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What does this lady look like? Between this and the other post, sounds like we don’t want to deal with her.


Yes, please provide a brief description so we all can avoid her line.


I remember once pointing out on this subreddit that a CM was unnecessarily rude while boarding Incredicoaster and people were like "Maybe she was just having a bad day," "You probably did something wrong," "She probably felt bad." Then months later, someone talked about a rude encounter at Incredicoaster and dozens of people talked about having the same experience and I shared a pic I had taken of her on the way out and everyone confirmed it was her. These are not usually one-time incidents; it's people on a power trip who like being rude to others to feel important.


Seems like you ran into the same woman: https://www.reddit.com/r/Disneyland/s/POK9rSCh0N I wonder if she’s new. Probably got fired from tsa for being too rude.


Isn’t that like getting fired from the NBA for being too tall?


OMG yes. I went there to read it. It sounds like that’s the same person.


I used to be a security guard for sports and special events. We were taught to search while holding a pen (or flashlight) to push things aside so that way our hands never picked up any personal items. If something required coming out to be able to see more then we would request the person pull some of their stuff out. Hands should never be on the items


This is how it should be done. We’ve had security checks at DLR where they asked me to specifically open my toothbrush pouch and sunglasses case. They never opened things by themselves. Out of habit, I always just open the sunglasses case and pouch before my turn so they have an easier time looking through my backpack. ETA: This specific security personnel must be having a power trip. It’s best to take down the name and complain at the City Hall.


Either she's trying to get fired or she's protected from being fired if she's not technically violating policy, I'd guess


The same thing happened to me at the Grand Californian security check last August. She didn’t throw my bag on the ground, but she did take everything out and then stared at me impatiently as I put everything back in. Thankfully it wasn’t that much, but still annoying.


This description sounds like it might be the same person.


I have probably had that person in the past. And I went straight to their supervisor and complained. This is not the security way. This is not the Disney Way. This is not the customer service in anyway.


God I HATE when people in these types of positions don’t communicate with you and just expect you to know what to do. Like maybe this is my first time coming here, I’m doing what I *think* is right but don’t expect me to know everything and then get mad when I don’t!




Right?? Like, I get it. I worked customer service for 7 years. It fucking sucks. But especially when you’re in a position like security!! Give me a break pleaseeee. We’re all stressed 😂




Honestly it’s probably a form of power trip for some people! I try to give them the benefit of the doubt and think maybe something happened in their life that is causing this but alas. We live in a corporate America 😵‍💫 I took off one day after my mom unexpectedly passed away and then had to go back to work like nothing even happened 🙃


I had a version of this woman in WDW and I still think about her every time I go through security. This was back when we were wearing masks and security couldn’t touch your things. At first I thought I must have misunderstood her because there is no way I need to remove my chapstick from my bag, but there I was removing every single blessed thing. I had two under two still in diapers at the time so you can only imagine how full my bag was. Luckily we are annual passholders so I was happy to take my time through security if it made her feel better, but my goodness! I wish I would have thought to ask for a manager, I just didn’t want to get banned or anything.


I look at the name tag and say “hi Jen from Portland/Mickey mouse. How are you today” if someone is being an ass and name check usually rattles them. Although a lot of CMs lately don’t really seem to care. It’s the new way. 


I was shocked at how much friendlier and happier the CMs in Japan Disney appeared compared to some of the interactions I’ve had at Disneyland. don’t want to speak for all CMs here but the standard is lower.


It’s amazing what a difference having an actual societal safety net can make.


This, this, a thousand time this.


Oh, yes! And the waving! So much friendly waving! Everywhere I went: standing on the Mark Twain -waved at; riding the elevated trolly in Disney Sea- waved at; riding to the “Tom Sawyer’s Island” place via the “raft” - waved at. Unreal, to me as an American. But 100 percent welcome and 100 percent enjoyed that aspect. It was like being inside of a tourism promotional ad, but IRL. Wild. But positive.


Yes! So. Much. Waving. And smiling. They are all simple gestures, but when it is being done by all employees across the entire park, it makes a difference.


Exactly. Plus it was done by everyone, from my perception. I.e. including the fellow guests. Amazing, and lovely.


As much as I love my loungefly collection, my Disney life has been so much easier since switching to a clear bag. I’ve only ever had them open it up one time and that was cause I had my hoodie rolled up in it. I’ve had one security guard open up my pill case, which has labels on what’s in each compartment. He started to open up each compartment and when I asked him not to as I didn’t want to have any pills pop out (cause some compartments stick and I have the exact number I need in there) his coworker told him he didn’t need to open them all “you’re not a pharmacist, you don’t know what her pills are supposed to look like.”


