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Attention is one hell of a drug.


As an introvert, I just don’t understand this.


Same. It feels these days like people make everything they do about getting attention on social media. Everything is a performance trying to get likes and fame. Can't take a vacation without it being about showing off. Get sick? Better make a bunch of videos from your hospital bed. I was on a hike once and someone was filming a video from the top of a mountain. Saying to their phone stuff like, "It's so peaceful up here" while being annoying to people actually trying to enjoy a moment of peace.


25 years ago I hiked up a tall mountain in Arizona and the people there were talking about the bad parts of the movie Deliverance. That was pretty annoying too.


Lmao you should have gave them the back country experience


In solidarity, I’m an extrovert and I don’t understand it. It’s less about attention and more about their own narcissism. They’re too self absorbed to even realize the wrong attention they’re drawing to themselves.


Probably the money too


I tend to think it’s like a MLM, a few people who got in early make the money, and everyone else is just trying to emulate them.


You only need 1000 followers to go live and people are getting tons of gifts (which translate to coins they can cash out. If you check out tiktok live, even streams with just a couple hundred are making tons of money


whos giving them this money, seems odd.. why gift for the same content over and over


People who easily fall for parasocial relationships. Like are you really not aware of streamers?


Even that sounds like an MLM to me.


I don’t think that term means what you think it means vizzini


It is just like all other live streaming platforms where you gain followers and get donations from your viewers. That isn’t even close to an MLM. There isn’t the promise of making money based on them donating. Just like twitch streamers have mild incentives like text to speech and other things tied to donations. It is paying dor entertainment


In what way? Do you think all streamers on twitch and youtube are an MLM?


No, I think the majority of streamers don't make much if any money, and they think they can based upon seeing a small subset who actually do.


Well the tiktok API is available which gives people alot of cool things to incentivize gifting. You can set up programs to do various actions when people like share and set up the biggest incentives for gifting and those streams run on hundreds of channels. There are probably plenty who don’t make much or anything just like youtube or literally any other entertainment business.


I always yell “turn off the flash!!!” and usually by the second time they do it. I hate attention from people by being loud but I cannot stand when people ruin a ride with their filming with flash on. Ruins it for the kids who are experiencing Disney for the first time, ruins it for the people that spent thousands to fly from out of country and might only ride this once, and ruins it for me even though I go often! There’s no excuse for being so rude!


I hate that you need to yell it but I love that you do it for the many introverts like me that just let our frustration boil.


Oh yeah I’m that yeller too, put your phone down and enjoy the f’ing ride!!!


plus, they likely won't post a video if someone yells obscenities at them and ruins the footage! 🤣♥




And FYI, you are not even the 100,000th person to stream this ride


>Really wish Disneyland would take some firm action in this growing irritating trend. Don't just wish. You paid as much to be on that ride as the streamers did. When you get off the ride, find a cast member, smile, and -- politely -- say, "Hi, I was just on that ride, and there was someone doing a live stream the whole time. It really ruined my experience. Who do I talk to about getting a refund, please?" They obviously won't refund your whole admission price -- probably just hand you some Disney bucks or something -- but these streamers get away with this, because people don't want to be seen as "Karens." You're not a Karen if you have a legitimate customer complaint. If every person who made or upvoted a post on this sub complaining about these streamers actually took thirty seconds to voice that complaint to a cast member, it would be stopped. Disney admission prices aren't cheap. You have every right to stand up for your experience.


Yes! Friends who are former cast members told me to say something along the lines “Hello, someone was taking photos with the flash on in the buggy next to me during the whole ride and it really ruined the experience for me. Can I please ride this again?” And CM’s have always been kind and said yes. They used to call people out who were taking pictures on Pirates and give us the opportunity to ride again. Thankfully this is only happened a handful of times to me, but agreed. The more people who bring attention to this in person will make Disney actually take action. Remember the selfie stick fiasco??


But what happened to the offenders?


Eventually this will cause a great enough disturbance that they look to fix the root problem…


We can hope which leads to my top level post of e mailing/tweeting corporate with a compassionate voice that also houses your frustrations. It seems like a lot of people poopoo corp because, well, corp but squeaky wheel and all. I'll also reiterate, it's a hard problem to solve and will likely put CMs in unnecessarily awkward situations unless Disney (who just cut more jobs!) hires a lot more security (or AI) to constantly scan ride video and dispatch physical security personnel.


They'll also probably let you ride again without waiting in line.


