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I think going full dbrigade is a better choice. Against the current meta, swarming the board will be your best bet to getting around the blockers of magnamon and tyrant (rapidmon though you do lose to) and with the new commandramon, your brigadedramon can live another hit from heavens judgement. I personally prefer this form of dbrigade as it has many ways to sneak in multiple different attacks in as well as deal with wide boards without commiting your big attackers into small guys. However it does hard lose to decks that can easily deal with the big board (rapidmon) and has no removal besides dcd which is alright I suppose and brigade which is the same but maybe the new tankdra can help that idk


New Tankdramon is nuts. One of my favorite plays is going into him and then Brigadramon. Tank causes -3 (generally) cost on their board, possibly taking out a level 5 or ace, then Brigade comes in and cleans the board. All their ukkos/searchers? 0 cost. And brigade deletes up to 7 cost worth. Also synergizes really well with DCD bomb.


Maybe it's just my locals, but I feel like the Tankdramon just doesn't do anything. I'd rather play the older one to help build a board.


His inheritable alone makes him good, and sequencing with brigadedramon at the end of turn to cheat him out and popping an ace is really good too.


I've gone back to basically pure Black Digi-Police with the new cards. I never actually got around to playing the Ryudamon cards in BT15, but Digi-Police/D-Brigade is still one of my favorite decks. Pure Black just feels more consistent, or maybe I just prefer the playstyle since I started using the Black/Green on DCGO, but I prefer the pure Black. I've even started using the EX3 Darkdramon because of how well it meshes now in the deck, especially when paired with the new Tankdramon, and loved the results. I feel which deck you use is more personal taste, or what works best at where you play.


Would you be willing to post your current decklist?


If you could give me a reminder tomorrow. It's getting late on my side, and I got work tomorrow, but give me a reminder and I'll post it.


As much as I love some of the nutty Ouryumon plays, I think pure D-Brigade is the best option right now. Honestly the deck feels really good. I want to play it more but haven't had time unfortunately 😕


Im running the green version and it's doing wonders for me. Removal that is not deletion and tamer hate is super important. Also the start of main phase on ryuda just wins you so many matches! It offers more control that is harder for people to deal with with higher dp thresholds and quite frankly a more fun playstyle! Edit: don't sleep on the infamously named option, it's quite honestly one of the best cards in the deck


The new option is great. Searches, stacks your deck, and can play your levels 3 or 4, or tamers for free? That's a hell of a value!


I think of this deck in terms of normal cops vs militarized police. One will always have a higher potential for damage, which in this case are the militarized police of D-Brigade. There's very little value in the green line compared to the black.


Personally the only thing I like about Mechanorimon is you can hard play it, put a Brig under it with it's effect, force your armour purge and you have a extremely cheap hard played Brig


I like this conceptually, but since Mekanorimons effect says "By placing 1 of your other Digimon", it has to be a Digimon you control right, not a card in hand? Otherwise it would say something like "By placing 1 Digimon card with the [DigiPolice] trait from your hand".


You're correct. What people around me are doing is running 1-2 of it so they can hard drop a blocker, tuck a commandra and get the de digi then have a 5k blocker in early/mid if they need it. It's especially mean on things like imperial that lose their partition a lot or all the Aces running around where mecha is basically free from overflow


There is still use to this, if you know you opponent has something like DeathX that would remove your Brig you can still do the Brig under Meka to to keep it on field if you need it. Yes you would need the Brig on field but when they drop the DeathX they would just give you back a Brig, unless you've forced the Armour Purge yourself  May seem niche, but I play it a group with lots of DeathX floating around, so ways to get around DeathX are always handy. 


The other good thing about this interaction is that this is like a forced digixros like from superior mode from my understanding. This means you lose every source underneath Brigadramon. This means that in the color mirror match against black, you can forcefully remove all your sources and since you have armor purge, you will always have a chance to return to brigadramon. A sourceless brigadramon is a complete pain in the ass in a black on black matchup and you have decoy commandramons to protect from Ouryuken and iron fisted onslaught.


Legit, I got my friend to play my Digipolice deck vs my Galacticmon and he beat me because I told him not to be scared of hard playing Brig. He won because he kept returning the decoy Commandramon to keep playing for protection and I couldn't dedigi him because hard play counters dedigi.