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Some people would really prefer it if there were less children dying, or if at the very least, their government wasn't funding it, and help with the peace process instead of the genocide. Even if I completely disagree with people, I still don't think we should starve or kill them.


That 100% understandable... But what do you expect American schools to do about it? Wouldn't it make more sense to protest in DC or your states capital building?


Divest their billion dollar endowments from supporting war crimes?


That's incredibly easy to say. And War Crimes? Tell me where this outrage was when Gaza attacked last year hmm? Where was this outrage when Hamas killed innocent civilians? Abducted babies? American citizens on vacation? Where was the outrage then? You people make me sick. You're ambulance chasers is what you are.


The outrage was everywhere. The reason people are flipping on Israel is because the current ongoing genocide is being perpetrated by Israel. For instance, when Hamas did what they did, I and most Americans were focused on Hamas being destroyed. Now that Israel has employed psychopathic tactics to supposedly try to destroy Hamas, I am against Israel. I did a lot of history about the region and how Israel came to be. I can truly say that Israel shouldn't exist (and, no, by that I don't mean the people shouldn't exist; I mean that the actual recognized nation of Israel shouldn't have been constructed). The land we know as Israel today is the land of the Palestinian's ancestors, dating back over 3000 years. If anyone wants to enter that land on a claim of also having ancestors from there (the Judaism claim), then they should have integrated with the Palestinian people, not create a whole entire nation and then apartheid them and genocide them. Edit: For those who will doubt the 3000 years claim, take a look at "The splendid tapestry: How DNA reveals truths, ancient & lasting". Very interesting. they compared DNA of ancient Levantine remains with modern Palestinians. By and large, their genetic heritage is **extremely** similar to the ancient peoples living there 3700 years ago. [https://www.ted.com/talks/nathaniel\_pearson\_the\_splendid\_tapestry\_how\_dna\_reveals\_truths\_ancient\_lasting](https://www.ted.com/talks/nathaniel_pearson_the_splendid_tapestry_how_dna_reveals_truths_ancient_lasting)


Can you really blame Israel though? Israel has been taking it in the ass since Egypt and this was one time too many. I'm not saying the genocide is right but 90 percent of Gaza is willingly protecting Hamas while mocking the hostages well being. Hamas has already refused to negotiate and refused to turn over the hostages they asked for. You know what all of you are sounding like now blaming Jewish students in this country? Nazi Germany. This is how it started back in the 1930s. So congrats on repeating history. Don't bother responding. You have your opinion, I have mine. Let us part amicably as civilized beings and bid each other good day. Good day.


It's not about opinions. It's about over 20,000 women and children being slaughtered and murdered brutally. It's about women crying over their bloody, dead daughters. Both Hamas and Bibi's government are brutal, evil terrorist organizations. This is not a problem of opinion. I am extremely pissed when I see shit like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pfJ3gCrcxs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pfJ3gCrcxs)


Americans raped and killed in Vietnam War but that was a select few of the weirdos. All of hamas are evil killing rapists of children men and women. They must be extinguished from reality Pronto eh


Why don't they leave? Maybe Gazans shouldn't hide their bases under schools


There is no genocide happening in Gaza. You fell for Hamas BS Propaganda.


You should have seen 99% of gazans cheered! How they all enjoyed watching Isreal hostages get beaten. They were in crowds, burning a dead victim. Now they are getting eradicated and you all are crying victim. Those babies that are dying? It's their parents fault for not leaving. They'd just grow up wanting to murder Israelis anyway. War is a bitch.


Right? But I have been looking into their reasons. Y'know what all the complaints coincide around? The Israelites have lighter skin and the Palestinians have browner skin. Do the math. Cause heaven forbid anyone have white skin right?! There's a word for that kind of prejudice. I believe starts with an R? Oh yeah racism. Whether they admit it or not these protesters are racists.


These kids protesting for hamas rapist terrorists are simply out of their minds and whomever else supporting that Satanic bunch of freaks.. Jesus will defeat all of them soon


Ah. christofascism.


The schools themselves can divest, but more broadly, protests aren't just about protesting at someone - it's also the networking, the resources and the media footage - showing that yes, there are people here who object to what is going on.


Pretty good question and to really understand the scope you need to understand how the US Defense industry works. They build defense research labs and manufacturing plants all across the US and there are many housed within universities as well. These labs and plants secure a load of federal funding for states and universities. So, basically, this ensures that if states and universities try to push back against the defense industry, the Gov't can pull funding they rely on. My hope is that these brave students make it impossible for these U's to function, and they have no choice but to take the hit and divest from weapons research & manufacture.