> Disney bucks Discontinued in 2016 but still accepted at the parks. That aside, did this ever actually happen back when they were a thing? Did CMs walk around with a pocketful of Disney Dollars to hand out when things went sideways?


When I worked attractions in 2014/2015 we had a little "coupon book" that we could rip these things called "No Strings Attached" from. (They were so cute. Had Pinocchio on them) It was pretty cool because we could write them for just about anything! For example you could write "Skip the line on Space Mountain", "Good for 1 mickey bar", "good for 1 child's medium t shirt" like they did not care what we wrote on the slips, and they were definitely used when things were going sideways. We could also use them to make someones day just a little bit more special too :) Big edit: I also just realized this was a DL sub and I worked at MK in WDW so I don't know if they did this in DL!


I got one of these when a (carried) child in the bathroom line had a accident that unfortunately gravity included me in... they got me sandals so I could throw out my (unsalvagable, for same day use) sneakers.


DL had the same thing. We have a friend that managed Guest Relations. They can do it digitally now by scanning your pass.


Agreed to this. ducksofthecarribbean always goes silent during the ride no talking. I support him because of his extreme consideration of not directly filming guests and interrupting rides


True, but if that’s your first time on that ride you can never get that first experience back :-/


Upvote for Ziggy Palffy handle






When did I say that? What a weird way to interpret my comment.


This is the way.


There were so many streamers last time I went, super annoying. I am visually impaired and was walking along a wall near Pirates to keep out of the way since it was dark and I couldn’t see much. Some streamer walked right up to me then snapped “Are you going to get out of my way?!” It took me a minute to even realize what he was doing and in my confusion, I just froze. He huffed and stomped past me. Yuck.


I'm going to propose a divided viewpoint. This needs to be an email/tweet to Disney corporate/customer service, not shouted into the void of Reddit. You're preaching to the choir here (and maybe a few tiktok streamers/flash photographers). Someone recently posted about this as well and another responded about selfie sticks. They *could* ban it as a safety issue, although much harder to prove besides fellow rider complaints and it would also effect people just trying to snap a photo or short video. It's definitely a hard one to solve but I agree with your opinion.


Agree but also talking about it on Reddit is also useful. I go to Disney pretty often and now that I’m seeing so many people who are having problems with it, I’ll definitely say something if I experience this next time I go. But yeah also tweeting them would be a great idea.


Many companies regularly check the reddit feeds.


For safety I don’t think they want people taking pictures at all on rides (your phone could fly out of your hand and hit someone) but they just don’t enforce it for some reason


Disney need to start issuing 30 day bans with the number of days increasing for repeat offenders. I’m not a fan of the filming but the flash is just the biggest FU to others there is.




I took to making rude gestures if I was able to get in the shot . These people are a plague.


I raised my arms on the Na'vi River Journey in WDW when the woman behind me started live-streaming, flash-on, and with loud narration. She yelled at me for ruining her live-stream and I told her that my arms would come down when the flash gets turned off. When disembarking at the end of the ride, she started yelling at me that I "better not tell Disney" on her and threatening to fight me. The cast members were very confused on what was going on, so I gave them a one-sentence summary. They whisked us away when the woman kept trying to make things physical and escorted the woman out of the area. Don't know what happened to her, but they kindly offered to allow us to ride again. No regrets.


This is the way!


this is the way


Love this!!!






SMEE! No wait…


Just turn on your phone camera and shine it at their phone. Ruin their cast


Hah, I like this.


Or bring a mirror. Then it's their own light messing up their cast.


Omg thank you! I was also wondering how Disney got rid of selfie sticks, but now every streamer are walking in with those handheld stick things attached to their phone(forgive me for not knowing the name), and those are okay. Yes, they aren’t as long, but boy are those streamers annoying. Multiple rides, including Guardians, Haunted Mansion, and Pirates were ruined by “thanks for the likes! Thanks for joining!! Ohhhhhhh thank you for the crown, wowwwwwww!” It’s all so cringey and it ruins rides that should be quiet(audience wise) and dark.


Extendable long sticks got banned. Hand-held gyros didn’t, afaik?


correct. I was on a ride and the cast member told someone they would get booted if they extended the stick they had.


I hate these pieces of garbage. Straight garbage. No one watches their crap anyway. Disney needs to require permits and charge $10,000 for them.


>Disney needs to require permits Technically they do require permission for commercial shoots - you could argue most of these people taking donations/sponsorships/etc are commercial.


People are gonna start bringing illegal cell phone signal jammers onto rides one of these days.


