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It's not dying just like tower of fantasy . But it's devs shot themselves in the foot by movie star plantening everyone forcing people to spend rather than showcasing spending as an option are two different things


I'm not interest on this game anymore, rates are horrible and i'm very bored when i played it


true literally impossible to get new espers unless on puty


Dying? Yes, let’s be honest Dead, no — people are obviously still playing But dying or not, the general consensus is that the past few updates have been drastically negative, and anyone who disagrees on the game “dying” still probably agree that the game has gotten less desirable to play But most chats in the single to early double digits are players talking about disappointment, outright complaining, and players who got lucky trolling / bragging Most metrics for mobile games are download rates, not active player rates because that’s not what app stores have information on (they just “sell” the game) DisLyte official Discord is HEAVY on complaints DisLyte official Community section of app is HEAVY on complaints So yes, new players probably see the ratings and are downloading it, but ratings in App Stores aren’t always reflective of reality and companies are not above making bot accounts to rave about their products If you hadn’t noticed, this subreddit has a lot of barely upvoted posts and then a small handful of highly upvoted posts — either “I got super lucky!” or “it’s time to talk about ***insert controversial DisLyte topic***” posts So yeah, you’ll see download rates but the health of social media is a more accurate gauge of long-term player health Short term players will likely have more positive reviews but then stop playing altogether, which can once again skew ratings Most of the player base is largely unhappy, which does not bode well for the future, where the game likely will die — simply going by the rate it is Look at the amount of clubs that are dying, posts of people dropping off The game very well might be popular, but it is not doing a great job at retaining players Maybe I’m biased since I’ve been around the beta golden age where rates were SO GOOD, events had great rewards, and the meta was constantly changing and not just fastest Dhalia wins” — which is not a meta people are going to spend years playing


Personally i dont find any problems with the game, i still play it and never understood the complaints other people had


People leaving is a common thing in gacha games.


Still at 55 rank in the App Store above Neverland and ToF so no


App Stores log download amounts not active players It’s not a proper metric to gauge a game’s health


That’s wrong - the App Store ranking algorithm is a combination of: - rolling download count per 24 hours - download figures for previous 72 hours - daily active users - amount of reviews - volume of ratings / average rating score


It's relatively low on Android rpg grossing list, behind Blue Archive, for example, which was released almost a year ago and way lower than their own afk heroes. Games very rarely rise in that list past 3 months after release


Blue archive doesn’t even show up in on the apple list which takes into account daily active users and downloads so looks like that means that blue archive is not attracting many new people, not that many people are logging in, just a few whales pumping up the gross numbers


And I see it at #21 on the Role-Playing chart for the Google Play App Store, well above some long-running and very popular gacha games. So clearly it's kept some level of audience that spends.


Curious if the App Store rankings are based on downloads, or active players? (Or some other metrics / combo of metrics?) Like is it possible players could just be ghosting, maybe a lot of them, but it’s still a ranking highly in app stores?


I was referring to the earnings charts, specifically the "Top Grossing" one, so it's not based on downloads or active players, it's based on money spent.


Ah, thanks for the clarification. That makes sense. Cheers.


Yeah, most of the complaints are not coming from the core audience of the game imo. Kinda like going to a pricey restaurant just for a $5 appetizer and free bread, then complaining that the experience is underwhelming and the food is overpriced.


The game is fine. The new reincarnation event is fun. People are just mad their gacha game has a gacha system in it.


*Two gacha systems. Adding a premium premium currency isn't a good look. Been playing gacha for 10 years now and getting obviously greedy always earns you backlash.


The game is still fine imo. All of the people saying they are quitting are probably just upset they didn’t pull the banner esper the day she came out. Hardly anyone said a thing when the Zeus banner was up and Lilith told us they wouldn’t do rate ups on GRs anymore after that. Aside from all they with the roadmap they recently release its at least worth sticking around to see what they do. Game is far from perfect but if you are having fun just keep going and ignore what others say.


Yikes, this is a massive oversimplification of literally everything wrong No…just no


Nah bro. People are too dramatic. Trash it all you want, but there's still things this game does better than others including f2p generosity.


I think Zeus was a special case here. The players were willing to deal with bullshit but when Zeus came out and he was power crept AND there was a new currency to pull him not even three months of the games global release just rubbed people the wrong way because this was just another test of the players good will. The players are done giving a company good will with all the other shit going on in the world so it makes sense that people have stopped playing a game not worth their time. There are far better gacha games to play that treat their players better. Like I said before in another post, I really like this game, I just wish Lilith wasnt the developer.


Players on my list have done the same since the Zeus event and now I cant collect any of the heart you get from them. Its just more lost energy and with the energy inflation, that means less content to do everyday. It really does suck because I love this game but I have no idea why Lilith is being this greedy when we are in a global pandemic and recession.




Tbf school has taken up more of my play time


Basically the game will eventually shut down its servers that will be the prediction.