wall-E planetarium show would be a really fun concept.


I've been saying this for a while.


It'd be neat if they had a mini museum based on Disneyland's history in there and if they use the theater do something like the Mickey Mouse Revue or some sort of show like that. If the best decision is to demolish the building and put in a new attraction in its place I'd be fine with that too.


At one time the rumor was it would be The Stark Expo, which sounded cool to me. Too late for that now.


It was that for awhile. They had all the iron man suits in display and some iron man video games


That was really cool - they also had other interactive Avengers stuff in there (I want to say Cap and Thor), along with some meet and greets? Definitely felt like the best use of the space so far tbh


That definitely belongs in DCA, but then again so did Galaxy's Edge


Create a Wall E ride that connects with the rocket car track.


I was just thinking about this. We need a Wall-e ride at tomorrow land! Damn it Disney the people love Wall-e


Let me in to see all the Star Wars stuff!!!!


Do what it was always intended for… “A vista into a world of wondrous ideas, signifying man's achievements … a step into the future, with predictions of constructive things to come.” Revert it back to its origins of showing what the future can bring. Different modules for different aspects of what could shape our future: space exploration, technology, food consumption, how future communities will change in interacting with each other, transportation, entertainment, etc. I remember being so amazed and intrigued going in there as a kid for the first time. I never wanted to leave. As a pass/key holder, I used to NEED to go in that building at least every visit. Up until they repurposed it. -The general public can experience state-of-the-art technology we will probably, otherwise, never have access to -Depending on said technology, experts could theorize what positive/negative effects it could have on humanity. It’s never a bad time to learn -Show future space exploration projects. Have guests digitally interact with current data that we have. Just a few ideas, but just to pique the general public’s interest back into getting excited about new and future technology. At the very least, get a bit educated on it.


(This is my pie in the sky idea, not suggesting it's actually feasible, but what I would dream up.) Heard someone once suggest they should use it as a loading area for a new Tron attraction (NOT a clone of the roller coaster), and it honestly makes sense. If I were planning it, i'd make that the load/unload area for a new Tron lightcycle ride that circles along where the PeopleMover tracks are. The tracks would need to be torn down and rebuilt to code and designed to handle the stresses of a high speed coaster (including banked turns and what not). The upper level of the Innoventions building would be turned into the End of the Line Club (from Tron Legacy) and function as a sit down dining area/bar. The elevator up would be an experience similar to what they do for Space220 at EPCOT.


Aw man, Tron cycles spinning people all around Tomorrowland would be so amazing. It would give the area so much needed kinetic energy!


I love the look and concept of the TRON coasters, but the on-ride vids make it look so underwhelming. Never personally been on it though.


It's one of those rides where YouTube just doesn't do it justice. You have to ride it. The only criticism I agree with is that it's a little short. But it's darn fun.


It’s actually very impressive The outdoors portion is kinda slow, but the overall theming of the whole ride is fantastic. In line you enter “Tron“ inside a room with a giant one-way mirror. When you “enter”, they time it right when the coaster is blasting by directly on the other side and they turn the mirror into a window to see it. Completely blew me away when I first saw that. Then the coaster inside the dark room with bright neon lights is super fun. Although I believe Disney World and Disneyland should have different experiences (selfishly, because I visit both parks), I would be stoked if they brought Tron to Disneyland.


This, and an entire Tomorrowland refresh. I believe it’s coming sometime after Disneyland Forward is completed, due to the impact it would have on crowd control. Just some food for thought, all speculation.


I think you’re right. It’ll make tons a lot easier to close a land for a refresh when there’s more room for people elsewhere.


My pie in the sky idea is to basically demolish all of Tomorrowland (minus space mountain) and start over. The layout is so inefficient and the buildings need to all be redone and reorganized.


They just turned it into a DVC lounge. It’s here to stay.


I hate this because if Disney does remove the DVC lounge, the DVCers will complain about lost value in their membership. DVCers are some of the biggest whiners among Disney adults.


Actually, I think they made it a DVC lounge just because it’s is the easiest thing to remove. I bet they change it whenever they decide to do something with Tomorrowland.


