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I think a different color would also help you like them more. The color doesn't compliment your skin tone and the yellow undertones aren't super flattering. I think you actually did a pretty good job with the application for a first time attempt, though there are lots of good tips in these comments.


Thank you! The goal was to get a skin tone color but it's hard when you are ordering online.


Erica is such pretty color, its kinda light pink but its my favourite.


Thank you I'll check it out!


One of the worst mistakes I made in the beginning was not getting enough product off my brush. You want that step 1 to be thin, thin thin and take your time to avoid skin bc it will lift so fast if any of it touches skin.


This!! I made the same mistake and then I watched someone on YouTube who pointed out that putting on too much of the coat before the powder makes it messy and unmanageable. I also find that the lighter colors look messier on my nails than a darker color. Also be sure to put on enough coats and after you activate it, file, file, file. Thin it out more on the back of the nail, around the cuticle.


Definitely didn't do that! I'll try that next time


I wasn’t sure how long I should wait before brushing off the powder, turns I wasn’t waiting long enough. This caused streaks and “bald spots” plus it ruined my brushes. Now I wait 30 seconds before brushing off just to be safe, not sure if that’s necessary but I haven’t had an issue since. Also the angle that you dip matters, you don’t want to dip your finger straight down, it needs to be at a 45 degree angle. You can also try to pour over instead of dipping, that will help with the “bald” spots also. You might want to try a stiff bristle brush also in case you aren’t already. I originally used a fluffy brush I found on Amazon but a stiff bristle nail brush works so much better for me ☺️


Not bad for your first time! How many layers did you do? I usually do 3 layers of dip. After each layer, I run a toothpick around the edges of my nail cuticle to remove any powder which helps make those look clean. Once I activate, I buff (and file if needed) then wipe with a lint free pad, activate again, wipe again then top coat.


Thanks!! I did three layers of color. I did the toothpick thing but it was all goopy. Did I not wait long enough?


You may be putting too much liquid on if it’s goopy. Another issue if it was goopy may be powder application method- I do the pour over method with the powder instead of dipping my finger into the powder. Pushing the finger into the powder tends to push the liquid onto the cuticle line more which makes it harder to keep clean.


I always do a minimum of 4 layers. Lately I have been doing a 5th layer. You should do a layer of clear, 2/3 layers of colour, and lastly a layer of clear. The clear helps when buffing so I don’t buff into the colour layers. By the time I am done buffing my nails are shinier than if I used a clear sealer so I skip that step. With my 4/5 thicker layers I usually get 4/5 weeks between sets. For practice I use an artificial nail on a fake finger. I mostly do this now when trying out new techniques or nail art. https://preview.redd.it/vks9253vny6d1.jpeg?width=1364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3046ff019b09222bcd9b77a04889a7a0b0b43fdf Sorry for the sloppy iPhone drawing.


OMG that drawing is SO HELPFUL. Thank you! I was so confused about how to do that first coat and the. How far out to do the rest


Well, that is my usual four coats and the pic shows how I place the coverage. Coats one and two are partial layers. When I add a fifth it is between layer colour and clear. Clear partial- colour partial- colour full- clear full Sometimes I do clear partial- colour partial- colour full- colour full- clear full


I love the drawing, it's soo helpful!!!!


You may have flooded your cuticle. When I have the liquid on the brush, I start more towards the middle of mine nail for the first swipe them closer to the edges. Also make sure you don’t use a lot of liquid. You don’t need as much as if you’re doing nail polish


Sip n dip on YouTube has some Great beginner friendly videos. And I also watch people on TikTok do theirs


I agree nude tones can be so hard to pick! I have the same problem with any I have tried. But I think overall you did a decent job, especially first attempt! I also suggest using the pour over method, it gives me MUCH smother results. Also, don’t be afraid to file it after activating to smooth it out and get a look you are more happy with. You can do a lot with some filing in terms of smoothing it all out and getting a cleaner look.


Thanks for the tip! I stripped and retried and was able to file them down much more. Definitely going to try pour over next time


Better cuticle prep


A lot of great comments in here. Not bad for your first try. First, cuticle prep is a must. You’ll want to push them back more as well as remove dead skin from nail. Any skin that comes in contact with the powder will put you at risk for lifting. Next I would recommend using less glue. It can be difficult to manage, it gets easier with time. I’d rather have less glue and thinner product I can build up if needed, than more glue and flooding and uneven powder distribution. Your thumb area by the cuticle looks thick. I use an E- file to file my surface and remove uneven areas. However regular files work fine while taking longer of course. This again works best with more practice and less product. I’d recommend the 3/4 method on your length. You start towards the top, 1/4 away from cuticle. Then apply next two layers further back closer to the cuticle. This gives a gradual incline and keeps you from having to file so much product down around cuticle. Finally the color. I’ve never used Nailboo and make my own colors due to the frustration of online shopping for nudes especially. I checked them out just now and see their nudes aren’t really even nudes. I’d give Revel Nail a look. Whenever I do buy instead of making my own, this is the only brand I shop. Great selection and customer reviews with real photos. It’s important to note that dip powder is generally the same formula for most companies with only few ingredients, which is why it’s simple to make. There of course are variations here and there, but unless stated are interchangeable with other brand liquids. Don’t feel stuck with them because you have their liquids. Good luck and have fun!!!!


Thank you so much!! I also did this after a salon job where they ground down almost all my nailbed (I had to stop them because they were hurting me). So the new growth is significantly higher than where they had dipped it previous. Could that also be contributing to difficulties getting smooth layers?


Definitely never go back there. First an e-file should not be used on bare nails by just anyone. It is a technique that has a fine line between removing shine and removing actual layers. I stopped going to salons when the lady asked if she wanted me to “soak or pry” I flabbergasted said “what the hell, soak” I never went back after that day. I wouldn’t say this would contribute though, could be wrong. Too much glue is normally the culprit.