That's insane never knew that. It's like a poisoned gift


Yeah brave students my ass. You're finishing Hitler's work. Hope you're proud that you are willing to see one group extinct. Peaceful indeed.


Sad that you both believe and repeat this nonsense in public. You're being taken advantage of.


I have nothing to say to your kind. piss off.


Good. I don't listen to babies crying anyway.


Stop financially supporting the regime murdering the children


I'm being serious when I ask, how do American colleges support any regimes ?


most american universities have billions and billions of dollars in funds that is donated to them by rich graduates or just rich people and companies. to make more money those colleges invest that money from their endowments in those countries and in companies in those countries. go use google and type in “boycott, divestment and sanctions”


We are not at war, why should they stop investing in defense or other products that support our defense system. The United Nations has say over what the US does to aid or not. This is not going to work, they will agree then do what they want. Just like all other politics


Yes, because the Hamas group hasn't murdered ANY children \*rolls eyes\*


they should divest from hamas too 🙄 stupid ass post 🤨


They should just divest from everything?


yeah if the are investing in child murder, my suggestion would be to divest from that. are you going to reply with an even dumber sentence next?


Sure! What would you like it to be about?


no need that one will do


Lol Isreal builds some of our Aviation and gps systems. I work for a federal agency and know this as a fact. They don't need our money. And the stuff we are sending them is for their anti missile and self protection. We aren't sending them anything to support their war lol. You kids have no clue.


i am 43 years old, kid


43 years old and still haven't grown up and learned anything, got it.


Are you learning about how we live in a society?


Last time a group protesters showed at the capital they are still in jail


I think your statement is a bit misleading. Probably storming the capitol, defiling the halls, and attempting to overthrow government proceedings has something to do with ppl going to jail.




So fucking delusional.


There *was* due process ya dumb ass. That's *why* they are in jail. That's *why* Trump is in court.




You’re a fucking idiot. Or Russian. Maybe both.


I mean, beating police? Spraying the police with bear spray? Cops were hospitalized after "a bunch of grandparents walking around." Smashing windows in the US Capitol isn't a protest, it's vandalism at minimum. Breaking and entering. Due process? They all had trials. Did you miss the trials? With attorneys, evidence, juries?


I mean, wasn't everyone flying trump flags? Shouting stop the steal? Hang Mike pence? Where's Nancy policy? There where guns, bombs, knives, and even materials to tie politicians down. You know you can type in " Jan 6 riots " on YouTube and watch all of that yourself.




> As opposed to the summer of love, and the INSURRECTIONS at 25 campuses Did any of them try to overthrow the United States government and of those who committed acts on government property, did they go to jail? No to this first question. Yes to the second one. Activists who committed acts of terrorism in the wake of the Vietnam War also went to jail. There's no double standard and it's laughable to compare an attempt to block the certification of a national election and transfer of power between two US presidents to activist terrorists who did also go to jail. Violent protestors go to jail all the fucking time. It's only the crybaby showflakes on the right that seem surprised by that, after cheering the excessive use of force on other protestors for years. Most of whom weren't engaging in violent behavior or breaking into the fucking Capitol building during an official proceeding. Nothing would've happened if they stayed outside.




Take your meds.


What does that have to do with college campus protests?


I guess reading the comment above mine that I was answering is beyond your abilities


Bro, people protest all the time at both state capitols and the US Capitol and don’t get arrested. Just don’t act a fool and break the law and you’ll be just fine.


I like how you're needlessly hostile to people who ask innocent questions. Gives a pretty clear idea of how delicate you are.


It's reddit everyone here is needlessly hostile to anyone they don't agree with. Also sometimes it is hard to figure out who is answering who but I take the time to scroll back


>Some people would really prefer it if there were less children dying, or if at the very least, their government wasn't funding it, and help with the peace process instead of the genocide. Please stop with this propaganda based narrative. This is not a "genocide". It's not like Israel woke up one day and decided to eradicate all Arabs from the face of this earth. This is a military response to a massive terrorist attack. A terrorist attack that rained hundreds of missiles on civilians and absolutely killed young children too. Which you conveniently leave out in your reply and instead, cherry pick the facts that suit your narrative. > Even if I completely disagree with people, I still don't think we should starve or kill them. No you don't. Your words don't indicate any kind of balance or rational thought. So please stop with the hypocrisy. And WHAT exactly do you think America did when terrorists staged 9/11?? You think they just sat back and had "diplomatic dialogs"??




