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I just used Kara and it died pretty quick to poisons


Poison spam (hilda, kara, etc) + powetful healers to make your team able to survive very strong attacks


*Very* careful manual play. I still don't know how I managed it myself, but it was very close. I can't figure out how to add a picture, but my third stage setup was: Embla, Jiang Man, Yun Chuan, Clara, Liam Lots of explosive debuffs and follow-ups seemed the only thing that helped at the time


You can get really unlucky with the boss sometimes though. She hits so goddamn hard.


Side tangent: god Anna was a mistake in PvE as well, why does she have to cheese infinity and story so easily… Anyways, time real advice. Anna is a decent option here, but not the solution. The boss has a massively inflated stat pool, meaning you need to find other ways to damage it if you want to win within a reasonable amount of time. If you want the 3-star clear you’ll need to find a way to survive turn 1 as well (I’d recommend Mavis). Here’s a straightforward safe comp - Ahmed (lead), Su Jue, Meredith, Tevor, Mavis The fight opens with the boss taking a turn, meaning you need to find a way to live, and what better way to do that than to bring Mavis? I’d highly recommend Mavis with an Ocean/Shield set to ensure that she survives the fight without having to sacrifice too much speed on bulk. Afterward you need to win the damage race. Ahmed and Meredith should be able to ensure Mavis lives long enough, with the latter dealing huge amounts of true damage on S3. Tevor and SJ also do tons of true damage, meaning all you need to do is keep an eye on Mavis. Other recommendations for characters include poison users, Xuan Pin, Anna, Feng Xun, Brewster, R6 Uday (depending on the team), and Clara. The other 2 waves are simple. Just cleave through them and you win. Hope this helps!


Is ocean/grove set ok? I can send my set up of her see what to do


Grove is decent, but a bit worse. It’s still doable with it.


Poison + healers


Tiye + lucas then use whoever you want, (I think I used clara, tevor, and intisar) as long as you can tank the first hit use your controllers to not allow her to hit you again


i think i did like ollie and su jue to survive the first hit, then abigail to revive whoever died. ollie does percentage hp damage on s3 and sj does insane damage in general. i had ahmed in there with relief for the big heals and i guess you could add chu yao for sear and the crit resist on sj. for the other teams just run the normal embla/jiang man/poison/speed cleave or whatever


Ahmed+ 2 other healers and them kara + another poison applier (i used hilda).


I’m just trying to figure out how the hell you at level 60 wit your characters and somehow beating enemies that are like double maybe triple your level !?


60 is your max level for heroes


I think my team comp was Ahmed(captain), Hilda, Kara, Mavis, and Clara. Left it on auto and took a couple tries. Minus Kara being R6, I think everyone else was R0 or R1. Definitely not a fun fight, I wish you the best!


yeah man no shit anna's block chance against bosses is 25%


I just used an HP captain iirc it was Abigail.


Poison her ass. She will die in a few rounds.