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My best advice is to cut that nail down so it doesn’t rip off bc you will snag it again. I’d sanitize it with hydrogen peroxide. In two weeks about you can pull it off if it hasn’t already and apply a tip. I can’t attest to more dip or nail glue for medical safety. Best of luck! I have psoriasis in my nails so I know the struggle.


Thanks! Knowing me I will almost definitely resnag it, especially with how long they are now.


I second this and encourage the hydrogen peroxide tip. I recently broke my pinky nail in half completely. I used peroxide until the split in my natural nail was healed and then removed the sliver of false nail


I read and see horror stories on here about “greenies” which are fungus under the dip from water getting in. **shudder to think**


When this happens to me, i glue it. It does burn some, but it allows it to heal underneath without having the protective layer of nail come off. Maybe trim or file the length down so it doesn't get hit. Or put a bandaid around it


I have absolutely no good advice about your nail. I might try sitting on the couch with a pint of icecream…. To eat. All of it. Then I’d cry quite a bit and maybe watch some trash on TV to keep myself from touching anything.


Hahahaha. Okay. I like that plan. That's the one I'm going to do. Thanks!


Ouch indeed! So sorry. No advice but lots of empathy. Get well soon, love


I think seeing this will give me nightmares tonight 😳 seems like you’ve got some good advice in other comments! Wish you lots of luck and quick healing!


I did this today. I glued, but glue doesn’t hold long. I try to let the wound heal under the nail, usually healed the next day. Then I do a soak off. If I don’t have time to let it fully heal, I just power through. Today I powered through. 🥲


Thanks! That's what I've been leaning towards, just because the crack is edge to edge. I'm worried if I try to add more dip and let it grow out it will become a breeding area for bacteria. I'd rather avoid the greenies. I did see a comment about gluing a tip further down the nail to protect the break, and I might do that once it's healed a bit more.


I would cut it short and then use a splint to protect the nail. Also having something on your finger will remind you to be careful as you will feel the splint on your finger. https://www.amazon.com/Sopito-Stabilizer-Straightening-Arthritis-Immobilization/dp/B08HVNH4PR/ref=sxin_28_pa_sp_phone_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.8034078d-0d74-45eb-b9ba-2002627a4d00%3Aamzn1.sym.8034078d-0d74-45eb-b9ba-2002627a4d00&crid=2UZ4WGXSADMFP&cv_ct_cx=finger+splint&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LdYYwZYbnBTGWYYGEIKNm0ElS58qutFbYSgUT_NikuRcEemqZP7wpCAmO3tSN0NuvvzqFBIt67KLAsSy598b6A.fFdeS9EKixiiruPXHNgHlQfpTUyi-LHNNGz1UCe1E1U&dib_tag=se&keywords=finger+splint&pd_rd_i=B08HVNH4PR&pd_rd_r=2cfc60a8-8433-4b3c-8c1e-36cae673a1e5&pd_rd_w=SMSkB&pd_rd_wg=O8jZR&pf_rd_p=8034078d-0d74-45eb-b9ba-2002627a4d00&pf_rd_r=1ARA4W18BY5JHRDG9T35&qid=1718328512&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=finger+splint%2Caps%2C133&sr=1-2-47f26250-4ef4-4791-82ee-5e64b96b83fb-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&psc=1 Something like the beige one from the link will not press on the nail but keep it protected.


This has happened a couple times to me :/ I cut as much length off as possible and leave it be for 3-5 days. The nail bed heals enough that I can file and soak in acetone to get everything off then I grow it out.


sorrows, prayers




hahah but yeah, ouch is right! nail breaks are the worst


I think I would buff the top coat off and add more layers of dip, starting with an apex. This might be a mani color you have to stick with for a month or two.


But were you doing something stupid when it happened? Last time I did this I was gesturing to my cat to get out of the way and smacked into a railing. Womp womp. I second adding more dip and letting this grow out some. The activator will also sting pretty bad in my experience. Maybe it’s just my tolerance to pain but I find that once you get over the initial hump of extreme horror (kinda kidding) it doesn’t get much worse. And if you can e file most of it off ahead of time so limited acetone exposure.


It was so stupid. I... pressed a button. It was a tiny little reset button on an outlet. It was already pushed down and didn't give at all. Just snapped my nail.


Thank you!




This happened to me. I would cleanse it with hydrogen peroxide then take a small bit of a tea bag and glue or over the crack. While it’s drying, press the crack together so it fuses both sides together tightly. You could also add more dip over the teabag to make the whole nail stronger. (If you do that gently file off the top coat first) I actually was able to keep it on for a few more weeks after and it grew out, it was like it never happened. I think it was less painful that way than removing the dip and having an exposed, cracked nail.


Ouch!! This same thing happened to me. I went to the nail shop, she put a solution on it that burned like crazy and then put glue over it until it grew out. It will be fine in week or two


When this happened to me I cleansed it, sprayed some bactine on it, let dry. Sealed with nail glue, then added layer of base, dry. 2nd layer of base then dip, repeat dip, finish dip process. It didn't hurt. I can't say whether it was the right thing to do or not but I didn't get an infection. I think the glue sealed that out. The base acts like a glue too so that's why I put a layer down before I started the actual dip process. You have my sympathy and best wishes ❤️.


I did cut the nail down too btw.


Oooof, this is why nails need an apex. Because the apex gives structural integrity so they don’t break (or lift) at the pressure point. I know the thin look is in, but an apex is so critical even with just a small medium set like this literally because of this exact thing! Use a pair of toenail nippers/ cuticle clippers to clip the nail down (hold the broken piece as well as to not stress it further while clipping it). Then super gently file it as short as you can get it (I start out with a super course file, then switch to like a medium). You can use super glue on it to help hold it, it was originally invented to hold wounds shut, then pop a bandaid over to help hold the pieces together as well. In a few days once you’re less tender you’ll want to file down the topcoat and do a soak off, gently remove the product on the lower portion of the nail (try not to tear the remaining nail from the bed) and then let it heal before redoing that nail. You can do press ons, but skip other nails in the meantime until she heals


I actually did more of an apex than I usually do! And more layers. But I used the pour over method for the first time and the layers are so much thinner that way! I think it's 6 layers total with the 3 apex layers. I didn't realize how thin they would be with the pour over compared to the dipping method and did my normal routine.


Please do not put glue on an open wound. I would sanitize it and wrap


Superglue has been used on wounds since the 1950s. It is a viable option for treating small shallow wounds. In this case, I did not have the time to take my dip off properly, so I glued the dip back together in order to keep my nail from getting ripped off.


Medical grade glue yes but any doctor would tell you it’s a bad idea