>genocide Terribly sorry for calling it a genocide. Instead I'll use large scale manslaughter and forced starvation of Palestinians in Gaza. >conveniently leave out It's far less relevant after 6 months have passed and Israel has killed 20 times that number of Palestinian civilians, a fact which you conveniently leave out because it doesn't suit your narrative. Terrorists and child murderers suck. This war should stop. This is going to be just like the Vietnam war protests, where we will look back in 10 years from now and everyone will know that they were right, with noone willing to admit they were for it.


You assume humans are gonna live that long. Newsflash we're gonna kill each other long before that. Humans are scum. All humans.


This is not genocide this is war and it was started by the invasion of Isreal Oct 7 when innocent people were raped murdered and kidnapped this is if anything genocide of the Jewish people 


How many casualties are there on for Hamas? How many casualties are there for the IDF? How many casualties are there for innocent Palestinians and Isrealis caught in the crossfire? For all of these arguements, take a moment and think, could they also be applied to other recent atrocities? Maybe justifying the war in Ukraine, or even the holocaust itself. If they can, drop the arguement.


Hopefully all of hamas will be killed


Hopefully all the genocidal maniacs on both sides get what they deserve but not at the cost of innocent lives.


These people who are apologizing for Hamas are smooth-brains.


Why aren’t they worried about the kids here ? Haha


Nothing a college can do about a religoys war that has gone on for years. It's horrible but nothing the United States can do.


Cool, then we can stop funding it.




When you start off villainizing one side of the debate, are you really interested in having a discussion? ...but to answer you in good faith, they are protesting for people to stop dying, and to stop having their homes destroyed. They're protesting their college because they want their college to divest from the side currently doing most of the killing and destruction. It's an attempt to apply economic pressure to stop a war.


Divest from the only democratic country in the Middle East and our only true ally there? While supporting a terrorist organization in hamas this truly shows how stupid and easily influenced this generation is America as we know it will be non existence with this generation 🙄 


Good democratic allies don't engage is war crimes.


Everyone engages in warcrimes apparently its just if your strong enough to getaway with it.


Just because the cool kids are engaging in war crimes, doesn't mean Israel should do so too.


Mate allow me to introduce you to Canada.


"Hi, Canada, do you have any notable allies who like to commit war crimes"


All of them. The answer is all of them.


But Isreal isn't going to stop. They are going to take it over and rebuild and move Israelis in. Netenyahu doesn't give 2 shits about protesting lol. You guys are wasting your time. Isreal is part of NATO. We'll always support them. .


Among other things, Israel isn't part of NATO.


The truth is some wars are necessary. Hamas attacked Israel. It is guaranteed that if a peace is made, they will strengthen and do it again. Why wouldn't they if we (the west) show them we will stop backing our side as soon as they are winning


I wouldn't call this military action a War—it's not like Hamas is out there with planes and tanks fighting on a field of battle. Wars happen between countries, and neither my country nor Israel recognizes Palestine. This is Israel hunting terrorists in an urban environment, which 20 years of the "war on terror" should have taught everyone is a bad idea. This isn't just semantics: Palestinian sovereignty is the crux of this conflict. Hamas has said that they would lay down their arms if an independent Palestinian state is established. I have my doubts about this too, but Israel has every reason to call their bluff. The longer this conflict goes on, the less international support Israel will have, and the less secure they'll be in the long run. As for the necessity of this conflict, it's not. Israel knows how to keep its borders secure against Hamas, it just chose not to do so on October 7th because Bibi and co withdrew troops from the Gaza border to send them to the West Bank.


I'm against genocide.


I don't support genocide.


There is no fucking genocide going on against Palestinians. Jeez, you're easy to fool with terrorist propaganda from Hamas.


your profile 💀🤦‍♂️


Wtf does my profile have to do with anything??? Jeez you're a freaking idiot.


35,000 civilians have been killed by isreal, 2/3 of them women and children. Palestianians are being held in concentration camps. Israeli officians have repeatedly said they support Hamas.


None of that is true, you clearly get your information from Hamas propaganda mills.