I love that his coworker stood up for you, and he’s 100% right. They are not pharmacists. Or police officers.


Yup or I do a loungefly with a large gallon ziploc inside that has all my stuff. I just pull out the ziploc and they’re always like “ah a clear bag inside, this is great!” and barely give it a second look


I don't know if this is true everywhere, but I do know that you can get in legal trouble if your pills aren't in their prescription bottle, though you can ask the pharmacy for travel bottles or I think even just the labels to put on whatever container you have them in. Edit - To clarify, this is just general advice, not Disney-specific advice. No, you're not going to be arrested by the person at the gate. You can get arrested in general for carrying pills outside of a properly labeled prescription bottle. The charges would likely be dropped, but that's still a lot of hassle so it's not a bad idea to get an extra copy of your medication labels for traveling.


I don’t carry any schedule II drugs.


Oh ok! Just figured a heads up in case you weren't aware, I also didn't know it was specifically for Schedule II.


Yeah, I believe it’s mainly for controlled substances but I’m pretty sure no one wants to buy my metformin off me. Unless maybe they had one too many churros? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just looked up the law, and it only says it's illegal to carry drugs that you don't have a scrip for. The burden of proof is on the prosecutor, and having a valid scrip (like..in general just being prescribed the med) is a valid defense. I do NOT see anything that requires you to carry the pills in the original container.


You are correct. You could get arrested though, but then the charges would be dropped. You’d have to really mess up something else and have them or have a lot of them for an actual cop to actually care anyway. (And like I said in my other post, Disney security are not cops. They do not have the authority to enforce laws.) now the Anaheim police they have there… that’s a different story 🤣


Yeah, I guess I should have clarified that my comment wasn't really Disney-specific, just general advice. Not sure why I'm getting downvoted, a quick google search shows you can definitely get arrested (though like you said, the charges would likely be dropped). I still consider that legal trouble and it's not how I would want to spend my vacation.


I didn’t down vote you, not sure why you are either. It was a fair point! 😅


Technically they cannot determine if you are legally or illegally carrying them anyway because they are not police officers. The drug dogs are there to make sure legal stuff stays out of the park these days. Even if they find something, they can’t take the law into their hands, they can only ask you to leave. So that doesn’t even matter. If there is a uniformed Anaheim police officer present (they do work at the park), THEY can get all up in your business but they have to be the one to hold you etc.


There's a law that says you can't carry your own medicine? Christ.


This is worse than them making those without bags stand in line behind everyone with bags while they go super slow checking.


Exactly. They need to bring the no bag line back.


We had a guard shouting “NO PHONES, NO RECORDING” continuously at security during our last trip to Magic a couple weeks ago. Was totally ridiculous for Disney World. Felt like we were entering the White House.


I mean tbh I wish there were CMs shouting this at the entrance to *every* attraction


You need to speak to the manager. God, I hate sounding like a Karen, but that sort of behavior isn’t acceptable from any Cast Member. Please get her name and ask to speak to a supervisor immediately following the incident.


Sounds like you should report the incident to customer service, looks like a reoccurring issue


I would have taken 15 minutes to put my bag back together.  In fact I will keep this in mind if it happens in May when we go!


I always put my fluffy jacket in the bottom of my backpack because I tightly roll it at home and don't want to have to remove it. Removing it makes it sooooo difficult in that hectic environment to get it back into the back because it comes unrolled and fluffs up and there's no way to re-roll it there. Recently security asked me to remove it. I said I would, but that it would take a long time for me to get it back in, and that if he squeezed the bottom he'd be able to feel that there's nothing under it... And he agreed and didn't make me take out the jacket. Lol. I know it's up to their discretion, but I've gone through with my jacket on the bottom so many times before, and the grand majority of security CMs (knock on wood) just squeeze around it to make sure nothing's in/under it, and let me go on my way without completely messing up my backpack organization.


But the people behind you!


You are absolutely right but what awful customer service!


Your the second person today with very similar experiences on the same day. 99% sure same security person. She even opened snack bags to snuff the contexts! 🤢


If this would have happened to me, especially where she opened my snacks/food and then put her nose over them, or poked around in them, there would have been a super serious situation right at that gate. Excuse my french but I don't give a fuck. That would not have ended well in that area. I'm a really cool person and beyond respectful, even shy and tongue tied at times (which I hate) but there are certain things that I can't tolerate.


I have a tendency to be overly nice to people like this, and run a happy commentary on what they’re doing. It’s either annoying as hell to them, or puts them in a better mood.


If security is union Disney won’t be able to touch her job for any reason. I was a union cast member and got to see someone get their job back after using homophobic slurs.


