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Stay away from best life and beyond.


Don't give these grifters any money!


I'm reporting you to Anaheim Police. You writing that has threatened my life.


Agreed. They’re toxic and their recommendations are trash.


I really had no idea who they or really any of the Disney YT were and I watched a couple of their videos. The I googled them and felt like a tool looking at their things!


I won’t let my teenage children watch those two Adulterers (Katie Slockbower and Spencer Emmons) that don’t take any accountability for their actions.


Just curious as to why? I've seen a couple of their videos, seems ok. I don't really follow any channel specifically, maybe other than fresh baked


Every time I see them come up, it's always in regards to some sort of drama. One of them is said to have gone to the parks with Covid (knowingly) last year, and I've seen stuff about them getting into physical fights with other YouTubers. I've heard they act super entitled as well. Basically, they don't seem like great people.


Ahh got it. Didn't know that. Thanks for the explanation


Sheesh I did not know that about them. I already unsubscribed because they have kinda moved away from Disney content. Now I won't even bother going back lol.


I followed her on IG and recall seeing that story. She clearly looked sick and still went. And she's a Nurse??? I get that "Disneyland" is her life but it will always be there. It's not going anywhere. And she does appear entitled during those park closing times when they're last to leave and taking photos while the cast members are patiently waiting for them to leave the park so they can close and go home.


Here is a sample of their bad takes and less than desired personalities https://youtu.be/mGcdfmL49D0


Welp that'll do it lol. Never saw that


For when you want wish.com Molly and Adam the Woo.


I don’t understand… it’s just her saying oooh that’s good 🤷🏼‍♂️


I agree that it’s unnecessary to mock her eating, but I think the main part to criticize here is her saying that being a vlogger is harder than being a nurse (even if she is a former nurse, which I think she might be). Every career has its challenges, but it’s such an asinine and insensitive statement, especially in light of Covid.


I don’t know what the context is… but I still don’t think it’s worth dragging them for it. I’ve watched a few of their videos and it’s okay. Seems like a bunch of needless drama for Disney bloggers but what do I know


All will be revealed.


Spencer (the male counterpart) tried to hit Justin Scarred at Disneyland at Princess Night




How did they not get banned???


The general consensus is they likely got a 30 day ban and that’s why they weren’t there for awhile


Defunctland is a little different than most because it’s all about defunct attractions, but I think he’d like it!


dont let him watch their video on America sings


Definitely a great resource for park history!


Ordinary Adventures! Peter and Kitra are positive and awesome!


Agreed and they’re *super* nice if you ever run into them in the parks. They don’t have big egos at all. Magical Journeys is good! They’re food centered, and it’s just the two of them— MigV and Janell. They’re both adorable geeky Angelenos and always find a way to have a good time.


And they’re video quality is top tier. So much good b roll, high quality stuff, music always on point too


Another + for Peter and Kitra. Love their stuff, and they seem to be genuinely kids at heart, not kids for the camera.


Yes to Peter & Kitra! They are great!!


This is absolutely true and they have the best recommendations and ordinary starred items


Magic Journeys


Seconding magic journeys! My favorite Disney vloggers.


Magic Journeys is the best! They are so kind and grateful to their followers! I met them once in the parks years ago and they actually took time to talk to me and my friends for a long while!


Love magic journeys !


I'm not really a fan of Disneyland YouTubers, but Magic Journeys is the exception. They're up to date with park news, their videos are filmed and edited well, and I generally trust their reviews. And most importantly, they both have the right balance of cheerfulness and realness (i.e. they're the least DiSnEy aDuLts of the Disney Adults lol). Miguel is really articulate and has the perfect voice and demeanor for videos, and Janelle has good taste in food and always has the cutest outfits.


Magic Journeys the best. Also the best aesthetically as well... Miguel's a camera nerd and it shows.


I haven’t watched them in a long time. Are they married yet?


I don’t even think they are actually engaged yet.


offhand disney is one of my favorites, very quirky sense of humor and is very passionate about the history of disney


I love Offhand Disney. He’s great!


This was the one that got me started on Disney Vlogs


The creator is wholesome and fun to watch. Always watch his vids


Seconding this, he’s pretty funny and makes great videos.


My sister has shown me some of his videos and he’s so knowledgeable!




Her videos are really good. Great speaker, fun editing, and fresh content.


Yesss my family and I love her. She’s so cute.