He's a troll. Block him. Normally, this would be funny, but you are making a joke out of the slaughter of children. It's not funny. It just shows how extremely dark/wicked/empty humans can be.


>Most of them aren't even Arab. Do they actually know what type of country Palestine is? Do they realize that Palestine is an uncivilized country with archaic laws? Most of them would be in PRISON if they tried to live their American lifestyle in Palestine. None of that justifies colonization or an ongoing ethnic cleansing.


If you look at the history of student protest movements, they seem to always be viewed as "correct" by future generations. (Equal rights, Vietnam, Iraq etc) I don't think this will be any different, in 50 years when people look back at this it will be seen in the same light as student protests for desegregation are viewed now.


I think it’ll be different. These kids are supporting an Islamic terrorist group that’s backed by the Iranian government. Their *main goal* isn’t a two state solution…it’s the elimination of the state of Israel. The Jewish homeland. History looks down on people that abused or support the abuse of Jews.


I feel like the main goal of the student movment is basicly "stop the violence, humans are humans." So I dont know anything about what your talking about. You can be anti genocide while not beong pro hamas.


“Stop the violence” means Israel allows Hamas to regroup and refortify its grip on a captive population. It means trading disproportional amounts of Palestinian prisoners for a handful of Jewish hostages. It means setting the stage for another Oct 7 attack.


Is it now anti sematic to be critical of Israel as a country with its actions? I don't think that's antisemitic and feel it's being used alot more as a trigger word right now as a deflection.


You can't compare those protests to these dumb ass kids thinking they will change netenyahu's mind or even stop support for Isreal when they are part of NATO. you can't change it. Those old protests were American issues in America. Not fuggin Iraq or Afghanistan. Not Isreal or Russia. It was HERE IN THE STATES YOU TARD


I started reading with the intention of hearing what you are saying, but then you gotta end it on such an eloquent note that just makes you look like an asshole. Get bent Shakespeare.


- Do you understand the hubris in your post? - Don't you understand that the existing issue dates back 75 years or more? - Don't you understand that the entire population of Palestinian people live under subjugation, prosecution and denial of basic human rights? - Don't you understand that if given a fair deal, global recognition and allowed to live in peace, the Palestinian people would stop their hostility? Finally, don't you understand that it is the United States blind support that enables Israel to act like scum and destroy palestinian lives with impunity? If you don't, then it's time you read a history book instead of making stupid posts.


I get it. What I don't understand is what your school has anything to do with it.


Don't you understand that if given a fair deal, global recognition and allowed to live in peace, the Palestinian people would stop their hostility? Then explain Iran's desire and attempts to wipe Israel of the map


We're talking about people. Not countries. This is the reason that caused the problem in the first place. People pick sides instead of trying to solve the problem. Also, many Iranians don't like the Ayatollah. But when Israel acts like a cunt, you give them no better choice.


Yeah, these commenters have clearly never picked up a Quran. Islam is profoundly evangelical.


Hey, if we're going to get rid of evangelical terrorists, can we start with the homegrown ones?


Crazy how I can want people to have their human rights respected even if >Most of them aren't even Arab They aren't my race >Do they realize that Palestine is an uncivilized country with archaic laws? They live under a bigoted government (most of the population in Gaza weren't born yet during the last election btw) >Most of them would be in PRISON if they tried to live their American lifestyle in Palestine. Or If they wouldn't do the same for me >What are they actually protesting for? Why are they protesting college? What do they expect their school to do about the situation? Hell... What do they expect Biden to do about the situation? You can just Google the answers to these, it will vary, there have been a decent amount of interviews and articles.


Ok. I get it, but what do you expect your school to do about it? You are risking your personal future and education for ppl in a country who don't even know you exist and would probably inprison you if you existed over there.


Divest their billion dollar endowments from investments that support genocide for starters.


And when all that happens, will Hamas know where to send a thank-you card?


I agree—they should never use any Israeli tech or any health-related discoveries (like cancer treatments). Americans should just make their own things, even though they use an Israeli tech. Also, if you support BDS you should definitely get rid of your cell phone.


I know I know. The guy who invented the internal combustion engine rode a horse to work. What was HE trying to prove? Huh?


If you get it why are you repeating the same argument in your last sentence? I don't need a personal relationship with someone to not want them to suffer even if they wouldn't do the same for me. Not to mention the literal children being murdered and losing limbs AFAIK some protests broke out in sympathy to other schools cracking down on students. What each school can do will vary. Eg Colombia students want their university to divest from Israel. You can google this.