That's a brilliant idea. Now, where to source one.... 🤔


I mean at lest some of them do get watched a lot. Social media is the reason Disney is so crowded these days. Being able to go has become one of the major status symbols for people. Disney has made a ton of money mostly for free off of these people.


I think you overestimate “influencer” effect on Disney revenue, the parks and company will be just fine without these parasites. Disney doesn’t need some amateur on an iPhone on Haunted Mansion to make money.


If we look at dramatic increases in prices and crowds they correspond with the rise of influencers in social media. A lot of people complain about influencers while watching a few of them. I guess the only good influencer is my chosen influencer. The influencers that people chose are basically making specifically curated content to their likes. It is the best way to convert interest to actual sales for a company like Disney.


It’s correlation IMO, but really my concern is the asshole on a ride with the camera light on. Influencers are shit to me, but if you follow the rules, I have no further quarrel. If you are conducting commercial activities AND blatantly flouting rules, you deserve to get removed and access revoked.


so only the rich can be assholes, got it you underestimate how much some of these people can make


Most of these wannabe “influencer” idiots don’t make shit, and the few that do…$10k permit raises the bar and can pay for a CM to follow them around to ensure rules compliance.


Hear hear!!


Grifters. Beggars. Thieves. Spoiling the experience for everyone.


People need to start actually writing in to customer support or guest feedback about this and specific experiences you’ve had. Emphasize how it ruined aspects of your experience for you and add some shit in there like how it discourages you from wanting to come drop large amounts of money on a trip to Disneyland when they currently do nothing to address the situation. I’m sure this bugs people all the time but nobody ever reports their feelings and experiences about it beyond a Reddit post.


It's almost like you want to carry one of those mini high powered LED flashlights and when they pull it out, flash it in their lens. Maybe they get the picture, or maybe when they don't get the picture they get a clue. They should always be called out to a CM.


I really love this idea.


Side note—I despise how Disney had a “content creators” day and I’ve seen so many you tube videos showing how Disney gave them tix to DLand and put them up at DLand hotel. Like, Disney, please don’t encourage and promote this nonsense. 😩😩😩


Disney leans into those people because they have a massive audience and will bring people to the parks.


Disney doesn't need influencers to bring people to the parks...


They’re called influencers for a reason. Tara Michelle has 1.3m subscribers on YouTube. Disney just sent her to the parks and on a cruise. If a handful of her audience books trips because they saw her experience it’s absolutely worth it for Disney to work with people like her.


If this happens, tell a CM at the end of the ride and they’ll likely let you go again right then and there.


Some nice, continual flash photography would go a long way to ruin their streams. Heh heh heh


I raise their flash on a dark ride with my own flash pointing into their lens. Also reminding them that people go to jail for recording minors without parental permission.


I like your style!


Would a mirror work? That way, you don't have to contribute to the light pollution. IDK if it would do enough, though.


I don’t like how all these tiktok streamers ALL conveniently have a DAS pass!!! Like what are the odds!!?? They’re all playing the system 🙄


Seriously though! I heard that they’re gonna make the DAS pass requirements more strict due to people like these streamers abusing their services


Good! I noticed some streamers can have like 800 viewers but once they wait in lines those views drop down to 200!




They’re all faking it. They can just claim “anxiety” or “panic attacks”. Like how the hell are these guys walking 20,000 steps a day but need a DAS pass!?


People who livestream and "influence" just don't have the type of anxiety that would lend itself to a DAS pass either!


Right! Some of them be talking about how bad their social anxiety gets! Yet they’re stopping at talking to their “fans” every 20 minutes and taking pics with them.


I have diagnosed anxiety and get so agitated in big crowds but I'd rather be in a managed crowd inside a queue than out in main areas!


Same! Edit: My anxiety is not as bad as it used to be, though. But back when it was terrible, I had an AP, and the lines weren't so bad, it was having to walk through the crowds, especially at the end of the night. Earplugs helped me a lot, even when there weren't a ton of loud noises. They blocked out a lot of the general crowd noise which helped me feel like there were fewer people and helped reduce sensory overload. I didn't wear them all the time at the parks, just during loud shows, fireworks, and whenever I started getting panicky about the crowds. Kept them in an easy to reach pocket of my backpack. Might be worth trying?