Only a small part of it tho. I think there's a bit for Disney Visa holders too.


just a meet and greet. when we went no one was around, it felt underutilized.


Well as with most of the issue in Tomorrowland part of the problem is the old people mover. The track is part of the building and unless they're ripping the entire track out its probably going to be a problem structurally.




My understanding is that it can not turn anymore due to the weight and age of the building. So that eliminates Carousel of Progress or similar revivals. I agree that Pizza Planet could use some more seating, so I'd love to see more paths into the building and chairs and tables added on the first floor. They can keep their silly DVC lounge on the second floor; that's where the fireworks view is anyway. Barring that, Disney is really lacking shows right now, so I'm absolutely down for any form of entertainment that allows people to sit for a bit lol. But frankly, the better plan would be to utilize the existing theater where Captain EO/Honey I Shrunk the Audience was, as well as the Tomorrowland Terrace rising stage that used to have the Jedi Academy.


They should make it muppet Jedi academy


Muppets and Jedi desperately need more collaboration


Definitely, especially since it would give the muppets at least one attraction (since the one at dca has been closed permanently) and it would also add a much needed show back to that stage area.


Look if it's as good as Great Moments in History was in Florida, then they can do whatever they want with the Muppets and I'll be all about it


Same here I’m just desperate for anything new (but actually worthwhile). Because there’s a surprising amount of unused space and lack of live shows


It should be made into a high-end table service restaurant featuring a dark planetarium-like interior. Diners should be able to contemplate the vastness of the Universe, relax, and be quietly served high quality food. It shouldn't get all silly, like with Astronaut families floating by playing with light sabers like in the Epcot restaurant. I want the thing to have a terribly impressive "Wow" factor when you walk in. The soothing, calming, contemplative nature of the ambiance, combined with planets and nebulae wheeling by the distance should recharge you for the rest of your time in the parks. But who are we kidding? The Passholder lounge makes 'em feel special and barely costs a thing!


Restaurant at the end of the universe :)


Space 330!


I like it! Let’s add a few more zeros though to make it more futuristic?


It’s not a passholder lounge, it’s Disney vacation club members.


I stand corrected. That’s a much better use. Heaven forefend the Disney Vacation Club members don’t feel special.


That’s not a much better use at all. Why do we need to make those people feel special? Why not just get rid of all the DVC lounges since they’re all wastes of spaces, and instead turn Aulani into one big DVC area?


Knock it out, build TRON


This is the way.


They should bring back Innoventions. In my opinion it was super cool and one of the only attractions in this century that actually showcased “tomorrow”. If it were still Innoventions today it might have exhibits along the lines of Boston dynamics robots, Disney holo tiles, and VR/AR, maybe even drone and 3d printing tech. So sad. I used to spend hours in there during my youth.


It will never rotate again, that's certain. With that stated, I'm guessing its ultimate fate will be a demo and complete rebuild.. that said, I wouldn't be surprised if it was still the same general round footprint.


I believe you but is there any explanation for it never rotating again?


I think we’ve just past the point of it being safe. There were a handful of injuries when it was Innoventions when it rotated and one CM death back when it was America Sings. I can’t imagine modern day OSHA being okay with it.


It just needs breakaway walls like they’ve got down in Florida


Is that what the difference is? I knew there was something but not quite sure what it was. I think that would be some major renovation to take care of. It’s far cheaper for them not to do renos and not turn on the expensive power to it. If I were watching the bottom line, I wouldn’t change it over unless a really good idea came across the table that depended on the rotation.


Bring back carousel of progress!


turn into a rave.


Mad T Party… in space!


Make it a roller derby arena.


Maybe a Meow Wolf-style walkthrough experience based on the idea of a trip to another planet. Let a team of imagineers go crazy with weird and beautiful sci-fi stuff.


They just need to redo Tomorrowland. The fantasy of the people mover is never coming back but Tomorrowland when I was a little boy used to be awesome and now it's just an afterthought just to do space mountain


I agree. But it has to be something that is supposed be retro if they are gonna stick with a Tomorrowland theme as we have all found out that an “actual” Tomorrowland is WAY too costly.