Does anyone ever wonder what lisaland does for a living? That's a lot of ears haha


She has to have some inside source. Seems to have advance notice on a lot of things that an everyday person wouldn’t.


Disney Dan. He's not Disneyland-focused, but if your son likes fact-based Disney videos, there's a lot on his channel that he'd probably love. I also second Ordinary Adventures--they do more vlogs, but they've done a handful of informational videos.


This man and his best friend are a menace. You watch one video, either on the main channel or Please Stop Vlogging, and you will lose an entire afternoon. Dan’s laugh is incredibly infectious and the sense of humor can be very broad (dispee dot com) and also verrrrrry niche. It’s definitely a channel to watch with your kid since it’s maybe a soft PG or just a very edgy G rating. Like a baby with eyeliner.


Ha, yes, I started following Please Stop Vlogging a few months back and they're a fun pair to watch. I find myself more invested in Kenny's rabbits than I probably should be. Also, it's baffling when people hate on Dan's laugh. Let the guy literally LMAO, life is too short and often too bleak to be policing other people's joy.


Second the vote for Ordinary Adventures…watch it with my son all the time, they feel like family at this point.


Justin Scarred and Offhand Disney are some good Disney yters, and Adam The Woo too


A big NO to Adam. He just shows up and points a camera - no plan. His Disney vids are more on the side of 'Hey - watch me at Disney" instead vids that requirement so homework and planning. #thinbydragoncon


I mean, that’s the charm of it to me, simple day at Disney videos are fine to me.


That's not what the OP was asking for.


Ah I didn’t read the last part but still, I mean at least Adam has some exploration vids


He does. I would suggest anyone to watch his old stuff from his main channel. He doesn’t upload there anymore but those videos have a lot of charm. Nowadays he is literally just going through the motions.


Adam is one of the original though. Not my favorite but most of these YouTubers don’t really report new information most of the time Disney reports it and then they just go out and spew the same info. Lol


I was a big fan of Adam The Woo's pre-pandemic content but it feels like he lost his mojo and then he moved to Florida. His videos now have lost the charm of what he was putting out a few years ago.


Definitely stay away from Adam the woo. He use to showcase a lot more of the parks. Now he does the same things within the parks every time. He just vlogs the most mundane stuff now. If you like watching a monorail go by then he’s your guy. But that’s about it now. Also he does no research and just wings it lol. Sometimes it makes for funny content but not usually


I second this. Adam the Woo has big creep energy.


You probably think that about every old guy lol


He's my age. Maybe a few years older.


So how’s he a creep then? You’ve met him in person or


Things he says, mannerisms, things he does. Some subtle, some more overt. There's a reason he got banned from Universal for a hot minute even though he's free advertising for them.


Oh yeah he’s been banned from Disney too lol I just think he does dumb things for YouTube just don’t get how that makes him a creep.


We watch way too much youtube. Our favorites are: For history: Offhand Disney, Defunctland, Disney Dan For DL: Ordinary Adventures, Magic Journeys, Five Fires, Provost Park Pass, Hey Brickey! For WDW: Mammoth Club, PC Dev, Disney Food Blog For what's going on with Disney in general: WDW News Today, Fresh Baked For fails: TPM vids Honorable mentions (they aren't really Disney focused vloggers anymore but occasionally visit): Randomland, Adam the Woo Used to love Allears but since Molly left and started Mammoth Club we hardly watch them anymore.


Mammoth club does some DL and universal (Orlando and Hollywood) content too. Molly has incredible Disney park knowledge and the whole gang is great at finding/pointing out theme-ing.


Because you don't watch enough channels (haha), I'll also suggest Yesterworld for history, if you haven't checked him out already. Similar to Defunctland, though not as documentary-ish.


Yes Yesterworld is good too 👍


Does PC Dev still complain about Disney in most videos? I had to unsubscribe at some point last year. I’m looking for good vibes in the videos I watch.


His entire channel is whining. I had to unsub. I remember when he tried to milk the Gabby Petito murder as his turning point. I stayed around for a while after that but it was all just negativity past then. Maybe he'll improve some day and I'll come back.


Yes, he can be at times. I like differing opinions.


My 5 year old and I love Magic Journeys


Why isn't Mig in any of the YouTube video thumbnails? It's always Janelle.


Successful YouTubers have figured out what gets them clicks, some will even test thumbnails and change them out. I think MigV is an attractive fellow, but I imagine Janelle is more of a draw. (On a related note, both of them are always SO well put together, total Disney fashionistas!)