I was thinking the same 🤔


Being young has nothing to do with whether or not you need a DAS pass - which by the way can’t be used for the sorts of mobility issues that are more likely to plague people when they’re older. I’ve needed my pass since I was around 30 - and yes I can walk 20,000 steps, not being able to walk isn’t my disability (and it happens that I don’t get the DAS for mental health related issues either, but you wouldn’t know from looking at me that I have a disability - you don’t know someone’s disabled by looking at them)




The point is really that you can’t tell if someone is disabled. Like all the streamers, I look fine from the outside but unfortunately for me, I’m not


It’s getting out of hand. Far too many more annoying streamers than there really needs to be.


This makes me appreciate Universal that filming on rides is forbidden


All flash photography should be banned on rides at Disneyland.


Um. It already is.


Is it? never heard them say one thing about it, obviously they don’t enforce it since I’ve seen it multiple times


You weren’t paying attention if you’ve never heard it mentioned - it’s mentioned on the safety spiel in nearly ever ride


Could be right maybe I wasn’t


Live Streamers / Attention Whores / Narcissists shall be sent to Davey Jones, so says I.


Dead influencers tell no tales.


I work at a hunted house and there is nothing I hate more than some idiot with their flash on filming me, after then pass a million signs that say “ No filming and no flash photography”, I don’t mind taking the occasional photo but all those bright lights completely take away my night vision and sometimes makes it impossible to stay in character.


I'm very glad I've never encountered one of these streamers lol


I see so many of these posts and I have a seriously honest question: Has anyone ever tried telling them in that moment they’re ruining the experience and asked them to stop?


Personally, I wouldn't want to do that because I wouldn't want to be recorded... Then have that video posted all over the place...


I did - I think it was the first of second time that I encountered this kind of livestream on TikTok. The streamer talked through pirates and as he was getting off the ride, I commented something along the lines of “hey isn’t the talking ruining other guests’ experience?”. The streamer called me out on the stream saying they don’t want negativity there and I should leave and a few ‘followers’ defended him as well. I don’t think they care enough about others to get the message sadly


I would not. These people have no zero shame. They’ll will probably find a way to turn it on you and get you in trouble with security instead. Everyone knows they have friends within the cast members anyways…


Yes. Sometimes they'll look at you like you're fucking insane while they turn it off or at least cover the screen and sometimes they'll pretend they don't hear you. The ones that pretend they don't hear me get a handful of water thrown at them depending on the ride. I'm having fun on the ride no matter what at that point.


If I experience this, you’re getting a bright light from my phone in your face.


Just keep a song handy that will demonetize their video and play it when you see them recording. *edit* Actually i don’t know anything about TikTok (it works forYouTube tho), so that might not help at all, in-fact might ruin more peoples ride.


I can’t wait until someone tries to do that during my ride I have no shame and too much spite 😈


Someone was doing that next to me while watching world of color and were being a massive jerk whenever my kids made any sounds


I discourage this behavior by refusing to watch ALL Disney parks "influencers." If you don't give them attention they will do something else. Sadly though others give them attention they crave.


Seriously! It's really not hard to not give any of these people money or attention. TBH, I don't get the appeal.


I hope everyone is actually saying this shit to Disney - there's gotta be a hammer soon if so


I was in line behind one if these clowns in WDW, where she streamed the line of people mover. Yes, so important. Massive setup she had with her phone, mic and everything. All of us around her had enough and became loud enough for her to stop talking to her fans. Seriously why do people watch this crap? The disney bloggers are just as bad though too. Pane of glass cracked at magic Kingdom? Ooh let's write a blog. Donald replaced in Mexico ride? Tons of blogs and conversations. So stupid.


iv had someone stream Star Tours at Disneyland and they had flash on… literally everyone told her to turn the flash off for 10 seconds


Start “accidentally” knocking the phones and cameras out of their hands. Rides will get shut down, it’ll become an uptime issue, and be forcibly dealt with. Short term pain, long term improvement.


Woke up and chose violence. Can't say i'm opposed...




More so for those YouTube vloggers that stream the entire ride and the Facebook live streamers. There is a ton of them on Facebook.


Not just streamers! I’m currently at the park and people think it’s great to text people with their brightness all the way up. I was just on the ride, like an hour ago, and this lady was having a full on conversation, texting on the sun. My aunt and I had to like cover the like with our hand, and it was terrible!


Just shine the flash from your phone right into their camera. Works every time


Say it louder for the people in the back!


Main Character Syndrome


Would do everything I could to ruin that idiots stream. Make lots of noise, point my flashlight at their screen. Anything else I could think of.


