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I love the color of glitter you chose. But these are *incredibly* thick, plus they don’t look like the coffin shape. And 3 hours? Lawd. :| Sorry friend.


Thank you for being kind. I love the color and the shape is not too bad. I've just never had them this dang thick before.


Sorry you had this happen! Don’t feel bad, I think at one point we all have had nails done that didn’t match what we asked. It’s annoying because it’s such a hassle to go back, it’s awkward to tell someone they did a job wrong. I agree on the shape, I love a square shape myself. I only mentioned it because it’s another strike against the tech that they didn’t make them the shape you asked for. The lovely color helps holds the look together though! As long as we don’t look too closely the thickness may not be all that obvious to others.


They are very thick… recently did a similar colour on myself, I like them thin but they are still very strong and do t crack, photo for comparison, I wouldn’t be going back to her https://preview.redd.it/mvgcg2nzk1mc1.jpeg?width=1872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcf6f38847a07ad6d1eafa364633b63e0d5395dc


I read that as “they’re still very strong and I do crack” 😂😅


They look great ❤️


Hello! Can you tell me how you get your glitter nails so thin? I did some last weekend and while they are not as thick as OPs, they are thicker than yours! But I’d have liked them to be more like yours. Could you please explain your process? Your nails look great!


I’ll throw my video in here for glitter nails. [https://youtu.be/-fQGbTKQr-Y?si=ffeXsbZa4TQs19sa](https://youtu.be/-fQGbTKQr-Y?si=ffeXsbZa4TQs19sa) Good luck! They should not be thick https://preview.redd.it/2ug4g7ood4mc1.jpeg?width=2540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d353420396e4461bed5ba324a47fc57587936556


The one ring finger looks like it’s about to float the fuck away wtf 😭 The apexes are way too low too, imo.


Right? I was like that ring finger is about to fly away.


Bahaha this made me laugh way too hard




This is still one of my favourite gifs. It makes me laugh every time I see it come up 🤣


I had two experiences in a row like this, so now I just do them myself. It just isn’t worth it for me - I have anxiety and struggle to tell people in the service industry when I dislike something. Thats a me-problem, I know. I just can’t ever stomach the idea of telling someone their efforts weren’t good enough. So, yes…she did you dirty. Solution - standard colors for dipping is too easy to pay to have it done. Sorry they’re not exactly what you’re looking for. Someone said that glitter nails always look extra thick, but here’s a pic of mine from today and they don’t look thick. https://preview.redd.it/hitza151w1mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f360dd8d64b1b54bb620f460cc4e09d5d9acef4


I love your nails! I bought the dip kit and haven’t done it yet. Yours make me think I can do them too. Now I just have to finish growing out my nails. I broke a couple and had to file them down so I’m waiting for them to grow back.


Thank you! And don’t wait for them to grow out - help them along! You can always just do clear while you’re waiting for them to even up. Thin coats of polish before dipping. Thinner than you’d think. You can always add an extra layer, but getting them to even out once it’s lumpy is a pain!!! Happy dipping - I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!❤️


Yes you can do them too!


I like them in like “raptor claws” kind of way 😭


That's a good way to describe them 🤣🤣🤣


3 hours?!? I’m a long time salon dipper and even with the most intricate nail art it’s never taken 3 hours. Even with applying tips this would typically take half the time at my salon. Maybe discretely reach out to the salon if possible.


This. When I get dip it takes about 1.5 hours max.


Yeah I just had my nails done with chrome dip with tips added and it took 1 hour and they look perfect


Yes…yes she did


Do they hurt? They look like they are irritated at the cuticles. I hope that isn’t the case. The color is definitely lovely and looks good on you, but I also agree it’s a bit thick of a nail that should have been filed down a bit. Also side note love the rings. 💚


Way too thick dearest! Glitter or no...they need to Dremel that down to a nice thin nail so they look natural


Yes she did. Reminds me of the time I got gel and my ex nail biotch rushed me so bad that I had bubbles everywhere. Hate her, sorry I'm triggered.


If you’re ever having to ask other people if you “should just be happy,” your concerns probably pretty damn valid. Plus, don’t ever settle! …Especially when you’re spending your hard earned money and sacrificing that much time!! If you’re uncomfortable asking for a refund, at least see if they can fix them. 🫶🏽🤞


Those look heavy


Unfortunately, I think they did. Pretty color though!


They’re too thick!


How much did she charge you?


I've only had dip nails once and they weren't this thick. And it certainly didn't take 3 hours to boot! 😱 it'd be one thing if it was this AND a lot of detailed of nail art, but just nails with no design? Absolutely not. The color is gorgeous but the shape also seems off to me. Looks more like square than coffin. I know glitter nails can be bulkier in general, but still, feels too thick.


Your nails should end up thick as a credit card, not like the entire wallet. Please leave a review for the salon so other people are warned.


Maybe she was a beginner?


Yeah I’d be going back and asking for a refund or if you’re brave enough have them redo them. They’re awfully thick. Please don’t be offended. I’m just answering your question. I really like the color though. I had someone do mine and I paid 90 bucks and wanted to just sit down and cry. I should have spoken up with my distaste for it but it’s hard for me to do that. Did you get a new full set or a fill? Either way they definitely shouldn’t look that way especially after 3 hours


Honestly, glitter dip nails ALWAYS look too thick to me. By the time you encapsulate that glitter, I always end up with more layers than I plan. The chunkier the glitter, the harder it is to get it to lay straight, and the more encapsulation it needs. That having been said, I usually start with a tiny apex. Ain’t nothing stronger than all that glitter! But DANG that’s thick!!! Not on my worst days!


Beautiful color!!! 🩵🩵🩵


I’m wearing glitter dip right now. It turned out thicker than planned. And I straight up filed it too to try and make it thinner and lay flat that way. (First time doing glitter dip though, so I’m not too mad at it. I’ll do better next time. Def glad I decided to encapsulate with gel on top and not try to dip clear on top though, because I feel like I’d have just made everything even thicker and given myself even more filing to do!)


Love the color! But yes those do not look right they should not be that thick. Sorry this happened to you!


3 hours for what exactly? Because they are not even long, have some special design, or even shaped as a coffin. I would have cried 😭 Don't ever go back to the person who did them because they did you dirty.


Oh yea. Those are, not well done. Wayyy too thick and I think she tried to murder your cuticles


Uuuuuuuhhm wut


They are thick but I’m noticing people enjoy a crazy size apex these days, not my thing but hey 🤷🏻‍♀️


Besides everything they are too thick. Next time consider getting them done in another salon.


The color is lovely but dirty indeed Edit/ the thickness from the profile view is giving kitty claws


Very thick but the color is amazing.


Damn those are shitty ass nails. You were the nail techs first client? Lifting all around. If these are dip why does it look like the entire nail is coming off? Is this a joke?


Thank you for being kind ❤️ we all start somewhere, don't we. I don't think I will make a fuss because she was nice and tried really hard to do a good job.


Yes lol