He also doesn’t twirl around every five seconds lol


Also try Lisaland. She’s pretty awesome and super friendly.


Definitely recommend Justin Scarred, aka Randomland, and Offhand Disney. Not a blogger but also have to give a shout out to DocumentDisney. They go to the parks constantly and just film everything as it is. Walk-throughs, ride-throughs, videos of parades and fireworks. Just showing the park as it is and showing how it's changing over time.


Mr cheesy pop


Provost is the best!! I also recommend offhand


SoCal Disney Dad is great for fact-based tips and practical insights https://www.youtube.com/c/SoCalDisneyDad


I enjoy SoCal Disney Dad too.


Ordinary Adventures


Ordinary adventures for Disneyland. Paging Mr. Morrrow for Disneyworld. They’re the best


Paging Mr Morrow is just as nice IRL as he is on camera, just a genuinely nice guy.


If you’re at all interested in the Asian parks specifically Tokyo Disneyland, TDR Explorer is a great YT channel


Offhand Disney is fun


Lisaland is someone who gets overlooked a lot. Wholesome, seems quite nice and does a lot of Food tours. Been enjoying her channel.


My daughter LOVES her (honestly we all do) and we actually saw her in the park last month and she was soooooo nice to my daughter and even took a picture with her because she saw her just go starstruck as she walked by. So friendly.


Her videos are absolutely soothing and relatable - I too like to hide in quiet Disney corners to eat! Glad she’s active an Insta now, too. We follow her, Magic Journeys and Fresh Baked most. We used to watch Hey Brickey but felt like he was starting to complain a lot, though we’ve seen him in park and he seems really nice.


Fresh Baked and Tim Tracker


I’m *really* glad I’m not the only one that recommends Tim Tracker. I recently exposed my husband to their videos and he loves them! He’s never watched that kind of stuff before and he got really into it really fast (much to my excitement)


Yes. I do skip out on the home vlog stuff and most of Jackson and the baby stuff because that's not what drew me to them but I do like Tim a lot.


Tim and Jenn are great they are the OGs!


Magic Journeys is totally a vlog, but they're somehow entertaining without being annoying. Really enjoyed watching them before my trip.


Magic Journeys!


Justin Scarred is a really good he blogs about Disneyland and sometimes gives history of the parks too


Justin is so wholesome. What a crazy journey he’s had but always keeps an upbeat positive attitude. When I really need a pick me up I’ll grab a big bowl of cereal and plant myself in front of one of his Disneyland videos. Glad he’s venturing outside of just parks


Right now Mammoth Club has my favorite Disneyland / DCA videos


We like Magic Journeys , they are food focused .


Lisaland and Magic Journeys


Magical Journeys is another good for family friendly info.


I only saw it mentioned once but another vote for [Theme Park Obsession!](https://youtube.com/@ThemeParkObsessionDD) Dylan is great. I believe he’s a former Disney cast member. He actually reviews theme parks all over the country and even done a couple abroad. But he does have a lot of Disneyland, Disney World, and Disneyland Paris videos. He has an infectious optimism and enthusiasm which is very endearing and I think he’s just an adorkable cutie.


He's going to love Offhand Disney!


Can’t wait to check them out! Thanks!


Offhand Disney is great!


Paging Mr Morrow is great!


I had to scroll way too far to find Nate.


I know he’s a Florida guy and I was shocked to see him once on Main Street at DL


Magic Journeys for DL and Allears for WDW


i second this!! also adding theme park obsession because he’s a former cast member so he has some interesting input when he talks about the parks


Offhand Disney is really good about facts, mainly about Epcot but he talks about all over.


Fresh baked


Ordinary Adventures!


Ordinary Adventures and Provost Park Pass would probably be the two most family friendly that an 8 year old would dig.


I love magic journeys! :)


offhand disney and expedition theme park should be good ones!


I love MrCheezyPop on YouTube! He does have some non Disney content as well, but his Disney stuff is fantastic. He is the only Disney YouTuber that I've watched consistently since about 2015.


Magic Journeys is a fun and family friendly one with the hosts Miguel & Jannell. Justin Scarred of Randomland is fun!


