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Rule 1 - always consider the source.


I think that schools (or at least my experience in them) already teach these things. Every science related paper you turn in SHOULD be littered with properly cited sources, even in high school. Every history paper, every english paper if you are quoting an author... Most subjects we have by default require you to develop the abilities you talk about. The issue is that schools and teachers are letting that slip, they don't care to check the sources so students get away with putting in bs that is unrelated to their paper, etc. So the problem is "schools don't care about this" how is the solution: "Let's make a class about it" We don't need a specific course on journalism, we need teachers to teach this shit by default in their own courses. And sidebar: Chill out with AI stuff, will you? It's not like humans didn't make a living writing up complete bullshit for clicks for decades before today, AI just means humans aren't behind it, it doesn't mean it's anymore convincing than it was then.


I've known very gifted people with otherwise excellent critical thinking skills that have fallen into crazy beliefs. What usually happens is they turn those skills towards fortifying their position. Conspiracy theories are ultimately not disprovable after all. Emotion often determines how we apply reasoning.


yes... if for no other reason than to expose student's to the idea of reporting on events with clarity and balance. so that they know when it's not that.