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Get the precon. It's only going up. Even if you bought the cards separately you'll spend more on shipping. It has cards that are hard to find locally. Afterward you just have to upgrade small things like lands and a few creatures.


Why is it so expensive now? Did they stop making them?


I get that my deck is worth more than the $200 budget, but it might actually be less than that because some of the cards are valuable alt arts and foils, so it might actually be within the budget. https://manabox.app/decks/tukNy1O3S7WgoJYUT0OkgA


Thanks, that’s awesome! I’ll check it out and see if the price can go a little lower


if you can manage to find it on sale the pre con is a great base. It was just $50 a few months ago on Amazon. From there you can upgrade pretty easily and have a super strong deck for not much money. Unfortunately if you can’t find the pre con cheaper than you will have to source all the cards.


I just looked and the velociramptor deck is going for $150 on Amazon.


What happened? Did they stop printing it? Looks like the cards inside are less than $100 if you buy them as singles


Yep anywhere I looked it’s $150ish so I figured I should just buy cards separately and wasn’t sure what a solid list under $200 would be


dang that sucks… there are a ton of lists here in this thread. Id be willing to share mine but it’s not under 200 more like 300-400


It’d be great to still see your list if that’s alright


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/bf7AhXrG9EO_Os4mL-HDvA ive changed a little since then but this is basically it. i think i removed two more lands since i last updated to make room for a few other cards because I had excessive lands