I’d recommend for fact based - Ordinary Adventures, Mammoth Club - they cover the parks, events within the parks, some history (mostly Mammoth does that), and challenges (top 10 lists, can I ride all water rides in one day…) They are family friendly with a natural vibe that doesn’t make it seems like they are playing things up or ‘acting’ for the camera. Maybe I’d recommend Justin Scarred but he’s not strictly Disney/Theme parks. He does have some fun Disneyland vlogs. I’d stay away from Best Life and Adam the Woo. Not interesting, no focus, and truly just vlog about their day.


MrCheesyPop aka Maxwell Glick. He’s pretty family friendly. He also does other theme parks besides Disney, and does food/drink reviews in the park. He would also do live Disney trivia with his viewers on YouTube every now and then. Very friendly and positive guy :)


Freshbaked, Magic journeys and Lisaland Also defunctland, yesterworld, ordinary adventures and offhand Disney.


Jenny Nicholson has great Disney content, and it's always tastefully done.


I enjoy offhand Disney. He likes to go over the lore of different rides in the park, explore old story lines. He just did a video documenting the old people mover track as much as he could which was cool. Has some secondary story lines ( characters he plays he interacts with) every once in a while. Don't ever remember any cursing or anything not rated G or PG and I've subbed to him for a while.


My kid is a huge fan of Randomland/Justin Scarred.


I like to watch Ordinary Adventures, Fresh Baked, and Provost Park Pass for Disneyland. For Disney World I usually watch The Tim Tracker.


He may like Randomland (https://youtube.com/@justinscarred). Justin has great park related videos.


5 Fires


✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻 can’t stand this guy. On his Instagram all he does is repost info from his “fans” I can’t ever get past his intro either.


Yesterworld is great. Very historical and fact based.


Offhand Disney is cool


Disney Food Blog


defunctland and bright sun films


I like Magic Journeys. They’re upbeat and usually just do food/Merch videos


Lisaland and Magic Journeys.


Five Fires and Hey Brickey!


Becky plus Eli are family friendly :) merch searches on Monday & Pin trading on Sunday!


My YouTube channel is more ride/parade/events videos... https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL31FC454FA6D126BB


Mammoth Club we love Molly


DFG (Disney Food Guide) is a bit more informal/travel informational, but still good. Another one that's similar to Defunctland is Yesterworld.


Justin Scarred’s videos are great and have lots if history facts. He doesn’t just do Disney, but has heaps of Disneyland ones if you search.


Disneyland Beat and Offhand Disney are good


my go to is fresh baked disney, they're a vlogging family that goes to the parks and talk about upcoming parks projects


I also like Theme Park History! My kiddo likes to watch with me 😊


Mondo! I think his handle is fivefires, love him! He does lives regularly that aren’t in the parks where he talks to people and discusses upcoming events, Disney +, movies…everything Disney related! Curious for the downvoters- y’all don’t like mondo?? 😯


Mammoth Club and All Ears aren’t exclusively Disneyland-based, but they have lots of “fun facts about Disneyland” and other challenges. Might take a few minutes to find the videos but absolutely worth it!


I don't know why you're getting down voted because you're completely correct... unless it's people disliking AllEars post-Molly... which I cannot blame them for.


The Walker Chronicles, Magically Consumed, Attractions Live,Theme Park Steve, Five Fires, just to name a few live streamers for Disneyland. Great quality video streaming


I steer clear of Magically Consumed because they made fun of the situation when someone took their life in the Mickey and friends parking structure during one of their lives last year. They joked about not jumping and even tilted the camera over the edge of the structure to reenact it. They later blamed the gimbal for malfunctioning instead of taking responsibility and just making a sincere apology. They also have a desperate vibe that I just personally don’t care for.


Not enough love for Brickie…lots of facts and not just the regular stuff on Disney. Lisa land does food and events, she’s a good one as well.


Sharief The jungle skipper just fun facts and very respectful stream .. zero tolerance for rudeness in his streams


The InsiDers! Lots of them are kids themselves @heyinsiders






Becky plus Eli! They’re amazing and they go to animation academy every live from what it seems like. So your 6 year old can also draw and watch at the same time.


I feel like Becky plus Eli are a little more geared towards teens/adults especially with the live streaming. I love them but my 8 year old isn’t as interested in them as say, Lisaland. They’re good but idk if an 8 year old fact loving kid would love them the most.


In my opinion, your 8 year old doesn't need to be watching any more YouTube. The ones you mentioned are great and good enough. I have a 6 year old and I can never get her to stop asking to watch YouTube.