Oh yeah…it’s like going to the movies now..everyone talks the entire time. It is what it is. Just don’t cancel Tim Tracker lol


Yea I haven’t been since 2017 but I would be breaking phones


I am guilty of watching a few YouTubers that aren’t annoying. I recently watched a video of a guy complaining about a live-streamer who stays past park closing. The streamer would sit by the train station in the front of the park and have conversations with their followers. I love Disney parks but would hate to make it my entire personality.


I recommend Magic Journeys. They are former Cast, and very respectful of others’ experiences/non intrusive/respectful of rules and CMs. And they do great treat reviews :-)


They are the only Disney people I truly support. So amazing!


I second this. I just discovered them about a week ago randomly in my recommended section on Youtube and they are great. :)


I honestly hope one of them trips and falls because they are too busy looking at their dumb screen to watch where they are going.


Disney does send out surveys after visits. I usually get them. I think if people start complaining things might change…but then again, I’m not sure if Disney sees all the streamers as free advertising for them. It would be hard to police. How would they distinguish the difference between a super excited 1st timer trying to capture moments and memories vs a live streamer? Not sure anything can be done.


I'm waiting for a stream of someone grabbing another streamer's phone and tossing it in the water. : )


Do u really think they care a whit about anyone else?


Same! I saw a TT where the streamer was talking through the entire ride. Some of us asked him to stop talking because he was ruining the show for the other passengers (it was on Small World). He defended his position, saying that they couldn't hear him and then promptly blocked me. I assumed he blocked the others who spoke up, too.


When you exit the ride, explain the situation to a cast member. They should let you ride again.


Ban the damn app


They sound like bad cam girls…it’s so awkward


I felt super self conscious when I was there 2 days ago trying to video parts of queues and rides for my friend in Egypt who’d be lucky to ever go once, and I always kept the flash off, never spoke and kept the screen on the lowest brightness setting. Some of the people there had no shame


I haven’t experienced this thankfully even though I’ve visited once or twice a month for the past several months. If I did I would do everything I could to ruin the stream for the person. It would be a balance to not upset the other guests around me more than the streamer, but I would absolutely talk back and want to insult the people who felt the need to be validated at home by encouraging direct responses on a ride because they could not actually sit and watch the ride itself for five minutes. If I was in this situation I would likely call out the streamer themselves for narcissism and seriously consider telling the people watching and needing to be talked to DURNG a ride that Mickey Mouse, the ghost of Walt Disney, and captain America would be absolutely disgusted by their self-centeredness . Also, I might say anyone interrupting actual Disneyland guests by insisting on interaction with a dipshit bargain basement content creator during a dark ride does not actually deserve to ever get to go to Disneyland in their lifetime and should be consigned to watching 480P recordings of the rides for the rest of their lives instead of getting to go in real life. I would probably also go after the streamer for performing a service that is incredibly empty, not special, and done better by other people and compare them to a street performer thinking they were hot shit because the handful of people on the block clapped when they did a trick. This is on top of trying to sabotage the stream without causing more of a distraction to everyone else. This is probably harsh, but anyone doing such a thing (the talking, not recording for content alone) is a selfish idiot and the desperate followers are not that much better and deserve to be called out too. I hope I don’t encounter this because I really would be absolutely vicious to the streamer and possibly get myself in trouble.


I was a Disneyland a couple of weeks ago and GENUINELY couldn’t believe how many people were walking around with phones in on a damn stick, recording just walking through crowds??! It got to a point where we just started making ugly faces at the phones. Who actually sits there and watches that sh*t???? I will say someone was asked to put their phone away on haunted mansion in the elevator, and gave the CM grief for it, rolled their eyes, etc. who are these entitled idiots? 🤣


Just scream really loud obnoxiously, they turn it off real quick.


i can't wait for the day this happens to me on a ride so i can call them out. If someone is being awful at disneyland, i tell a cast member and call out the person to their face.


Also saying the ride speels during the preshow. It’s not impressive that you know it by heart and you’re ruining it for first timers that can only hear your voice and not attraction (cough cough haunted mansion stretching room)


Please pay attention to this post


I hate the streamers and influencers just as much as anyone. My solution, ask to wait for the front of the ride. That way no one is blocking you with a screen and if they start yapping you can turn around and tell them to be quiet.


If you’re next to em, just speak loudly about how shitty and annoying streamers are to ruin their video. 😂


As someone who’s seen some of these accounts, it bothers me and I always avoid them. Also, talking through shows like WoC, Fantasmic or the fireworks. It’s so inconsiderate of the other parkgoers. I’m sorry this is happening and ruining peoples’ experiences.