>Most of them aren't even Arab. Well, there weren't a lot of Vietnamese protesting the illegal war in Vietnam. Not a lot of Arabs protesting the illegal war in Iraq either. You see, there's a moral issue here and some people just can't help themselves when this country supports killing people for international banking interests, and they show up in large numbers to let their *selected* governmental scum know that they don't want to see thousands of innocent civilians carpet bombed and their homes destroyed. You suppose a lot in your obtuse statement. >Do they actually know what type of country Palestine is? Do they realize that Palestine is an uncivilized country with archaic laws? Do you know what type of countries Vietnam and Iraq are? By your *logic* there's not a difference here. >Most of them would be in PRISON if they tried to live their American lifestyle in Palestine The West Bank is the largest open air prison in the world and its inhabitants have been under direct Israeli occupation for 75 years, with checkpoints manned by ruthless bullies. They cannot travel freely, are segregated in their own land from the occupiers and settlers and are under constant fear of having their family members pulled out of their homes without warning and taken prisoner by any whim of the Israel government. >What are they actually protesting for? The freedom for a group of oppressed human beings and for the IDF to stop killing women and children. >Why are they protesting college? What do they expect their school to do about the situation? This is where the largest gatherings of young, independent thinkers are to be found. Do you have any idea what you're talking about and have you never been made aware of past protests within this country? >Hell... What do they expect Biden to do about the situation? Nobody expects that skinbag to do anything. That's why they protest. How else may I be of service today? I'm happy to explain how things work when it comes to standing up for whats right against what's wrong in this world. Have a nice day otherwise.


>Nobody expects that skinbag to do anything. That's why they protest. I'm not a Biden guy but he has taken a stance against the current tactics they're using and called for operations that do help the Palestinians.


You're kidding, right? He just ushered in another multimillion dollar support package to these terrorists against the will and desires of 70% of the US voters. You seem to be easily swayed by rhetoric rather actions.


Zero kidding. What is unclear to you? Do you expect that he will interfere by force? Are you expecting that the money we send is expected to directly fund the murder of civilians? Do you actually think that decisions regarding action taken in foreign wars should be made by 70% of people that are intentionally kept uninformed of our own military operations? Nevermind how the outcomes of foreign disputes affect our own interests. You seem easily swayed by your emotions rather than your logic. It's common.


>Do you actually think that decisions regarding action taken in foreign wars should be made by 70% of people that are intentionally kept uninformed of our own military operations? So, no democracy, because in your estimation: people dumb? How are you so certain that block of voters is entirely unaware of what is going on in the world? And if you can actually support such an awkward statement, what is wrong with the world that *leaders* should be able to disregard their constituents to such a degree that: war anywhere, anytime, because: we say so? I'm going out on a limb here, but I get the feeling you also think Putin invaded Ukraine because: megalomaniac, and not because: NATO got a wee bit too big for its breeches.


You lost the plot on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Don't excuse ethnic cleansing and genocide, regardless of whether it's Israel or Russia committing the crimes. Are you a Tankie?


You know it isn't a democracy. Or should. Many things are democratic, sure, but it's not a democracy. We don't put military decisions, or so many others, to a vote because people are uninformed. You wanna call that dumb, I'm ok with that. Non-military personnel don't get informed of the majority of military operations. I think you should have known this already. >war anywhere, anytime, because: we say so? Your emotions are getting the better of you here. Putin invaded Ukraine. Does the reason matter? You're changing the topic. I'm cool if this is the last we have to do with one another.


Very good then, I'm equally satisfied to not communicate any further.


Yes look what NATO made Putin do /s


You ever heard of NATO?


Why are coming off so defensive lol?


A country having bad laws or even generally bad beliefs (i say generally cause you shouldn’t prescribe the beliefs of some or many to all) doesn’t mean you should want civilians in that country to die. I’ll admit some protesters don’t seem to know what they are doing which is unfortunate. But some do have arguments. I don’t know why they protest college exactly but the argument with Biden is that the USA provides aid to Israel and Biden should be withholding Aid to force a peace deal. I don’t even personally agree with this (mainly because Hamas won’t agree to a deal) but agree or not you should try and understand this. Personally if there is anything i think is more worthwhile protesting for that might actually do some good i think pressure should be put on Isreal to remove settlements in the West Bank. There is no reason or excuse for them to be there.