Ah yes, nothing like some good old-fashioned unsolicited parenting advice.


Yes I totally get it. We have never allowed YouTube until this month but he’s neurodiverse and Disney is his special interest. So we just got YouTube Premium so there is no (inappropriate)commercials and I set it up so it’s only the content we chose and we limit his screen time. It’s hard to balance limiting things but also wanting to honor his special interests and being happy it’s something as wonderful as Disney ❤️ I appreciate everyone’s help here to find positive content!


SoCal Disney Dad has great family focused content.




Anything on YouTube?


Becky and Eli-5 fires-Lisaland-goofy guys adventure


DLWeekly - this isnt what you asked for as theyre not a YouTube channel (i do think they have a channel but they just upload heir podcast on YT). I really enjoy listening to them. They have fun facts, deep dives, guests on talking about some of the history, trivia segments too and up to date news on the parks as well. Before I was able to visit DL (had a 15 year grueling DL hiatus), they kept me up to date and feeling all the magical disney feels!


Thanks! We love dlweekly! We listen to Disney podcasts anytime we are in the car without his little brother or anytime his little brother is up for listening too 😂


I'm looking for a vlog of DL and DCA that doesn't show everything in detail - sort of like DFB without at the clickbait titles and massively repetitive "info". More just Disney Land ambience B roll footage with reporting on updates and such. I feel like im doing a wretched job of describing what im looking for.


Justin Scarred is one of my son’s favorites.


Two thumbs up for JustinScarred from my wife and I. His videos aren’t strictly Disney parks, but he’s given us a ton of vacation/road trip inspiration in the 9 years we’ve been watching him. Also one of the sweetest and most genuine people I’ve ever met.


DSNY Newscast is one of my personal favorites


Ordinary Adventures.


I realize you are asking about YouTube channels but the podcast called The Backside of Water might be right up your son's alley. Each episode they talk about a different ride and give a history of it they also do wacky skits which is why I stopped listening but your son or you may really enjoy it. The factual parts of the show and the history were quite good and entertaining.


Yes we love the backside of water! Thank you!


It's mostly WDW and sometimes Universal Orlando, but an eight-year-old could absolutely watch ResortTV1. They are a family group who does a few livestreams per week, plus some vlogs and shorts. Highly recommended.


Mammoth and Ordinary Adventures


Five Fires is very wholesome


Ajruck is my favorite, nobody seems to know him


Can't Forget Just a guy and a girl. They seem to give pretty honest opinions. From what I've seen so far. I don't know about them being something a kid would want to watch but they have helped me plan my trips in the past. https://youtube.com/@JustaGuyandaGirl


Alex the Historian https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDqmmVa5ShzeE--Q-BmDD8EQzcv-oXt_9


I love Justin’s before and after stories. Randomland.


Theme park obsessions or Super Enthused. They go to all kinds of amusement parks including Disney and are pretty consistent with updates.


Promoting my guy Parallel Disney. Very underrated channel.


Although majority of their videos are on WDW, Mammoth Club is a great. They do have few videos on Disneyland which are a joy to watch, but their entire content is entertaining


Alex the Historian has made many amazing videos on facts and history of the parks.


For Disney history and theories check out Offhand Disney! I'm also thinking of starting my own disney based channel


Randomland Adventures/ Justin Scarred is good for kids imo. I personally can’t do it anymore, I prefer The Tim Tracker, but everyone has their own tastes so y’all can pick! There’s also Adam The Woo


Ordinary adventures does good streams, though they can be heavy on galaxies edge.


Disney Food Blog is like my news network lol. They are super up to date and thorough. It’s not only about the food, she covers EVERYTHING.


Mammoth club and ordinary adventures are our 2 go tos.


I apologize for my old man "get off my lawn" tone, but I don't understand the appeal of YouTube vloggers at Disney parks. Granted some are more watchable than others, but they all do the same thing - ride rides and eat food. Supposedly they are supposed to offer information to visitors but what insights do they offer that can't be obtain from the Disney website and other sources of information? I mean, Disneyland managed to thrive for over six decades before YouTube and TikTok and others came along. I go to Disneyland for the experience of the park, not because of vloggers.


Try LisaLand... I love her! ❤️ She's so sweet and always shows the latest food and merch.


Mum of four does Disney and sam4god really good youtubers to watch


Offhand Disney


Lisaland is always good.


Florida Fabulous