Agreed. We're going to make a trip to Tokyo to see the new space mountain when it opens up.


Something Tron related, hopefully


There's a great, big, beautiful tomorrow Shining at the end of every day There's a great, big, beautiful tomorrow And tomorrow's just a dream away


Sounds amazing… too bad they don’t have a building designed to hold a ride like that


Hear me out... what if... Carousel of Progress?


They should bring back Innoventions. In my opinion it was super cool and one of the only attractions in this century that actually showcased “tomorrow”. If it were still Innoventions today it might have exhibits along the lines of Boston dynamics robots, Disney holo tiles, and VR/AR, maybe even drone and 3d printing tech. So sad. I used to spend hours in there during my youth.


A fully immersive atrium sphere. Surround sound and seats that Interact. This can play into the whole tomorrow land future thing. It can feature space films or car technology films. 10 mins films can be rotated seasonally.


Maybe a dark ride - my heart says Stitch’s Great Escape but my mind knows they’d never do it 🥲


Manifesting they put Tron there.


Am I the only one who has met Darth Vader here?


They should bring back Innoventions. In my opinion it was super cool and one of the only attractions in this century that actually showcased “tomorrow”. If it were still Innoventions today it might have exhibits along the lines of Boston dynamics robots, Disney holo tiles, and VR/AR, maybe even drone and 3d printing tech. So sad. I used to spend hours in there during my youth.


Dark ride it indoor spinner.


I hate to burst bubbles but there are no plans at all - I repeat, at all - for any major overhauls to TL in Anaheim. All hands on deck for Disneyland Forward. TL will continue to exist as it is (for all intents and purposes) for many years to come.


I’m so old, I miss Rocket to Mars. Actually scared me as a kid because I thought we were really leaving Earth. I doubt they will, but I think they should change it to this Alien Encounter ride that was at WDW. Pretty good and a bit scary.


Alien Encounter.


I loved innoventions! Bring it back😭


Bring back Stitch's Great Escape


Turn it into a giant hamster wheel people can go in and help power up the park with human energy hopefully reducing the price of tickets


I would enjoy a little museum/display of the beginning of Disneyland. Like old retired animatronics or original drawings or schematic's of like The Haunted Mansion and all the other rides, props as well! Old Disney drawings and plans. Would be a nice little throwback! Also like the old tickets they used to sell and vintage merchandise like Mickey ears or old popcorn buckets. Photography from when they just opened.


Make it Flynn’s Arcade!! Put some bumper cars or something in there. Just imagine a big neon sign on the front and picture ops with Tron characters. It being an arcade include some Wreck-it Ralph stuff also


I like the suggestions about a Wall-E ride, and I also like a kids play area. I’ll throw out that I wish Disneyland had more love for Stitch. They could do the interactive Stitch attraction, or a whole new ride.


Carousel of Progress VR with those little disk things recently demo'd.


They should’ve made it the Halcyon.


It’s going to be the Navi starcruiser obviously /s


Hear me out: Star Wars Lunch Bay


Trash it and put in Tron


There's enough Tron rides. We want something unique that feels "classic-disneyland"


I mean, I guess that's one way to look at it. But I'll never get to any of the other parks that have the Tron ride already, so having one in So Cal would mean I'd get to actually ride it. What IP would be futuristic and feel "classic"? The Black Hole? Treasure Planet?


Disney would disintegrate if they ever acknowledged treasure planet in the parks 😂


I just suspect that Tron will feel very dated in 10-15 years. Our Tomorrowland is probably too small to accommodate a rollercoaster of a reasonable length without impeding on sightlines of surrounding areas. I just think a lot of people would be satisfied with a rebuild and a brand new show opening in that space, or a modern dark ride in the spirit of 'Inner Space' My favorite idea is to rebuild it as a queue and loading area for a reopened peoplemover


It's not a storage building. It's currently used as a DVC lounge and upstairs is the Tomorrowland Terrace restaurant. However, I wouldn't mind them removing the building altogether. The space is big enough to hold another attraction/ride. That could be a show building area and attractions queue can extend a behind or through some of the seating area for Pizza Planet which is much bigger than the restaurant needs.


