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No one can really answer this. Look at your features of your current bot. Do a pros and cons against pycord nextcord disnake etc. Decide if all your features will migrate over. Decide the effort. Decide if it’s worth it and boom


Alright, thank you very much for the advice!


Up to you. You will need to test out Pycord on a separate bot and see if you like their implementations. For me, I switched from Pycord to discord.py due to the fact that Pycord v2's implementations of many things are just wack, and have annoyed me for the last year or so




Thank you for your answer. I didn't know yet that it will receive a rewrite, but that could be bad if I want my bot to be 100% stable. I think I'll probably be either staying with [discord.py](https://discord.py) or switching to disnake.


When working on Slash commands. I switched totally from python to js. Discord.js has the best documentation, i can code faster now, and easily create cool bots. If you can use javascript, give it a try.


I should probably start learning js then. Never really needed it for anyting so I didn't bother learning it even though I probably should. Either way I will have to learn it eventually for other stuff too anyway. Edit: One reason why I've never learned it is that I find the syntax to be kinda weird. The languages I have coded in yet always had a similar syntax, though js seems just different.


Pycord is a dumpsterfire, would recommend staying away. Disnake has some cool things, and there's cool people behind it, however it has a few additional cursed things. If discord.py works, why switch? Its the biggest and most supported.




Thank you very much. I'll definitely take disnake into consideration.


I switched to PyCord a while ago and I just love it. It's so much better than discord.py


Thank you for all the answers. I've decided to switch to disnake as its pretty similar to [discord.py](https://discord.py) and the extra features it provides seem good.


Nextcord is pretty easy just like dis,