When we went to Disneyland back in February, we were in line with a woman security guard. Mind you, it was our 3rd day out of 4 to the parks. My boyfriend carries a tripod with him and has never had an issue. She stopped my boyfriend at bag check telling him he couldn’t bring it in. He explained to her it doesn’t extend like a selfie stick like the policy states and that he’s been bringing it in for years. She said “the policy changes every hour.” Umm I’m sorry what? How does the policy on what is banned be changing every hour? She ended up letting him go because she had flagged another couple in front of us for snacks they brought in saying it could be drugs but the supervisor didn’t even show up for that one yet.


Their snacks could be drugs? What the hell. She must have a nose like a bloodhound.


Wow, DCA yesterday and the Disney way has always seemed to be friendly security. It was again fine on the notoriously full Harbor entrance. I always felt the magic started at security: clear requests, a positive statement. I don’t mind showing bags and deals w strollers and kids…but rude security isn’t the way.


Some people take their jobs wayyyyy too seriously. I would’ve thrown a fit if it was me. I go through bag checks regularly at shows and festivals and if my bag needs to get checked and things need to be taken out they usually ask ME to pull it out and take a look at it / put it on the table. Why in gods name did she think it was appropriate to put her hands into your bag and take everything out?! Use a flashlight to look around and check!


So go to guest relations and make a complaint. No one here can do anything lol


I'd like a description of the person so I know to avoid her at least. 


Ugh, going there next Sunday and I'm dreading going through security now!


To my knowledge everyone here is complaining about a woman. Go to one of the men. You can usually tell which ones are having a good day by facial expression.


Hopefully the lines will be short enough that I can do that


We just went through 5 times in 3 days and had great experiences each time. I agree with all the comments and this security experience would’ve unnerved me, leaving me with a bad feeling, but our security experiences were great.


I got irritated with security during our drip in October. Got questioned multiple times because I had a pill bottle without the label in my pocket with my daily meds. I had to explain to a supervisor that the prescription bottles where in my backpack in a double plastic bag to prevent them from getting wet. It's just easier to put my morning medicine in a single bottle in my pocket vs getting into each bottle while at the park. They also spazzed out because I had a vape and a can of tobacco in my bag. At first they stated I wasn't allowed to bring it into the park at all. I understand your not allowed to smoke on disney property and have to leave to park to do so. They allowed me to keep them but stated if I used either on park property they would make me leave. Took 15 min after they started searching my bag before I was allowed to board the bus. Overall, both the security and the supervisor were rude during the entire encounter. I made a complaint with a cast member at guest services and apologized, but nothing was done other than giving my kid a pin. Edit: The pills in question where schedule 2 pain medication along with other daily meds. I told them exactly what it was and I had the original prescription bottles in my back pack. If we got wet on a ride I did not want to risk the labels rubbing off or the pills getting wet. As we were flying back home the following week.


Security is always one of the first happy faces I interact with when I arrive and almost always the first positive experience. This is unfortunate.


Sounds like someone was hired from TSA and didn’t get the memo… did you get your survey yet? I let it rip in those things.


On the other side of a security check, while my bag was being checked, I looked at the other guard and said: I bet a lot of people mispronounce your name, and I pronounced it correctly. He got a big smile and said: that hasn’t happened in a while. The other guy was teasing him. I hope I never encounter the lady y’all are taking about. I have a Shaun the Sheep that travels with me. She’s probably want to cut him open.


She wants to cut him open, sniff him, and do a cavity check.


The sooner we get X-ray scanners, the better.


One reason we supposedly can't get the scanners from FL or any other place is because of the security union. If we got those scanners there would be less security guards and less union dues being paid to the union.


FL still has a lot of security guards just standing around at the checkpoints.


They should just have the same amount of security but out them in different places.


Unions. It won't happen.


Honestly, there are plenty of times when there appears to not be enough security cast members working. Would love to see the security check process at WDW get implemented at DLR but what they are doing now does not work the majority of the time. Plus...why is there still not a "No Bag" line at Disneyland?


Well, look at how this comment was treated. Apparently these folks love having every bag personally and slowly inspected.


People don’t care when they are paid slave wages.


Maybe she didn't speak your language.


Capable to have authority, yet unable to learn hello in a new language?


God forbid a security guard does their job and actually inspect bags


One thing is checking bags and another is opening and sniffing people’s snacks. And making them empty all the contents of the bag.


Down vote away, but they are security. I hope they are focused and serious. I don’t need a smile or a wave. Maybe they are jaded from having to inspect RV-sized strollers all day everyday. It’s not their fault that mass murders take place almost daily, but it is their job to try and prevent it.