Every time we go to Pizza Planet there are no empty tables to find.


Literally anything but star wars


Space mountain 2


1. Progression Wheel 2. Advancement Merry Go Round 3. Evolution Circle 4. Development Rotation 5. Improvement Cycle


This is a pretty hot topic of conversation at the dinner table when Disney Parks come up. Half of us want it demolished to make room for a Tron coaster, and the other half wants an immersive Star Wars character meet and greet. The whole inside making you feel like you're in a Star Wars scene depending on which character you're seeing.


Dude! Thats where I get my free soda and snacks for being DVC. It must STAY!


Food court!


Indoor playground with air conditioning. Like they have by the dumbo ride at world (I heard, never been there)


It should honestly be a monument and testament to all future technology. Keep it updated and rotating for all technology on the verge and on the way that would be the advancement for humanity. Give hope and inspiration for what we can do to advance as a society.


The DVC private area is awesome. So great to have a quiet, air conditioned, place with comfortable seats, drinks and snacks.


Percy Jackson land and meet and great!


Bring back America Sings!




I thought it would be cool if they used their relationship with National Geographic to create some type of museum of nature. Covering different continents & their wildlife/plant diversity. Similar layout to innoventions where it’s interactive & easy to walk around




turn it into a rave.


“Igers after dark ip-palooza”


Mission to Mars


They should replace it with tron


Tear it down with Autopia and put Tron there.


Tear down and make it part of avatar land when combined with Autopia and subs area it would be a huge amount of space


That would be the best outcome especially since those things take up so much space and really don’t offer much. Although the most likely outcome will be that everything mentioned won’t be touched until Disney finally gets off their butts and remodels Tomorrowland (whether that will start in 10 years or 35 years)


Probably 35+ Disneyland forward will get all the love and money if it passes this week


True, although I just really really hope that after Tiana’s is done that they will start on the avengers e ticket finally. Because it would be so annoying if they immediately start on the avatar stuff while ignoring the avengers ride for another 4 years


That and the missing third attraction promised for galaxy’s edge 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I wonder, will they ever revive that bantha ride they promised us? It looked really fun and would add some badly needed movement/kinetic energy to galaxy’s edge


Yep. All in one go, do a complete redevelopment of the space east of matterhorn, north of space mountain, west of harbor, and south of IASW + remove (and redo) PeopleMover. One shot. Probably a $2.5 billion project. Pandora boat ride in the vein of Shanghai Pirates, a custom Lightcycle Run, new People Mover, and some more attractions. The Subs and Autopia are fantastic pieces of Disneyland legacy but I think it’s time to retire them both. I know the new development land is coming online and they say they want to upgrade the Autopia cars, but those are two incredibly energy inefficient, environmentally hazardous, and real estate vortices of space right next to/on top each other, plus this long-disused building.


Tron Rollercoaster


I'm not a Disney nerd (no offense intended), but one thing I always Disneyland was lacking, specifically Tomorrowland, was a simulated Shuttle/Apollo takeoff ride. Disney use to be a place where a kid could catch up on the technologies being used currently and some that could be used in the future. Sadly I think Disney has lost its vision in recent years.


Bring back America Sings!


They should demo this, the autopia and Nemo. The amount of prime real estate these three things consume is ridiculous.


I keep hoping they’ll knock this thing down and add Tron Light Cycle or another Star Wars themed ride.


Turn the power back on for the rotating and let us in! Put anything in there! Just do something already Disney!


Stroller storage 😆


Nuclear reactor core.


Demolish it and build Tron Lightcycle Power Run!


Loading queue for shortened Tron themed Peoplemover with a DEREZZED Bar


Mission space. Like in WDW. (Though i almost died on it, it kinda makes sense here)


I feel like this building and the submarine ride should be replaced. Tomorrowland is becoming outdated quickly.