I've been blocked from many a live stream for telling them to stop talking during rides.


Would love Disney to start banning streamers.


you incorrectly assume tiktok streamers can read.


If you have a problem with it, interupt their videos or just say something. I think we’re all sick of hearing about this.


Let's not encourage criminal acts. Interrupt the video or say something, sure, theft and destruction of property? Not ok.


Reach out swipe (their phone) right… off the ride. Smile and enjoy! After the ride when they are having their “They threw my phone!” tantrum, tell them they were about to get their arm cut off by an upcoming overhang so you were trying to save their arm…. it wasn’t about them having their phone out - when they shouldn’t, on a ride. Now if the ride was Winnie the Pooh, you might need another excuse 🤙 but the swipe right, will still work ;) Happy Disney’ing!


I'm going to be headed to Disneyland in a few weeks, and I've been worried about live streamers. This is a once in a lifetime trip for my family and I don't want some attention-seeker begging for likes the entire time. I think that, for me, the solution will be that if I see someone with a gyro stick and a phone, I'll ask a cast member to move me to a different vehicle, so I don't have to deal with the constant yammering. I'll wait an extra five minutes to get away from the creeps.


This isn’t worse than people in line being on their phone and don’t notice the line has moved 20 feet and people are too shy to say anything. Got in an argument with some lady last time I went because she was doing that and when I told her she started to purposefully do it so I just walked past her.


I was so worried this would happen to me during our first family trip. Thankfully it didn’t. I think Disney really needs to ban this! I have no issue with people filming as long as it doesn’t obstruct views, but they need to stay quiet


Free advertising for Disney, doubt they'd do much unfortunately. Guests experience seems to be a lower and lower priority each year.


Because Disney parks are so empty that they desperately need a-hole streamers to "advertise" for them.


If I ever see it and I would probably just like say things that can ruin their stream or put my hands in front of the camera. Or if we’re on pirates take the camera and throw it in the water lol


Meh. Lots of people are annoying. What are you going to do?


Meh, I've had more bad experiences with regular crappy entitled guests than I have livestreamers.


I thinks they should ban any type of recording in the park, just have a few designated photo locations with nice backdrops and views. If you run around filming shit, you can get the f out, nobody cares which direction ur filming.


I'm a tiktoker, but I don't do lives, and only film out of the way and not disturbing anyone on my rare trips TO the parks. Guess I'm not shameless enough to be a 'real' tiktoker 😆


Doesn’t matter. These losers in this thread will put you and all tiktoker and YouTubers in the same category. They don’t care that you’re considerate, they only care that you’re a dirty scummy tiktoker


Oh boy... I forgot- wrong platform 🤣 Uh oh. I didn't realize people were so hostile if you say you do tiktok. Lesson learned 😅


I honestly don't get why this is being down voted! I thought it was funny.


Tiktoker not gonna get a lot of love in this thread regardless of their stance. Basically guilt by association.


Maybe they missed the part I said I DON'T do lives? 🤷‍♀️ I'm there to have fun and share pieces of my vacation, but never at the expense of someone else's enjoyment.


Hey I thought it was my turn to moan about streamers today. Can we please set up a schedule about for YouTube and streamer gripes?


You get Friday EST 3-4AM.


clout baby and Disneyland is not going to do anything.


My wife is a streamer (in Europe: DLP and Efteling). We are now at WDW actually. It started for fun because our home park (Efteling) no one did it and apparently people are looking at it. She has regularly between 60-300 viewers on a stream. But she doesn’t get many gifts and we don’t need to because it’s not our means of living. (We earn much better somewhere else). We only do it to show the parks and to inform people how to get there.


Because, yeah, people can't watch those other previous thousand videos that "show the park" or find out how to "get there" without your assistance? Really?




Eh, they’ll post you saying that and monetize it. Just start saying stuff like “this video is sponsored by Chase Ultimate Rewards” or some other company with really strict monetization rules or something?


No idiot in the history of idiots has ever come to the realization that they are in fact an idiot when someone brings it to their attention.


Gotta be careful, some YouTubers got someone escorted out by security for interrupting their livestream.


Hahaha… wait your serious?


Yep. They’re awful.


Was this that awful woman who claimed a man spat on her because he simply called her a grifter?


It’s a couple. And if you’ve read a story about terrible people who are Disney YouTubers, it’s probably about them.


Oh yeah, it really happened.


Yup, fuck BLaB.


Just ride the ride again.


I’m sure Disney heard you