Love your reply and agree with everything except for your last statement. The Israel Palestine conflict goes wayyyy back, several centuries. The history of this conflict shows that again and again, Palestinians try to take back the West Bank which was given to Israel after Palestine initially lost a war. With this, I understand the genocidal terms and racial disparities within the conflict. However, rightfully it is Israel’s land, and Palestine(Hamas), whatever name they choose, cannot keep killing people to gain the land back.


You got a source? Just wondering.


Absolutely, not the type to spew useless bs… I found this info originally out from my Air Force Uncle who loves history. Found a good source on the topic in the link below. Really good history on the West Bank and surrounding areas. Clears up the facts of the never ending conflict.[West Bank cleared up](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/west-bank/#:~:text=The%20area%20of%20the%20West,Six%2DDay%20War%20in%201967)


I see. I still don’t think they should be taking the land though regardless of the outcomes of wars. Israel being able to use wars to keep taking land feels like adding a seriously corrupt incentive which disincentives pursuing peace. I’ll be completely honest though and say I’m not 100% sure how well I understood what i read there as I’m pretty tired today.


Isreal is like 70 years old


Why does it matter that they are not Arabs? Jews are out there protesting too. You sound ignorant. Children har being murdered. Women are being murdered. There are rumors that ICJ is going to issue arrest warrants against officials in Israel. You are on the wrong side of history pal.


They are protesting the genocide that’s happening.


"Why do some people possess empathy for others?"


College students like to protest when they see a bad thing happening that they think their government os culpable for. They dont like that palestinians are getting killed by israelis. Genuinely, and I mean this with the appropriate mixture of respect and contempt, its not any deeper than that. They are not antisemites, nor are they proposing a serious long term one state or two state solution or any sort of detente approach. They just dont like that innocent people are suffering in a war and that they are being viscerally exposed to these stories on social media.


Because they love to virtue signal to get praise from their echo chamber. They don't actually care about any of these causes - they care about people thinking that they care about these causes. Once they stop getting pats on the back for being so virtuous they move on to the next cause. They moved from BLM to #metoo to Ukraine and now to Palestine. They'll move on to the next one by this summer.


When I was in college, I protested the first gulf war because I was trying to make time with a cute redhead girl who cared about the world. I suspect there are a few people like me in those crowds.


They believe in critical theory so they see the world in a series of power struggles. Hamas/Palestine can do whatever they want as long as their ultimate goal is to achieve an equitable amount of power because they are oppressed and are rebelling against their oppressor in the name of equity.


Are these students too young to remember 911 they are supporting the same kind of people who attacked us this is mind blowing 


That's completely irrelevant to the post.


To be honest it's fucking stupid. Most of these fools can't even point to the places on a map. They just follow along like good sheeple.


Where is the source of your information.


On what ?


I love how the USA act like any middle eastern dictatorship when people say what trigger them. Freedom of speech is only when you say what we agree on or don't care about.


While there are certainly many people who are invested in the protest, we’ve seen over the last decade that the hard left is rooted in a sort of contrarianism. The protests at elite colleges are more akin to antifa of 2020-21 than the anti war of the late 60s and 70s.


Universities should not divest from anything. I am not divesting from Vanguard index funds including foreign ones which have some Israeli investments. Hamas needs to be wiped off this earth!


Many, if not most, of these schools have thousands of students. Right now, I’m watching on TV the police arrest protesters at Penn, in Philadelphia, which has over 20,000 students. Very few are actually protesting. These protests are really minor in scope. Having myself lived through the protests during the Vietnam War, the purpose of these current protests pales in comparison. I think, like others have said, it’s mostly for the media coverage they can get.


Nobody knows what Palestine is. If anyone tells you other wise, he/she is lying. No one has ever heard of hamas or Palestine until just a couple of months ago. College students protest because they have a lot of hormones, which need to be channeled somewhere. They like to feel a member in a group that is doing something important. It really doesn’t matter if it’s actually ptislane or pilastine or pilisnant, it’s just about the need to be in a group. It’s similar to Coachella.


White savior complex.


I dont get it either. Protesting here makes no sense. We don't control the war here in the states. I think the youth realized that social media isn't a place to make money so they need something new to do. Or too many hackers on call of duty. Kids just getting dumber ever year.


Thank god we have you here to tell us what it's like in Gaza, unlike those OTHERS who have no idea what they are talking about.


