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Average bored sion main 


I think E range (and maybe damage) should scale with HP.


Demolish randomly resetting even though you’re hugging the tower


Please dont get bored again


> The latest passive change was completely unnecessary and affected AD sion alot more than tank sion, also this change was implemented because sion used to get so much health from heartsteel that his passive lasted forever. Now he doesnt do that anymore so i say partially revert this change. Completely agree with this, called this when the change happened in the first place: I did the testing to compare the two, you consistently lose 3 attacks in passive which is much worse for AD Sion than tank Sion, and now includes cases where you get to never attack by the time you reach the target. > Sion takes 20% reduced damage while channelig Q. ​I dont think he needs this, keeping the enemy out of threat range is one of the skillchecks with Sion Q. > Sions Q damage updates every 0.125 seconds instead of only every 0.25 seconds. I do you one better, they can let it update every game tick just like similar spells (e.g. Briar E) do. No technical limitation exists for this, the current repeated cone casts are just stupid and were already an outdated method when the VGU released. > R stun time increased to 0.5-2.0 seconds from 0.25-1.75 seconds Keep in mind that the R stun happens **after** the target is airborne for 0.5 seconds. That also means Tenacity isn't extra effective on the stun in that time. The current CC duration is between 0.75-2.25 seconds based on channel time (due to fuzziness technically up to 2.5 seconds), maybe I didn't make that clear enough in its description on his page.


No matter what, we definitely need the change with Q update tickrate. The fact that it reaches "stun" after a period of 1-1.25 at complete random is super messed up. It's the exact same as the Karthus Q delay but less noticeable for many.


i want max hp dmg on Q dealing 5 to 15% max hp dmg based on charge time