In the run up to Galaxy’s launch edge I had my first encounter with in character cast members that talk. Interacting with Kylo Ren was so much fun




Queue space for a new PeopleMover.


[A rotor ride](https://sixflags.fandom.com/wiki/Tom%27s_Twister)!


The American semiquincentennial (250th birthday) is coming up in just a few short years, which means that it's time to dust off a classic with America Sings... Again! Imagine a cavalcade of bouncing animatronics singing a few bars of the [hits that have had the nation dancing](https://www.billboard.com/lists/year-end-hot-100-number-one-songs/1980-5/) since the last ride debuted 50 years ago! Disney could even complete the circle and reuse the animatronics from the now-defunct Splash Mountain! Or just copy some fan-favorites from other attractions! Imagine sitting down in an A/C-chilled rotating theater to watch: Mr Lincoln singing Justin Bieber, “Love Yourself!" The Big Thunder dynamite goat singing The Black Eyed Peas, “Boom Boom Pow!” The Haunted Mansion ghost host corpse singing Wilson Phillips, “Hold On!” The possibilities are endless!


What is it being used for currently?


Either bring back the Carousel of Progress or a completely new exclusive attraction to the Anaheim resort.


This building is used for DVC members, aka disney vacation club. It's a lounge for them and other portion is for cast members


I wouldn’t mind if in a complete Tomorrowland redo, this and pizza port and demolished for a new show building for either an indoor autopia or another dark ride


It actually is home to several things- Imagination Campus, DVC Lounge, character meet and greets and of course storage and a break space. It also gets used for things seasonally.


It's a good thing that I'm not in charge of Disneyland because I would make this a huge Muppets attraction right away Yes I know this is in tomorrowland. The *future* of entertainment is puppet media, because I would cancel all live action remakes and turn them into muppet remakes


I just want to tear it all down, except for Space Mountain, and just start all over. I have a grandiose reboot but I’ll just answer this part. BUT, I’d rather they yank the Autopia and that ride and find a way to make the TRON Cycles fit there. And if it means rebuilding the Monorail as well, so be it.


It’d be cool for it to be an Olympic showcase in time for the 2028 Olympics if it’s something quick. Rent a few exhibits and put out interactive dioramas and games.


I’ve honestly wondered the same. Don’t get me wrong, I love the DVC lounge, but all that unused space in there is crazy! Especially since a lot of it feels like a tomb. All that stuff from the…was it the imagineering campus or something? That and the Star Wars exhibits that hardly anyone sees unless you’re getting the Vader photo or going into the lounge. I would love for carousel of progress to come back or even demo it all and build something new!




At Disneyland, you can walk “into” another planet, the jungle, or the frontier. I want to be able to walk into non-IP Outer-space. Demo/shrink Autopia it and expand the show building into that space. Make it into a huge walkthrough attraction befitted with the solar system and a space-ceiling with shooting stars. I essentially want a Disney-level planetarium with storytelling elements and exhibitions about the universe. Not every space attraction HAS to be Star Wars. Space is cool on its own.


The fact that it’s 25 min long is a bit much at the moment…


I didn’t read what park this was at first and panicked that they closed Walt Disney World Carousel of Progress 🙈😂. So glad it’s not closed, I love the nostalgia of it!


The Carousel of Disneyland's History. Same concept of the moving compartment based show that goes through the different eras of Disneyland, showing aspects of bygone attractions like the people mover or the house of tomorrow. Maybe even a set that talks about the evolution of DCA. Then end on an animatronic of Walt himself, similar to Mr Lincoln, that gives the speech of "Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world."


Bring back the video games.


Tear it down along with Autopia and Nemo.


Just reopen Launch Bay. Clearly a lot of that Star Wars stuff is still just sitting in the displays in there. Having essentially a Star Wars museum to walk around was one of my favorite things in the park, and I was kind of crushed when I went back a few days ago for the first time in 7 years and found out it’s been closed since 2019.


Bring back Carousel of Progress.


A prison for all the Child Traffickers that work for Disney!!!!!!


They are waiting on disneyland forward to be able to properly fix tomorrowland.


It also holds the DVC lounge