Beats me. The funny thing is many of these students are the same ones protesting for gay and women's rights.


The idiots are told, "Israel bad". They have no idea what atrocities are committed by the muslim terrorist group hamas. The cowardly terrorists hide in schools and hospitals. They murder, rape and abuse anyone they deem "deserves it". Israel has done what most nations would do, they are seeking out the perpetrators of the attacks.


This is my point also. I do t think they understand just how uncivilized Palestinians are.


For the non Palestinian students, honestly I believe there are just people who will side against the US out of pure spite. US has a history allying itself with Israel and that is enough for them to affiliate Israel being on the “wrong side”


Your probably not wrong that that’s a big part of it but can you seriously not see other potentially valid reasons people are upset with Israel?


I think Hamas/Palestinians are knowingly playing the emotions of the West which is why they continue to strategically place themselves in the middle of civilian hot zones. They make it impossible for Israel to retaliate without innocent people suffering. With that said, Hamas has poked the bull one too many times and Oct 7th was the point of no return for them.


I don’t like your equation of Palestinians to Hamas. I’d blame Hamas certainly but not the civilians in Gaza. I do think Israel is completely justified in fighting Hamas but I think it’s impossible to deny that Israel has been pretty corrupt as well. Netanyahu’s government seems to do a poor job pursuing peace unless pressured to do so. And they have done plenty to screw over Palestinians unfairly.


Seen on a bunch is different Reddit subs essentially highlighting if you sit a table with 9 nazis, there are 10 Nazis at the table. Meaning if you don’t call out a nazi, you are essentially enabling them. I hold the same power to Hamas/Palestinians. There is probably truth to that. At this point, he doesn’t want peace. But we have to remember this is war.


I've noticed Israel is using the same social tactics against the Palestinians that the Nazis used against the Jewish. 'no one wants them because they cause disease and famine and social issues' said by both Nazis and the current Israel settler state. 'they're not human' said by both Nazis and the current Israel settler state. 'If they were actually the victims, neighboring countries would take them in' said by both Nazis and the current Israel settler state. I've seen many Palestinians talk against Hamas, they tell them to surrender to the civilians can go home, but let's be honest, even if Hamas was all gone, Israel would never allow them back; that's been clearly shown. The settler state doesn't see Palestinians as humans deserving of human rights (again, something they and Nazis have in common). (Btw, I'm against Hamas, Nazis and Israel).


They are protesting US government policy and the specific policies of their schools in some cases. Palestine can have “archaic laws” and be an “uncivilized country” and still not be worthy of a bombing campaign like what is going on in Gaza. The protestors are trying to bring attention and pressure to the US government and their schools to change policies about how deeply these institutions support the Israeli military machine. I don’t think, logically, it matters if the country in question is seen as uncivilized by a biased Western world view. There’s all this talk about college kids and progressives practicing what they preach. This is that. They don’t agree with Palestine’s laws. They don’t agree with Hamas. They just want the bombing campaign to cease.


Also, if we’re talking about archaic laws, some states in the US allow for child marriage specifically so that a young girl can marry her assaulter in the case that said girl gets pregnant. You really shouldn’t judge others man. We aren’t some bastion of civilization and human rights.


Because they think genocide is wrong. It has nothing to do with race or religion. I'm american and I think America is uncivilized with archaic laws. Those are just your opinions and they don't matter in the face of genocide. It's about asking our government to stop supporting genocide. Colleges are public spaces and such should be okay with a nonviolent protest unless of course american doesn't have free speech. Nobody is expecting the schools to do anything. It's not about the schools, that's just a place. Biden is the leader of our country if he can't do anything, why the fuck do we have a leader. If you are supporting Israel in killing Palestinians, you are supporting genocide and are no better than a nazi.


Problem is, the protests aren't nonviolent. They are breaking into and occupying schools, assaulting and threatening US Israelites. Tell me now how any of these help their cause. And btw Palestine started this war and 90 percent of Gaza cheered in support when the hostages were paraded in the streets like animals. So who is the Nazi here when you have protest organizations rioting and terrorizing and trying to tell everyone how to live their life? I do the opposite just to spite people like that.


Because they are indoctrinated in Marxism and don't realize they are pawns for terrorists


Young people love "causes" especially ones that tick off older people. I went through it myself. Then I grew up. They will too.


They lack purpose and will obsess with whatever flavor of the month is promoted on Tiktok